>takeuchi ass
Takeuchi ass
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She was the worst girl and didn't deserve a good end
Consider yourselves lucky she didn't end up like Sacchin, Akihafags.
I sleep
Maybe one day I will play a route other than Arcueid's.
what ass?
that is the closest to negative ass you can approach in a physical space
her ass has so little mass she has to wear a weighted belt to sit down or it floats to the fucking cieling
>She was the worst girl and didn't deserve a good end
She doesn't have one. Isn't her route the only one to not have a good end? Just a True End and a Normal End.
i would say made for white dick but no thanks
the blacks can take this one
real GAMER hours
That was my point, moron.
now this one is meant for BWC
I was sleepy and am a bti slow today, pl-please no bully ;_;
I actually liked her route very much. But that's probably I have a bias in favour of incest in VNs. Best ending in my opinion is still Hisui's non-happy ending. Because that ending made me the most happy.
Tsukihime Remake coming out in the year 20XX, where XX are the last two digits of my post.
I'd aaaanh~ that Sumika
Just -9 more years until the 2010 release date!
that's a nice ass
Someone post the shiki in /adv/ pic
fuck you user, I was hoping it's never coming out since the art is fucking ruined
Is that Turkeyhandle? Arcade Bumstead was best girl.
A classic.
how fucking dare you
Arc sexually pranking Ciel is patrician taste.
>your breast
Did she lose her other one
Why is Tohno such a worthless whore who fucks her own brother? Who were they trying to appeal to with this trashy slut?
are u inbred and that's why you hate incest
>best girl is also a virgin
I'm more than ok with that
Shut the fuck up, you literal nigger.
The only shit girl in Tsukihime is Ciel and even her route, or at least her ending was kind of fitting for her.
never reply to one of my posts again without my permission, degenerate
make me, you inbred retard that can't even make a simple post
I love this picture
The only shit girl in tsukihime is your favorite girl, you fucking pleb.
seething tohnigger
also I warned you, say goodbye to the ones you love most till tonight
>reply to this or ur mom dies in her sleep tonight
Who's the blonde kid?
Looks like a mix of Gil, Arc and Shirou.
What if Ciel met Kirei?
I want to eat Curry-senpai's fat ass.
What if Shiki met Shiki?
What if Shiki met SHIKI, hanging out with Shiki?
>no sitcom about Shiki's living together and it being extremely confusing
>read arcuied route
>delete tsukihime
get fucked nasu
this but unironically, I can't bring myself to play any other route, Arcueid is too pure
She's definitely best girl, but the other side of the moon routes or whatever are really interesting.
You could say "just use their surnames" but there's two tohnos anyways
But you gotta take responsibility after cutting a girl into pieces
Not my fault she's a (cute) non human abomination.
Why can't Type Moon be good again?
When was the last time they made a VN anyway?
Was Mahoyo ever translated? Was it that bad?
Cause Notes. was the pinnacle of nasu's writing talent and it can only get worse from there
her legs look so bad
>>takeuchi ass
Flat is justice, faggot.
someone post that takeuchi pic where Saber and Rin wear lingerie and Saber has negative ass
fuck your shitty waifu. MILF TITTY TIME
>the takeuchi sameface
>the takeuchi stride
>the takeuchi hand