her game comes out today, be sure to pick it up
This picture is a great example of why Full Body missed the whole point.
>people are already hating on Rin, avoiding his route like the plague and calling him a marie(spelled that way) sue
trannies lose again
After all the shitstorm I can't tell if the game is censored or not, my head hurts.
Yeah you aren't supposed to have your cake and eat it. You were supposed to choose and take the good with the bad. Atlus rereleases tend to miss the point of the original. I'll still probably get it for the new stages. K marriage end was best end.
What the hell? This girl is a WHORE not fit to bear children. Her mind is barren as is her womb.
>Katherine represented stability but committment
>Catherine represented freedom but uncertaintys
>Katherine is about dominance and debouchary
>Catherine is about lust turned love and happiness
>Rin is about foregoing nature and leaving life behind
The Herbivore men won. The entire point of the game is gone.
>Katherine is about dominance and debouchary
Remember to go with true neutral everyone
The path of the cuck.
doesn't exist anymore, all the space endings are now Rin endings
Wasn't she a demon?
Timetravel end where C cucks K back before K got together with Vincent. Basically guilt free C route.
yeah but wouldn't the children be actual demons? or was it all a lucid dream
>for an expanded port of a PS3 game currently on sale for £4.79
She's no longer just "if we marry, everything is fine". She wants marriage to move all stability and then throw you away.
From my understanding, the only change is in the credits, like the PC version of the original. Not 100% sure that's all, but I haven't heard of anything else.
Fuck off Shinzo Abe
>Literally a 100% mark up
Those children are eldritch abominations btw
>replies to himself
that's a 900%+ markup
I don't understand.
>neither the vanilla version nor the remastered version are on the switch
gonna buy just for that
eternal reminder:
in orlando's eyes catherine is black
Full body comes out today? Guess I lost my window.
>to move all stability and then throw you away.
Please explain what you mean by that.
see that little guy on the left? that's my nigga joker
Joker doesn't live in space.
Spell check is a wonderful thing
>the whiskey trivia is switched with wine trivia
Technically everyone lives in space.
No, thanks. I'll wait a few months.
But why?
It doesn't break anything
The new Cat ending is a happy love ending with a big happy family, showing that even when the road to love seems impossible there's still chance
Vincent still loses the harem of the original Cat and doesn't become the king of the underworld, that is a giant loss
And the new Kat ending shows that just sticking with your old lifestyle and further doubling down on it doesn't mean everything will be alright
It doesn't take away from anything, and the only people who are whining are waifufags who don't like that Kat isn't a Mary Sue anymore
It's not like the old endings are gone anyway, it's just a new perspective
There's a regular version without the steelbook
But muh supposed law and chaos superficial dynamic
In what way was Kat a mary sue? The fuck?
>her game comes out today
based user telling it like it is
True. Joker does live on a planet though.
Yes, that's what I was implying.
Does this planet also contains a society?
As I understand
All versions are censored to meet Sony standards, or more accurately certain ideas they had for new content did not make it into the game
Nothing is different between the jap and English versions.
Catherine was suppose to make fun of Herbivore men in Japan. The non-outgoing, non-forward, weak willed men who just hope and pray their ideal sexually fetish will appear and make them happy and that, while not only being near impossible, does not improve them as a person and only succeeds in validating their shit existence.
Having Catherine be a "perfect wife" just further helps these people believe their not a plague on society. It would be like making a route where NEETs is a successful life choic-
>Sees Rin Route
It's still there, Cat is now chaotic good in the new ending, going against her own instincts and Vincent as well by risking it on a new relationship while not forsaking his humanity
Kat is now lawful evil in the new ending, by following through on her own ideals until the end and continuing on her wholly mundane lifestyle and following societal norms to their twisted extremes while Vincent accepts the same principle of societal expectations but gets the short end of the stick
She's the smart career woman who tried to pressure her boyfriend into a shotgun wedding by lying about a pregnancy and doesn't ever get called out on it and the game expects you to realize she was right all along in her original ending
That statement is completely invalidated by the devil harem ending in the original
Vincent actually gets bullied into a wedding by Kat not Cat, Cat wants to leave him for his own good, not boss him around
Absolutely retarded analysis on par with "Kanji is gay, Naoto is trans"
The game was never an indictment on herbivore men, they aren't even featured in the fucking story, it was an indictment on men with commitment issues. Dudes who are going through life and relationships in half-assed way and it all boiled down to "either nut up and tie the knot, or bail out early"
Surprisingly, no.
>The game was never an indictment on herbivore men, they aren't even featured in the fucking story
The dudes in the dream world turn into sheep. Sheep are herbivores.
Aside from maybe FES, not a single Persona team revised edition has been good
I'll stick to original Catherine, thanks
Pretty much, however now the game shows you that relationships aren't exactly predictable in any way
Yeah the entire dream plot is to cull all the men not interested in breeding and making more babies.
But I already picked it up 8 years ago.
grasping at straws
every single dude who shows up in the dream, including your friends and the guys you talk up in the bar, are there because #1 they're in a relationship and #2 they're holding back their partner because they're not fully committed to the relationship
even fucking Erica
>Vincent still loses the harem of the original
Did they remove the true Katherine ending too?
>grasping at straws
They turn into literal herbivore men in the dream world.
But the guy doing that was the bad guy, the game doesn't condone his behavior, as evidence by the multiple endings
Vincent can pick Kat of his own accord but saying
>breed or die
Is all wrong
Erica is there because she's holding back Toby who wants to fill girls with his baby batter and knock them up.
Im not buying the game again for a tranny route.
Nothing was removed, just added
Sheep are also other things than just herbivores ya dumb fucking cunt
Are there any new levels? 60 bucks is ridiculous
>counting sheep
still grasping at straws, you're trying too hard to make the game about virgins and MGTOW when it's nothing of the sort
>tfw no block stacking imageboards to discuss techniques with fellow sheep bros
Rin's a crossdresser, not transgender
Rin is an alien, not human
Just use inazuma
still gay
You can't solve everything with inazuma user.
Can't, need to finish Astral Chain and 3H, and ICeborne this weekend
Because one of the big themes of the original Catherine is that Vincent had to change. He was a fence-sitting manchild who was extremely resistant to growing up and each CKatherine represented a different path he could go down (becoming more chaotic or more orderly).
The onus was on Vincent to realize that Catherine and Katherine's issues are things he should either accept and grow with or just bail out of the dating game altogether.
In Full Body, it loses thematic relevance when Catherine becomes aligned with Order instead of Chaos and history is re-written so that Vincent never hits that lull in his life that triggered his adultery in the first place
But I have already had her game for ages already and I seriously see no reason whatsoever to get Fully Body.
But Cat never becomes aligned with order
Because introducing new themes and elements into a game along with new story content cannot happen.
>You aren't supposed to have your cake and eat it
But user, all this ending does is show that both characters have grown and developed to having different relationship goals.
If anything Vincent hooking up with K in her new ending would be having his cake and eating it, he would still be free but be with K which is exactly what he wanted at the start of the story that would have rendered the whole thing pointless.
>Catherine represented freedom but uncertainty
You know, Catherine's entire job was to seduce and sleep with men, right? She didn't do it as a form of freedom, she did it because that's what was expected of her. She actually started living freely when she started spending time with Vincent and not other men, this new ending is just an extension of that.
>Catherine is about lust turned love and happiness
What's wrong with that? Two of the key new themes in this story is change and personal growth.
Good to see someone can realise the endings are actually somewhat well thought out.
same thing
Not even close
>turning a hoe into a housewife
The western pandering is strong in this remake
I know, right?
K was truly worst girl all along
no, it's never as absolute as that
don't try to label everything that doesn't rigidly conform to your idea of male or female as trans so you can make your kind look better
same thing
>Rin route has K admit she was wrong for lying about being pregnant and that if they had a child things wouldn't work out (9:15)
Hey, maybe she isn't so bad...
>But you'd better not regret it when I become a better woman in the future
Okay yeah, she's still a bitch.
K or C or Q?
censored game
>Be mean, hurtful and manipulative after your boyfriend of years cheats on you with a crossdressing alien
I mean, that seems like a logical reason.
seething ninceldo
>Give Catherine the objectively best ending
Why would anyone ever pick Katherine now?
the game is literally censored in the west due to 'bigoted' content, according to a VA.
also imagine not owning every console besides xb1 in 2019
Q is a boring character who undergoes zero development.
K is manipulative and only changes in her new ending when she becomes more vain and selfish.
When it comes to C, her actions can be mostly justified by the fact she's a literal demon but even then she feels guilty for doing so in her new ending and develops and grows as a character, turning away from her succubus life to be devoted to Vincent.
My main point was that while it was nice that the writers added in K admitting she was at fault for the relationship. They still felt inclined to end the conversation with K trying to make herself feel superior.
The people who have always been fans of K who are still in denial.
Catherine has 3 endings where she lives happily with Vincent and ended up with him in the novel adaptation of the original game.
Yes. Censored beforehand not after though. That’s how Sony is doing it from now on to avoid censorship controversy as much as possible.
stop this stupid race mixing propaganda, white girls do not want asian men
>b-but vincent is from murica!!
eh, he has too many asian features, he's supposed to be a self insert for japanese men to be creepy towards white/ demon girls
I'll make sure to watch the cutscenes on YT. Don't care for the silly block puzzle gameplay 2bh.
according to this discord tranny, who was powerless to change anything
Catherine being canon best option ruins the entire game.
>Fence sitting manchild cheats of stable girlfriend to find a literal semen demon who is docked into being a perfect housewife
This sounds like NEET fanfiction
That's the fucking point. Who else do you think buys these waifu games lmao.
>hollow lip service
Anytime I see these freaks I just wonder how the fuck they delude themselves into thinking they're fooling anyone. Fucking freakshows.
Vincent is based off an american actor. he doesn't really look asian to me. in fact, i initially thought he was jewish due to the fro and being from what i assumed in the game was NYC.
Isnt that a demon
I thought vincent was supposed to be italian or something
>buy yet another atlus re-release with added story content that misses the point of the original and makes it worse
No thanks.
>reeeeeeee stop going after prettier girls
K > C
Can someone explain why this game (and the remaster) makes all the trannies on resetera so mad?
I’m just happy to be playing Catherine again but new scenarios and shit. I really liked the original game.
ill see what they changed and if anything was changed to honor .1% of the population ill continue to not buy. atlus does have a good history with not censoring ill give you that
>Because introducing new themes and elements into a game along with new story content cannot happen.
my issue is that the original was really focused and the new scenarios don't really feel that focused, they feel more like wish fulfillment
in the best ending available the token tranny of the cast never goes through the long arduous and ultimately pointless process of changing sex, he's just a gay dude
trannies don't like to be reminded they got memed into killing themselves before 30
It has an attractive tranny who passes and this makes manface goblinas SEETHE
>Rin starts showing up in the dream on the third day
Not really a fan of this
Rin exists
And Kat exists for submissive men
It all depends on what kind of person you arr
>ninceldo likes to be cucked
that's it...? I expected it literally throws slurs at the trans characters or something
That is essentially K's who new arc in a nutshell, she feels like if she was more physically attractive then all of her problems with relationships would be solved (16:39 and 46:00). She then proceeds to instead use her new look to just live a fun single life instead. In the new C ending when Orlando asks why she and Paul haven't got married she says "Get a raise and we'll talk."
So, still a generally bad self-centred person who thinks they are moral but they explore it a bit more, I guess.
What is this?! Someone who is just looking forward to playing a game and not flipping their shit over politics!
In all seriousness, hope you enjoy it, user.
Rin's arc is wish-fulfillment, there's no point in denying that because it's nothing else.
I will argue the other two scenarios involving K and C are more nuanced than that about how people grow closer or further apart in relationships as they themselves change.
the trannies you'll find on resetera are extremely fucked in the head and prone to outrage over anything.
Trannies are professional victims. They live to complain
Are they gonna release the Catherine VA DLC in the west? I need me some Aoi Yuuki Catherine
over ten different catherines to choose from, bruh
Katherine did nothing and Vincent was the problem. Come at me
well vincent does beat the shit out of rin when he finds out it's a dude, but the trannies don't complain about that because they've already accepted any relationship that comes their way will have a good dose of domestic violence
She faked being pregnant, that is a incredible red flag
They are all shitty people, except for toby.
she got a false positive and took less than a week to tell him the truth if I recall. Nowhere near as big as people pretend it is
she's not very pretty
The whole point of Catherine is that Vincent is a shithead. There is no truly 'good' character or ending.
>he chose katherine with "K"?
>And Kat exists for submissive men
t. never been in a committed relationship
>t. got pussywhipped once and now he's jaded
>There is no truly 'good' character or ending
user, please.
Even lying about pregnancy aside, it's how she uses it as an ultimatum to control Vincent's life rather than have a proper discussion about it.
That is what I like about all the characters.
Then Rin was introduced but you can just ignore that after day 6 anyway.
Oh user, you don't know what happens to people who end up with Ishtar, do you?
Being bossed around by your girlfriend is a sign of a rotten relationship
she castrates dudes who turn her down
i want a tradwife soo much, i want to have at least 5 or 7 children.
How can i find one? i'm software developer so i don't have too much chances to get one and also tinder is not for that.
Tried going to the church but now church girls are pozzed too.
I'm afraid of stay alone my whole life.
>buying censored games
>I will argue the other two scenarios involving K and C are more nuanced than that about how people grow closer or further apart in relationships as they themselves change.
Fair enough. Though, in the one where Rin resets the timeline so that Catherine was human and met Vincent earlier, isn't that a form of wish fulfillment too?
>seething ninceldo
lose weight
Convert to Mormonism or give up. Chances are you havent lived a trad life either so they probably wont see you as a potential mate any more than you do the women you reject. Trad women who never deviate aren't interested in not trad men. Hope you enjoy putting the vidya away.
>Oh user, you don't know what happens to people who end up with Ishtar, do you?
You're only in danger if you become abusive, unfaithful, or boring.
It's not worth it to live a life with a sex thirsty succubus if you have kids. Your life ends as soon as you get a son.
I ordered the premium edition online and it probably won't arrive until the end of the week.
that the one with the plushie?
Speaking from experience, user?
>not using the chance to make an incestuous harem
What the fuck does that have to do with not wanting kids
Technically yeah? I don't have kids but I always think I've ruined mom's life by just existing. Kids are a fucking huge investment that kills every dream you could have in your life.
Yes. I just wanted the OST and artbook, though.
Oh please. The one moment of difficulty comes in securing domains for all of your children to lord over so they don't resort to infighting.
That was Catherine who reset the timeline and while it was a bit whacky, it is foreshadowed here and here:
I view it as a device to just show them as starting with a clean slate as well as living a committed long-term relationship.
the only thing in life better than kids are grandkids
Haven't played the game but Qatherines a dude right?
I'll take it off your hands as long as you don't jizz on it
Yes and an alien and their name is not Qatherine but a bunch of weird symbols.
>Kids are a fucking huge investment that kills every dream you could have in your life.
But that's the whole point of living user.
To pass on your genetics and die.
Are you even human anymore?
Nah, I want to enjoy a peaceful chill life using the money I earn on me and me only.
It's called having life goals user, having kids mustn't be the generic forced endgoal for everyone.
>It's called being a coping MGTOW
Does anyone else having problem with trophies? I mean I get trophies in game, yes. But when I go to my profile there's nothing.
Already played first ending, and want to play others too. Hunting platin trophy too.
No? I like having booty calls too. Not everyone not sharing your goal of having parasites is a MGTOW.
>Katherinefags seething that Catherine is now objectively the best option
I can understand not wanting to deal with a woman's bullshit for the rest of one's life but there has to be some appeal in raising a child to full maturity and watching them grow to maturity. Just have to have enough time to spend with them.
>You know, Catherine's entire job was to seduce and sleep with men, right? She didn't do it as a form of freedom
They say very explicitly at the end of Catherine that the choice the player is making is between Freedom and Order. With K representing order and C representing freedom.
Quote: "Did you happen to notice the central conflict that this game's masterful creators placed at its core? Do you want to live a comfortable and steady life, or do you secretly long for a free life full of excitement?
New alternate Catherine ending shown in op's image is the exact opposite of the original game's theme. It is there for waifu fags.
Trannies will always lose.
you're already talking like a coping cat lady
>Q is a boring character who undergoes zero development.
She's really sounding more and more like an afterthought.
>new true ending has literal semen demon become more loyal than human roastie
Based and literally red-pilled.
Kuckerinefags on suicide watch
>N-No this ruins the games themes
>N-No now I have zero reason to be in a submissive relationship where a woman has my penis in a glass box
And it always involves forcing in a new super special girl.
that everyone hates and ignores and proceeds to spend more time with the girl they chose in the vanilla version
I'll try to elaborate:
Catherine wants to live a free life but she didn't have any real goals to begin with so like Vincent at the start of the story was just coasting by doing whatever she's supposed to which in this case was seducing and sleeping with men which she decided on a 'whim'. Yes, she talks about how people should be able to live and do what they want but like many people out there is unable to actually achieve this herself without some other incentive. It's one thing to say you want something and another to actually do it.
Then she finds someone she actually cares for in Vincent and starts avoiding her job seducing other men to spend time with Vincent which for her, is a form of freedom, she's not doing what is expected of her and is instead doing what she wants to do and spending time with the person she wants. This is taken further in the new ending.
I'll say it again: dedicating her life to being with Vincent is a version of freedom for Catherine considering that she's a literal succubus who is 'supposed' to spend time just sleeping and seducing men but now only has eyes for Vincent and stays in the human world with him and has a loving family.
She's there to essentially be the opposite of K who looks down on him while simultaneously criticising him to try and make him improve as a person.
Rin is essentially there to worship Vincent and tell him that he's fine just the way he is and by the end of the story Vincent is somehow an extremely successful music producer.
Which again makes Catherine the best option, she isn't constantly criticising or controlling Vincent but she does want Vincent to be more decisive and just generally view her as an actual partner instead of just someone who he sleeps with. It's not perfect but it's a more equal relationship than the other two.
>flopped so hard Fatlus didn't even bother fixing the online
>nevermind that the game doesn't work, transphobia is more important
That's unfortunate to hear. Though these are the same people that somehow made it so the last Babel stage couldn't be beaten in the international release, despite the JP version being perfectly fine
>made it so the last Babel stage couldn't be beaten in the international release
At least TEA fixed it in the PC port.
>seething ninceldo
I forgot this is out today. I have a pre-order on it and everything. thank you thread.
As someone whose been cheated on twice....I will accept stability and someone who will actual enjoy my company
Dude, I play mainly on PC but also have a PS4 where I played P5. The only Nintendo consoles I ever had are GBA and 2DS. I'm just yet again amazed at Atlus' technical incompetence. Clearly 1v1 online mode in a game so simple was too much for them lmao.
Shut your whore mouth, whore.
>n-n-n-n-no I just HATE nintendo, I'm one of you guys
not fooling anybody, full body
So Vincent didn't really cheat on purpose but was rather forcefully seduced by a demon, right?
>I'll say it again: dedicating her life to being with Vincent is a version of freedom for Catherine considering that she's a literal succubus who is 'supposed' to spend time just sleeping and seducing men but now only has eyes for Vincent and stays in the human world with him and has a loving family.
I'm pretty sure the point of the new alternate endings is to have Catherine switch to Order and to have Katherine switch to Freedom. Not whatever headcanon you came up with here.
You do you man but I actually liked the central conflict that the original game had. It felt like the game was telling a more mature story than "choose the girl you want to waifu".
In the original version he was just made to think by Catherine he had sex with her while being too drunk, but that didn't actually happen. No idea how it'll go in this version since I haven't gotten that far yet
>Vincent and Katherine had been dating for years
>they still don't live together
I never said I hated Nintendo but whatever. Enjoy
>Wah a game has something that I don't agree with!
Why do people do this? You don't have to 100% agree with a book/movie/vidya's theme or message, in fact for me it tends to be more fun if you do disagree and you want a alternative perspective.
I want to slap these people with books my fucking god.
Sure just completely dismiss my explanation as headcanon.
I'll make it really fucking simple: when a succubus' job is to be a slut and seduce and sleep with as many people as possible, they are in a way, rebelling and being free by having a committed relationship to one particular person.
It's about perspective.
To be fair, Vincent's flat is rather small for two people and I think it's a tradition japanese culture thing.
What's wrong with that? A lot of couples do that
So pick Catherine or Qatherine
Katherine will cheat on you
>blond children
>just the regular version
all I see is a ninceldo who caved in and ended up buying a ps4
this is not uncommon user
Picking them means Im cheating, being no better. Its not something I would help spread.
>game keeps disconnecting me from my opponent
>tradition japanese culture thing
True but the game is set in america
New Catherine ending means you never cheated and married your highschool sweetheart
I'm a poorfag from Poland, I'm not spending half my paycheck for useless shit in CE. And I already said I play on PC.
It's a space colony/fantasy setting which has influences from both America and Japan.
Not a real country.
you are based
i was wrong and i apologize
I choose red
>Catherine now has a wholesome ending
wrong red
>wholesome ending
>only now
That's weird time to release your game, what's coming out on Friday?
So I think it's generally accepted now that the 2 best routes are Catherine and Space.
My question is now which route is worse: Katherine or Rin?
MHW Iceborne
Rin is just space + a tranny hanging on to you
Katherine is getting cucked
Do Catherine's daughters inherit the semen demon genes, or is this some bullshit ending where Catherin becomes a "real girl"?
>game just came out
yikes @ u.
doesn't katherine's true ending involve vincent literally getting cucked this time around
Oh yeah, that's actually GOOD thing they didn't release it on Friday.
I thought her tit was hanging out in the thumbnail
Anyone playing with the new ideal voices for Catherine?
>P4G was mostly fine outside Marie getting inserted in the opening
>DeSu1 was fine
>DeSu2 went full retard but kept it to a seperate campaign and at least expanded on the original characters okay
>Strange Journey totally fucked the tone for any scene Alex was in but the new endings and other story changes without her were rad if somewhat too fantastical for the original game's dour outlook
>Catherine seems to be a total fuck up
>Persona 5 looks to be doubling down on the worst villain in the series and the new girl has yet to show any signs of being interesting for more than her thighs
why can't they just fucking do it well consistently lads
No she's still a demon, just now visible to humans.
The artbook literally talks about how Catherine's pledge of love to Vincent has more meaning because she's a demon.
I just hope there's more porn
I’m only buying the new Persona if they make Sae dateable
It's all people who weren't exposed to media very much as a child. Hilariously, ordinary college campuses are currently more liberal then ART SCHOOL campuses right now, because everyone at art school studies fucking art, and that means most of them have read or viewed FUCKLOADS of 'problematic media' in order to either better their craft, or expand their viewpoint. So we're in a world where people can't comprehend you can disagree with something and not be an asshole about it.
Hence shit like "I CAN'T BELIEVE THE JOKER HAS A NEGATIVE MESSAGE", when that's kind of the point. People don't have perspective anymore because they didn't participate in art until adulthood, so they read some nasty thing about a character in a game and decide that it makes the character irredeemable, instead of just kind of a shitty person. This is shown in TONS of media, but social media doesn't enjoy nuance. There's no way to flame someone if the nuanced position is "while Vincent's kind of a shitty person, he's not actually transphobic, he's just a massive asshole", and you don't get those hot take retweets.
The game has been out for 8 months in Japan already
>the new girl has yet to show any signs of being interesting for more than her thighs
To be fair, that alone already puts her above all the other remake girls.
How do you change Catherine's voice? I accidentally backed out of the menu when the question came up
I wanna FUCK that mommy and her two daughters at the same time while the boy looks after the baby and the dude is out wageslaving
>playing and paying for a skinned Q*bert game
Q*Bert is cool bitch
Q-bert is based though.
He yells racial slurs, which makes it /ourguy/
How the hell did a Japanese male produce three blonde haired, blue-eyed children? That's impossible, isn't it?
Holy shit really?
Judging by this thread, as long as you are not an autist who demanded a strictly black and white law vs chaos dichotomy, the game seems based.
It didn't give in to trannies and the story additions add more to the game's nuances and debate, which is a good thing.
I'm a bit disappointed that most of the game additions are Rapunzel levels, but I'll definitely get it once it stops being $60.
Man, K-ON!!! really created alot of fucking trannies. Is that the true power of cute girls?
just plain cringe
That's why you should only watch manly anime
>He hasn't taken the antinatalism pill yet
mega yikes
like taking the globalwarming pill
Is the metal case version supposed to be solid pink without the title on the side of it? Cuz it looks really weird on my shelf like that.
Herbivore men wouldn't get involved with Cat in the first place.
>ITT Katfags salty that Cat was best girl all along
Pretty much.
>literally had to rewrite history
>needs a 60 dollar enhanced edition to become best girl
Did they fix the fucking audio problems the original game had?
t. salty katfags
What audio problems?
Yeah, I'll definitely buy a poorly written visual novel with bits of mobile gameplay here and there
I heard some lines of dialogue for the trap were changed. Can anyone confirm this? I loved the first game but will not support this if it was censored one bit.
Dragon's Crown Pro's steelbook is unlabelled on the spine as well unless you keep the plastic slipcover over it. Kind of annoying.
It just pisses me off man, but I guess that's because I'm semi-intelligent sperg.
I know this is just >I AM SILLY
But I still see shit similar like this all the time and it makes me seethe so fucking much
I chose K and I don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. C can go back to hell.
>Visual Novel
Fuck off frogposter you moron
This one doesn't even come with a slipcover.
>got the game
>got the little sheep toy
>just started the game
>vincent doesn't scream "CATHERINE/KATHERINE" at the title screen
>it's just Rin playing piano
Well, you can enjoy your 8 year old version of the game or the new ending where worst girl rejects Vincent for a bunch of rich men.
First time playing this game. Does the difficulty matter? If you need to play on hard to unlock stuff I'll do that otherwise I don't know which I should pick.
So it still has the space ending right? That's the only good ending.
You can unlock stuff on modes besides hard.
Yes, all original endings are still there.
No. Play on easy. The game gets unbelievably fucking hard on higher difficulties.
If you've never played the original go with Normal at most. Hard will just leave you incredibly frustrated. As for unlocks, getting golden throphies unlocks more stages in Babel mode, but if it's anything like the original the difficulty shouldn't matter
what ending is this? source?
Man, I feel happy for K that she got a better life than one with Vincent after he obviously didn't care for her.
I still would go with marriage to K as the best ending though.
I really need to know cause otherwise I'll have to restart
a cuck through and through
How long is the steelbook available?
this game has been censored
>oh boy I'm glad she ran off with those old wealthy men, she deserves it since I'm just not good enough for her
>oh boy I'd love to marry her one day tho
your words, not mine
is this some white supremacists dream or what?
Man she looks so much better with her hair down
I said Vincent, not me. To get that ending I'm guessing you have to mess her around enough that Vincent comes off as wishy-washy, which means her leaving is understandable.
>start game in hard mode for first time
>die over and over in the tutorial level because the game REFUSES to teach me the mechanics needed to beat the level
>literally all it teaches me is "duh there are blocks...and they stick together?"
>finally figure out how to fucking do it, get all the way up as fast as possible only missing one stack of gold
>bronze statue
>hard mode gives normal experience apparently based on the x1.0?
Well fuck you too then game.
>supporting censorship
No thanks.
If you're judging a character by their bad endings than Catherine doesn't care about you and lets you get hit by a car.
The whole point of Full Body is to give C a good ending on par with K's and to give K a bad ending on par with C's. Not this weird stuff you're coming up with to justify C > K.
Hard Mode is meant for a second playthrough.
mastering Dante Must Die won't help you here
it's a whole different beast
In the bad ending, Catherine says she doesn't think Vincent is bad for a human and that she just thinks they want different things.
She even says if they somehow run into each other again she'll consider it. She was gone by the time Vincent was hit by a car.
So yes, Vincent is a worst scenario in the bad Catherine ending but that's his fault, not Catherine's.
Alright same user here. I'm contemplating staying on hard mode but I gotta know. Can I keep retrying the levels once I beat them to get gold, or can I only do that during the story or something equally as stupid?
you tell me, you're the one playing the game, bro
I'm stuck at work
In K's bad end she talks about how betrayed she felt and how in the end, Vincent was the one holding her back with his indecisiveness and because he's a manchild. Since he never grows out of it she has no reason to stay with him. Catherine in interesting in how all the bad things and bad endings are solely the fault of Vincent and no one else.
You can retry previously completed stages by selecting them on the phone when you're in the Stray Sheep. However if it's like the original you can't save inbetween the different stages of the same day, so it's generally better to go for them on the first go. Good luck getting them on Hard mode, though. That requires getting a good amount of money and a perfect combo so I really wouldn't advice focusing on that during your first playthrough
Does it matter if Rin is a boy if she's an alien?
I think they changed Hard mode in Full Body so that they give you one undo.
It doesn't matter if Rin's a boy since he's cute
No, user, that's bullshit.
All she talks about is how she doesn't believe what Vincent is saying and what he wants is excitement.
You're closer when talking about the new ending, although it is never said that it was Vincent specifically who held her back, in fact she specifically mentions that it was Vincent who helped her realise she can be free.
So please stop bullshitting, user.
The new Cat ending is fucking retarded. The entire point of Catherine's existence was a commentary that "the perfect girl" as men perceive her isn't reality lazy dudes think she is, which is the point of Catherine taking on different forms for other men and driving them to their deaths.
Theres no point of playing the game if the whole time its telling you Catherine good, Katherine bad
But if Vincent loves Rin, does that make him gay?
It's not an official steelbook which is probably why. Valkyria Chronicled has the same type.
No because men make better women than women
hi andrea
>Trad women who never deviate aren't interested in not trad men. Hope you enjoy putting the vidya away.
I've occasionally envisioned a future where I'm married and sometimes have to steal away from the wife to go play videogames and NEET it up in a storage locker somewhere.
If Catherine always rejected Vincent no matter what this line of reasoning would make sense, the problem is, she doesn't.
Catherine's existence is to be a character who can develop and change just like K.
Crossdresser =/= trannies. But since you like to push that idea so much are you certain you're not one yourself?
>no u
this is the mental power of tranny chasers
>Wanted to buy it
>It comes out censored
T-Thanks Atlus.
seething ninceldo