>'Cool' is the Stealth Archer stat
>'Cool' is the Stealth Archer stat
Ever hear of keeping your cool?
will there be bows in the game?
>Not getting the CyberBow MkIII implant as soon as possible
do you even assassinate, pleb?
leave this brainlet, he must start 5 more cp2077 hate treads today, he doesn't have time to talk
stealth archer would probably be sniper rifles + assassination
>Cool bridges into Assassination, Nerve, and Sniper Rifles
It's the dream of every edgy Monster-addicted zoomer.
"cool" is derived on how people see your character, not how well the character keeps their nerves when under pressure. This tree makes no fucking sense
>blades not under melee
>guns not under reflexes
>underdeveloped brain
>fails to understand keeping cool = calm
sounds pretty cool
It's the new 'all points on swimming'
>Technical and Intelligence are two different trees
>Blades and Melee are different
>Two handed?
>Reflexes doesn't have an actual reflex skill (Nerve for Cool and Athletics for Body)
This is a weird tree.
it kinda sucks how these days most games are relatively balanced and there are almost no completely useless shit skills like this in AAA games
>blades and melee in different trees
>two handed is a skill for some reason
>”cool” is just the stealth stat
>no dialogue or out of combat ability trees
This tree looks so bumfuck retarded, both needlessly complicated and utterly lacking at the same time
Jesus what a pathetic skill tree
Are you fucking retarded or is English your third language?
I'll just do a max charm/social skills build, combat looks boring as fuck so far and hacking is just mini-games as usual
>max charm
>"cool" is derived on how people see your character, not how well the character keeps their nerves when under pressure.
This must be bait. Street cred is how other people see you. Cool is literally the opposite of what you said, confirmed by devs.
it is totally possible to convice the target to kill itself. at least in DnD
Cool is actually both, you fucking retard. It affects street cred and focuses more on social skills but also dictates keeping 'cool' in battle. Nice job trying to call someone else retarded while being retarded.
And in Fallout 3.
>he actually believes he'll be able to get through the game without combat
This is so sad
Maybe if your GM is gullible enough to let you use epic-level Diplomacy without the PCs having some leverage on the target.
And in KOTOR and Mass Effect.