Are you all lined up?
Other urls found in this thread:
Haha they should add in Congalala so he can fart all over everyone again.
I wonder what his farts smell like haha.
You’re gross
Based monkey dick triggering trannies
>not even full rosters
So there's still metal raths, ruiner nergigante and endboss?
Is there a mod on PC that allows you to skip cutscenes? I don't really want to sit through that shit a third time if I decide to buy it while it's on sale.
cham LS, soul
Gore... Steve... where are they
It's going to be:
Metal Raths
Ruiner Nerg
Bazel variant
Savage Deviljho
Maybe some other variants
HOPEFULLY a black dragon, like alatreon or fatalis
That's my guess.
Who's this literally who
a modder that got hired by capcom
of course it's not? there's gonna be more free titles update duh!
i WANT to believe, but even if its fake and rajang is the last addition (and i highly doubt that) im already sold. if the roster is even bigger then my dick might not handle it
i dont get it though, why release rajang as dlc and not on the 6th? whats different here
They said support post-release would be similar to base World
So, I'd say 3 monsters for DLC, maybe more if they don't do big collabs like the Witcher quest
HYPE building. its a basic marketing strategy, like casually showing garuga in some ad
Blessed image
They did the same with jho, it helps add some life in the game. Personally I felt rajang looked a lil clunky in the trailer so maybe they’re using the time to iron him out a Lil. Either way the shit is free man, don’t complain too much
Btw, tomorrow reviews embargo is lifted
You just saw it in the zinogre and rajang trailers.
ahh but they were here on your side... all along... your guiding lands..
>mfw World's roster is bumped to 70+ w/ Iceborne
So this means female hunts get the Rajang G Rank armor, right? Or are they going to cop out like Barioth and only use LR/HR armor for their 'Master' Rank.
Pseudo random amalgamation of all existing areas. Source: my ass
i miss being a gundam
As a monster that first appeared in the 2nd Gen, Raiang and its Furious variant has come to the New World to teach the Second Fleet how to craft a weapon that looks good. CAPCOM wouldn't have the gall to redesign its weapons to fit that horrible metal slap-on Walmart style.
What was that bar the bow fag had in the Zinogre footage?
Velkhana's armor set bonus?
You're getting the LR armor. All monsters that were in base world will be getting their X sets.
All monsters that appear in ib only are getting the LR armor.
>Look Admiral! There's Rajang
As long as the long sword and bow I don't care.
Lame. There's literally no point in not bringing their G ranks over and saving the LR/HR for another game.
your ass is not a credible source
I just need these and im okay.
Rajang's triple divebomb can be avoided by moving in a triangle. However, if you can roll towards the last divebomb's trajectory, you'll have more time to attack during its recovery animation!
That move has been removed because people will complain. Hope you rike it
You ignoring the pattern with every returning monster having the lr set and the old elders + barroth with their X sets isn't smart.
Lr armor design
Lr armor design
Lr armor design
Lr armor design
We've seen the X
We've seen the X
We've seen the X
We've seen the X
We've seen the X
You're wrong.
i want to stomp on the handler's throat
i want to watch a rajang mercilessly fuck her until she vomits her own blood mixed with cum
i want vaal hazak to breathe his necrotic stank all over her so she dries up like a fucking raisin
Exactly, can't have moves which gives the monster an advantage over the player. It wouldn't be balanced See Deviljho's inability to eat hunters in World.
I'm always here to help them!
honestly accurate
>Maybe some other variants
It kind of looks like raging brachy isn't in, but they can torture us with rusted kush if they want.
>HOPEFULLY a black dragon
Saved hard
I mean iceborne is out in people's hands already and they said they're still ironing out stuff for rajang so that people can fight him at tgs. He's not ready for release.
Sex with the handler
I'm sure there will be a black dragon coming with a dlc this time, but I hope there's also one already in the game, which unlocks after you do all optionals or something.
Ok, I'll take that reasoning.
I just prefer some kind of evidence or deduction for the claim.
I wonder if they'll introduce frenzied/hyper/apex/whatever to give the new ones an additional set.
haha i can't wait for more degenerate monkey dick hahaha
Day 1 patches are a thing too for fixing last minute bugs
>w-why is this rajang u-undressing me?? pardner DO SOMETHING
>pardner dont look...
>Someone is going to model swap admiral and rajang when iceborne arrives on PC
>Someone is going to dress up rajang in admiral's clothes
List of invaders so far
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Ebony Odogaron
>Yian Garuga
tgs is still just over a week away and that's their deadline. Not ready for a day one patch. And mind you, that's their deadline for this one fixed quest they'll let people play. I bet some stuff like turf wars isn't done yet.
>Model swap Rajang with Donkey Kong
Was Tigrex confirmed as an invader?
Tigrex can thrive fucking anywhere so it doesn't matter whether it's an invader or not.
He's a cool looking monster and has a good theme but he's seriously just a fucking punching bag, holy shit zinogre is so easy.
I think it roams about in all maps except Recess
It also goes to the recess
>I can finally use Rajang gunner armor with blademaster since no class split
I am cum
Tigrex can be found in Volcano, Volcano (3rd) and Volcanic Hollow. Like hell it wouldn't be in Elder Recess.
We're in
only counting large monsters
>Gen 73 -> GU 93 (20 added)
>4 52 -> 4U 75 (23 added)
>Tri 18 -> 3U 51 (34 added)
>Dos 45 -> FU 58 (13 added)
>World 36 -> IB 59 (23 added)
We only have 23 confirmed monsters in iceborne, but if there's more then it's shaping to be pretty good.
We have see Brachy vs Tiggy turf war in Recess during Garuga CM
Alright I guess I didn't catch that footage
>yfw event quest that is all seven invaders duking out on each other
>it has chance for crown sizes
It's not a footage thing, it's more a no brainer thing. Tigrex trailer shows it in Rotten Vale and we fight one in Hoarfrost. It being in Ancient Forest is more or less a given because they've been found in tropic environments as well and in past games you're always expected to fight at least one in the titular volcanic region.
Shoulders: loosen'd
Laser: charged
Dick: hot
Yup, its Rajang time
are they adding transmog?
Post Rajang chibis
Fuck. user don't remind me
Was Zin always this big?
No. But we don't know how many armors they are going to make layered. It could end up being the vast majority of them. We just know that it's not 100% of them.
Like everything returning in World, it's larger
If you don't count P3rd's additions to 3rd gen as part of 3U, 3U itself added 17 monsters
Zinogre get huge.
No, but just use the transmog mod.
They feed them well in the new world.
looks like it but noone is 100% sure of how much stuff will you be able to transmog
Meowstress Adventures spinoff game WHEN
It can counter paw slam on 9:06
Pard, Rajang's charge beam actually doesnt inflict Thunderblight, so just gear for defense.
He's not counting anything in the middle. He also ignored mh2p.
Yeah I was considering counting it like that, but decided not to. Same with 2nd gen actually. If we just take freedom 2 to freedom unite, then the count goes down from 13 to just 10.
dissastified simian schlong
Just pointing out that it's a bit misleading to compare work done across multiple games to work done on one game.
I mean technically it doesn't. Even getting hit by it in 4U and GU you never got Thunderblight. I'm pretty sure that only applies to the thunder ball it spits out.
>getting hit
I bet you like that though you dirty bitch.
You're ignoring the possibility of gamma or post game type of the monster like tempered/arch which might unlock more armors.
But I suppose I'll keep my expectations low
You retard.
Wow, he looks great
Tempered dont have unique armor designs and arch tempered are elder only and also dont have unique armor designs.
so what's this body type called?
Anyone else weirded out by how big he is? I don't think the size fits him. Being smaller always made it feel a lot more personal of a fight, which added to Zinogre's appeal.
Maybe I'm just used to what he used to be though.
Who says Iceborne has to be the same?
But I know what you mean, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Wasn't Barioth the G rank one?
Is this DLC paid or just a free update on October?
>Ugly bastard
>Large insertion
latter. Same as the jho update
No it was the lr and then a slight modified lr for the beta
Guiding lands info?
Counting P3rd to 3U gets kinda weird, since not everything from P3rd got ported to 3U.
>looks exactly like a corrupted Admiral
They must have turned the jokes from the NPC hunters into reality
I thought the vacant stare it gave in 4U's cutscene was bad. Now it's just straight up anger. That makes me want to kill it more.
I can't help but notice his bright golden pubes throughout the video, am I gay?
Yep. Im sorry to break this news to you.
Nothin' wrong with miring some hot monkey dick from time to time.
Will there be a pre load for Iceborne or is it just a case of they'll push the update out whenever?
Holy fucking shit lmao
They really think of everything
That's just the stare of an angry monkey
It's only natural to admire.
99% of the game files are an update and the unlock key on PSN is under 10MB
Yeah Im aware. I thought they'd at least let us download the files in advance so we can play when it goes live.
ngl his lats need a little more training
>Oh, you're approaching me? Instead of running away you're coming straight towards me?
>I cannot break your horns without getting closer
>Hoho! Then come as close as you like
So who would win, Furious Rajang or Golden Oozaru?
Probably Oozaru because DBZ powerlevels are retarded
Rajang is just a big angry monkey
baby goku could win
Realism pill
i didnt know he had those holes in the horns. im gonna be sick
That’s where the bugs live. Just bursting into your skin and bones with lil larva wiggly around under your skin
Unironically sounds like a fetish desu
Weird how they "gave" Zinogre the whole bug thing when other monsters just "shoot lightning lmao".
>Break his horns in game
>An entire swarm of thunderbugs comes out
It's almost like Jinouga's a scrub that needs ticks to be threatening
Sounds cool when their larvae and nests aren't just shitting and eating my skin and I can use their electricity to add guitar riffs to my theme.
And drum solos
Cause they wanted it to be unique, symbiotic monsters are better than pure element shitters.
>brachy is also a scrub for using fungus
Full Zinogre theme when
Brachydios is so chad that his fungus kills his own children
Really? Because they're pretty damn noticeable in older games, look at .
>they bothered to put two new skeletons for Zino and Rajanh
>but do nothing with the Magala skeletons to add Gore and Shagaru since it’s already in there
That really hurts
who wins the rajang vs jho turf war
Think of the children!
It was foreshadowing
I don't blame Brachydios for not caring about his children, they're hideous
Whoever wins, we lose
Isn't the version of Rajang's theme that was used in the trailer based on the theme of Rajang's intro in 4U?
Maybe in DLC Patch 2
Guys guys, don't you realise?
Diablos will get his shit kicked in by Rajang too
Honestly it more creative than MUH ELEMENTAL ORGAN/SAC you gotta give them credit for that
Deviljho grabs Rajang by the neck and slams him around, but then Rajang goes Super Saiyan and Suplexes Jho, tieing
Odogaron and Behemoth
They might change how that works for world.
>suplex by Jho
>DDT by Rajang
>Diablos gets Kinniku Bustered
Behemothdrome leaked
>Zenith Behemoth
That drawanon needs to add Rajang into this
Missed the stream because i was busy, Monkey Dick is in as DLC right?
Anything else?
what's on the left?
Zinogre gameplay, that's all.
Monkey dick is coming during october, same as jho in world.
Stream has a lot of merchandizing and collabs with nip stuff. Gameplaywise they showed the zinogre fight and velkhana armor effect.
It's not too late for a Bloodborne weapon crossover is it? I want my Charge Blade Whirligig Saw
I just want Gore
I almost thought that BB collab equipment would be natural with MH but it's probably too far back to be considered
I wish the Iceborne beta wouldnt pester me to pre-order if I already have fucking pre ordered.
You are hideous.
It's real nice they chose Admiral for Rajang's trailer
>first fleet=first gen rep
>kirin fur as an indirect hint
>Admiral himself said he's in the new world to look for an old 'acquaintance'
>They showed Rajang this early
Then what will they show during TGS?
Rajang Blanco
Rajang gameplay
Rajang gameplay and maybe a teaser
the new Siege Monster, Lao-Shan Lung
lao-shan with zorah
The Guiding Lands and teaser for another monster.
Event schedule
Rajang gameplay
No new monsters obviously
what was the stream that the rajang reveal happened?
>AT Lao-shan
TGS is a week after release, it won't make an impact because players and reviewers will have shared everything they know by then.
Who are MH idorts here, report!
nergigante help
Ok Rajang gameplay and maybe a tease for the next dlc monster or collab event.
Yes i know, but they've said in interviews to look forwards to TGS many times
When's the embargo dropping again?
Ashen Lao basically
In about 12 hours
>Zinogre now makes more tiger sounds than wolf sounds
It sounds better either way
>Ryozo's favorite monster still hasn't been revealed
Not that reviewers have anything meaningful to say but I'm interested in hearing details at least
Isn't Lao his favourite? I really don't think they'll put him in.
Tigrex is such a shit monster. Seriously whats the fucking point if youre not a ranged fag. He gets angry and all he fucking does is spin and spin and charge and charge and yet for some fucking reason never tires.
The monster as a whole is fucking shite.
We killd him in 10 mins but still the monster is fucking terrible.
Its not hard content at all its just "lets make a monster who can constantly spam moves". Thats shit monster design.
Apparently Arkike will make a video about the guiding lands once the embargo lifts
Play Lance nerd
CB also works well, he's prime GP fodder.
The normiest of all normalfags
>5 hours since plebbit leaker's last post
So, I noticed something during the zinogre gameplay, the lance attacked his backlegs and he was doing grey dmg numbers...pls don’t tell me we have to attack shitzones to trip it *cough* luna *cough*
Tigrex is a big retard, take advantage of that.
Breaking his claws hamper his charges. He can get stuck trying to bite certain walls like the dumbass he is. Punch he into a wall with clutch claw and when he rages go for those walls. Easy to bait into traps and monster clashes, mounting attacks and other fast movement attacks also helps.
Swapped weakspots, his front legs are now where you want to hit
Rajang is from 2nd gen, child.
I’m ok with that, will make his fight a little bit harder and more interesting, zinogre is kind of a joke fight imo, but he looks cool.
So same treatment Teostra got
Yea, once you get over his exdee so quirky flippy boi shit he's no different from something like odo.
Unlike Odo his super mode isn't impossible to see in a hunt
It was always that big, user. You’ve just been fighting it on a handheld for years.
Odo has a super mode?
I find it to actually be really unnerving, looking forward to him.
If he eats meat, the entire idea behind Ebony other than being able to hit you is that he can actually trigger it since he always walks around with food
That’s the point of it being an invader
>that Zinogre mount music
It does but you have to let it eat Legiana's meat. His insides start to swell up in flames like a fucking engine from hell, i've only seen it once
Quod erat demonstrandum
Yea if he drags a dead legi corpse to his lair and chows down on it he goes super red and angry.
>Neutered Deviljho, Garuga, Tigrex, Kushala and Teostra
>Now they're neutering Rajang as well
It seems that they really don't want any monster that was once considered tough to escape the casualisations
Obvious bait but it is definitely bigger. Comparing to some 3P footage, the hunter is about as tall as the the yellow parts on his front leg. In world, his leg is twice as large, if not more than the hunter. His tail is also way beefier and longer too.
i seriously want to fuck ryozo right fucking now in his fucking anus
Out of anger or gratitude?
I hope that the post launch monsters in IB turn out better than World.
All post launch content in World was awful, hard sure, but awful nonetheless
>tfw no Gore and Shagaru
4th gen left in the dust.
If he doesn't die before he gets hungry and manages to go eat he starts glowing red and gets super fast. Only seen it happen twice.
Jhojho was good but he's just Deviljho
KT is a fun fight I think, if a bit long. The grind associated with her is just annoying.
gratitude of course.
KT would be a great fight if Room 1 and the shitty feet sniffing mechanics didn't exist.
KT IS fun but the grind is retarded
It's kinda hard to fuck up Jho
Well then both Jho and KT are neat, Luna is shit, Behemoth is cool and Leshen is shit again. I'd say the quota isn't too bad overall.
I think KT herself is fine, it's the boring pursuit system and the absolutely disgraceful rng-fest reward system that gives her a bad name.
pursuit is such a weird mechanic. I hate that if another group breaks the horns and your low dps shitters cart to the last phase you miss reward boxes.
Explain the ninja turtle meme
Hopefully they change their mind and add her in G-rank without the garbage gacha and give you the chance to actually kill her
The weapon gacha aspect would be tolerable if I didn't need to build up pursuit level to get to her.
before you kill her, her husband show to protect her
>It has even bigger horns
This 100%, they pretty much took the Lao fight, made it actually fun, and looking like an actual boss fight.
The gacha shit is what kills the entire MH essence.
>Hey people want X weapon.
>Let's put hundreds of weapons on the pool so they can keep fighting it for years without getting what they want.
And before someone comes with
>m-muh low drop rate on mats
Yeah but if you wanted something from a monster you know exactly the % you had to drop it, and what you had to do to make it drop. You don't have hundreds of different mats on rathalos.
Leshen is cool in the witcher quest but A leshen is just a bad excretemoth.
Normal behe is an 'okay' shot at a raid-style mmo hunt but if the time constraint was 50 mins solo and 35 for multi it'd be fine, because then you could 1v1 him without having to get real sweaty and would shave off some of his time-wasing RNG.
Luna has bad hitzones for melee and the constant poofy floor cancer just isn't fun.
Jho's 'ehh' but that's because he's tall and wiggly which makes half the weapon roster really unsatisfying to take against him.
I think that the crew that worked on the post launch World content was a skeleton crew that did their thing while the World team went straight for World 2 and the other team worked on Iceborne, as far as we know the IB team isn't busy with other game and they're the ones working on post launch content this time, so it'll probably turn out way better.
and it is blanco
>a skeleton crew
So people from Yea Forums eh
I’m op it’s not a meme, I just didn’t feel like grabbing a pic of rajang because I’m laxy so I just used a pic I posted on co before
>killing the one creature that shits out infinite gold for your community and allowing you to thrive and create technology with the amount of research and money used
Even the old fogeys in the First Fleet knows you can't just do that. "Just the horns" and call it a day
When does the embargo drop?
11 hours I think
I honestly don't understand the whole crow aura thing with Ancient Leshen. Why punish all melee weapons like this? weapons like lance can't even reasonably keep up with it.
Anjanath vs. Rajang turf war already leaked:
>they added Rajang
Leschen's moveset is ported straight out of Witcher
Didn’t he say it was Khezu in one of the rapid fire question sessions?
He said it's Rathalos
Then he said it was Brachydios
Then it was Gore
Then he said Khezu
Then he wrote Lao-Shan
He's a fucking indecisive faggot that jumps favorites each gen
Because the moves are ported straight from W3 so they need to prevent you from ungabunga it to death.
>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received
>Not the mh version
the root AOEs are pretty brutal damagewise, do those behave exactly the same in TW3?
It's just metal she stole from underground cave systems, kill it and then find out where she got the gold
It has a bunch of stuff that isn't in the Witcher like the bird nova and the aggro
And do what? Dig it out yourself? It won't even take special kt properties like that and is too much work for the 3 people in astera
I have all the games (cept Warudo) but my phone's camera is busted.
Yes, I have Dos and the Airu Airu games.
(i english patched Dos, tho)
Fucking knew what it was before even opening it. Good action scene, but fuck off regardless.
It's pretty faithful port honestly, even the bird aura.
>He dies in 3min on Death March
>the quest notes in MHW say "Death March Difficulty!"
To be fair they didn't exactly have a lot to work with considering how stupid Witcher's combat is.
Well in-lore explanation is that he was dope up from how great the ancient forest is.
what the fuck was wrong with tri
I mean it would be a lot less fucking awful if they had reneged on 60,000 health and forced multiplayer scaling
I don't ever want to do AL again even though I haven't gotten a second mutagen
Tri was World but worse.
it was on the Wii
Too much of a focus on underwater combat which was shit and had barely any monsters that took advantage of it.
why don't you have world bitch
it was an overhaul without sony bucks
Mostly fresh roster and revamped the few returning monsters
It was World without the 5 year dev time
>with monky skeleton and snow setting we'll almost definitely get blangonga
h-hey guys, remember me?
>Blangonga as DLC
Why though, he's not as notorious
if only the character look like that promo art.
It would be cool if the Rajang DLC just came with all of the apes
Is that a new Fortnite game mode?
Why is /vg/ so shit? Against all odds, they just top themselves every time and reach a level of rancid toxicity that seemed unfathomable before.
Only hunting games with apes are allowed in this thread
Get the fuck out
Rajang is the only good monkey. We don’t need that lesser faggot back. Him and Conga are shitty fights anyway.
I can't wait for all the turf wars.
Fucking hyped.
rajang looks so fucking terrifying with facial expressions
Not gonna lie, the way rajang loosens his shoulders both scares and arouses me
Go back
I wish I didin't
A fucking
Uncanny valley territory for us
Yeah he's so ape-like I see him as some sort of human in those animations, it's really creepy and actually makes me more excited for his hunt
Wonder if they're gonna go full realism with his ecology, like he's walking around peacefully but then suddenly snaps, grabs a Jagras and eats it's head before raping it's corpse
>he's so ape-like
About damn time I say, they even went the extra mile and made him Knuckle walk in the correct way
You mean like, its just casually walking around and then sucker punches a Paolumu
Anyone know when the reviews are dropping in PST?
Valstrax teaser. Hopefully.
shut the fuck up retard
But Kushala is even more cancerous now since poison doesn't cripple it anymore.
dont come back
He definitely looks even more so in world. I feel like he used to be at least a little more mobile.
If anything this just proves roster size is vastly overrated (by gen 4 newfags) because tri is one of the best games in the series.
>Tri creatures still aren't extinct
>neglect to mention the words "monster hunter" in OP
>all the shitposters disappear
They’re still here dumby
Pretty based of OP honestly.
I hope that's just game journalist difficulty because he looks way too predictable with big openings, i remember him being more fast and aggressive
This never gets old kek
Post it faggot
>also used an unrelated pic to hide from them further
Cringe. Now go plz we don't want you
Great, Rajang is getting neutered
List of problems with MHWI
>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo layered set
>This confirms that the the timed event quests are back
>Banbaro doesn’t do much outside of charging at the player and hitting its head on the ground. Continues the World tradition of annoying tremors that combo into hits.
>Beotodus is Jyuratodus reskin with snow instead of mud and a few new moves. Easy, as expected
>The monsters above use the same animations in their turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus one
>Nargacuga has been neutered, tail is now a weakspot, does little damage, cannot keep up with the powercreep of World, dead within 5 minutes. It felt like an early game monster similar to Tobi
>Tigrex now has awful hitboxes, likely intentional, as a way of adding artificial difficulty to an already easy fight. It has been slowed down tremendously and its roar only does damage when its enraged. In the demo, it was given inflated damage values, a sign of things to come.
>Velkhana's fight is composed mainly of AoE attacks similar to Xeno
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model, all the weapons in the demo are bone and iron reskins
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, and so is Tigrex’s
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, and there are new moves for every weapon. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance
Feel free to add to the list.
you jinxed it you cunt
I think maybe because it was a flat texture in old games and now the holes are actually modeled that it looks more unsettling
>Main problem is poor and not being able to buy it.
na im staying, brb posting this cringe post on reddit
We do it so the janny trannies don't delete the threads
el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow
Kys listfag
He seems slower than in the older games. Almost looks like he's moving underwater.
you're full of shit, there's been non-stop MH threads for the past week that get to bump limit, while also having active moderation banning the same shitposter over and over again
hes bigger,giving the illusion of slower movement
>Clearly not banned
Stay mad
That's it, I've had enough.
What exactly is it that drives your shitty ass brain to do this all the fucking time? Something big, definitely, since it must be because your head is so far up your ass that it needs to be big enough to hold it. Except it isn't. Its barely holding the damn thing as the more and more you hear about Iceborne, the more it grows until it can't hold it anymore. I bet everytime you post something, your Mom is screaming at you to clean your fucking room. But you can't. Because you've dedicated the rest of your fucking life to trying to prove that World is inferior to a shitty, content bloated 3DS port, that was only not localized on the 3DS just so Nintendo could get more money like the garbage company they are. So keep playing GU, fighting the same EX Deviants that comprise the entirety of your anemic endgame, as the population of GU declines around you until your the only one left. We'll be playing the future of MH, far away from your faggotry.
Simply naming a thread "monster hunter thread" has caused the Jannies to delete them quite a few times, probably because some faggot flagged them for "being generals" because discussing videogames on Yea Forums is haram
Sometimes they got deleted or moved to /vg/
The prodigal faggot returns.
>i remember him being more fast and aggressive
Since when? He was always an easy monster.
Good to know, hoping this thread gets deleted as well
>hates people talking about video games
>goes on the video game board
honestly this, what tri lacked in roster size it made up for in general monster quality, in both design and mechanics they were a massive step up from previous games.
White fatalis is in right?
Why even bother adding him if its not the best
Hi everybody. How are you? I am fine.
Is it worth getting the 3ds monster hunter games to play online? Or should I just stick to world and generations ultimate?
Nice fanfic nigger, seethe some more for me
You can emulate/buy/pirate 4U and/or 3U if you're interested, but your current haul is a pretty good pair.
3ds emulation is pretty solid at this point if you really want to play them
You dunce
All that means that they are going to be all in.
"My favorite monster isn't in yet"
>He keeps on changing his favs what could it mean????
Either all of them or one of them
So which new monsters are actually good? Velkhana is alright and antekadrome is serviceable but are they really relying on nostalgia to carry the roster?
Beotodus is surprisingly not shit
Wait really? As someone not too impressed with worlds designs I was seething at another piscine wyvern.
Everyone was but shockingly he has unique moves and is actually a fun fight
I just realised that the forest portion of the Guiding Lands is extremely similar to the Lagiacrus demo ancient forest
If they start making them actually different it wouldn't be a big deal. There's only like 3 of them before Iceborne but they're all nearly the same monster, especially after Lavasioth regressed to lava railgun mode.
If the one room you fight him in didn't lock away most of his swimming moveset in favor of that useless leaping attack he might've been okay.
So im assuming rajang got to the new world by picking up a rock, throwing to the new world and then jumping on it.
Like Tao Pai Pai from dragon ball
nah, he did the same thing that Jho did
Got super mad and fired a laser so hard he flew through the sky
is this monkey faggot a new skeleton?
He swims, which is why he's not ready for launch.
At this point the new monsters and possibly the weapon/armor designs are my biggest gripes. Obviously I'm excited for old favorites like Barioth and Rajang, but it feels cheap to only be excited for things I've fought a million times. All the new monsters besides Nerg and now Velkhana have pretty lame designs.
>SJW turtles
>nigger april
fuck off back to
no, just another kush skeleton
If that elderwyrm mix and match guiding lands leak is real then it's even easier to explain.
Rajang just took a nap and woke up in a drifting chunk of land along brachy's volcano, glavenus's desert and zinogre's weeb, all floating nearby.
Namielle tho
That's the previous series in the image though.
Would Rajang be a good admiral?
I want a mode in iceborne where you put your captured monsters against other players captured monsters and watch them fight while betting items like weapons or decos
Honestly kind of cool I'll give you that. I'll have to warm up to it though. I didn't like Velk before the beta either. Is it an elder too? Cause so far they have elders having the traditional MH feel, but all the other normal monsters are lacking.
>They actually found an explanation for non fliers returning
There already was one with them simply being native but whatever
>I'm finally free of this slut. Enjoy her, Rajang.
He would be about as effective.
Yeah Namielle is. I think Beo is pretty fun at least, Banbaro is basic but he's an early MR master so I guess that's fine.
Excited for the final boss and Ruiner Nerg
>"Admiral! Nergigante is attacking Seliana, what do we do?!"
>proceeds to eat Nergigante's face
>Elderwyrm is actually a Dalamadur variant
>Ruiner Nerg
Awww shit forgot about that. Banbaro just felt like a shitter Duramboros and I didn't bother fighting Beo in the beta.
I like the subspecies of the old monsters (I liked them originally too but the new ones are cooler), not sure how you feel about those. Fulgur Anjanath is pretty rad honestly, including that new roar, and n-word pass Odo actually using his rage mode mechanic is great.
It’s Shara Ishvalda
>Xeno attacks Admiral Rajang's friend
>Proceeds to turn Xeno's face into a mushy paste
>Odo actually using his rage mode mechanic is great.
Considering I hated how easy this dude was in vanilla and the fact I didn't even know he had a special rage mode before today I'd say I'm pretty excited for the new one.
>Xeno's boat cutscene has rajang jump into the boat and tilt the whole thing
>everyone spend the whole ride on rajang's lap talking as if nothing happened
Can nergigante match rajang Strength for strength?
They're both one of the few visibly muscled monsters.
I don't fucking know. Not enough money for a game that's perpetually 60 bucks on Steam, I guess? Besides I'd rather just wait for MH6 since I got a Switch and PC
>Final Zorah encounter in the cavern
>Admiral Rajang is just swinging from Zorah's beard throughout the fight, sometimes interrupting attacks
I hope so because it'll make some idiots seethe hard.
Seeing Rajang vs Nerg would be great.
It's on sale for 24 bucks on gamebillet. You can also just pirate the damn thing if you want to try before you buy.
Because it's fucking garbage, faggot.
Probably, they're both brute retards.
Hold on, are monsters in World passive? Zinogre isn't even attacking him before he attacks it.
Lmao no
You're a fucking faggot, garbage.
I require more Rajang edits
Nah. Not gonna go through the trouble of not only finding the most updated version on pirate sites, and I'd rather buy snacks to eat while hunting in other games.
Sorry, I'm too fucking lazy.
It's a thing in World. Some monsters won't attack until you do, others will roar at you in warning first and then attack if you don't hide or leave fast enough.
Zinogre is always passive.
Rajang throws boulders larger than himself, Nergigante can't compare
Looks like the faggot got mad, kek
You are weak and clearly not that interested in World, which is an acceptable reason.
Now I want Admiral Rajang assisting the hunt with his monkey bussiness.
Seriously tho', large monster helpers when? Even if they have to be juvenile versions.
I don't think Zinogre has ever given a fuck about hunters until they interfere with his shit.
>You are weak
Boxed for 4 years, have plenty of SAIDO CHESTO and strength to myself
>clearly not that interested in World
I don't see the appeal of World, especially when I just see it as a reboot. It's Monster Hunter, that I can agree on, but it's the one MH game besides Stories that I'll probably never play seriously.
They give you a warning roar before going aggressive
>Seriously tho', large monster helpers when?
Play the Witch quest :^)
Fucking never.
>Velkhana helping re-freeze the Everwyrm when we realize we can't kill it
There's a mod for that
Link it, asshole
What's the magic word
Please, asshole.
Now that's better
Probably but Rajang can't tank injuries like Nerg can
Rajang dodges
>Few visibly muscles monsters
Have you fucking seen enraged Deviljho in World? It's grotesquely muscular
Right now the only monsters you can bring along are Rathalos, Nergigante and Odogaron from what I recall
You can also mount them and they'll immediately head to the closest monster
Tell me some of your favourite roars, Yea Forums.
Don't have to be all time favourites, just ones you think are nice.
A few I really like are the dreadking/dreadqueen ones, Nargacuga, Nakarkos and Nergigante.
Seregios perfectly nails the angry hawk sound
Diablos, Rajang, Dalamadur, Jhen Mohran, Ahtal-Ka, Mecha-Ka
Yian Garuga.
Dunno why, but the sound it makes just sounds so ethereal.
>some monsters roar twice for some reason
>dreadking doesn't
It'd be perfect
why, capcom
Agnaktor has lots of kaiju credit for firing lasers but its roar is also very classically kaiju, and it gets bonus points for the clack-clack making it a very audio-oriented fight.
Zamtrios' screech is really cool
Also what monster has the most pathetic roar, you think?
I hate the Hermitaur ones. They just sound slightly upset and super puny.
what do you think the most comfortable monster armor to wear is?
Great Jagras, it's absolutely generic and barely feels like a MH roar
Great Jaggi was the same tier and yet I perfectly remember what it's growls sounded like
Any of the low tier stuff. Jagras armor looks nice.
I can hear it even now.
I need Ukanlos and Akantor
How are generation fags/nintendo fags coping now that Monster Hunter World roster is an absolute unit?
jaggi had a neat howler monkey roar
>rajang trailer #5 on trending
>that fucking swagger as he stands up and rolls his shoulders
Oh fuck. Can't wait to see people unfamiliar with Son Goku get their first taste of Hot Rajang Dangalang. God I hope I get to hunt with some first timers with mics so I can listen to them scream.
>Did he just pick up a ro-
>xXMachioKunXx has fainted
>Continues left: 2
Tried Narga before the beta ended.
Is he one of those "fast weapon or fuck off" monsters?
Literally can't hit him
Even when i dodged a hit and tried to do a full burst with GL he just back dodged
Odo's roar is pretty kino since I can only imagine something in that pitch coming from a rage filled creature that lives in a bacterial miasma day in and day out. Dalamadur, Rajang, Brachy, and Agnaktor are also favorites of mine. Legi's roar gets honorable mention since I like watching tards with no shield or earplugs get stun locked and tail whipped.
>Someone runs away and tries to heal
>Random tries to flash rajang mid air roll
>Someone succeeds in flashing rajang
>pitfall on calm rajang
...Git gud.
But for real, any really fast monster can be beat with GS, Lance and HBG, some of the slowest weapons in the game. You just gotta predict where he's going and learn patterns. Once you know a few patterns, you can start kicking the monster's ass. Considering he always gravitates towards you if you're playing Solo, it's pretty easy to know what he'll do and where he'll go. Don't always go for the head. Try the arms, main body or tail.
Pic related for my feels when that shit happens
>Rotokid67 has fainted
>continues left: 1
>One of the slowest weapons
r u ok?
Narga is one of those monsters that really drills home the idea that you need to learn movement patterns of monsters if you have a slow weapon.
>pablo.sanchez.2004 has fainted
>Reward reduced to 0z
>No continues left.
>Quest failed...
Anons please I can only ejaculate so hard
Yes I'm fine. I haven't played in a month.
How much time would you say it takes for a full playthrough of mhw?
I love when Worldtards pretend that their game is difficult. In reality, what will happen is that they will increase the size and intensity of the tremors, and give it a bunch of ways to combo you while you're stuck, no actual difficulty.
>xXMachioKunXx has left the Guild Hall
>Rotokid67 has left the Guild Hall
>pablo.sanchez.2004 has left the Guild Hall
You're really not funny
>in actuality they'll give it things to increase its difficulty for people not familiar with it, no actual difficulty
Don't be a tard user.
Bring back elemental breaks
Elemental breaks? Sorry, I don't think I recall a mechanic like that. I know it probably exists but I never really named them.
We're laughing at the people that won't recognize the pattern of the monster and are gonna get carted as a result you mong. It's less about the game's difficulty and more about enjoying watching people make the same mistakes we did in the beginning.
I think he means how certain parts of certain monsters can only be broken by certain elements
Oh... THAT one... ffs
Oh, but you forgot the best one
>Cluster HBG joins the hunt
Nvm bros i got him in 11 minutes with GS,
GL is just doo doo dog shit.
Kept wacking him right in the head with TCS when he was pulling that running shit.
Relates but can someone explain how stun works and if you can tell if a monster is close to stagger?
I tried using the slinger burst but it was just press LT to die.
Yet at the same time i hit him our of his double tail swipe with a random tackle.
>GL is doo doo dog shit
You might actually want to take those words back, the Gunlance Defence Force is about to get in the room with their 415 Clutch Claw shots in "MVP"...
Jagras, pukei, commission armor. Can't remember any from previous games, it was all always jagged and tough looking.
There's no gunner designs in world. You ain't getting shit.
Rajang was literally one of the easiest monsters of all time once you learned his patterns. Then Gen broke his AI and he never recovered.
I love it when you gargle with my semen.
>Learned patterns
Have you ever even fucking fought one? For more than 5 minutes?
Yeah. I have. Since FU. Fucking 4Ubabby. The monkey hits hard but he’s so predictable it’s almost funny. Nothing about him is hard unless it’s the GU special quest for Furious Rajang where he can just randomly nearly 1 shot you.
Considering how fast they get killed in 4u, i dont think he has
If by full you mean prepared for Iceborne, I almost want to say 50-80 hours.
Sweet little lies. Pic related.
You're right.
I also hunted her with GL and got my ass handed to me whenever narga could move in the first area. The moment I latched the big wyvern bukakke on its face and unloaded traps, paralysis and mounts it was fucking over in the second area. Fast monsters are always assholes to normal/slap gunlances if they manage to escape the beatdown.
Tell us what you think a hard monster is in our eyes. And no hipchecks or roar into fireball. Actually fair and challenging monster fight if you're so PRO at these games.
>inb4 he fucking leaves, which tells us he never played the games to begin with
I don't speak for everyone here, I am deeply sorry.
>he looks way too predictable with big openings, i remember him being more fast and aggressive
But that's been how EVERY returning monster has been treated for world, except for Lunastra.
Don’t see why newfags suck the monkey’s dick so hard.
140 Zinogre, Super Brachy from 3U, Demon King Diablos from FU, Bloodbath Blos from GU, Boltreaver Astalos, The OG One Eyed Garuga, 140 Chameleos just to make a few
Lol rajang's dick has nothing on my 8 incher haha
This is ignoring the difficult (but annoying and tedious) things like AT Luna, Extreme Behemoth, that one quest in 3U with the gigantic plesioth, or the artificial bumps like any of the events in GU with the G Rank elders that are super buffed up
>140 of an easy monster
>Raging Brach
>1 quest variant
>The only actual good answer
>Perfectionist play required
>One-eared Garuga, a slightly okay answer
>140 of an Elder Dragon
you say you play FU... But there's only two (2) things in there that came from FU.
Considering what this user said... you're just a German saying "nothing is hard."
You gave us two (2, zwei) answers. And only one of them was an FU monster.
I'd have to say Black Diablos for dat ear pearcing quality but I also really like Zinogre's qmd for some reason Kulve Taroth. Kulve's roar is super deep and always sound like an agressive burp to me and it makes me raugh sometimes.
You can legit place raw meat when he gets hungry to trigger it.
What else am I supposed to add from FU? Health bloated Fatalises and Elders, Ukanlos, any monster with broken moves and hit boxes (which is all except for the newer ones and the subs)
Copper Blangonga is annoying. I haven’t played the game in like 4 years. Don’t have to prove myself to random fags who think Rajang is somehow the fucking god of monster hunter and sucking his fat monkey dick. He’s tough, especially for newbies, but once you realize how easily exploitable he is, he’s not even remotely tough aside from Apex faggotry in 4U and the GU Raging one in the shagaru arena
>Haven't played the game in like 4 years
>Don't have to prove myself
>he's not even remotely tough
Thank you Yea Forums X for telling me this shitposter is the 134th IP to join this thread. The shitposters have arrived, and it was close to 500 replies.
I've not got far enough in MHXX to face him. However, the stories I've heard prior to seeing this trailer and seeing this trailer, your sentiments are my exact feelings. He looks great in World. I just HOPE and pray to God that Shiggy and Gore are in which leads to the next expansion/part of the story for world.
Thread theme
I just said rajang isn’t that tough. And then faggots come in trying to shitpost me and pretend like I’ve never fought him before. What do you wanna fucking discuss then? There’s nothing else to talk about until a leaker spoils what’s left or when the game drops Friday
>iPhone filename
Shame your 999 had to be wasted on such a shit post.
You yet again fail to grasp that we're laughing at the people not familiar with him that are gonna get violated savagely. People that have fought him know that he's a glass cannon with a lot of wind up that you have time to avoid, but for people just getting into the series he's going to be one of those walls that we get to enjoy seeing them run into head first.