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It never left though
Quick post your favorite quote after a headshot.
"As you humans say. Use it or lose it."
Someone want to tell me why the fuck there are so few characters to choose from in Versus and Horde
4 was mediocre desu
I wanna have sex with Kate!
absolutely soulless
I’m happy about this Gears of War was a big deal for me when I was younger.
I was a teenager when Gears of War hit the market it THE shit and now I’m 29 and I love to see how Gears is shining again.
The games are fun, so I will keep playing them.
>has never played a gears game
>The Lambent? Nope didn't happen bruh
>Here's your token black friend who's a cringy third wheel
>The Locust are dead! Just kidding they're back with a name change
>Anya? Who cares she died off screen
>You guys like over the top action? Fight these boring as fuck generic robots!
>Baird? More like bald cuck lmao
>Shut up and buy our loot boxes!
Nu Gears is fucking dogshit. Fuck anybody who supports it
usually i dont mind female protagonists, but gears of war is one of the most testo fumed male powerfantasies so you actually ruin it compleatly by putting your meathead fans play as a girl.
>Here's your token black friend who's a cringy third wheel
So, Dom?
there's barely any female characters in 1-3. and I thought 4's protag was male?
you clearly didint play GOW when the first one came out. it was amazing back then.
>female protag
>open world
>generated loot with rarity system
lmao who plays this cookie cutter corporate garbage
I agree 100%.
>how can we revive the blast hard chest meat steel series
>with a hysterical female protag of course
You cant be more diconnected from your audience than this
>third wheel
Are you retarded?
That hasn't been the case since Gears 2, fuck off outsider.
>female of war 5
yeah no thanks
>mfw all the people that hate on Gears 4 didnt play on a nice big TV in 4K on Xbox One X (the most powerful console in video game history)
I too remember playing as Marcquista when he transitioned during war with the lambant, fellow tranny!
Gears of War had a passage story, and a really fun multiplayer. It's aesthetics have aged terribly, and the devs are hacks who make derivitive garbage nowadays, it's dead, accept it.
can't wait desu
more like tears of war
kys zoomer
Kill yourself faggot. Game looks good. Deal with it. Gears 4 had great multiplayer
damn that looks bad
Bottom isn't even from gears 5
>playable JD instead of Kait
I dunno, looks like an upgrade for me.
>bullshots not looking like the final game
WOAH the sky is blue!
but it is
Just Gears? Tell me when Gears of War is back.
The not locusts look sick as hell to be honest, especially the warden. Still not gonna buy this shit.
all the resident xtards on youtube are claiming no downgrade to the 2018 trailer
Fuck off m8.
Is this supposed to look good, Aaron?
>a puddle is gone
>the entire lighting in the scene going to complete shit and the lod sucking dicks
Getting it free with gamepass ultimate which I got for $2
If you don't like it you can leave a dislike and move on ;)
>a puddle is gone
Bruh the LoD in the top pic is way better than the bottom one, so is the lighting.
The suit at the bottom looks like shit as well and the enemy models and shadows are more detailed in the first pic as well . Nice try snoy
>puddles gone
>reflections gone
>AA and LOD nerfed to hell
>downgraded shadows
>downgraded lighting
>downgraded textures
Keep seething sonybro, bullshots are the industry standard.
holy fucking cope
btw i dont even have a ps4
but the spiderman screen at least looks almost identical to the "bullshot" one
meanwhile this looks like a generational difference
When will you faggots grow up from this console war bullshit? HOLY SHIT
>Still trying to push this garbage a year after you got humiliated over it
Every PS4 game Xcucks tried to push their downgrade narrative and every time you get destroyed when it fails. Shouldn't you be happy about your 360 ports?
>console war
Gears 5 is multiplat you fags, that's why it's so easy to tell seething snoyboys apart. You'll play your new movie game in 2 months, chill the fuck down.
so was 3 and judgement, nothing in 3 reached the peaks 1 and 2 set up
Oh yeah, I forgot, shills need to pimp the PC version because Xcucks don't buy games
>Why don't you have your Xbox Game Pass subscription, Yea Forums?
Fuck off.
You are a fucking idiot. The only console I own is literally an xbox one. Don't cry because you have not grown past screaming xcuck or snoyboy to each other. That was cool in middle school.
>The only console I own is literally an xbox one
Haha, of course you do timmy.
Why the fuck would I lie about that?
Warning, NSFW.
i have it on pc
the game got downgraded hard
So why not Gears of War? Reducing it to just Gears feels stupid.
Overrun had potential and the new weapons were cool as fuck. The rest of the game was shite.
Everyone always called it just "Gears".
They want to avoid "GoW" confusion with God of War.
Simpler name i guess, fits better with the Halo/Gears/Forza trilogy thing.
This hurts to actually type out but I do think its because it was shortened to GoW all the time. Now think about another series that came out recently. Plus everyone called its Gears anyway.
What irritates me is that its now mandated that "Gears of War" must never be mentioned ever again, its only to be refereed to as Gears from now on.
It would be a downgrade if that pic was from actual gameplay rather than a bullshot.
She was so cute and unique in 4. Now, she just sort of blends in with everybody else.
its literally a screenshot from the 2018 trailer
Gears 2-3 are now playable on PC
No multiplayer though, why can't they just port them already like they're doing with Halo?
Eh, i stand corrected but i still don't think it matters at all. It happens to all games, even aclaimed games like GTA, RDR2 or Witcher and no one really cares about it in the end.
>muh puddle meme
Not been here long have you? A downgrade on Yea Forums ranges from simply being able to mock anyone looking forward to a title, an excuse to not play at all because fuck games to a reason to pirate something play it and then shit on it.
gears 1, 2, 3, judgment AND 4 are all good. can't wait to play 5.
3 was alright at least, a good way to end the series if nothing else
agree with Judgement though
I’m just pissed they nixed the breech shot immediately after this game. That was a sweet gun
t. corporate bootlickers excusing shitty practice
You must be new here as well.
Go make a petition or something then.
t. corporate bootlickers getting mad at being called out.
holy cope
Stop shilling this garbage, retard.
I'm not mad, i'm getting the game regardless, if anything you're the one that is mad because of that fact.
I was foolish to pre-order Gears 4 ultimate edition. Game was utter trash with a terrible story that undid everything from the first 3. Why in gods name is anyone excited for this? Astroturfing?
Omg he put the cap on so kewl
Did they ever say whatever happened to Anya?
While it's nor the best, it's still a decent game
Go back to your Persona5 threads you anime-watching soiboi
What's a good site to get xbox 360 games from?
Awesome cool.
She died, from natural causes most likely.
It's like you intentionally ignored why I said the game was bad.
How much is microcock paying you to shill this garbage and where can I sign up?
The level design is interesting.
>lmao who plays this cookie cutter corporate garbage
Americans. They're the only ones who buy Xboxes
You said the story was weak
I couldnt care less desu, I just like to blow shit up
No it wasn't. It was always mediocre filler to hold us over until Halo 3 came out.
Its open world
it isnt
Wait Kait always this bitchy sounding? Why does she sound like this she always asking a question, rather than a response?
Ironic he says that whilst literally surrounded by a shitload of merchandise
Its not a caption gaylord
Wide open linear.
>open world
Nice meme. open-ended levels =/= open world
Not gonna lie it looks amazing. Hope the story is good
>meat chest hard flex sausage burst
>woman protag
Major oof
Small gripe, but I don't care for the HUD. It's not just a Gears thing, I just hate static white prompts and basic bitch icons.
>They are the only ones buying the best console
To be fair they did it last gen too. Only japs and poorfags in Europe would choose a PS3/4. Americans and actual Europeans prefer Xbox and pc
I already have the game downloaded on my xbox. Criticizing something doesn't mean you hate it
>generated loot with rarity system
What's wrong with this again?
No need to samefag.
>>I couldn't care less if a game has substance or doesn't sabotage everything players invested in
I bet you like the Disney Star Wars sequels, too.
There are games with good stories and good gameplay. Gears 1-3 had both. Gears 4 had neither.
That pic is from RedLetterMedia. They frequently satirize braindead consumer podcasts.
I deleted that.
Is snow the new motif? Why do modern games have so much of it nowadays?
>70 euros on steam
I always viewed Gear as gameplay >>>> story
This really should've been DLC for Gears 4, and not blown up to be its own game. Let alone a numbered sequel.
What did he mean by this?
Back to discord xtranny scum
I played offline multiplayer first thing. The AI is awful. I have video of the last 2 AI players alive in a match, literally glitching behind cover for the duration of the whole match. Then tried horde mode, got bored of slowly carrying around a box, and you apparently need multiple people to make any progression on harder (funner) difficulties.
Finished the story solo on Insane, and that was infuriatingly difficult at parts, and boring for the rest. Plus, the robots are boring to shoot.
They need to do a 4K remaster of GOW 3 is what I'm saying.
I know this post is two hours old but holy shit.
>Dominic Santiago
He's fucking Hispanic.
>third wheel
A good majority of the story of the original trilogy was Dom finding his wife and coming to terms with her death after putting her down.
He had more personality than Marcus and served as the story's sympathetic character.
>Gears 4 was good
Opinion discarded
He's in !
Anyone who says Gears 4 multiplayer is good and "plays the best" are lying twats who's first Gears they played was 4.
>Xcuck seething at my mad skills again
Hey dipshit? We can see in your fucking image that you can't play it until September 5th.
this game was shit, it doesn't matter what contrarians think
I have it installed too stupid ass.
>The xcuck falseflagger is back
Dialate and back to discord
Cope, xniggie
Pretty accurate poll desu
Because they're blowing money for stupid pointless shit like shilling the upcoming guaranteed box office bomb Terminator Dark Shit, Halo Reach and this.
Mediocre xdrone trash lmao
You don't know what you're saying desu senpai.
He's been begging to be in the Gears movie/games for like a decade and MS gets some nice marketing i guess.
Really don't understand the point of your image
Stay salty, Xtard
It's all one big commercial. Not complaining since I enjoy weird crossover shit that makes no sense.
Guess I have to just turn off my brain...
Imagine being threaten by a dead console. LMAO Snoycucks are pathetic.
What's cool about the Ultimate Game Pass was I got 3 years for $1 and I get the Ultimate edition or whatever it's called of Gears 5 included.
>Terry Crews
>Keanu Reeves
>Dave Bautista
>Sarah Connor
>next year is our year!
t. xcucks
> main protagonist: female
> side kick: black guy
> white guy from last game treated like side character
> all these dlc characters from different franchises for promotion, some not even in video games
> anti smoking groups shill their cause by paying Microsoft to not have tobacco in this game
Holy fuck. What happened to dude bro muscle men? This is soi boi's AAA title of pushed politics.
I'm surprised they didn't wrangle Keenoo, it would be the ultimate C-tier celebrity slugfest.
Dave has been asking to be Marcus in a Gears movie since like Gears3.
>not found
Got another source? I saw it earlier but it got removed.
It's all about the Switch/PC/PS4 master alliance.
Imagine being an Xcuck in this day and age, still trying to shill the dead movie player with no games Xbone while shitting on better people by falseflagging. Imagine.
Why can't you be honest with yourselves xcucks? You have nothing to offer gaming. At least Sony could buy Nintendo and have them make REAL single player games and not Bing Bing Wahoo Lets A Go rehashes
Yes, because calling someone a nigger is allowed on the ps4 and Switch.
Lol Nintendo doesnt even want a proper voice chat because they're too worried for the children.
You have to be an actual retard if you think Sony doesnt censor people.
>Xcucks seething, screeching, leeching and projecting Cuckbox failure yet again with more poll spamming
Can't wait until you fuckers get drop kicked out of this industry.
I want the asses back
>The Sony censorship meme again
Neck yourself, Xcuck
>He's still triggered by me
I've got your number, Xfag. :^)
Why are you so insecure? Xbox is dead compared to the other 2 so why do you care if there's one thread discussing one exclusive that it gets once in a blue moon?
Kid, go shit up your usual nintendo/sony threads or better yet take a deep look in the mirror at what you're actually doing with your life.
>Falseflagging xcuck keeps dialating and seething
Neck yourself Asher Madan
Xcucks are not allowed on Yea Forums. Back to discord, Colteastwood
I thought xbox was irrelevant, why are you so afraid?
add blair witch to the picture
>the sony censorship meme
Imagine being this much of a cum guzzler to think censoring games is ok but hiring women isnt.
Dave Bautista could work in a live action movie as Marcus
Nice try Quatgamer. You Xfags just spam the same untrue memes all day because your console has nogames
He's butthurt because Microsoft have more money than Sony could ever hope to have, because Xbox Scarlett WILL be more powerful than the PS5, because MS have bought up enough devs to keep them in console exclusives for the entire gen, and because game pass/xCloud are unbeatable. Fuck, Sony are even using MS servers for their streaming service. He knows that the PS4 was the new PS2, and the PS5 will be the new PS3, and he's upset about it.
Hi Pajeet. Feeling the pressure?
But Blair Witch is sitting at a 7.2 on OC. Is that a bad rating now?
Next gen will be comfy for us.
Xbox 360 was still the pinnacle of last gen. Now they will get their shit together once more.
Nnnngghh aaaagghhhnngg nnghghgabbah >retards arguing in this thread aaaaaaaaaaa ngbgbghhhfbfhg
kek it'll be as big a disaster as the 3-fix-me was then
Go make some more rumors about Microshit buying more dying indie shovelware studios, Klobrille. Meanwhile Sony will buy more real AAA devs like Insomniac and completely blow Microshit out of the industry. Sony will probably be so dominant they will buy Nintendo too.
From the gameplay shown Kait had a decent ass. I bet Kat's ass is gonna look great.
if 69 is bad then so is 70
whats wrong with the comments theyre saying it looks good and one of the best looking games ever.
Is 72 though, where do we draw the line?
xgroids are delusional because they got nothing but shitty looking games like crackdown
game looks like poop tho
xbox rating is 70.
pc is 72
xtranny delusions like the rest of their life
Why are people excited for this again? Combat is still nothing more than a shooting gallery. 99% of the time spent playing is spent behind cover, with the remaining 1% being the times you jump from cover to cover.
Shooters made in the last century are more dynamic than this. Heck, even something like Vanquish, which I'm not a big fan of, is miles ahead of this.
Should I get Gears 5? I found Gears 4 to be hit and miss whereas I absolutely loved Gears 3
Buy Uncharted 4 instead
I don't have a cuckstation 4
>if it's a movie it's bad
>if it's a game it's bad
For gameplay? Absolutely.
For story? I'm unsure.
>giving money to microsoft after 2013
>giving money to microsoft after they give all your games to PC
my sides xbots are the biggest idiots on the planet, even when the majority of them switched to playstation at the start of 8th gen they decided to defend their favorite corp no matter what. Based microsoft redemption arc, all they had to do was shit on xbots even more hahahaha.
That pic is just depressing
Then get lost from Yea Forums Xfag
>hey bro we're just gonna turn your protagonist into a fat numale and replace him with a strongwomyn
>>if it's a movie it's bad
>>if it's a game it's bad
Gears games have both bad gameplay and bad storytelling, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
Woah woah woah, where's the do-rag?
Gears has good gameplay if you skip the campaign as far as 3/4 go
That's J.D., not Marcus.
Why? Most people play multiplats and they run better on Xbox than ps4
I fucking hated Gears 4 on insane, it felt like legitimate horseshit the entire way through
The last mission in the Gears 4 campaign makes the entire thing worth it imo. Those mechs were glorious.
That is just a lot of disappointment in one pic.
>witcher 3
Are all snoys this stupid, or are you a special case?
Will this game got good coop? PVE and PVP.
I need something to fill in until Iceborne come out next year.
Dave Bautista is literally interested in making a Gears movie, but that'll never take off cuz hollywood doesn't want to risk 20 bucks
He's now a playable character in Gears 5 though so there that
Yeah? I gave up somewhere in act 4
Fuck it, I’d play him, he looks like an IRL gear anyway
>that one schizophrenic snoyboy sperging in this thread
I do miss that massive proportions that everyone had. Specifically the massive hands that the COGs had.
That being said, the gameplay looks sweet. A lil hectic, but good nonetheless.
>Xcucks on damage control
You love to see it
The only dumbass here is you. We were literally talking about the other pic, retarded cunt.
>promoting STEM
Are you falseflagging?
Why does Nintendo and Xbox make Sonyfags seethe so much?
Because they're forced to acknowledge that people don't play movie game exclusives as much as they like to delude themselves otherwise
>Xbox Scarlett and Switch will get even more game announcements next year
>Sony will have no games next gen for the PS5
So what am I looking at here?
>goes from Chad to Dad
But the Lambent were a fucking mistake, Del is actually pretty fun, and Baird is the single most important human alive right now. Anya was also something of a non character so I'm not really upset at her dying, especially since it frees up Marcus some more.
Baird is based. Hope he features heavily in the story.
>I couldn't care less if a game has substance or doesn't sabotage everything players invested in
So why are you defending 3?
Is it better with kbm or controller?
If you're new, probably kbm
He learned how to counterhack the swarm so that the turncoat robot army in 4 doesn't happen again. Dude's a fucking beast.
Why the fuck are they shilling two dead characters from a game that came out almost a decade ago? Legitimately cannot understand this one.
>Why are they shilling a game that gonna kickstart the release of the MCC on PC
Are you dumb?
It's getting remastered and coming to PC.
Looking at footage of this game gives me PTSD from last gen. I'm so glad these cover based third person shooters are practically dead.
ive never played gears should i just go from the start or are some of the later entries really dope
is there any word of Insane difficulty as an option to play from the get-go? Or do we have to beat the campaign once first before being able to -because I don't see that happening.
*if they're really dope
That hasn't been a thing since Gears 1. Every game has Insane from the get go now.
You fucking marketer, Gears is not “shining”
It’s just another milked out game for Microsoft in their ever-dwindling list of worthwhile IPs
From the start for sure, if you're on PC you're gonna miss 2 games though.
copy, ty
>Fight these boring as fuck generic robots!
Robots and drones are the go-to enemies when you're a hack writer.
bros whats the verdict, should i preorder or not? i got game pass but i still would rather buy it. dont wanna miss out on any content :)
>in 13 years, there has been 5 mainline games, and 1 side game, a remake, and a model game
>another milked out game
Just game it with gamepass ultimate, it gives you all of the DLC and you get it early.
if you play gears for pvp multiplayer, I'd say go for it.
But no one asked
>6 games, a remake, and a “model game” in 13 years
>Meaning a Gears game came out just about every other year
>Ignoring the fact that Microsoft and Xbox constantly pushed gears alongside halo and Forza as they’re being exclusive titles
It’s kind of just one step removed from call of duty mate
I see this same thing said in nearly every thread I’m convinced this is all one big marketing campaign
Dom was the realest bro.
Wow you just validated the post you replied to. Good job.
>4 mainline, 2 spinoff, and a remaster in 12 years
And don't even get me started on Nintendo with Mario who has 17 game in the last 9 years or Pokemon that is yearly.
But Gears the is series that's getting milked to death
When did I ever say those weren’t also milked to death?
You need to take a paycut you’re bad at your job, I’m not sold on buying this stupid game
good fucking taste
Anyone got any spoilers? I want to see how badly they fuck things up this time around.
Quick, describe the quality of player you would see online using each character from the series.
Would always stomp shit. I was always afraid to go up against a Baird user. They always knew what they were doing, always were aggro, and always fucking teabagged you or dragged your corpse around after you got bodies. It was demoralizing.
One of the protagonists has a nice ass so the game isn't all bad.
I felt this.
what's with the fog? this shit looks worse than silent hill 2. and it's the same shit with most triple A titles lately. did devs just stopped caring?
>buy the worst Uncharted instead
How many years have passed between Gears 4 and 5?
Good god almighty, there’s literally 1 person on this entire board who has dedicated himself to shitting up every Gears thread lmao, how pathetic.
Game looks great by the way
There's co-op in the campaign, horde mode and a new 3-player co-op mode.
>buy goypass for 2 bucks
>can't install the game even though I blow the requirements out of the water
fuck you too microsoft
>Locust Sniper
Would hog Longshot all match and maybe get 2 kills. Or he's a literal sniper god, and you literally can not pop your head out of cover without risk of getting capped.
Yeah I’m fucking hyped. Gears is back.
All of them except for Judgment are worth playing, in order.
You'll miss out on multiplayer since they're all past their peak but the campaigns are still fun.
Looks like 4. They look and feel floaty. Gears 1 felt heavy. It's almost like DS1 compared to DS2
FUCK that looks awesome. I want more but it's only a few more days.
First Astral Chain metacritic scores and now this thread.
What the fuck is wrong with snoys? Holy shit just play something
>Kait kills her mom
>Kait kills her uncle
gears has the best competitive shooter/esport ever but people are too retarded and bad to play it
never understood how Yea Forums never got good enough to have threads on it. Just look at how sexy the movement has become when you are a god
just look at this, guy probably has the most talent of any "pro gamer"
Its because the only people who are still into the gears esports are mexicans
>Just spazs out with camera
Oh yeah, looks fun to watch.
You're a retard.
nah mexico has 1 top team and 1 top ~12 team. they are probably the most passionate about it and its probably most popular there per capita. I just dont get how people can enjoy fornite and shit when gears allows you to get so good you literally teleport around an entire team like an anime and explode the heads off them while they helplessly fight back
its not just camera, im assuming you don't play gears, but every time he slides you have to aim the camera and time the slide button exactly, then theres the fact hes also lining up and timing shots while doing it when its hard enough just to move like that.
besides its a montage actual competitions are 99% about team strategy.but theres no other game i know of that comes close to have that skill gap where a lone player can take out an entire team in an exposed fight
it's the best and most competitive TPS, sure. It's a stretch to call Gears the best ever when it's so niche.
more like tears of war
there's no reasoning with the average Yea Forumstard about the skill ceiling with Gears. Most of Yea Forums is trash at gears pvp, hence all the shitposting against it.
>Watching Quake bunnyhopping
>wtf bro he's just spazzing out this is mad gay lame my bro dude
but its like comparing checkers to chess. being able to move like gears takes things to another dimension compared to everything else. its like dark souls combat vs skyrim
the absolute state of gears fans
It's cool to hate on Gears because the majority of Yea Forums is actually trash at competitive games, that's why you also never see threads about fighters unless it's s/o/y/ smash
That'd be Splatoon.
Haven't kept up with Gears for a long ass tipe, what the fuck did do to my Hammerburst, the G2 version was perfect they had to go back to the generic burst rifle, i mean it makes sense given the name but still it's lame as shit, also lmaoing at the new weapons
>dude it's just a rocket launcher but it has autoaim
Is Gears 4 campaign worth playing if I already kinda know le big twist or whatever?
I loved 1-3 but skipped judgement
they have a new burst rifle called the markza which is basically a condensed hammerburst (1 heavy bullet instead of 3 burst bullets) that can headshot (but has more recoil) probably removed the gears 2 hammerburst because people were modding with it for 12 shots per second. its actually insanely powerful but a lot harder to use.
I forget the name, but the gun that shoots ricocheting saw blades is dope as fuck.