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Final Boss fights that completely ruined games
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BotW comes to mind
They're not wrong, though.
Bioshock's final boss was an anticlimactic turd, however, saying that the final boss ruined the game is an exaggeration made for the sole purpose of farming clicks.
Arkham Asylum, fuck Titan Joker
kill yourself faggot
Final Fantasy IX, seriously what the fuck were they thinking?
How the hell can a bad final boss ruin a game for you? Even if it's absolute shit you can still appreciate the rest of the game.
Original Uncharted. It’s still my favorite, but the final fight with Navarro was trash
Bad ending = Bad game
Leaves a bad lasting memory, and maybe a villain that was built upon was just dogshit.
the bosses are bad, but so is everything else. can't say a half assed final boss ruins a game that's already bad
Makes more sense than Final Fantasy X's
>build up of all the tension in the game
>all the twists and turns and anticipation
>press 'x' to end the game
This, i love Zelda but BOTW is one of the most disappointing & boring games I’ve ever played.
Consequently a good final boss can make the rest of the game better
First Ganon is GOAT, followed by a lazy, stationary model that spams only 2-3 types of attack and is a damage sponge.
Felt more like a test room than anything.
they don't ruin the game but all half life bosses were absolute dogshit.
Morrowind sort of. But the lore makes up for it
if Remnant From the Ashes wasn't specifically designed to be played multiple times and with drop in drop out co op then that fucking travesty of a final boss would really have left a fucking awful taste in my mouth. Literally every single thing that could have gone wrong with that final boss went wrong.
The Final Ansem boss fight in KH1. The second half of the boss fight completely fucks you over.
>dodge lasers
>finally open to attack
>one small second too late
>instant lasers
>forced to dodge again
Rinse and repeat. It's so boring and repetitive and even if you reach him, then he will laser again after a few hits forcing you to do the same all over again.
the ending of xenoblade chronicles made me want my 100 hours back.
Why would that come to mind? Calamity Ganon wasn't a *bad* boss by any means. Why would Calamity Ganon ruin the rest of the game for you, especially when Maz Koshia exists if it left you wanting more?
Fuck no. Yu Yevon was properly set up and had a legitimate story role, even though the fight with the oversized tick was dogshit and completely unnecessary. Necron on the other hand was just some asspull from another dimension, no matter what delusional fanfics IXfags write to justify that shitty ending.
It's a bit much to say it was ruined by it, but I really disliked Raidou 2's final boss.
>came out of nowhere with no build up or foreshadowing
>had zero story relevance
>could have been cut from the game entirely and nothing would have changed
I'd like to think that his foreshadowing was there in the Japanese version and lost in translation. It boggles my mind otherwise that this faggot who had no affiliation with the actual main antagonist would be the final boss for no reason.
GoW2's ending is so bad, that it's all I can remember about the game now
just fucking circle strafing on a railed helicopter holding the trigger until faceless big bad that came out of nowhere died
He're referring to the other 4 bosses, which do suck since they can all be beaten in literal seconds just by stockpiling bomb arrows.
>final boss is a qte
Dying Light and every other final boss that was just a set of qtes.
Americans will always throw a temper tantrum over Billy BurgerBoy McFreedomFace not saving everyone's freedom at the end.
Can’t think of any games actually ruined by a bad final boss, but the final boss of Demon’s Crest falls into the real fucking shit category.
I can agree with that. The zombie section though makes up for it I think.
nah it's already shit to begin with
This is subsequently one of the best and worst final bosses ever, so it really doesn't ruin the game.
Please explain to me without spoilers how this isn't as crazy-awesome as it looks.
yeah, that boss was a bit shit with all that build up you get throughout the entire game. Great fucking game and i cant wait for 2 but i fucking hope they dont do a shitty qte as final boss.
Bad boss as in impossible or jus anticlimactic? I got my ass handed to me by the boss in Lunar 1 because I showed up with too few silver stars. My save was directly before the final boss fight and I couldn't back track. I tried to win at least 20 times, each battle lasting maybe half an hour. I had to give up without beating the game.
But is final boss?
Meme Souls franchise
You're going to have to provide a source.
It's a rhythm game where you die in one hit in a game that has no other rhythm elements and the visuals are tailored to fuck with you. Still a 10/10 finale though.
it's a rythmn game where one fuckup is a game over and the camera shifts around a lot.
The final note is played in complete darkness
final boss of ending E (or was it D)
i know its on purpose but i despise the nmh2 final boss
Remnant of the ashes.
I was making a joke based on a comment Yoko Taro made
I love BotW but sadly this.
For Ganon to be bearable I had to self impose me a no healing, no master sword, all blights boss rush in master mode challenge.
Satisfying game and boss fights coming through.
Im still trying to figure out what the story behind this is. Likem why are sexy naked ladies sticking out from a floating flower above a destroyed city?
>scolding phone poster
Maybe leave your house and stop being poor faggot
it's a callback to the Drakenguard 1 final boss
I may be wrong but Necron is just a metaphoric boss
It's just the fear of the death of the protagonist
If I remember correctly you fight it after everyone is knocked out by Kuja's ultima
The fear of death is one of the most important point of the game, so it does make sense
Zelda games are pretty much always too easy though.
This comes to mind.
It had a great opening, followed by hours of boring fucking corridors, but I was really starting to turn favourably towards it during the ending sequence.
And then they pull out that boss. The boss you can't harm in its first phase, nor once it reaches a certain size, and is an absolute crapshoot to try to aim at it's tiny weakpoint. Unfun bullshit to a T.
It doesn't "ruin" the game but it's such a snoozefest of a fight that betrays the energy and pacing of the rest of the game.
>first game does a rhythm game as a final boss as well
>need to have perfect precision on only the final phase to the tune of like 51 alternating ring colors, or you have to sit through two minutes of shit again
>finally beat the final boss after rigorous trial-&-error
>a fucking F-16 shoots you out of the sky & the credits roll in complete silence
The people at Square Enix are a bunch of fucking sociopaths.
Literally obsessed
Possessed by an apocalypse bringing flower and they're singing the song that ends the world
Yoko Taro is a complete sociopath. From what I remember he snuck that shit into the game late in development too so they couldn't tell him to change it.
To be fair, Drakengard 1 was literally Yoko Taro calling out behavior that he saw as sociopathic
Borderlands 1 final boss
Yoko Taro is probably a legitimate sociopath.
But the fun kind of sociopath, who shares his love of fucking with people and dissociated emotional states with the world, not the lame kind that just wants money to fill the void.
At least you can cheese that by abusing pause. In 3 you need to actually play to the rhythm or you're fucking dead, and the song is like 8 minutes on top of that with a one minute unskippable intro every time you die.
The final boss should have been the Rider fighting against an army of his brothers with the same abilities.
Iirc they are in the spirit world, and doing it so the dragon can kill them for good. Otherwise ther flower will keep bringing them back, and eventually cause the end of the world.
The Edge already kinda filled the "mirror match" quota for the game. Having you fight a bunch of Riders would be a bit redundant.
>can get through the entire game with strategic magic use and minimal use of the illogical crafting system
>final boss assumes you min/maxed the crafting like crazy and grinded up a weapon with +100 vs evil or else you'll only do single digit damage to him
Holy shit hahaha
Mass Effect 3
What? You didn't like the Marauder Shields boss?
>How the hell can a bad final boss ruin a game for you?
The same reason that a bad final boss can ruin a series.
Final note playing in the darkness is okay. But it's fucking offbeat.
Mirror edge 2.
Necron felt a little random but it hardly "utterly ruined" the rest of the game. Thematically he fits in there, but he should have gotten some foreshadowing.
Speak for yourself, I loved watching the final boss die, waited the entire game for it, only disappointment is that it wasn't bloodier, and there was no screams of agony, and...
Shit, you're right they fucked up, horrible boss fight, so anticlimactic!
>Pic unrelated
Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together
>Make absolutely shitty abhorrent crafting system that takes hours on end even on a fucking emulator to upgrade shit
>Fight 20 battle gauntlet
>Final Boss literally just copies and pastes your party and just inserts himself in there and has two phases making all the customization you did feel absofuckinglutely pointless
I fucking hate it
My top ten in no particular order
Calamity Ganon - BotW
The Destroyer - Borderlands
Atlas - Bioshock
Time Eater - Sonic Generations
The Human Reaper - Mass Effect 2
Titan Joker - Arkham Asylum
Tobias Bruckner - Turok: Evolution
Yu Yevon - FFX
Verse - KoF14
Bowser - Super Mario Sunshine
Boss fights, especially final boss fights, are supposed to be a climax of the game, the big fight that is usually hyped. So yes it can ruin the game.
Imagine having the best wank of your life only for when you orgasm it kicks in the opposite direction and leaves you feeling hollow and sad
I hated the last boss of mgs2. Didn't ruin the game though, it was just a lame ending.
fable 2
>Atlas - Bioshock
Really what reason? Thought was a decent boss granted the artist was far better thematically.
>Consequently a good final boss can make the rest of the game better
MGR nailed this. Sundowner was a disappointingly easy boss after which you just got a retread level, boss-only level and another short level suddenly taking place in Fuckwhereveristan so it's apparent the second half of the game was rushed. But they managed to make Armstrong such a memorable and memeable villain despite the guy getting only one very short scene earlier in the game as way of foreshadowing, and the fight itself is also the best in the game.
Just thought the fight was very easy and pretty forgettable for how great the rest of the game was. There was a lot of build up for fighting a giant naked muscle man. The only enjoyable part was the Little Sisters finishing him off
Good points, it can be cheesed or outright powered through will upgraded weapons and powers.
Thinking about Pizza Bat Phase 2 makes me not want to replay No More Heroes 2.
>Yu Yevon - FFX
Oh god the flashbacks
>get to the the boss
>beat it
>"okay now for the real fight"
>.... nothing happens
>cutscene and credits
>the fuck.jpg
The cherry on top of the shitcake that is FFX game has already nothing for it besides the comfy tropical island setting but this final boss just felt like an insult.
The 30 hours and 2 months I wasted on practicing and beating this shitty boss are so worth the e-peen points and the new ending
Doeant change the fact that bullshit is bullshit
>Calamity Ganon - BotW
100 hours wasted on nothing.
ffs, if they were going to do such an insulting last boss they shouldn't have made an open world game at all.
The last Andross section in Star Fox Zero is extremely unfun. Nintendo's insistence on using the walker made it tedious, but the unconventional control in that form makes it unforgivable. The second analogue stick should allow camera rotation. I also remember it going on, and on.
Give me your (You)
Drakengard 3
>The Human Reaper - Mass Effect 2
So it's been a decade and I barely remember this fight.
All I remember is hiding behind a tiny wall, poking up, firing all of my heavy ammo, and then spending another few minutes firing my machine pistol and pistol until the game was over. Did I miss anything?
Titan Joker is piss easy.
>Heh heh, nice flawless game you got there, kiddo. Be a shame if we lived in a society...
Every single boss in that game is utter garbage. This comes from someone who enjoyed the rest of it.
Time Eater in Sonic Generations. I never saw a game plummet from 8/10 to 2/10 so quickly.
Artifice Aion in Xenoblade 2.
It was so fucking shit compared to Zanza.
Haha I completely forgot about this shit despite replaying the games a year ago. Pissed me off that I chose the assassin and Garrus to assist me, leading to Mordin's death because of the retarded "strength" system, meaning I had to restart it and do it again.
if you consider the large scale battle in hl2ep2 a boss fight, you gotta admit it's pretty fucking amazing
The Blood Rayne end boss was ridiculous, I think it may have been bugged as well.
In any case, it was not fun and it took me forever to beat it. When I finally did, the game crashed instead of playing the final cinematic.
That entire subfranchise is actually piss easy. If you can beat one on normal, you can beat them all on the hardest difficulty.
Shadow of Mordor also had a QTE Final Boss as well.
>Kirby planet robobot true arena
>it's great all the way up through star dream soul os
>defeat the heart
>heart starts pulsing
>think it's a cutscene, sit back and relax
>see the first wave
>see the second wave
>3rd wave comes
>try to hammer dash attack through it
>gets me anyways
Words do not describe how frustrating that was
What was the alternative? Joker is no match for Batman in a fight and he was certainly who the game was building towards for the finale. The Titan shit was definitely overdone though and they fixed the boss complaints with City.
they are seriously fucking terrible, and even the ones who could be interesting are pretty much ruined by millions of add spawns that make them completely spastic headshot fests. I get that it might be hard to make a boss for a 3rd person shooter that has to be adaptable and challenging in co-op play but way more effort needed to go into the fight designs and moves.
FFXIV: Stormblood
>fight this guy you already fought before but now he's got a spooky guy in him so he can do SWORDS and also MAGIC at the same time!!
>it's a solo fight btw so if you come in as healer the fight takes 30 minutes
>also you beat him and he just gets back up and kills you in a moment of weakness
>actually psyche you get saved but you still didn't kill him
>also he's not injured at all
the fuck was the point of Zenos!Elidibus
but the music doen't rape you
I only played it once and I was in early highschool at the time, but I never understood the suicide mission. Probably based on stats in consideration I didn't see, but
>game tells me to get someone who is good at stealth to sneak through a vent to open a door by hacking an easy panel
>pick Thane, the man whose literal first scene is him sneaking through a vent without being detected
>game asks for someone to stay behind alone and protect us
>pick Zaeed, the one-man army who is a lone wolf and veteran badass
>both die
So much for story and lore.
King Allant in Demon's Souls.
He can barely even fight back! He's just a blob! I hope whoever the joker was that put him in the game got fired.
>can’t see shit
>everything moves around slow as hell
>hard to confirm whether you are actually doing anything to it
>Sonic’s friends won’t stop screaming shit at you from off camera the entire time
What a fucking train wreck. I would have been happier if you just beat them in a cutscene
So Prince of Persia: Twin Thrones?
The end boss was awful, a bunch of qte's (that were admittedly cool if you could do half of that shit in the regular game, it would be like Ninja Gaiden 2) that led to a poor fight that was simple to win.
Warrior Within had some nasty bosses, hell, outside the edgelord Prince turn (which was understandable if you knew all the lore), it was a great game.
the lame fistfight with the pope in Assassin's Creed 2
Personally I would have preferred something similar to the fight we got in City where you fight “Joker” and swarms of goons and Joker himself is basically invincible, but stunable until you clear the wave. Throw some Titan goons in to the later waves to make it harder. And Joker could also throw out Jack in the Box traps or whatever that you would have to avoid
Titan Joker was just so stupid looking and it felt like they pulled it out of their ass to have a big monster as the final boss
Who cares, the music was good.
It wasnt even the actual boss fight.
The first phase was decent, but the second one really dropped the ball.
Aya is proof Nomura can do fantastic character design if he sticks to modern day fashion aesthetics.
I'd fuck her and Eve senseless.
t. your local gaming negro now that Onso and Nergal have retired.
>I miss you faggots a lot, y'know
The suicide mission is based on your loyalty with the characters and a hidden "combat score".
If you dont do any side loyalty missions and choose the absolute worst members they will die, with Mordin always dying if you choose high "combat strength" members for the Human Reaper. Everything else is based off of loyalty and if you completed every ship and weapon upgrade.
That's not the point. It' a terrible fight and isn't fun.
My first playtrough where people died inspired me to play a 2nd time with a walkthrough.
Good times.
Shame I can't play me2 ever again thanks to me3 ending.
>this dummy didn't key into the system and have different weapons attuned to different foes
You are shit, user.
Joker in a big robot.
Joker narrating atop a giant throne as the whole asylum comes down on Batman.
No final boss fight because not every game needs one.
I beg to differ.
It wasn't fantastic, but it was a Metal Gear boss through and through.
>"Oops! Nobody planned anything for 4.5!"
Stormblood's narrative was terribly mismanaged.
The fucking Burger Station boss in Persona 5.
The "actual" boss is a fucking joke who goes down in like 3 hits but the entire fight is getting to him past all of the minions he sends out while protected by some mechanic that makes you unable to hit him.
But I did every loyalty mission and got almost every upgrade.
infamous second son. the whole game was ok but the last two boss fights where trash
ok smartass what's the real boss fight
This fuckoid right here.
And not even for the difficulty. The last form is a fucking joke.
The whole final fight and ending was really underwhelming. It felt like the ending of a really shitty episode.
I couldn't believe that game.
>suddenly, brother about to fall into the ocean with concrete shoes
>falls in
>feel nothing because of how fake it feels
>think "he's actually alive and this is the halfway point"
>he actually died and the game was one fight from being over
The core gameplay felt fine, but fuck me that ending sucked.
Ghosts n Goblins series - Not really a complaint about the boss itself, but just the bullshit you encounter right after that makes me want to go play a different game instead of continuing.
Blackthorne - This is the only game's boss fight and the gameplay mechanics do not mesh well with what Interplay was trying to do here. The main character is a tank and the boss zip zaps throughout the arena and it will take many tried to finally get it. Know one friend that loved the game, but then hated it after getting to this boss and never finished it.
Not me personally (I gave up halfway through the Chrysler Building before I got bored) but I remember a friend of mine that lived on the same street loved Parasite Eve....until the secret final boss + ending. He was so disappointed with it that he swore off the game right after.
I’ve said this many times before here, but really, Time Eater is the only boss fight ever where I had difficult time realizing whether I’m doing shit wrong or right. Usually Super Sonic boss fights have been very clear on how they work, but in that shitshow, it felt completely random whether I’m going fast enough to catch it or not. On the run where I finally got it, I didn’t feel that I had played better, only felt confused on why I managed to complete it that time but not on the 5 times before.
Jesus, how do you even design something so horrible when you already have so many good Super Sonic fights to copy ideas from?
This is where you are wrong.
I'd go with this as well. Have some section of Arkham Aslyum completely boobytrapped with Joker at the end. Take advantage of all the arsenal Batman has for traversal, throw in a couple of gauntlets of enemies, while Joker himself would go down in a couple of punches.
During that final punch, Joker's face could smash into one of the Titan containers, which would infect him, leading to the plot in City.
Enough of this, talk about good final bosses instead. Ones that were actually good and built on the gameplay.
Really all that comes to mind for me are Spectacle Fighters and side scrolling action games like metroid, castlevania, megaman, etc.
Yeah, I thought it was all really great, until I realised the ending was in 1 minute away and not a few hours away
The gamepad prompts on pc and uplay account logic.
>Rail shooter final boss in a character action game
>Partially inverted controls you can't adjust
>Not even a fucking splash textbox on what your controls are
Fucking DMC2 had a better final boss.
Any WRPG boss that you can convince to commit suicide when you break down their wrong ideology.
Halo 5 ruined basically the entire game by having you fight against one boring shit boss multiple times throughout the game. Final boss? Yeah, repeat of that SAME FUCKING SHIT. How do you even pull off shit like that without realizing that it’s a terrible idea?
God no. Even Dante's phase 2 is worse, to say nothing of his phase 1 or any of Lucia's.
shit that's right. I'll never be able to sleep knowing I left my bro Leonardo hanging because the QTEs are fucking random as hell and require you to hit weird keys
MGS 1-4 have consistently great final bosses, even if the regular bosses vary in quality
user, if you can't deal with flight controls, you are the shitter.
if you consider Sahelanthropus the final boss of MGSV (in that it's the final boss of the first ending) then you can throw that in there too
To be fair, it did make sense.
It was the single mightiest thing in the game, and now you had to deal with a bunch of them.
If you knew how to assassinate them, it got fun.
Never played Halo after CE, but that's not a terrible idea. It's a great idea actually, that's just a terrible execution.
The only sociopath here is the one that could manage to play DoD1
You know, speaking, Saren was a pretty fun boss. Mass Effect just had really fun combat.
>he thinks that was the final boss
No, user. The final boss was standing in a room full of knights and crawlers while Cortana yelled at you.
The entire game is trash anyway.
it's not that it wasn't hard, but that it was fucking stupid.
Devil May Cry 4
EYE Divine Cybermancy because the final boss is just a regular enemy, either you cheese him with your new Gate power (one of them literally renders him comatose until you kill him with a 100% chance of working) or you die a lot because he summons 9 clones to fucking shred the shit out of you. And then the ending was that it's all a dream.
The music playing coupled with ssj Goku and Vegeta really hyped up an otherwise really dumb final boss.
the game is setup so you can still beat bosses by doing 0 damage though, there's many ways to cheese it, heck if you have 3-4 weapons with full PP you can kill him in 3-4 attacks by using the chain ability that drains all your PP and does the equal amount in damage(then you can use the other chain ability that restores a little PP, rinse and repeat)
Last phase is pure sadism
MGS4 would actually fit well with the topic at hand. Outside of the feels (which is the only thing people talk about with this fight which is ruined 5 minutes later with its shitty plot twist) its a half-assed fighting mini-game with very clunky controls that would make some of the earlier Tekken/Virtua Fighter games blush.
dude, endings that are not super fulfilling is south parks thing, they did it once with that movie 20 or so years ago. even the first game was just smack kenny around and fart on his balls
FUCK both those endings
>basegame was super fucking amazing
>staying out at night felt rewarding and worth it
>parkour awesome
>ninjitzuing zombies into the environment or just in general
>killing mass zombies either through stealth or crackers and fire
>motherfucking second part of the city was more condensed and even more rewarding
>trying to crack a rias crate during the time span of firecrackers at night
and then suddenly a QTE that drained all the hype built up from climbing rias's tower
>much less parkous
>ok whatever the buggy is neat
>upgrade the fucker to maximum
>now this is styling as fuck
>hives felt fucking great
>pressure of leftover/new spawns slowing you down until morning
greatest fucking memory was one of those hives JUST BARELY being cleared out as dawn hit and it was filling up and my only option was to jump in the waterand hope for a way out
and now for the ending
>do you want to live?
>nah i want to die
>nah i want to live
>trippy boss battle
But why the VA is the same for the main character in DL1 and DL2 is telling me what the choice really was
smt strange journey mem aleph
>if Ocelot CQC-grabs you for long enough, he'll give you a smooch on the cheek because Old Snake looks so much like Big Boss
>it refills his stamina
you can say whatever you want about the gameplay but man it's an expertly done boss fight despite the shitty controls
I was more than disappointed that you didn’t fight Malos, but the artifice. It was a pretty lame ending
I don't feel a bad ending makes something completely bad. There are so many good series, games, books, movies with endings that are extremely underwhelming that if I let endings ruin something totally for me I could enjoy almost nothing.
However, Half-Life 2, Bioshock, any Halo final boss, or pretty much any FPS, just tend to have boring, shit final bosses.
Holds true for Space Marine too.
I'd say Cave Story's final boss is pretty fucking amazing. The real final boss, the one for the good ending.
To be fair, practically every boss in that game was shit because it was basically three Scarecrow encounters that went the same, four or five Titan bosses that all went the same, and then Poison Ivy.
Half Life 2
>bro just climb this tower
Half Life 2 Episode 1
>bro kill this single strider even though you've killed like 29 up to this point
Half Life 2 Episode 2
>bro kill 60 striders and their pussy posse
Half Life 1
>a fucking elder god with extremely fast attacks you gotta evade with your jump module that periodically portals you into kill rooms full of enemies
See, when I fought the tick I just figured the whole artistic purpose is that without his otherworldly suit of armor he was actually just kind of a pushover, never really got why people dislike it so much.
I always count Jecht as the final boss.
She's just a blond girl
Well, designed, and a number of fashionable outfits.
Because it's anticlimactic. Intentionally so maybe, but it leaves a bad taste in your mouth when it's like
>kill the super final boss
>now put down, one by one, all your aeons
>now FINALLY you get to the TRUE heart of darkness an-- oh it's literally just a tick that you can cast Zombie on so it kills itself BRAVO KINO I LOVE IT
but the series was already ruined though, the final was better than the last 4 seasons
I'm with you on this one. Having a shitty final boss is definitely a flaw, but it's not going to ruin a game unless it's actually a significant chunk of the game's content. Solar Jetman has an awful final boss with completely different mechanics from the rest of the game, but I still replay it fairly frequently.
Isn't that every wank?
>hl1 had like a paragraph of dialogue
>was great and still told a story
it was a different time
I dunno people really underestimate the amount of plot delivered to you by the scientists and guards, it's just that you could SKIP THEM (and sometimes just murder the scientists telling you the plot if you felt like it)
To this day I can't even make sense of the literal pile of garbage that was the final boss of Undying. It's just random geometry and textures without any visible purpose.
Shinozuka yuuji or something like that. It's one of my favorite doujins.
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams.
The worst part is that the fight immediately before that was one of the most fun boss battles in the entire game.
Then Forty Bras turns into "God of Light" and just becomes a Zelda boss fight.
1. Avoid attacks
2. Wait for big nova star
3. Deflect it
4. Kill some eyes floating around the arena
5. Deal damage
6. Rinse and repeat until dead (you'll be doing this alot, he had 3x the HP of the last boss)
I don't think that's true
>had like a paragraph of important dialogue that one scientist drops on you at some point
Kenny's fight is kino as fuck af where every playable characters get to shine with a special ´finish him'.
The hollow and sad part is every wank, but not the best wank of your life part.
HL2 doesn't really have a final boss, you just fight a bunch of regular enemies and then destroy a few metal panels.
I actually killed him without even realising he was a boss fight. Good times.
They did it specifically because it's the cool thing Japanese games do all the time that people love.
>He kisses you
>Best boss fight ever
I do wish, if Valve goes back to HL, they use 1 as a template and not 2.
Fucking this
Shame that the Burst was the last boss with a good balance of melee and bullet hell
I guess I'm not saying what I want to properly. I felt the climax already occurred, fighting him was part of the denouement. You stopped the summoner cycle with Yunalesca, punched bbeg Seymour and had the game length built up confrontation with Jecht.
Yevon drove the plot, but his feelings and shit were really irrelevant. He could just as easily have been a cursed amulet. You beating him just put the story to bed like tossing said amulet in a volcano.
>literally nothing happens and plot points are dropped like hot potatoes.
Sounds right to me.
Everything after Andrew Ryan is pretty bad.
My sister watched me play through it and I told her it was pretty much over after Ryan so she stopped.
seriously? i remember a few people coming in but my broken bottle with a gross sticker on it and a katana just fucked him up
i fucking hate that battle too, it's such a fucking slog, even if you have Gokumonji and stack all the Attack accessories.
you literally breathe on him with 600 Attack + Combo damage
but it was literally in the CG trailer
Radiata stories.
All the people on Yea Forums that vehemently defend BotW just show how many NPCs there really are here.
fucking ganon at the end of Botw. What a hand holding shit show.
>make point of games waking up the beasts
>doing so completely cripples the final boss and makes the whole thing feel cheap
I was pissed. They couldn't have taken 1 page out of MM's or OOT's play book.
>Time Eater - Sonic Generations
Fuck this hurts so much.
>expect kino boss rush across the Generations
>get a boring chase and hit the weak point
What was Nagoshi thinking?
Is it a bad final boss? Arguable. Is it a bad final boss that ruined the game? Fuck no you retard.
Which, again, sounds like they had nothing planned. Whether they just had a note on the wall saying "ends with Zenos fight" or they quickly did it because someone thought it would look cool, they clearly didn't actually put much thought into it. 4.5 is barren, they stretched it out just to trick people into thinking it wasn't shit at first.
At first I thought the same, but if you're willing to venture into the murky waters of symbolism and metaphors, you can make sense of it. The whole point is that he comes out of nowhere, after two fairly hard fights, just as you think you've won you're met with Necron, a god. His existence ties in well with Zidanes speech about how life will purist through their memory even if they fail, and the themes of the game in general. The whole final act of the game is pretty messy presentation wise, there are a lot of plot points that don't make complete sense, and some that aren't even explained in game, for instance I didn't even realise that Terra was located INSIDE Gaia until a few weeks back (which is why Gaia has two moons, red being Terra's and the blue being Gaias.)
Crystal Chronicles, the Crystal Bearers wasn't a terrific game, but it had cool ideas. One being there's a lack of magic save for you and a few others. But instead of following those cool ideas, they just make the final boss fuse with a boat, and then you're skateboarding on air and shooting him with shit. Destroying everything they originally built the game up to be, just for a final anime fight. I have no idea what they were thinking.
I'll never forget killing the final boss of Borderlands 1 with my friend and during the final cutscene the games crashed. We had to watch it on youtube and both were like "What the fuck was the point of that?" This was before any DLC was out, but I've never touched that game after that dogshit.
thats what NG+s are for, user. fighting ganon with barebones shit at full power was the most exciting time I had in botw.
>4 hearts
>trying to get the hylian shield
>using OoT amiibo clothing from savescumming
>accidentally start the final fight with ganon
>after a few tries
>felt awesome
>went back to my adventure
The idea of the game was cool but the execution is horrendous.
>Lilties take over...and then randomly mutate to get rid of all past shortcomings, making them a literal master race and justifying their snobby bullshit.
>Hyurs and Selkies are nearly indistinguishable, which is good for "muh racism" but the original game did it just fine and it strengthens the "lily good, humans shit" vibe.
>Yukes completely sacrificed to facilitate setting despite that being unnecessary and used as shitty stock ancient magic dying race.
>So obsessed with muh world and muh variety that core gameplay is shit and the story is trash.
>Focuses on making high scores and grafx the focus instead of tight gameplay and performance, which ends up hurting all of the above in a parasitic game of chicken or egg.
>Makes exploration an annoying chore instead of reward that incentivises creativity and persistence.
>World design is fucking ass.
It's the opposite of CC in every way despite being on the worst hardware for that approach.
wait what
I remember beating the first 2 games and dont' remember that image. what the heck is going on.
Boss fights in general are antiquated and bad game design. Modern games should not have "a boss." completely asanine.
>Modern movies should not have "a climax." completely asanine.
That how you sound retard.
>killing an npc by memorizing its simplistic pattern of attacks and vulnerabilities is the climax of a game.
That's how you know it's a bad game. Fucking dipshit. Go back to your weeb garbage.
>>killing an npc by memorizing its simplistic pattern of attacks and vulnerabilities is the climax of a game.
I just shoot them until they die, not my fault that you suck at games. :)
Nice rebuttal you fucking trog.
Yes. The climax should be everything you learned as a player being put to the test
Fable 2. The game even kills the final boss for you if you do nothing.
Off the top of my head
>Sword Saint Issin
>Virgil 3
>Mr. X
Though my favorite goes to Tales of Xillia 2
>Final boss is the man who's ruined your life even before you were born
>Hes in his final form
>Luger is pushed to his limit
>Finally gets his final form
>Remix of the main theme starts playing youtube.com
>Final boss is killed by Luger's ultimate ultimate attack when he's reduced to zero health
It was all the best parts of a bombastic anime finale translated perfectly to a game
The QTE in Dying Light
i can't even tell if these posts are bait anymore
go flip some burgers at wendys you fucking low IQ nigger lover, video games aren't for you
Grandia 3 final boss was fucking awful. Its a shame that it didn't contribute anything positive for the last game in the series.
>implying boss fights arent just a memorization chore
Yea Forums really is the dumbest board here.
Most people don't even REACH the final boss. Don't believe me check trophy/achievement data yourself. Non discussion.
Just awful.
Slow, unengaging, and you have to be a retard to die on it.
I have the suspicion Necron was just suposed to be pic related. It boasts about how it has seen till the end of time and that is not the time of its defeat. I just think someone forgot that it was supposed to be it that came back at the end.
So stop wanking.
Shadow of Mordor boss fight was so awful I didn’t even pirate the sequel
Then they should have had him be a reoccurring metaphor, have him around whenever the MC is most fearful of his life
forced cutscene deaths fall into this category
No one told you to wait 100 hours to fight him. People wanted to be able to beat him from the get go, which means he's obv gonna be a cakewalk if you put the time in
>Entire game is based on an eerie, claustrophobic atmosphere
>As the game goes on more and more staff die, leaving the place feeling haunted and empty
>BotW is critically praised from mostly everyone
>final boss is ass
>Star Allies is terribly mediocre
>final boss is god tier
>Mario Odyssey's final boss is just okay
Based Void Termina, the true chad of the current final bosses. Anyone think Sword and Shield would at least have a good final showdown?
What are you, 14?
The first time and the time you beat it are crazy-awesome. The intervening 40-odd attempts are a mix of exhilaration and deep frustration.
It's been some time but I think they get banished to the spirit world when you beat them, this is taking place in the real world and is the apocalypse.
>Joker is no match for Batman in a fight
They've been duking it out in the comics for years with no fucking problems, why the fuck is it suddenly an issue in a videogame? Give him a gun and some minions if you think a guy who has been tangling with Batman for like 60+ years now still can't put up a fight good enough to be the final boss in a videogame.
Calamity Ganon was fun, but I expected more out of Dark Beast
That line always confused me
>I have seen my end, it is not now.
>Dies 2 minutes later.
Just make the fight happen at a bell tower, and give Joker the ability to summon lightning from the sky while he is also tackling you.
Came into the thread to see if this had been posted.
My understanding was that Hades was going to be the original final boss. Which certainly makes the themeing more consistent.
The first phase is the only good thing is this dump that feels like a zelda skinned ubisoft game.
It's like ruining an edging session
Why do people say this
This. After the Warboss fight, I was expecting this huge, climactic showdown with the Daemon Prince, but then it's just "press X to not die" and then Teedus gets inquisition'd. Fucking bullshit.
Play the mass effect trilogy.
You can do it only once, aftwewards, you lose all the will to even replay the first two.
Why does he look like a warcraft troll?
Shut up reddit
Jesus. I literally just jerked off to this less than 5 minutes ago
This was a fucking joke both for the lore rape and the ‘gameplay’
>still my favourite
Wow I think you’re the first user I’ve ever come across who likes drakes fortune best, any reason why? It’s 2=4>3>1 for me
lowkey best post in here
What should it have instead?
the final metroid boss in samus returns was too hard. never finished that game.
See what I mean. The game was fine but really suffered from getting pushed out the door when it did. I hoped the first light stuff would fix it but NOPE
A final boss can't ruin a game. That's such a stupid concept. Just because it's the last thing you did doesn't mean it's the most important. You went on the presumably multiple hour journey and liked it enough to complete the game but the boss somehow invalidates all that fun? No.
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness. Resignation to the end. Always the end.
Because you're supposed to put extra effort into climatic moments to show players that you actually cared about your game and aren't just only making it to make profit.
Every Boss thats "Press *insert action button here* to Win"
Came to post this but someone already did, good job.
>Hype people up at E3 that they were getting an SSE-like story mode
>Only use it to advertise a shitty gacha system
>Only redeeming thing about the final boss is controlling Master Hand, which we already could do with mods 15 years ago
post the more hype final boss that came out in 5 years
protip: you can't
>You went on the presumably multiple hour journey and liked it enough to complete the game but the boss somehow invalidates all that fun?
do you know the sunken cost fallacy? even if the game is mediocre you keep playing thinking it will eventually redeem itself. it never does. hence "5000h played, negative review" meme
this shit is still EDF?
That in the fuck?
My memory is shit but the only boss I can remember in the past 5 years is from REmake2.
>this shitty fight is okay because i'm smallbrain and I can't think of any other solution!!!!!
Literally, Yu Yevon.
>dude it's just s-sunken cost!
>I didn't have fun I swear!
weird cope but okay
Why are there so many of you retards in this thread. Jecht was the final boss. Yu yevon was just an interactive cutscene.
well if you said that I had fun playing the game it must be true I guess. you got me.
then why make it playable?
I thought the totem guy was the best boss in the game.
Idunn instantly comes to mind. Even if Roy hasn't levelled up ONCE, he can still two shot Idunn.
I didnt mind it that much playing solo, but it must be the shittiest thing in the world trying to coop thst shit.
This. All that fucking emphasis on climbing and there's no segment where you have to scale Dark Beast Ganon? The fuck?
Fuck I literally only opened this thread to post this.
Dragon Quest 11 comes to mind. Both of the final bosses are great.
But they don’t ask for Stealth and Combat strength. They needs someone who’s good at tech and has leadership qualities respectively
The problem imo wasn't that it was giant monster joker
The problem was that it was this
>run away for 30s while joker slashes at you
>he leaves, fight his goons
>grapnel him off the balcony, removes 1/3 of his health
It was shit.
If they had managed to make him a good combat boss that would have been kino. I'm imagining the equivalent of mr freeze in City but for combat instead of stealth. Joker starts to counter your counters, catch your dodges, and you have to use every combat technique you've unlocked to whittle his health down.
I really don’t know what happened with that game. The stories for 1 and 2 were so good, wtf were they thinking
This guy needed at least 2 more phases to become decent
This shit got me the first time I played through EDF5
My Bro and I finally destroyed the egg mothership, it took ages cause of bad gear
Wait, what's that?
There's ANOTHER Final Boss?
Hands down better than the Final Boss of EDF4.1, which was a big stick in the middle of the map you had to shoot the top of
What game?
All games are QTEs.
this. fucking amazing game, but the final boss was underwhelming as hell.
Darksiders 2
I played it when it was on PS+ but stopped after the first dungeon for some reason. Is it worth picking back up or jump to #3 when that goes on PS+?
>these lists always have Fontaine from Bioshock
>despite the final part of the game being so shit that literally anything would've been an improvement over it
Also, name three FPS games with a better final boss. You can't.
>You fight nihilism itself
One of the most masturbatory bosses I've ever seen. Good choice, user.
Correct. You can even see him in the concept art for the area the final battle takes place in.
That's a dragon.
Majoras Mask is my #1 game of all time - but the last boss was a little anti-climatic desu. Especially with the fierce deitys mask
What they said , Soulcage is essentially a tool installed in the Iifa Tree by Garland to start dispelling the mist through the roots towards the Mist Continent. He has nothing to do with Necron.
Not to mention the Poison Ivy boss was pure shit too. Not a single good boss fight in that fucking game and it ruined it for me.
zeroranger with the save deleting final boss bullshit
I want to ask something
In Jak 3's final boss, the light echo dispensers are supposed to be there? You can just heal yourself between rounds?
To be fair, the entire game was a bit shit
Not the final boss but objectively the worst part of the game. If the second half of the fight wasn't tard wrangling vergil it be kino.
Oogie in The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King
It's a strange line, I don't know if it's the translation or what. Soulcage claims he has seen the end of his 1000 year life and it isn't when you fight him. Yet when you fight him when he is a 1000 years old and well, he dies, lol.
Godhand's final boss was hyped up well but has shittier mechanics than the prepper rival fight
If I remember right Garland says you only killed a fake one but it’s never brought up again.
I mean, at least they made up for it in The Following.
No. Zidane claims he stopped the mist, thinking that stopped the process of the soul dividing that the Iifa Tree does. Then Garland tells him all he saw was the other side of it and that the process has been continuing on. Pic related.
Yeah, something to do with the back of the tree still operating or something? The final act of that game is so vague, major details are often relegated to single lines of dialogue.
What was the reasoning for this anyways. They've also shown that they're willing to do human boss battles with Tahir, and he was a nice proper pain in the ass as a boss fight. Only thing I could think of is that they wouldn't want you to do something as anti-climatic as just throwing him off the roof with Grapple, and yet what they ended up doing was way more anti-climatic than that would've been.
The mist is described as a by product, I always assumed it was Gaian souls being expelled from the cycle. If that's not the case where do they go once the mist is stopped? Does the crystal just have infinite capacity for souls? The whole point of the merge of Terra and Gaia was that Gaian souls were filtered out to be replaced with Terran ones if I remember correctly. Also does that mean Terra is effectively inside out? As in if you were to look up you'd see the other side of the planet?
Also fun fact you can actually see the "front part" of the Iifa Tree in the FMV when traveling to Terra. The portion that encapsulates the Gaian crystal.
No More Heroes 2
The mr freeze bossfight was dope stop lying
He did say he's a nog, m8
Shit I never noticed that. I swear every time I read up on this game I always find something new.
The mist is comprised of gaian souls that are rejected from the crystal by the Iifa Tree, that's correct. That process never stops. The only thing the Soulcage did was to spread that mist to a certain continent. And yes, Terra is literally inside of Gaia.
Oh right, I forgot on the final disc the mist comes back, I assume that's still the Gaia souls? And I recently found out that that was the case, Terra being inside Gaia that is. There is a version of that diagram where the mushrooms are seen growing inwards towards the crystal, is it inside out then?
although not liked the final boss of borderlands the pre-sequel is pretty fucking good and beatable with every playstyle/ character aside from claptrap which has some support only skills. even so you can still kick ass with him.
It seems to be inverted in relation to Gaia at least, dunno if that's what you mean with inside out?
The final boss in uncharted 3. Literally just some guy in a suit you have a fistfight with and the game scripts telling you literally what buttons to push. Not to mention the entire endgame area is literally phoned in, a giant tan-grey sandslide where the only objects are the blocks of stone that hover just in the right place for you to hop on them and run to the next rock before they fall away into oblivion. Such a dogshit area. And they built up a mystery for the entire game only to go lol it was just drugs, at the end of it. At least the first two games had something actually cool.
Yes I'm still mad about it.
Inside out as in the inner face of a sphere, the outside face being Gaia and the inside being Terra. If you were standing on Terra and looked up, surely you'd be able to see the opposite side of the inside face?
Oh yes, I get what you mean. It's impossible to confirm I suppose. The diagram suggests it but there's no FMV or screen in the game to back it up. Though even if there would be an option to look "up" within Terra, you could question if the distance isn't too far to be able to view the other side and the space inbetween would just be blue sky. It's still a planet after all.
True, the fact that Terra is inside Gaia is such a minor detail, I don't know if it's ever actually stated in game.
But that was a great fucking boss.
Actually come to think of it, that's one of the few mainstream Western games out there with some damn good fucking bosses.
I do admit it was pretty tricky though.
the worst part is that it makes you feel like the 'champions' were all total pussies
Yeah not stated very clearly anyway, lol. The ultimania is a godsend for this game and helps clear things up so much. It's a shame a lot of isn't more clearly explained within the game itself because it made me realize how solid and well thought FFIX's lore/setting actually is.
>bad boss?
>ruined the game?
But of course Yea Forums will grab onto any chance to shit on BOTW.
no more heroes 2 final boss
it's a wonderful game
Sans, legitimately one of my favs
One of these days, I finally have to play one of these games.
Such a shitty way to end that fucking game. Still mad.
My fucking man.
It's not a final boss, but the last level of Deus Ex: Human Revolution was abysmal. Just a never-ending horde of zombies in a very basic area designed almost exclusively for aggressive combat.
It's a seven minute-long rhythm game that you have to start all over if you miss one note. The camera does everything it possibly can to make sure you can't see what the fuck is going on (I don't mean like Super Mario 64 bad camera, I mean the camera is programmed to zoom in on a statue's face so you can't see the notes coming at you). Even if you completely disregard the visuals and play with a pure sense of rhythm, the tempo gradually slows down during the outro, making it much harder to feel out. The final note comes out after the screen already faded to black, and you have to respond AFTER the last cutscene begins playing with no visual indicator and a tempo so slow that there's about four full seconds between the note and when you have to respond. Again, if you miss it, you have to do the WHOLE thing over again.
Galactus in UMVC3
Assassin's Creed II's boss fight is a fucking joke
>CTRL + F: Sonic Generations
>6 Results
Good. Fuck Time Eater. It may not have been the worst final boss in the history of Sonic (Sonic Chronicles wins that though the phases leading up to the final boss were at least tolerable) but it was easily the most disappointing.
>Incredibly unclear mechanics
>Boring, uninspired "boss arena"
>No interesting dialogue from Eggman or Sonic ("That looks like a homing shot!")
>The most boring, uninteresting music to ever grace Sonic in a game filled with great Sonic remixes
They even did a pretty solid remix of Sonic Boom they could've used for that boss! I don't understand what the fuck happened. It killed all of the buzz from that game for me.
>implying beating up the pope wasn't buttfucking hilarious
His final phase went down a bit too quick. I was expecting to get another sequence in the Walking Fortress, but he ended up just falling over dead from my rifle fire before all the HQ chatter exhausted. Still a good fight overall, especially with the accompanying story, but it could have stuck the landing better.
It really is, I love it, I just wish it was explored further in game. Is the ultimania worth it? I've been eyeing it up for a while now.
All they had to do was us the McGuffin for Lucien to have the 3 powers and fight you one on one with your same skills for a kino ending.
Instead he just monologues a cutscene where you can shoot him at any time.
At least the music for the second half is actually fucking amazing.
Good thing I was only talking about the first game.
But even then, there's like, all of two good boss fights throughout the Arkham games: Mr. Freeze and Deathstroke in Origins and that's not really a good track record at all.
>Imagine having the best wank of your life only for when you orgasm it kicks in the opposite direction
I have not had a proper orgasm in 7 months. I ruin every single orgasm by going slower the cliser I get and letting my cock go when I feel like I will finally cum.
Its a mind breaking experience and I just cant go back. I feel like one off thioe whores that make ahegao faces and smile at the prospect of getting fucked by aid ridden niggers.
They should have at least given you several ways of killing him in that moment, like just walking up to him and using the slap emote.
Now that would've been fucking funny.
And the best part
>turns that into the events that lead into the beginning of his spinoff
Doom 2016 boss fight.
>hold down the BFG button
>strafe left
>get hit? eh 20% of your hp
>w-wow western video games are really making a comeback guys
Like I'm sorry, but we've gotten decades of better boss fight mechanics than this. This should be a generic enemy move set on hard mode.
FINALLY someone says it. Fuck that bitch. Game went from "tough but fair" to "impossible but bullshit" at that exact moment
>ending to a book
>flips you off and says nothing mattered
>well the rest was good, I don't get how that ruins anything
remember those few years when we didn't know bayonetta 3 was in the works, so it seemed like pic related was the final foe in the entire bayonetta series? good times.
Damon Gant's final confrontation in Rise from the Ashes from the first Ace Attorney game was kind of weak.
the new pokemon games, for the shit they're worth, have decent final bosses. the S/M games may have been utter dogshit but Lucy and U-Necrozma were some of the best endbosses in pokemon.
Man, I always forget about this guy. What an anti-climactic end.
Does this fucking idiot count? Or does it have to be an actual fight?