>has the best combat system out of all the mass effect games
Has the best combat system out of all the mass effect games
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and the worst everything else.
cute characters
I will never play this game. I can't take it seriously after all the things I've seen.
It had good everything except plot and animations. Unfortunately plot carries these games heavily so andromeda felt boring as heck without a meaningful story
the worlds and locations are some of the best in the franchise
The only thing it had going for it was cute turians and the combat everything else sucked
Mass Effect 3 has better gunplay
it had forgettable music
nonsensical characters
bland-looking, empty open worlds
downgraded graphics
capeshit dialogue
Vetra is best girl
I wanna try it now that they patched it up actually, how will it run on a 980?
This. But at least it wasn't as bad as ME3
honestly people give 3 too much shit for the retarded ending when 2 went batshit stupid with the story from the get go.
only reason I don't rate 3 above 2 is because of based zaeed, otherwise 3 is the superior title
It runs on my laptop which has a 960M at low/medium 60fps at 1080p
Runs on my PC which has a 1070 at ultra at 1080p
make of that what you will.
And with some hardcore lack of structure it all goes to waste in mindless fetch quests and random unengaging checkboxes
The leadership really shat on everything this game had a chance of being
Nope ME3 has the best combat system. That's why it's easier to find a game in multiplayer for 3.
decent enough. don't mind lowering some of the less important settings
>downgraded graphics
still surprised me
i liked suvi but didnt choose her as a romance option on my female ryder playthrough. thought i'll romance her on my next playthrough as male ryder. find out shes a dyke. game dropped.
>honestly people give 3 too much shit for the retarded ending
You mean the original endings that completely invalidated everything the player had done? The general reaction was exactly what it should've been
>right now there are multiple Mass Effect threads
Why is Bioware so incompetent?
i liked kadara and that moon planet. otherwise its just sandy desert, icy desert and cramped jungle.
so why not the same reaction when 2 invalidated what you did in 1, blew shepard out of a space ship and into a planet's atmosphere, then brought him back in 5 minutes for him to fight bipedal space bugs who kidnap humans because of le special DNA plotline? shit story wise 2 was a complete roundabout, the reapers are waiting in stasis on one exit while shepard is busy solving his mates daddy issues.
that last boss fight was retarded too, not on the level of marauder shields, but close, because they actually took themselves seriously
Bullshit. It's literally just ME1 with jumping.
Fem Ryder is cute!
is that nigger a white supremacist?
>ME2 having bad writing is the same as ME3 completely ruining the trilogy
Are you fucking retarded?
Yes, he's defending ME3