>credits roll
>nope, the game is not over yet, you got trolled
Why do game devs think it's cool to do this? It's fucking pretentious
>credits roll
>nope, the game is not over yet, you got trolled
Why do game devs think it's cool to do this? It's fucking pretentious
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. shitter that died because he put the controller down
Hesitation is defeat.
It's fun and makes contrannies mad so it's based.
>real ending only accessible when finishing new game+
>emotional credit scene with companion flying off
>wtf that game was so short
>companion falls down and asks for more help
>another credit scene, companion successfully flies off
>wtf there was still things in the trailer that I didn’t get to do
>get a letter from companion that he needs help
>credits roll
>final boss sings a ballad about how badly you kicked his ass
Wat game did it first?
Name 47 games that do this
>credits roll
>final boss sings a ballad about how badly you fucked his ass
I guess you can say he got boned.
Imagine having this shit taste. DKC1's fake credits were great.
motherfucking kid icarus uprising nigga
>the credits are a level themselves
>the mechanics from the credits sequence shows up during the true final challenge
fucking rhythm heaven, good shit
What game?
What does it to pretend to?
>credits roll
>not sure if the game saved or not
>forced to watch 5min+ worth of shit
The Borderlands zombie DLC
Rhythm heaven megamix?
Only game that comes to mind is Donkey Kong Country and in that it's handeld well.
That's not pretentious, tough. It's played for comedic purposes, just like that one Donkey Kong game.
Dinosaurs for Hire on Genesis rolls the credits after you beat the first enemy
>I don't know what pretentious means
Taro went a little nuts with automata admittedly.
>4 hour long credits
>you have to watch all of it in order to access the true ending
Sounds like you've got pretenses of knowing wtf you're talking about bruv
>Credits is just a list of names of in-game characters
name 5*(3^4+7)-8 games that do this.
What type of shithead hates this?
KI: Uprising
>beat what you believe is the final boss
>credits roll
>REAL antagonist stops the credits and says it's not over yet
>you're not even like a third into the game
Kid Icarus Uprising was phenomenal
>can't skip credits
Fucking virtue last reward and River city: Rival Showdown
At least vlr was kino
Double Dragon 2 I'm guessing
>Credits roll
>Static scene with nostalgic music and a small "The End" on the center
>Pressing buttons does nothing at all
>No choice but to turn off the console and say goodbye to the adventure
I liked it better when true/finished endings where revealed by finishing collections and finding "secrets" like in prince of persia warrior within or jak & daxter the precursor legacy.
Fable booted you back to the main menu when you skipped the credits
to run around and do stuff in the postgame you had to watch them
it didn't tell you this
432 games?
cave story
Lmao i have to pretend to hate something cool that i love just to strike up a conversation
Hours ago i made the same thread discussing how i love this trope and i got almost no replies. Only irony hate and sex stoke attention.
Double Dragon Neon
Paper Mario and KH1/2 used to make me feel empty after beating them.
>t. falls for it every time
I have masturbated to Sakura's feet many times
>final boss rolls the credits early so they can escape
>you just finished the game dude
>nope, it's just chapter 1
this shit is pretentious, it's a game, not a fucking TV show
>credits roll
>its the game fake ending and its only 30% into the game
>it doesnt even hint at it
>you effectively dont play most of the game until years pass and you hear an offhand comment about one of the 10 bosses you didnt fight
He did the same with Drakengard 1 and 3 and Gestalt, but suddenly Automata "is too much"?