Why are so many gamers mentally ill?
Why are so many gamers mentally ill?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Completely detached from reality as adults.
>Want to marry and fuck cartoons.
>No responsibility.
Gee I wonder. When cleaning your dick and wiping your own ass is advice of the decade, you know something is fucking up. Anyone under like 40 is basically fucking retarded.
trannies realizing they fucked up and want to go back?
Because there are a lot of gamers and in any community there are a lot of a lot of things.
>3.3k updogs celebrating mental illness
Love me some reddit.
Because they spent time playing cryptosatanic games and leave Jesus.
Why isn't that surprising?
weak parenting
barely any attempt to socialize
missed out on crucial development factors
I fucking lost my copy of golden sun
>Just a boomer passing on by.
I cant say all gamers are like this. a portion of them that seek attention off the internet are the ones we obviously see the most. While some of us don't even know how to use it or don't bother cause our lives are fulfilled enough. This board is about talking vidya not what some spoiled brat has to cope with.
I lost my Pokemon Pinball cartridge
Like aways
Humans are just talking animals. Animals have methods of weeding out bad genes and humans are the same.
When human males fail the bad gene test and fail to create and raise a family, they are left with nothing to do. Video games are a simulation where human males can test themselves and 'win'. They can hide away from their failed lives.
People see a false correlation between the state of the younger generations and video games. The reality is that the generations that came before them fucked the world up for them and they find it difficult to cope with their current living situations.
I wish games made me smile but I really don't give a fuck about them after a 50hr work week.
In addition to
>Weak literacy leading to not learning how to read books
>No early hobbies with forced social interaction
Might be.
But without medicine the most important factor is potency and survival.
If you can manage to get food, not poison yourself, and survive in groups, thats already a good sign.
Escapism just leads to healthy humans becoming insane, by not developing needed social coping mechanisms.
What's updog?
i left my gameboy micro and all my favorite games in a fucking bathroom in an airport when i was a kid
my dad bought it for me for my birthday and disappointing him hurt more than losing it
>not fire red
Mentally ill alright
Mental illnesses are so in right now, everyone has one, catch up.
i know this is a shitpost but i would argue that the correlation is not between gaming and mental illness, but mental illness and escapism, which gaming just so happens to be one of the most effective methods of achieving escapism
>mandatory 72 psyche hold
>having access to any personal belongings at all
I call bullshit
t. Hospital security guard
>playing on a Micro
yeah, he's mentally ill all right
This. Same thing as people that gamble a lot. Its not only about the rush of winning something... Its about all your day spinning useless slot machines. I guess thats why they are so common in games nowadays, its almost directed towards the same market if you think about it, in some way
Nothing much how bout you?
>Want to marry and fuck cartoons
this but with a ten ye
No one mentioned trannies dude you're obsessed
Just jack off to tranny porn already you're dying for it
i think it's a bit suss that she(m) is allowed have a charger cable like that on a psych hold. i mean youre not even allowed have normal clothes that could be twisted into a rope. they make you wear a rubber gown
More important question.
Why is the label on every copy of ALttP for the GBA faded?
I have yet to see one in the modern day that isn't .
>call cops/ems
>tell them you have suicidal/homicidal ideation
>get put on psych hold
>"dude wtf it's the hard knock life I guess lmao time to post on reddit CRIPPLING DEPRESSION!!!"
Wtf when I went to the psych ward for a three day hold they took all of my electronics what a lucky bitch
Why are so many nintendocucks mentally ill?
I deal with these fucks daily. You'd be surprised at how many people just pretend to be suicidal for attention, it's astoundingly high. What's worse are the people we see regularly who always say they're going to do it and get placed on a psyche hold multiple times a week. Fucking do it you pussies.
Are you implying Yea Forums isn't just one giant circle jerk where people idealize their mental anguish? Come the fuck on.
>I lost my mirco at my half sister’s wedding
Holy fuck I wanted to die
what happened this time
You deal poorly.
le meme feelsguy is mental illness incarnate
I disagree but alright
Same I couldn’t have my fucking phone after I broke my foot.
Lead alone a gameboy
How old were you? Who the fuck plays vidya during a wedding?
My little brother lost his ds and some new games in an elmo bag on a taxi a while back
soooo... you're retarded?
When I went to psych hold it’s because I jumped and almost died.
I didn’t want attention I wanted death.
We had 5 fucking hours to kill because my mom was cooking for everyone
It's uncommon we see someone after a legitimate attempt, usually they get brought in by cops/EMS after some bullshit "attempt" like they took 10 tylenol, made a few superficial cuts on their wrist, walked into a roadway, or just straight up called cops/EMS saying "boo hoo hoo, I'm gonna kill myself, please save me!"
I used to have two gameboy micros and I sold them both to gamestop to buy some game for the 360. I regret doing that.
>here i am being sad you guys
>just being all geeky in the psych unit
>upboat and reassurance pls
I hope they dope him to the gills and he loses whatever ability he had to feel joy or have a proper orgasm. Maybe a schizophrenic nigger will break that gb micro and stuff the remains up the kid's ass.
Depends on the area. My brother works security and they're even allowed to go out for smokes.
only nincels and pc fats
please tell me who this is and why he's in a psych ward. I don't keep up with twitter and eceleb drama.
>Game Boy Micro
yeah I'm thinking BASED
Collectivism and morality has fractured as western civilization teeters on the edge of a genuine breakdown, hence the uptick in mental illness. And trannies.
Just some delicate fag attention whoring on reddit afaik
I wish we could let them do that, that's always the last thing they ask for before the Emerge doc tells them "lolno" and walks out and then we have to fight them when they lose their shit because of it. It's really annoying.
>Fat fingers
Another mystery successfully solved, Yea Forums.
There’s the post. Just click the user and search their posts maybe it’ll be revealed
He works with patients in a psyche ward not a mental hospital, they're mostly low to moderate risk.
If you think those fingers look fat there's something wrong with you.
They gave us patches when I was in for a 3-day back in 07. I saw a fat girl licking one a few times.
how do i un-retard myself
>its the mans fault
>Yea Forums is a circlejerk about mental illness
I think you mean hating niggers and kikes pal
there are other handhelds?
I ordered a dual shock controller for a ps1 from gamestop a couple months back and they sent me 2 controllers and a copy of Golden sun for some reason.
Clean your room bucko
24 year old high school drop out. my room is spotless, by the way
>Fucking do it you pussies.
In my experience this risk level varies pretty wildly. A lot of them are pretty harmless, but a few of them are actively combative, at least for the first little while. They /usually/ calm down and accept their situation after a day or so.
We offer them patches or nicotine inhalers, but they never fucking take them because they want to smoke so damn bad.
Maybe for braindead troglodytes.
25 year old drop out my room is disgusting. I don't give a fuck.
The internet is making us all neurotic
It isn't just gaymers
It's so hard for me to take suicidal people seriously anymore because the vast majority I've encountered (and regularly re-encounter) are attention-seeking degenerates whose lives are in the shitter by their own doing
He keeps Sea Monkeys and just had a birthday on the 28th. Post birthday depression due to all his friends growing up and leaving him stuck in childhood.
I lost my best years to games
i lost my only copy of melee. i still own the box
Uh oh
It is because most people play video games these days. Even mentally ill people can pick up a game and play it.
It's the opposite user. Mentally ill people orbit games as a way of coping.
And to be perfectly honest mental illness is about as common as a fucking cold. It's just the severity that varies wildly.
people have nothing to look forward to anymore
just working until you die, cant even afford a home
everything is getting worse and itll never get better
>oh no, he's mean to based blacks and our greatest allies :(
Neck yourself.
Its why they should set up an policy of handing them a live firearm. That will decide who wants to stay and who wants to go. The certainty of a chosen method is what puts a lot of people off. It would be cheaper the long run and everybody wins.
I want a GBA Micro but fuck me they're expensive and every cheap listing on ebay comes from china and is probably a knockoff
And now you're bragging about it online to prove to yourself that you're one of the elite suicidal faggots.
Naw, you wanted attention.
you first
25 year old high school drop out here. Cleaning the room is my wifes job, i make the money
Because I want to escape the shit mess that is my life and there is nothing that can help me. All of society is fucked and I have no hope and no future
Is there any benefit to them over a backlit gba sp?
your hands will thank you later.
based literal fucking psychopath
based mentally ill sociopath with rage issues
I'm not gonna read reddit what did he do
>Half sister
Did you fuck her?
Went to a psych ward and bragged about it. Do not trust people that do this they will destroy you.
I'm surprised that he is an owner of a gameboy micro.
I'm jelly.
>>Want to marry and fuck cartoons.
>wanting to marry real woman.
Hello Yea Forums, I'm a mentally unstable 28yo khv who never had a stable friendship, no social life and is your typical incel.
I'm probably as pathetic as the OP guy who let himself get warded for being an attention whoring "imma drive off a cliff" hypocrite.
I know I'm not the only one here.
I just wanted to make clear to everyone here that genes, weak parenting, being a manchildren...all that crap is none of it.
The reality is that it's your own fault, you made all the bad decisions, and deep inside you're a piece of shit and you couldn't deserve any of the good thing you envy on this society. Please just admit it and stop blaming, your parents, society, life, or god...
Everyone is mentally ill these days because the world is so goddamn fucked up that people can't goddamn deal with it, even if they don't really realize that it's what is making them ill.
And yet they take them in and give them fucking mind-altering drugs to make them "cope" with a fucked up world. What a fucking screwed up, fucked up society we live in. We're all fucked and no one fucking cares.
Does it really need to be said
I didn't choose to get "canceled" by a bitch that didn't like me at work. That was HR's choice despite the evidence I had she was lying. I also didn't choose to get cheated on by most of the girls I dated, if they didn't like me they could've just broken it off- plenty of girls did that too.
25 year old high school grad here
I think about cleaning my room sometimes but I don't own any furniture. I would need to buy a dresser. So for now clothes live on the floor. My room is 10 x 10 and has a (twin) bed and a nightstand in it. Not a big deal
You date girls and get cancelled, that's not somebody I would call a social reject, are you really unlucky though to chose deceiving sluts? You attract what you are .
Because we're lonely and horny.
Why is (s)he in the looney bin to begin with? Actual based schizo, lying or muh crippling depreshun?
>psych ward
>able to have a rope
Nice try you hospitilized faggot.
You didnt even try thinking through stage one of your reddit lie.
Threatened to hurt himself is all he'll say. Claims he's been there 30+ hours waiting for a bed to open up. My guess is the staff is waiting for him to fuck off home.
posting it on reddit means lying for attention
people with actual issues don't fucking advertise them to the world
Do you have to be naked in the psych ward? You could make a noose out of your clothes
You know how many people watch movies? Imagine lumping them into some category or community, it'd be retarded. Why do the same to games? The games industry makes more than the music and movie industry combined.
they give you clothes that are incredibly hard to wrap
Uhh, people don’t idealize mental illness on here. This is generally a place of self pity where we understand we’re useless piles of shit
What a shame, I expected dementia or cool shit.
You’re usually not able to bring shit like that to a MHU
I play video games but I understand that this society is a tumor and modern people who embrace this shitheap of mental instability as normal are disgusting parasites.
>tfw genuinely want to get help for my mental illness but scared of getting judged
I doubt my place of work would want a depressed wreck.
>The reality is that the generations that came before them fucked the world up for them
t. entitled millennial
Stop projecting your failures on the greatest generation.
Ropes ready, you jumpin? Let's count to 3.
You’re allowed to bring your own clothes, but certain items (belts duh) are kept in patient’s belonging closet
>date girls
Barely, and you wouldn't envy the girls I date. If I could take it all back I would.
>you attract what you are
Nah, I've never cheated. Perhaps because of lack of opportunity, but I've never wanted to cheat either. This "find a good wahmen" meme is only spewed by virgins and betabux who don't understand the current dating scene or live in denial.
Also you can ask Holowka about how you can't be a social outcast and get canceled.
Not like you have to go through your employer to get help.
I live in a small town, though, and word would get around.
It's not like I'm suicidal, just miserable, I don't want it to deteriorate is all.