Alright lads, native heathen scum or colonialist power fantasy?
Gaellic Tribal bimbo wife or dindu scientist wife?
Other urls found in this thread:
>falling for the spiders meme
Hopefully they can make a decent game this time.
>native heathen scum or colonialist power fantasy
That depends. Who has the more attractive women, natives or colonists?
Well, they have been increasing in quality ever since Mars War Logs except in waifu quality
>willingly forsaking your own kind for women
>willingly tainting the De Sardet bloodline forever
Literally gamered
holy shit first time hearing about this, looks alright.
It looks to be scratching the RPG itch that I have been feeling lately, but I will wait a week or two to see the initial verdict before picking it up or not.
I want it to be good, but the devs are so-so.
I've literally never heard of them before Greedfall. Am I in a Berenstain universe?
Play them, user.
Come in, user...
They were all pretty low budget till Greedfall so it's not surprising, they also pretty much never had any marketing before Greedfall
I remember Technomancer being pushed heavily on steam for about 12 hours before never hearing about it again.
never heard of them but I know their games, they got a pretty mediocre history
That title does sound vaguely familiar.
Spider games before Greedfall are basically Biowarelite before they got pozzed.
You can see they had good intentions in mind, great world/scenario design, simple gameplay but in the end the lack of budget always got to them and it showed in the games.
Was their last game.
Kinda reminds me of Fable.
god damn that game was such a waste of time and potential
>youll fight 6 lords blah blah
>game ends after the first
I beat Bound by Flame when it came out and it wasn't that bad, but when I went back to play it a month ago it was fucking awful. I had some interest in Greedfall but trying out BbF again is putting me off. That and the shit waifus. Ugly black chick and dumb nature cunt aren't very appealing.
finna take the booty
He cute
incest when
I personally would have rather had a game set IN native societies or south american civilizations and shit since those games basically don't exist due to how rare the setting is, but this still looks neat
i'll be giving it a pirate, I'm desperate for a good RPG. I only liked War Logs, bound by flame and technomancer had really interesting worlds but the gameplay was shit. I'm hoping they finally make the gameplay good.
Nobody cares about playing as an injun.
All I know about this game is the teaser trailer they shilled here last month. What's the plot? Post grills. Post videos.
>needing a plot to play an RPG
Why don't you stick to action-adventure movie-games?
Eh, watched the first vid steam store page offered and I didn't get a good feeling about it... Someting abut the devs faggy voice just turned me off and and the "also remember to upgrade you followers gear of you may find your self overwhelmed" felt like the target audience for this game may not be the hardcore RPG crowd or they wouldnt need to be saying things like that.
Also the gameplay had a very (((((CiNeMAtiC)))))-meme feel to it.
Spiders never set out to make hardcore RPGs and its not like there has been a single very recent one in current year times barring Kingmaker anyways, I hope you sincerely don't believe the likes of Divinity 2 are in any way close to what a hardcore (c)RPG is/spoiler]
They have always made hack&slash Biowarelite games before Bioware died and had its rotten corpse reanimated by a foul necromancer that is.
Maybe people would care if it actually happened more and people did cool shit with it as with european and jap shit?
I'm not to all interested by the setting, but I'm happy to see a French studio getting better and better with each passing game
What’s this game about? The colonial power fantasy but sounds exciting
piss off, shill
also your marketing sucks, nobody cares about a game that doesn't do anything better than other games and doesn't have single innovative idea in it
It never ceases to amuse how threads about not so well known games are considered shilling while threads about massively overmarketed games are fine and spammed in the dozens
because nobody in their right mind would want to talk about this game
why do the devs even bother to make a generic crap like this?
Name at least 2 other games with a similar setting and a premise.
Risen 2, Assasins Crap, That one game made by the devs of TwoWorlds that nobody even remembers the name of, tons of shitty rts and sims...
that aside, a game could have the most innovative and creative setting, but if the gameplay and story are just average or below average garbage, there is no point
Where is this from?
>Risen 2
Voodoo Niggers are not Gaellic tribals
>Assassins Crap
Nigger Tribals
>tons of shitty rts and sims
As far as colonization only, you mean.
Technomancer, their previous game.
only a shill and astroturfer could post about this game and claim they like it
it looks completely awful
Looks okay.
I'll wait for the later patch.
>natives are Gaels instead of typical dindus
>dindus are a part of the colonization forces
Absolutely not
Don't you have a smash and trannypunk 2077 thread to go back to, sweatie
Keep bumping the thread, retardino
>what is sage
spoken like a true newfag
they are good games, something this shitheap you are shilling doesn't look like
reported for spamming
Keep talking and people will keep replying, bumping the thread, autismo
It seems to be pretty close to Risen 3, including the magical quicksteps
I'm fine with that.
Risen 3 was a lot better than 2and 1, and gameplay wise also far more fun than ELEX, they should just have added a stamina cost for dodge rolling
Risen 3's main problem was a very weak progression system where you could learn pretty much everything 10 hours after starting the game and joining the faction, here the skill tree looks pretty big and with a potential for double-dips, i will probably go for a gunner mage.
I'll admit Risen 3 ended up being way too easy.
Still, it's unironically literally the ONLY PB game where the combat system seems for once to be designed for letting the player handle on multiple enemies at once despite that happening 90% of the time in PB games.
Take ELEX, for example, you are basically either cheesing with Black Hole or the Jetpack to do the same.
Risen 3 is also their only game in that everything is pretty much viable.
Once again that leads to the game being far too easy, especially with infinite dodge rolling, but it still pretty fun to play. All Factions having their own unique magic is also great.
It just surprises me they went backwards with ELEX when it comes to that.
>Mad Maxx expys get shitty drugs that need to be crafted and are spent with use
>Barbarian magic pretty disappointing
>meanwhile the scifi faction just spams Black Hole to demolish everything as soon as you get it
I loved Elex but you're right, I went Cleric for my first playthrough and just fucked everything with black hole. Was fun though.
I'm really looking forward to Greedfall, I know some of you retards can't help but be super negative, but honestly what looks so bad with the game? A bit of expected jank, that's all. If you're into these kinds of action RPGs, a bit of jank and some wonky animations are not a deal breaker.