Is it better than Devil May Cry V?
Is it better than Devil May Cry V?
>trinta frames por segundo com drops
Yes. It outclasses it so hard it's not even funny.
No, but it is better than playing V
no but its still pretty good
This. It's incredibly how much more fluid, dynamic, and interesting Astral Chain is over DMC.
I love the Legion mechanic so much. They're all so cool and fun to use.
Getting stabbed a dick is better than playing V
hell no
I seriously doubt it. It does some interesting stuff but it offers nowhere near the versatility.
Then again, that’s what everyone said about Transformers before the tech started getting discovered months later. DMC5 starts with the advantage of being built on a combat system a lot of people know autistically well; with time, maybe Astral Chain will reveal that degree of secret depth.
Platinum has pretty much outclassed DMC in pretty much every game they've ever made that doesn't have Jack Cayman in it. Bayonneta is a better DMC, W101 is an incredibly unique, fun action game, and Astral Chain is a fun mix of both. I can only imagine how great Scalebound would have been. I bought an Xbox for that shit.
Press F to pay respects.
I doubt you’ve played half of Plat’s library.
What is their complete portfolio? I haven't played Nier yet and wasn't interested in that space sim game they made. I didn't play Anarchy Reigns because Madworld is kind of garbage. Other than that I can't think of anything.
Oh yeah I do own Vanquish, which is also better than DMC.
Anarchy Reigns is completely different from, and infinitely better than, Mad World, though playing it now that the userbase is long dead is kind of silly.
They also did MGR:R (obviously), Transformers Devastation, Bayonetta 2, The Legend of Korra, TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan, and Star Fox Zero.
Honestly the only games they made that I would put on the same level as an Itsuno DMC title (3/4/5) would be Bayonetta 1, TW101, and arguably Transformers Devastation (which is a masterpiece, but it’s much more worthy of comparison to Ninja Gaiden Black since the stylish toolkit takes a backseat to the ludicrous pace and precision).
Bayo 2 and MGR are okay action games but in no fucking universe do they outpace DMC5. Korra and TMNT aren’t even better than DmC:DMC for fuck’s sake.
DMC V was pretty bad desu. Very slow and floaty combat
>Bayo 2 and MGR are okay action games but in no fucking universe do they outpace DMC5.
Absolutely wrong. Bayo 2 and MGR are the very top of the action game genre.
Spoken like a true Nintendo fan.
In other words, like a blind fanboy.
Nah, cunt. Get your dial-a-combo grasshopper bitch and edgy parry boy out of here.
They're both nice games, but DMC is leagues above them.
Astral Chain is a masterpiece that surpasses DMC by far, and not just another game that Yea Forums needs to hype for 2 weeks because its a Switch release, before its forgotten
Fuck off back to where you came from.
Neither game is even better than Bayo 1, how could they possibly the top of the genre?
Unless your benchmark for “quality” is ludicrous over-the-top action-movie-style setpieces rather than good gameplay, but even then DMC3 probably has more fantastic moments.
DMC3 ain't shit dude.
Yes. I like DMC5 a lot but there's a lot about it that feels weak. To me, DMC5 felt like "Fanservice-the game" without much of an identity of its own beyond that, where as Astral Chain feels like a really unique and interesting take on action games. DMC5 has more playability due to Bloody Palace, in terms of the main game Astral Chain is a stronger product overall.
>that can knock around everything in the game
But DMC has the punching bag enemies. What did he mean by this?
Yeah kinda.
DMC5 has really fucking good combat but that's all it has. I can't really remember much about it.
>It only has really good gameplay and... uh, that's it
What does Astral Chain have? Jack shit. It's not even on a real console!
>Söytendo mad he can't play Bloodborne, DMC 5, and other games that are better than Asstral Choke and Gayonetta on his baby toy console
Does W101 emulate well? Never owned a Wii U.
No. Its very simple and has QTEs out the ass. Just like all Platinum games, it has little depth
cri more!
The bamham walking sim sections make me want to kill myself. It's nier automata all over again but without the incredible music and story
>names one exclusive and then immediately starts listing multiplats
that's a PS4 owner alright
No, but the genre doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's different enough in its gameplay mechanics and style that it can exist side-by-side with DMC. I just wish they had toned down the "investigation" stuff. That really drags down the game with pointless nonsense.
DMC5 works better on the Xboner and PC. Plus it isn't censored like on Basedny.
apples and oranges.
astral chain is more a refined action/adventure game with a heavy emphasis on the adventure part while DMC5 have an heavy emphasis on the action part.
Not to mention they play nothing alike.
They're both incredibly good in their respective genre.
Stop trying to stir shit wars.
DMC5 is better if you care more about pure gameplay and replayability.
Astral Chain is better if you care more about spectacle and cinematic flavor.
They are two different types of games really.
It's so funny seeing how nintencels try to cope with their shitty borderline indie games when they miss out on every AAA multiplat of recent years. Same thing could be observed with BOTW, what everyone else already experienced 100x times over with shitty ubisoft open world games.
No, but it's better than playing V.
Platinum has never made a game that could compete with dmc. They've never matched their work as clover either.
>before the tech started getting discovered months later
What, the borderline nonfunctional combo system you need serious airtime to pull off, or cheesing the ranks system with low-level SMG headshots?
Platinum games for being flashy
>playing 30fps action games on an outdated console
>action games
>in 2019
>inb4 muh current year
>implying it will sell more than 2 million copies
crows and dicks.
Are there even any Clover people left working for Platinum? Someone who isn't a raging hack like Kamiya?
Literally anything without the edgelord who teenager shit going on is a better game.