Whoa, what do you mean you want a third person perspective option? No way dude, that's a step too far...
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Try looking in a mirror like a normal person. How do you people even manage to EXIST in first person?
Great another game about to get banned in australia.
>Whoa, what do you mean you want a third person perspective option?
I feel like the kind of people who want third person anything don't actually want immersive first person games. They don't want to BE a character, they want to WATCH the character like they're walking a movie. Strong overlap with console gamers who grew up playing third person games instead of PC gamers who grew up playing the likes of Doom.
>They don't want to BE a character
Good, self-insert fags need to be fucking gassed.
You have it backwards. The entire point of the entire first person genre from more or less its inception was that you became the protagonist. When you play Mirror's Edge, you become Faith. This whole "I need the protagonist to be like me so I can 'self insert' is more closely related to third person games. First person games are akin to possessing someone. This perfectly fits with a cyberpunk narrative, BTW. Third person games are like dressing up a doll to look like you. It's weird and if you're going to make a third person game you should seriously question why you're not just making a movie.
There's no reason not to give people the choice so they can control their level of immersion.
>expecting a bioware game to be good
Just took the game off steam wishlist, I'm done with it. Fucking crap.
Caring about your looks doesn’t sound very cyberpunk so they dropped that feature
They can't let you switch between third person and first person? What a bunch of amateurs.
Third person is fundamentally not immersive. Third person fans don't understand immersion. They use the word completely wrong. This is a first person game. If you don't like first person games, go play something else. This game is distinctly not for you. It's like playing Half-Life 2 and whining that you can't see Gordon's facial expressions. YOUR FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT. GORDON IS YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU.
but i dont want it to be me????........
my character is they/them. so why would I want i to be first person? um bit problematic lmao try again sweetie
The Witcher.
*mic drop*
Nice fake news OP.
based cdpr dabbing of third person shitters
Forgot pic
Do we have to endure this kind of shitbait thread for the next 8 months ?
Please the summer cant be this long.
>dressing up a doll to look like you.
Then don't fucking do that.
In an RPG with character creation, third-person at least in dialogues/cutscenes should be a no-brainer. In gameplay, it depends on the kind of gameplay, and actually arguing that every game should be first person is absolutely retarded.
Even fucking Deus Ex has third person in conversations, which it doesn't really need. And it's an immersive sim.
>Immersion is now bad
In cinematography is common knowledge that a change in perspective always results in immersionbreaking feeling or in other words a worse experience for the viewer.
Also First Person is much better than Third Person
Not fake. There's no third person mode.
The Witcher 3 is not an immersive game. You are not experiencing someone's life by walking in their shoes, seeing the world through their eyes, and hearing it with their ears. You are not them, and they are not you. You are a magical floating camera that tells Geralt/Ciri what to do. Characters do not speak to YOU. They do not hold YOUR gaze. They do not embrace YOU. You do not know what it means to be a itcher. You haven't actually experienced it yourself. You've just watched someone else be a witcher.
First person is the only true immersive form of videogame, and VR brings it even closer to the underlying goal where you can interact with the world in even more nuanced ways. Half-Life Vr is likely going to allow us to step into Alyx Vance's panties and live her life. Which will be pure kino.
what does pretending to have a GF result in?
>In an RPG with character creation, third-person at least in dialogues/cutscenes should be a no-brainer.
No it shouldn't. Third person breaks perspective and fundamentally undermines the immersion of the game world.
>Even fucking Deus Ex has third person in conversations, which it doesn't really need.
Deus Ex should have ditched them once it had the facial animation tech to do extended conversations properly. System Shock 2 had third person cutscenes. Prey 2017 takes place entirely from Morgan Yu's perspective. It's a natural evolution to never break perspective. Modern Deus Ex was made by people who fundamentally didn't understand what Deus Ex was trying to do, hence bullshit like cinematic third person takedowns and third person cover systems and all sorts of bad design ideas. The original Deus Ex simply couldn't do long conversations in first person. We can do that now. Look at the Cyberpunk gameplay footage. 48 minutes, and about 46 minutes of it is entirely in first person. Every single conversation in Cyberpunk is in first person. Always was, from the moment the game was demoed.
>Third person is fundamentally not immersive.
Cutscenes are fundamentally not immersive, remove them entirely.
Third person driving is also extremely unimmersive.
Right, and that master thief with his own personality and a shitload of experience that you play as? He has 1:1 facial expressions of some nerd in front of a monitor. Makes perfect sense.
By the way, letting your character talk without input is not immersive at all.
You're just a self-inserting retard in denial. Fucking seething.
Poles are literally fucking cucking out.
Its really painful to see them sucking Amerimutt SJW trannies cocks.
its ex bioware employees making the game tho
Reminder if this game was third person only Yea Forums would defend that and shit on FP as consolized shooter trash.
Literally shills are not even remotely genuine and I don’t believe a word you’re saying
>Cutscenes are fundamentally not immersive, remove them entirely.
It would appear that they're making a lot of effort to remove as much non-interactive content from the game as possible.
>Third person driving is also extremely unimmersive.
A good point. They should do that.
>By the way, letting your character talk without input is not immersive at all.
If you were a demon hijacking someone's body, why would it be strange for them to speak on their own? You're merely riding shotgun in their head.
If you don't agree with this stuff, don't buy games based on the design ideas that underpinned Ultra fucking Underworld. Cyberpunk 2077 is a PC game for PC gamers who understand why first person is ultimate perspective for games. Who understand that trying to turn games into movies using third person cutscenes is fucking stupid. This is the game that firmly says "Fuck you" to a gaming generation that has become overrun with console kiddies who think that third person cinematic games are the best kind of game. I for one welcome the resurgence of first person experiences and the rise of VR.
VTMB2 is almost entirely in first person for very similar reasons to Cyberpunk 2077.
>Cyberpunk 2077 is a PC game for PC gamers who understand why first person is ultimate perspective for games. Who understand that trying to turn games into movies using third person cutscenes is fucking stupid. This is the game that firmly says "Fuck you" to a gaming generation that has become overrun with console kiddies
Nobody tell him they dumbed down the performance of the game so they could prioritize selling it on consoles
Didn’t even wait for the next generation
Reminder that all three Bioshock games took place entirely from the protagonist's perspective, and were all the better for it.
There's no use trying to reason with him. Time and time again self-inserters prove that they are physically incapable of playing a character that is not a direct analogue of themselves. When given a character creator, they will make it look as much like themselves as possible. When given a choice, they will pick what they personally would pick regardless of the inuniverse context. They take the phrase "put yourself in their shoes" and turn it on its head, instead opting to mold the character in those shoes until it is a copy of them. They are egotistical, simple-minded, and completely incapable of empathy. They literally can't comprehend what it means to not self-insert.
>Deus Ex should have ditched them once it had the facial animation tech to do extended conversations properly
What the fuck are you even talking about, holy shit. There's nothing hard about locking a camera near JC's face instead of somewhere in the air, and that's all they had to do.
>It would appear that they're making a lot of effort to remove as much non-interactive content from the game as possible.
You actually believe this? It's CDPR.
>If you were a demon hijacking someone's body
How the fuck is this immersive.
>Cyberpunk 2077 is a PC game for PC gamers
Ah, fuck off, I'm done here, was just about to go play GMDX anyway.
>Nobody tell him they dumbed down the performance of the game so they could prioritize selling it on consoles
The PC version will be fine.
>There's no use trying to reason with him. Time and time again self-inserters prove that they are physically incapable of playing a character that is not a direct analogue of themselves.
That doesn't make any sense at all considering the entire point of first person games in general is to immersively experience a life that isn't your own. This is why people play games like Far Cry 5 as a female black chick even if they're white dudes.
Sure, but Bioshock didn't promise to be an RPG with a character creator, which allows you to make your character look how you want them to look. What's the point in allowing me to design my character if I never see them?
>Third person is fundamentally not immersive.
no, you have just have austism
>Buggest other Open World RPG with Third person is Fallout 4/Skyrim
>Both suck ass in therms of immersion, animations, combat/gameplay
Hmmmmits i think this speaks for itself
What i find hilarious is why did they bother making the customization system at all i mean they just wasted god knows how much time on a feature that is pretty much pointless
Imagine getting this mad over people using video games to live out fantasies.
That sounds fucking gay all around, gaymo
Immersion requires:
>Internal universe consistency leading to suspension of disbelief.
Immersion doesn't require:
>The camera to exist behind the charmesh.
>The camera to exist above and superpositioned to the charmesh.
>What the fuck are you even talking about, holy shit. There's nothing hard about locking a camera near JC's face instead of somewhere in the air, and that's all they had to do.
The original Deus Ex has severe issues with its facial animation system. Among other things, the PS2 verison of DE makes literally every aspect of DE's animation systems look like complete dogshit. The only way to make the conversations interesting visually was to switch camera angles on every new line.
The newer Deus Ex games dabbled in first person dialogue scenes. But these were only used for special scenes with extensive mocap. Most of the game is extremely bog-standard, auto-animated chin-wagging and characters performing the same gestures over and over after each camera angle change.
Cyberpunk 2077 is different. Go back and look at the E3 footage. Every single conversation is in first person and is very well animated. It's basically on par with Far Cry 3/4/5 or Dying Light, but with a very flexible dialogue system. This is the best way to handle games like this. Modern Deus Ex should have been fully first person. It shouldn't have had fucking awful prerendered cutscenes. It shouldn't have had third person cover systems. It shouldn't have had "cinematic" third person takedowns. It should have embraced the immersion of BEING this character. It should also have had a female protag option because this was a core design goal of the original Deus Ex that Montreal completely ignored.
>You actually believe this? It's CDPR.
Watch the latest gameplay footage. They're clearly making an effort to ensure the player is very frequently in control. You can draw your gun during conversations, for example. You're not forced to sit there and listen to people talk if you're in a killing mood.
I miss when this game was exciting and didn’t feel like a game that simply exists to respond to controversy. This is going to be their game made by their outrage and complaints. I don’t know who “they” are but they suck.
First person is better, I am welcoming of the removal of 3rd person shit.
>What's the point in allowing me to design my character if I never see them?
How are you people so dense? How do you not understand that Cyberpunk is a game where you literally look in a mirror and see yourself looking back? They showed you this in the gameplay footage. It's like... have you people never played the original Deus Ex? Have you never looked at yourself in a mirror in real life to check how your clothes look?
The problem is that third person fans don't actually understand what the word "immersion" means. You're dealing with people from a completely different gaming culture. It's kinda like how JRPG fans don't understand that JRPGs aren't actually RPGs.
>Have you never looked at yourself in a mirror in real life to check how your clothes look?
Yeah, but then this ugly faggot's looking at me and it puts me off.
Ugh I'm reminded of nu-deus ex third person cover shooting, so fucking stupid. This game makes me believe in devs again
since is literally the only game in history of video games getting memed on with camera perspective
so you bother making a custom character to look t him for a few seconds ? it makes no fuckign sense.
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Are CDPR's social media team or something? Why so defensive? An RPG should allow me to see my character at ANY time. I want to see my character in cutscenes and how they look mid action.
I'm sorry Todd, I thought CDPR would become a great game company, but The Witcher 3 was a fluke
You're still the god of RPG games, please bless us with another game
Look zoomer, these kind of games have always traditionally been 3rd person. It's due to the customisation options present in RPGs. 1st person is decent for non-story point and shoot games, and it works for those game types ie halo, COD etc. 1st person is not a good choice for an rpg with character creation bottom line.
In Deus Ex, every single restroom had mirrors. The game was filled with small mirrors, large wall-length mirrors. This is how you design a first person game. The real world is FILLED WITH MIRRORS. Humans are vain creatures that enjoy looking at themselves. Humans use devices such as cameras to admire themselves better. They do NOT astral project out of their body to look at themselves using magic. That is not how humans work.
If you want a third person game, go play a third person game. Watch Dogs 3 is right over there. This is a first person game offering the experiences third person games can't offer.
>third person fans don't actually understand
>JRPG fans don't understand
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong here, which you no doubt will, even if I'm not wrong, but...
Didn't the post you're replying to directly state that immersion has nothing to do with the camera position in relation to the player character, and everything to do with how authentically the game world and feel is presented to the player?
And don't JRPGs use such elements of randomization and character attributes/skills/sets derived from tabletop gaming?
>Le FPP meme
God i hate the west
I bet they won't even make you able to see your own body from first person percepective.
>An RPG should allow me to see my character at ANY time. I want to see my character in cutscenes and how they look mid action.
No. You want a third person RPG. This is not a third person RPG. It is not designed for the kidn of people who thought The Witcher 3 was the best thing ever. It's designed for the kind of people who think Ultima Underworld is the best thing ever.
Okay, Todd, we get it. No need to rub the salt in the wound. Please just, try harder than Fallout 76 and skyrim while making TES VI.
>Look zoomer, these kind of games have always traditionally been 3rd person.
Ultima Underworld was first person.
Games like Cyberpunk 2077 are firmly rooted in trying to recapture what Ultima Underworld was trying to do. Underworld of course featured a character creation with heaps of options including stuff like whether your character was left or right handed.
>implying it's the first time it's been done.
Fuck consoles, honestly. They're holding us back.
>custom character
Dude you have like 5 choices for eyes and no sliders. It's going to take you 5 mins max if you are not a woman, tranny or faggot.
Yeah but back then vidya developpers gave a shit and make the game with commitment. Money wasn't 99% of the motivator to make the bloody game.
That's not what i'm talking about im talking about CDPR wasting time on a character customization system on a game were you almost never see your character
>Didn't the post you're replying to directly state that immersion has nothing to do with the camera position in relation to the player character, and everything to do with how authentically the game world and feel is presented to the player?
That's entirely the point. That poster doesn't understand what the word "immersion" means. They probably don't understand what the "immersive sim" actually is. Third person games are not immersive. Third person games are not immersive sims. The point of the immersive sim as a design concept is to create this first person experience in a world that reacts convincingly to your actions. You simulate aspects of reality above and beyond the bare minimum. Toilets must flush. Light switches must work. Books must be readable. It's the videogame equivalent of being zapped into someone's body and living their life entirely from their perspective.
Third person games are not capable of reproducing this core design pillar. They are not immersive games because their goal is not the immersion of essentially wearing someone's skin. It's the difference between telling someone what to do and taking over their body directly. If you're only doing the former, you haven't actually lived that experience yourself.
>Money wasn't 99% of the motivator to make the bloody game.
the fake news surrounding CP2077 is astonishing
betheshit and EA are pouring fucktons of money and hiring outsourced bot shills and steering twitter trannies to try to sabotage this game.
They're clearly hiring /pol/tards as well. Construing anything and everything as "sjw" to discourage redditors/4channers from buying it.
>Immersive sim.
This is an action-adventure game as marketed. It is not a simulator. It is not meant to be a simulator. As well, the primary descriptor "immersive" does not indicate that you can replace real-life experiences with experiences in the game world, does not indicate verisimilitude in a 1:1 reproduction, and does not indicate any particular viewpoint. Immersion requires that the player, as much as possible, is removed from the idea of "playing the game" and is instead experiencing the game. The methods by which this is achieved are numerous, and yours is but one of many.
All the useless minutiae you list are not careful details, but, as follows:
>Timing effects.
>Lighting updates.
>Hi-resolution textures.
As well, creating a simulative experience should be secondary to creating an interesting and immersive experience. So what if the toilet can flush? Is there a reason I need to be in the bathroom? Is there something to be found in the bathroom? Or is this just useless space that the player is permitted into because of this conflation of 1:1 simulation with suspension of disbelief?
I'd argue the latter. With proper storytelling, camouflaging of mechanics, and efficient scene blocking, you can completely cut the flushing toilet, the on/off switch, and the lore dump #456 book and maintain an experience which removes the player from the 'act' of playing a game and introduces the experience of the game.
You'll probably come back and say that this is something you read, or studied, or went to school for, and all I can say is that this probably explains why you have so many useless details of simulative experience that do nothing more than ensure an animator has that much more capture to translate, that modeler has several more meshes to make, etc.
There's a simple reason, resource management. If you put both in, you gotta make sure cutscenes play well in both TPS and FPS. If it has the same amount of content as W3, that's a lot of manpower spent. I personally don't care which they chose, but I do prefer that they pick 1 and stick to it.
>Action-adventure games shouldn't be immersive
Stopped reading there. You're a fucking retard.