NITW artist puts out his take on Alec shit
>Yea Forums - Social Issues and Controversy
Nigga I aint reading all that shit give me a TL;DR
Needs a tldr version. The little I did read, it seems like they are throwing him under the bus immediately.
It's literally about a video game creator dying.
who cares?
summary: He just another one who throw another dead man under the bus.
Nice the so called friends he got there.
It's literally not you disingenuous fuck. It's about bait, dog whistles, and just general laughing at retards.
>Yea Forums - News Headlines and Identity Politics
Which video game was he in? Why didn't he use his 1ups or start from a continue? Oh, you mean real life? Then it's not vidya.
A shit "game" layered with modern social commentary. The dev was a leftoid who got jewed, I have no sympathy.
>you cant talk about game developers on Yea Forums
yet threads about Kojima hanging out with some celebrity are alright
>the origin of my PTSD
Stopped reading there.
"hold my beer while I try to coat tail this dudes suicide into a free ticket for my own problems"
that's the excuse you use to post the thread
>dog whistle
is there a more faggot term to use than this?
Dev gives a more specific timeline than "hurr durr he abused me" which lines up weirdly well with the gdc and e3 footage we see of the guy and the release pattern of the game's kickstarter updates and demos. Not to be believed 100% because theres a little bit of speculation in there but it's at least more damning than some of the twitter literal whos taking shots in the dark at the man.
>He was, depending on when you asked, my friend, my collaborator, a nightmare, the origin of my PTSD, and the reason I was in therapy.
>And we were both on medications for mood disorders. So we had a lot to talk about.
Are all indie devs mentally ill and fragile?
>Video game developer talks about the suicide of a video game developer.
>m-muh not v-vidya games!
>we cut ties with the one man train that developed the game not because we abhorred him
>we were just so disgusted by his alleged behavior we had no option
I'm honestly glad I have a group of batshit retard friends over things like this
If I was driven to suicide over being driven out of my industry by unsubstantiated claims, they'd be cutting breaks and trying to kill cunts within the hour as I would for them
Never associate with these people is the moral of this story.
>Its unsubstantiated if it doesn't involve my views or involves women
Pastebin that shit you fucking retard
Why do assholes link directly to clickbait websites like this now?
Do you WANT them to send literal shills here whenever they post an article because they noticed a fuckjillion click impressions from this website after some shitposter thought it would be funny to post an article about trans shit in a game 50 times?
Fucking copy paste that shit in an article and post that instead, christ you fucking zoomers are stupid
Whatever your favourite buzzword is no doubt.
>That fall, a little over a year into NITW development, Alec’s behavior began to become more erratic. He more and more became convinced that a growing number of people were planning on how to ruin his life.
Hmm, I wonder why he thought that.
Why are Americans so cringy?
Generally negative people and psychic vampires who sap the life out of groups they glommed on to. Shun them and let them be miserable people by themselves.
>I cared a lot about Alec, despite all this. But covering for and enabling the harm someone does to the people around them isn’t caring for them. Sometimes nothing turns out well. Sometime everything’s fucked. Sometimes every outcome is bad.
lmao imagine kys over this people
It's someone involved with the game, Fuckin no one gives a shit about night in the woods, It's trash.
So is this a case of social justice losers driving someone to kill themselves through bullying?
I honestly wish these faggots all didn't pretend to be mentally ill for attention and the idea that being a schizo magically absolves you from all responsability for your actions
Kinda makes it hard for the actually mentally ill people to deal with shit
t. acute schizo
*another case
You realize that medium is literally just a fancy pastebin and not a journalism outlet, right?
Gamer gate whore claims another soul
TL;DR: These people are all garbage.
Gee, I sure wonder why they never archive and choose to link directly instead.
It couldn't be that people like OP are people from that site using outrage to farm clicks.
But there's no way Yea Forums would fall for that, it's not like it's filled with underage newfaggots that don't even know what an archive or pastebin is.
secondary you stupid fuck
>But covering for and enabling the harm someone does to the people around them isn’t caring for them.
I wonder if he sees the poetic irony in this statement?
So its ok he killed himself because he was bad
Is that the argument?
Is there a single indive dev that isnt human garbage
best part was when holowka said he's gonna go to the police about accusations against him and they(them) piled up on him calling him a coward for resorting to legal discourse
the entire indie scene (western) is the worst thing ever happened to video games.
"several allegations"? I thought it was just Zoe Quinn and everybody else around Alec going "I believe women!".
Not video games
Smash thread, Console war
Dedicated general for Lobotomy Corp
Oh no no no, Snoyfags cope
What did he mean by this?
Tencent and Epic Games
Randy Pitchford is really lame
Where's the sun?
Nintendo's done
I don't think anyone's arguing that it's a good thing he killed himself though? At least not in good faith.
>Me me me me me me
>Vague hearsay about his behaviour
>My girlfriend is a gossipy cunt
>Me me me me me I survived Alec
>He's gone and I'm "devastated"
For reason completely unrelated to videogames
Anything without evidence, can be immediately dismissed without such you brainlet.
Imagine actually being a Devil's Advocate for a self professed murderer, turned game dev, that also somehow always seems to the abusee in every relationship she begs on Patreon to get help for. The murderer bit doesn't even include the recent Dev killing himself, that's just a former claim by Chelsea van Valkenburg that she murdered a man and buried him indiscreetly
>dog whistle
You don't belong here.
>I’ll talk about my hatred of capitalism or the faith I grew up with
This is all he needed to say really, just another case of daddy issues
I honestly don't get this shit
>hurrrrr, both our personalities were shaped by our mental disabilities, so it was nice to find another retard willing to talk 24/7 about how we're both fragile and useless
Trump is a fat jew who is going to destroy the 2A
Trust the plan, goy.
i get an erection every time i see ShyGal
fuck man, who gives a shit
Here is the article in a pastebin, fuck you OP
I mean hve you guys played the game?
Its obvious that the people involved were mentally deranged
>The snapshots came together and formed a bigger picture. And then Alec was gone. After years of friends, coworkers, family, and professionals fighting to keep him alive. But you can’t stop someone who won’t stop what they’re doing, no matter how many years you give it. Alec finally caught up with himself.
With a support system like this, no wonder he killed himself.
this ones a tranny isn't it
No schizo, If the fat cunt trys to take them, You miga clowns will be lined up along with antifa.
I never even played this game, what it is about anyway?
>He was my friend, my collaborator, a nightmare, the origin of my PTSD, and the reason I was in therapy.
all you need to read from this gay ass faggot
sloppy job pedophile trafficker
apparently it's a walking sim about millenial angst
What's the issue with medium?
Intentionally didn't play it because of the homo storyline. I don't care that gay friendly games exist, but they should be more open that it is a gay game otherwise it's subversive.
/vpol/ really wants another GG but cannot accept very few people care about this and any steam it had has already been lost.
Zoomer furry game where you blame everyone else for your shitty life choices.
Motherfucker I survived a literal explosion on a ship with thankfully only minor injuries, losing my eye brows, and I still don’t have PTSD.
Hell I went back to work that same day
>shifting blame this hard
>"He more and more became convinced that a growing number of people were planning on how to ruin his life."
>"He still worried that people were trying to destroy his life, random people even, that one day they’d come out of nowhere and it’d all be over, in some vague fashion."
Way for the SJW cult to prove him right.
>I survived Alec Holowka.
>A lot of people got it much worse than I can wrap my head around. And I’m a man.
>People who aren’t men got it worse.
What a retarded post
One of many and many more to come
How many of those arrests were people trafficking themselves? Or the result of Papa Orange tweeting classified material and requiring the CIA to burn their own assets?
If I was him I’d kill them then myself
>he was paranoid about us wanting to ruin his life and push him to suicide so we ruined his life an pushed him to suicide
Man, what a good "friend".
If you look closely, you see that other accusers and their accusations are not accounted for.
Nobody cares about this """""game"""""
Post Alligator thick wide butt already
>several people say he was abusive
>co-workers say he was
>his family says he was abusive
A harpy #MeToo'd someone months after they worked together and he killed himself since her tweets ostracized him from the industry
Now after she's left twitter for a week or two, we flail about wanting to crucify her for being a literal burden on humanity for nixxing multiple creative men in their prime to get Patreon victimbux
>be me
>in a bar
>some nigger punches me in the back of my head
>get up and rejoin my friends
>hey guys can you believe that damn monkey just hit me?
>Anything without evidence, can be immediately dismissed without such you brainlet.
They weren't friends, they were one time associates.
Why does Yea Forums suddenly have so much empathy for some retard killing himself?
>the origin of my PTSD, and the reason I was in therapy.
This unironically triggers me. What's the worst thing the dead guy could've done to him? Fucking disgusting bitchmade sóyboys being bullied by other sóyboys into """PTSD""".
Is this how our civilization ends? Not with a bang but with a whimper?
I want to rape Zoe Quinn first
>mentally ill man acts anti-socially
>thus he must die
>some retard killing himself?
Because that's the epitaph of 40% of Yea Forums within the year.
>multiple accounts of dude being a spaz and asshole
For a 30yo married man the author sounds like a massive cuck.
The incel "hate" (scarcely contained sexual attraction) around her is almost as bad as AOC's.
>How many of those arrests were people trafficking themselves
hopefully all of them, kill invaders desu
>requiring the CIA to burn their own assets
fuck the CIA
>Yea Forums constantly says tranny's should die for their mental illness
So, yeah, I'd say so. Maybe you should head back to resetera, tranny.
>Guy was a serial abuser for literally decades
>Somehow not a single person went to the police, kept even a single record of him being abusive or even had a photo taken of his abusive aftermath
I wouldn't trust a nigger that goes online before the body is cold to defend a random bitch, making sure to point out that her brother told her to tell the internet that said random bitch dindu nuffin despite the brother having multiple social media accounts to say as such.
He should go on a murderous revenge trip instead of writing shit.
Dilate and cope tranny
Sjw indie devs are all scum and deserve each other
>blogger talks about getting ptsd from Alec being a douche
>Yea Forums mocks him as pussy soi boy
>alec kills himself over twitter drama
>Yea Forums has outpouring of sympathy and non-stop posts defending him
>that flip flop
Went from
If this was about some fucking chump on youtube that made one video game getting into a controversy for saying nigger then maybe id agree with you, but this is literally about a game designer's death and this time its unavoidable to relate it to social issues.
>a video game creator dying
*committing suicide.
dancing on a dead man's grave to stroke your own ego
So the guy that killed himself was a rich kid clueless dumbass that hat mental disorders, surrounded himself with other people with disorders, abused them then threatened suicide when things didn't go his way.
Yeah sounds exactly like the piece of shit that would make a game like NitW
>Mentally ill, suicidal man is volatile and abusive, paranoid about his friends and community trying to kill him.
>The loving "inclusive" community he's part in decide to ruin his life and drive him to suicide.
Simple fact is he wasn't the only severely mentally ill and abusive person in that community.
I'm just shitposting, i've seen Zoe's nudes. Subpar to say the least. AOC is kinda hot though
Nobody executed him.
If mentally ill dipshit kills himself, oh well.
Being a total cunt business partner/coworker is not a crime user.
>everyone who knew him says he was abusive
>only people saying he wasn't literally did not know he existed prior to a few days ago
>vee is one person
This ResetEra damage control is seriously pathetic
I can believe it.
When i was young my older brother thought id be a funny joke to say i was watching porn on the family computer. I wasn't, but my parents immediately believed him because the claim came out of left field, so it must be true. My parents told my extended family, they believed then, and soon after everyone in the family thought i was some porn hound. Im one now, of course, but at the time i was too busy playing quake. No one had evidence, but no one really cared, it was just a funny thing to believe.
The blackpill is realizing evidence means nothing when the world just accepts it anyway. Im sure all of those co-workers believed it with no evidence because youre not supposed to distrust "survivors".
>"like WOW this asshole needs to really die"
>kills himself
>"not like this"
>"guys stop depression and suicide are not joking"
>"this was a real tragedy please call suicide awareness center if youre having negative thoughts"
>"my condolences to the family"
You mistake their "abuse" allegations for actual abuse. What they meant to say was that sometimes he's being really mean.
poor thing
i came buckets to
>You're still in the friendzone
even though it's just a dickless "virtual sex" vid
fags were always pieces of shit but tranny is like a fag on steroids, a vacuum instead of a soul, completely devoid of morals. they hate women more than they hate men.
i blame big corporate and the government for not dealing with tranny menace but enabling it instead. zoe quinn got to speak at united nations so world government is certainly pushing these freaks towards us.
If Jared and Erika got stickies, then why not this? Hell, the tranny mods didn't even sticky Jared clearing his name
I honestly can't fucking understand why Yea Forums is defending him. I guess it's to "stick it to the libs".
He was a fucking leftist commie basedboi rich asshole.
>>multiple accounts of dude being a spaz and asshole
Why has literally every accusation been during or after August 2019 and not before?
considering how many of their mods have abandoned ship I think a weak effort here is all they can afford.
>if i keep making the same post eventually they'll believe me
Nice flip flop
>ruin his life
His behavior did that.
The jews did this.
Kill this murderer
Ill put it in my toilet folder but...
>He was, depending on when you asked, my friend, my collaborator, a nightmare, the origin of my PTSD, and the reason I was in therapy.
He writes like a cuck fag. Call the police to handle it with force yourself.
These people havent been arguing he should of killed himself, alot of them are even having to defend themselves for being sad he did it if anything.
With the amount of bullshit accusations flung around on this subject its easy to get burned on it, but all signs this time are actually pointing towards him being kind of crummy of a guy. Even when he killed himself he didnt deny any of the accusations and specifically said not to blame his accussers, so either he was the most cucked man formerly alive or he was just kind of a creep
Believe what? The guy was abusive. We have witness testimony of this. Your only come back is to either ignore this or attack the witnesses. There has been no one who has stood up to say he was innocent and a great guy. Not one.
Do you now draw them on your face with a marker?
Yea Forums isn't defending him, they're just attacking the other side. Stop thinking in binaries. I thought you trannies were good at that shit.
Where were these people or the last two decades of his serial abuse? Or real evidence of his abuse? He dragged a woman around by her pussy, that's going to leave bruising. Funny how only after a man is no longer able to defend himself in any manner does any form of abuse allegation come out.
What's going on with Vic's case anyway?
Oh wait you’re not talking about Epstein
I'm not saying he didn't do it but this is the 'believe all women' crowd and they never question any of the bad shit Quinns been involved in, they worship her like some sort of weird cult.
Other accusations all boil down to 'this one time he was angry' and those saying they believe her just seem to be saving face.
We get it, you're a 22 year old misanthrope.
>bouncer didn't throw him out
>acting like a suckerpunch is just FUN
>I just got haymakered lmao who wants more shots?
What shitshow life do you live in Jesus Christ.
You have multiple witnesses watching your ass get floored, are indignant enough to say it didn't matter, and then decide that getting punched in the face isn't actually evidence of violent behavior
Unfortunately for trannies and women the presumption of innocence is still the precedent in America no matter what a delusional attention whore tweets (rather than going to the police)
Same but unironically
You dont need to empathize with him to recognize that the people who drove him to suicide are even worse, fuck your shitty strawman
The only retard is you, who thinks a suburban setting can produce ptsd.
>I’ll talk about my hatred of capitalism
Why are they always fucking commies?
>I'm angry. I'm angry at what Alec did to many people. I'm angry about last week. I'm angry we have to deal with this in public. I'm angry at how Alec handled this. I'm angry he's gone. I'm angry at the wreckage Alec left behind.
not even in death can you find peace from this evil
>Where are these people who are claiming he was innocent? The only defense to his actions are from people who never met him. Find me someone who knew him and is saying it's all lies. Just one.
That's not how anything works outside of a court case. Also free speech still exists in the US to the anger of /pol/.
>you're either a capitalist or a commie
Witness testimony is literally the weakest possible 'evidence' and with nothing validating those statements, are completely worthless. By all means, post a single piece of real evidence that he was an abuser, not statements made after his death.
>imagine actually caring about this
>imagine believing you're fighting a "culture war"
Y'all need to get a life.
Wrong on 2 levels, it this what they're teaching in university these days? AOC is hated because she's far left and also a puppet. Literally who is hated because she is essentially the Avatar of people's "gamer" ex girlfriends or crush who fucked them over in some way. Most of us have had someone like her in our lives, there is no attraction but maybe shame for ever finding someone like her attractive during our ignorant times.
They killed him and they're dancing on his grave jesus christ
So your excuse is you dislike Zoe quinn so this guy is innocent and everyone is a liar and you know the truth despite never even knowing who he was before Friday
If you actually understood how the world works you'd realize eyewitnesses don't matter for shit because people are retarded and can lie. Here's a question: How many years ago does Zoe allege the abuse happened? You probably can't answer this because you don't even know what happened outside of what you discord masters told you.
> tldr
> they ganged up on Alec attempting to sue him and get a big settlement
> he killed himself, so now they can't make money off of him anymore
Many people say he was difficult to work with, only Zoe accused him of rape and she's lying.
We’ll find out this Friday. But something tells me Nick will correlate Zoe Quinn’s body count with the Vic case until MarzGurl and Ron Soye twist the narrative until it’s in their favor... again.
So why did they only cut contact AFTER the twitter mob? Surely they wouldn't want to make a second game together if making the first was a living hell?
It objectively can. You don't have an opinion here, you're just wrong on such a level that you really should be embarrassed.
>Because I am one way all 7 billion on Earth are
How retarded are you? You being able to handle something isn't evidence for anyone but you.
These people are bad and deserve to feel bad.
Better than them always projecting their feelings onto others. Hopefully it wakes up a few, and turns them off the cult like mannerisms.
>Man has a chronic case of not being a bitch and kowtowing to women
>This means he is as bad as a rapist and should die
Oh, wasnt this the fat fuck who made these feminst gifs. Lmao.
What other economic systems are there? It's all just shades of one or the other.
>If mentally ill dipshit kills himself, oh well.
I hope you kill yourself to baby dick.
>cant refute
He was hardly a nazi now was he?
Wow, I read it. He's basically making this about him, saying he 'survived' the guy.
Give me a fucking break. People just clamoring over one another to get their 15 minutes.
>His behavior did that.
He was mentally ill with suicidal tendencies. The last thing you do is go and smear him in public. And Zoe is supposed to be the expert on preventing cyberbullying and harassment.
>Vic Mignogna is accused of sexual assault on a minor
>Loads of people corraborate that story, insisting they've seen him do that shit
>Turns out the accuser confused Vic with someone else
>Suddenly all the people who accused Vic went fucking dark and deleted all their posts
>ProJared is accused of sexually taking advantage of minors by two individuals
>Loads of people corraborate that story, insisting they've seen him do that shit
>ProJared comes out with in-depth chatlog evidence proving A) One of the accusers is a lying fuck who ommited that they said they were over 18
>B) That the other person wrote a blog during the window of abuse where they had mental delusions due to head trauma, which according to their own words had caused severe delusions and paranoia
>Suddenly all the people who accused ProJared went fucking dark and deleted all their posts
If you kill yourself over twitter shit you're weak and deserve no sympathy.
Yea Forums only gives a shit because a portion of anons here have a giant throbbing hate boner for Zoe Quinn.
All im saying is if O.J simpson said he was raped, by some scrawny mentally ill jack off no less, i wouldnt be so quick to go harass the man in question and drive him to suicide
Being angry isn't a crime.
What did he actually do that was illegal?
What did he do that was worth having his social life and career destroyed?
Why is it okay that the "allegations" against him started with a full page dedicated to a totally unrelated rape? The only way most people would know the rape story wasn't about him is if they saw that one little sentence that said something like "This is a different story though, I've already forgiven my rapist, we're cool now :). Now onto the things Alec ACTUALLY did..."
So what? He was kind of a shitty boyfriend, its not like Zoe Quinn is a great girlfriend, I'm pretty sure cheating on your BF with 5 other dudes could count as abusive too. It was most likely a mutually toxic relationship which is why it only lasted like 4 weeks.
Being in a bad relationship is not a fucking crime.
Regretting dating someone because they weren't nice to you doesn't make them a rapist.
He didn't do anything illegal.
Do people like, think we're idiots or something?
A dude died, killed himself. When A man kills himself he isn't a kingpin predator stalking the savanna, he's cornered and toyed with while there's no way out but one.
To the people in this thread unironically defending serial accusers who've gotten notches in their belt before; does it feel good defending whamen now?
Exactly. It's such fucking bullshit. If he was so difficult to work with , why didn't they cut ties with him after the first game was done? Did they enjoy leeching on his talents too much?
Please post a single piece of evidence he was not.
Just one claim from any single person refuting all of this. Just one. How is it this hard if he was so innocent?
You didn't answer my question. Where's any form of evidence that can stand scrutiny? This guy abused numerous women, and not one made even a single police report? Or posted ANYTHING about his horrid abuse prior to the ass-end of last month despite him doing it for years?
By all means, you can think that a man was married to bigfoot after being abducted by aliens and being served unicorn at their wedding, but I'd like to at least have more than someone's word it happened.
"That fall, a little over a year into NITW development, Alec’s behavior began to become more erratic. He more and more became convinced that a growing number of people were planning on how to ruin his life. "
sounds like he was right
Answer the question tranny. How many years ago does Zoe allege the abuse happened?
>I hope you kill yourself to baby dick.
I'm not going to because I'm not a spaz that kills themselves over internet crap.
Zoe Quinn is a proven liar, mental case and an attention whore. They killed him on her word alone
I have all of it on hand, once you prove you aren't a pedophile I'll be able to show you.
Looks like they don't have to be friends if they don't want too!
Is that just because OJ is a black man? And not a white woman? It all comes down to race does it not? No, don't answer. I have my answer already. I have all the proof I need. Now excuse me while I convene a twitter mob.
Why does it matter if it was a crime?
He was never charged and wasn't going to be charged.
If he killed himself over fear of charges than he is a retard and ignorant of the law.
Alec's music is pretty good, check out his bandcamp
>Please post a single piece of evidence he was not.
>please prove a negative
Which is his fault, retard. I have severe behavior problems classified as mental illness but if one day I chimp out and beat someone as a result of that, it doesn't absolve me of that and I go to jail. Only in EXTREME cases can mental illness be used as an excuse. Very very rarely does it ever work in the US. Can basically count the amount of successful insanity defenses on one hand.
"I was depressed" is not a good excuse, sorry.
7% of the USA suffers from depression.
4% of the US has suicidal thoughts. Please stop using this guys suicide and relatively mild disorder as an excuse to blame others for what he did. They are not, and such luxury will never be afforded to most other mentally ill who have FAR worse problems.
>guy kills himself
>has now become "they killed him"
Is this the fake news?
Why the fuck he got those chicklet teeth is beyond me. It's like Michael Jackson's nosejob
>zero evidence
so more of the "believe women" bullshit
>I have severe behavior problems classified as mental illness
We can tell.
The burden of evidence falls on the accusing party dumbass. You do not prove you're innocent, others prove you're guilty.
Total shitshow, a bunch of dirt being dug up on those 3 like monica rial's husband having a history of domestic abuse.
Unfortunately, people got retarded and started getting distracted by a funimation leak of DBZ bloopers where they say fag, even though they released this stuff publicly all the time with alot of their series and one of the most famous dubs at the time, with vic in it no less, is ghost stories which said far worse including the dreaded fag word. Its shaping up that what could of just been a successful win on vic's case is gonna turn into a bunch of people unironically advocating against edgy humor being tolerated as a side effect.
Jenifer D'aww (fucken don't ask) has refuted the claims and has said that Alec tried to to report Quinn's own abuses in the past but was silenced by the indie circle. She also claims that Alec tried to check both himself and Zoe into therapy, but she refused.
mentally ill cat discovers a cult thats a metaphor for something lefty hipsters think is the root or all their troubles, its almost a parody of itself
Pushing someone into a situation so dire that they take their own life is, in many courts, classed as manslaughter or even second degree murder.
Vic is already losing his case so pretty bad example dude.
Words have meanings. Use them.
What does it being a crime have to do with shit? No one accused him of a crime. They said he did something. Which is entirely legal for anyone to do. No crimes happened, this isn't a legal case.
>muh PTSD
>main person who started it all is none to be a huge liar
>zero evidence despite all those accusations
Hey, remember when "PTSD" actually meant something more than "someone was being mean to me"?
Why would anyone trust an accusation by Zoe Quinn without evidence? She literally makes her living by being a victim of sexism. She has every incentive possible to make shit up or exaggerate claims about men abusing her.
If there are so many evidence, why didn't they contact the authorities?
Thats not my point
Why the fuck was there a hatemob over it?
Why is okay to frame the story as if he was a rapist to get people more upset at him about shit he didn't do?
He didn't fucking do anything illegal, and yet people are acting like he was a criminal that deserved what happened to him.
I've had so many shitty girlfriends I've lost count, but I would never call them criminal abusers. I don't even give a fuck about gamergate, I just think the real tragedy here is that anyone was pissed off about the allegations in the first place because they amount to literally nothing anyway.
What the fuck did she actually accuse him of?
What are the allegations about?
"Abloo bloo I dated him once and didn't like it so we broke up and I went home :c"
Why the fuck was there a hate mob over this?
>Pushing someone into a situation so dire that they take their own life
What situation? Losing twitter followers and industry clout?
If you've never known suicide in this nature I envy you. I've lost an uncle to his second wife, gave him alcoholism and then put a bullet in his head using his own hand and some day we may have the protection against this, but until then you fuck heads aren't helping.
>prove a negative
That isn't being asked, retard. Others have provided statements he did something. Provide a single statement from someone who states he has not. This can be done for Vic, so why not for the based boi?
So, you? You're accusing these people of lying wqith zero evidence.
Because no crime was actually committed and there is no legal requirement to press charges on a person, retard
She sent a hatemob after a mentally unstable man because she was getting shit for scamming people on kickstarter.
He basically was murdered, he had been battling with psychosis for years, deluded into thinking there were people in the industry out to kill him. This literally pushed him over the edge and drove him to suicide.
>Vic is already losing his case so pretty bad example dude.
He's losing his case based on nothing but a large amount of testimonies, all of which came out because of a proven false accusation. Literal hearsay, but it'll be taken seriously because of societal pressure..
Stop ignoring me and answer the question. Or do you admit you don't know shit about the events and are just acting on your lizard brain defense of Zoe Quinn?
>be abused for 15 years by both parents in a situation I was trapped in
>move out the literal second I can
>suffer from PTSD from the experience
>some fuck on the internet says their friend was the source of their PTSD from being mean
I wish the normalfags knew how lucky they were
>Implying medium is a journalist website
It's literally a pastebin for normies you nitwit
Because some of the fags in this thread believe her because other people said Alec abuses them too although all they have is anecdotal evidence
Not going to derail the thread talking about AOC anymore, take it to /pol/ for her.
As for Zoe back in the old days people here actually wanted that alt fashion gamer GF. Some of us got our wish and discovered the true horror that was one. Others probably didn't get in a relationship but ended up being exploited emotionally. She's just a famous version of that girl we all knew and on some level we want to warn others about her type so they don't make the same mistake we did. Clearly the guy who killed himself never respected the warning.
Read this Dipshit
There is no requirement to file police reports and most victims do not.
>You didn't say earlier so you can't ever say
This is a known logical fallacy. No one ever bitched about SJWs before so why can they bitch now.
It's called a conspiracy theory. It's nothing new, even though you certainly are.
>old geezer in my town got conscripted as a child soldier (Luftwaffe AA crewman), escaped and walked home even though his shoes wore out halfway, arrived just in time for the Soviets, saw them rape village girls, killed one and helped the rest of the men in the village bury him and burn his clothes
>laughs while he tells about it over a glass of shitty wine
>this guy's indie studio boss acts like a weird ass
>he gets PTSD and has to go to therapy
Where’s the footage?
See . This is why you work on th3e presumption of innocence. Its easy to accuse someone of anything with little to no repercussions. You do not base convictions on such speculative accounts.
>That's not how anything works outside of a court case.
That makes everyone going after this guy for a potentially illegal action a lynch mob, then, since they want to resolve this without giving this man his day in court. Are you a supporter of this, because the world has been trying to move away from such barbaric thinking ever since the Enlightenment.
I swear niggers just forget shit after a few months, the projared shit literally never got debunked he only proved he didn't go out of his way to get nudes of kids, which is better, but it doesn't change pretty much all the other accusations
People like this need to be removed.
There's plenty of EVIDENCE to support that quinn is a pathological liar and a scam artist. None of that is hearsay. All of it is documented.
desu all I wanted to come from this was another resetera meltdown. I don't care about anything else.
Now nobody is even giggling at them because they're focusing on ZQ and the NITW devs instead.
I mean yeah if you say you hate capitalism you pretty much are a commie, there aren't any shades here
His case isn't criminal nor is he the defendant. He has to prove his claim even if you believe it a negative, because he is the one making the claims and no one else. This is something Victards cannot grasp. He is not defending himself in a court case. He is going after others and as such must prove what he claims happened.
>all these people saying people corroborating an accusation is proof
Guess all those people corroborating Zoe being a compulsive liar and abusive herself don't count.
Losing all your friends, your family, your reputation damaged beyond repair, never being able to work in the industry ever again.
Love how you downplay turning someone into a demonised non-person.
Well we can all be honest and say ProJared was too little and too late. The man looks close to dead in his response video and those sailor moon pics will be on the internet forever.
>"I hate religion"
>you're either a atheist or a religious person
Is there anything concrete in all that whiny bullshit post about him "abusing" people or raping women? It's unbearable to read
No one corroborated Zoe's accusations.
I'm not a normie so I wouldn't know that
I tell people to use a pastebin in every thread that links directly to an article if I see it.
>He has to prove his claim even if you believe it a negative, because he is the one making the claims and no one else.
Innocent until proven guilty, cultist.
>You took advantage of minors, prove you didn't!
That's not how it works.
>Because no crime was actually committed
So what's the justification for Zoe to ruin the man life and drive him to suicide then?
>Guy who killed himself had only a mild disorder.
You're not mentally ill, you're just retarded.
get new friends
we know it's you posting, henry dubb
Nor the accusation made against Zoe Quinn groping somebody at a dinner party which was shouted down by none other than Phil Fish.
He always looked dead, dude just looks fucking ugly, which is why I will never forgive him that I had to see his dick during that shitshow.
they’re likely in this thread defending zoe
The only thing he did wrong was not take the rest out with him.
claims are not proof, are you seriously THIS fucking retarded or you just dont know when to shut up?
Last sentence:
>"He’s gone. And I’m left to fumble for the words for what he did to me years ago, and what this means to me now."
woah dude.
>t. a cute schizo
wtf? don't call yourself cute
>reaction to a former close friend suicide is
these people want power
they also laughed at bolsheviks
this is bolshocapitalist
Not how it works. I've seen this shit happen to a friend. People in your area, everybody who knows you on social media, will do everything in their power to make sure that reputation follows you everywhere. Someone of Alec's stature will have had the reputation of a rapist plastered all over Google.
I just want to say, I'll try to keep it short, I got violently played like a fiddle as a kid and I have a lot of actual, clinical PTSD from it and more than a few personality disorders that make relationships of any kind really difficult. After so much bridge burning in my 20's, I got it under control by basically breaking from society. Fuck the guy for being the way he is, but I sympathize with his abusive problems. Sometimes you can't help it when you have something like BPD. The only person I can function around is my girlfriend and it's solely because she's got so many daddy issues that she's like a black hole of abuse, she feeds of it. Still, I try to keep that shit under control.
Anywho, NITW is not a real game, it's a visual novel with walking.
t. butthurt BPD user
>disagreeing with or criticizing Zoe at all is bullying and bullying is BAD and tantamount to assault
>harassing someone over false abuse violations until they kill themselves isn't bullying
The mental gymnastics astound me. SJWs think the rules only work for them and against everyone else.
b-b-but it fits our anti-women anti-left narrative so it's video games!!
see also: projared threads being deleted on sight when they're accusing him but hitting bump limit when they're accusing women
i mean the post you want people to read is twisting the story for the Vic case, at least; Vic confessed in his deposition that he laid hands on the girl (Monica?) -- but also the court case Vic is going through isn't about whether or not he's an abuser, the case is Vic accusing Funimation (who did not accuse Vic of being a sexual abuser) of defamation (even though Funimation had complete legal right to terminate his employment, so the case is just intended to waste money and Vic'll probably lose because it's a SLAPP case)
mostly what i'm saying is u r dumb and probably base all of your own opinions on speculative Yea Forums speculations that are equally as uninformed as yourself
sorry we're too busy playing wow classic to discuss games
Not actually me: But I can separate my dislike for an individual over knowing if they're actually a distrustful human being.
Imagine a man commits suicide and you still find a way to make it about you. If I saw one of these faggots on the street I would kill them and yes that is a threat of violence I can and will follow through on.
This is ridiculous
>waaah this guy was a moody prick and it gave me PTSD! I know he’s just killed himself but think about MEEEE
He fucking cries about working 7 hours a day!
>There is no requirement to file police reports
Exactly you nigger, the dude was a known abuser yet not a single person that was abused went to the police about it
>This is a known logical fallacy. No one ever bitched about SJWs before so why can they bitch now.
Waiting until a man is dead to accuse him is horseshit either way. And it isn't a fallacy to expect any form of evidence to exist around the period where the supposed crime happened.
how can one person be so self absorbed
>Is there anything concrete in all that whiny bullshit post about him "abusing" people or raping women?
I mean, he himself never denied them and even wrote to not blame his accusers in his suicide note which pretty much tantamount to a confession. Whether he was just so mentally cucked to the point where he was sure he did something wrong is up in the air but all signs pointing towards he probably was guilty.
I dont think people really would care as much about proving his innocence if zoe quin wasnt involved, granted her being involved does make it more suspicious.
He lived in a major metro area, you're deluded if you think anyone outside of the gaming niche knows him at all.
Just cut twitter and meet people.
I hope they all get raped and murdered.
>Hell, the tranny mods didn't even sticky Jared clearing his name
Night in the Woods may just be the worst thing ever created. A walking simulator with a furry fanbase, Zoe Quinn's goons in charge and a rabid tranny online hate mob following.
what women
name them
>He has to prove his claim even if you believe it a negative,
That literally isn't how it works. If I claim you're a faggot that cuts the cocks off of men, then I can't turn around and say "W-well you didn't prove you weren't!"
If getting new friends were that easy, then friends wouldnt be holding the same weight and attachment in the first place.
laws for thee but not for me
Further proof these liberals are soulless cunts with no sense of humanity or empathy. They are all losers who never made it in their formative years and become bitter attention whores.
Did anyone actually care about whether he was guilty or not? When the allegations first came out everyone had a giggle at another woke dev being a sex-pest. Then he killed himself and suddenly he's unquestionably innocent and a martyr. At this point whether or not he did it is less important than him being fucking dead desu.
>Just cut Twitter
>Just cut Facebook
>Just cut all forms of social media
>Just cut your family out
>Just cut your friends out
>Just live as an internet pariah over something nobody has proven was true
>It's all good
I don't think he even had nuts to call it suicide throughout that long self serving wank.
It's funny how everyone clams the fuck up the second you talk about ZQ being a pathological liar.
the man's dead what do they want more?
So let me get this right.
Supposely this guy was an abusser and sexist and literally Hitler.
Yet people worked with him for years because....???
And is not like they had any option because the moment a single alegation with no proof surfaced, he got instant fired and shamed to literal dead.
So why did this people work with him for years?
> desu
Dialate. Than go back to pedoera
you and i have never had to deal with an online hate mob that know your name and address. especially one as vicious as the SJWs
Still trying to wrap my head around how Zoe and her media pals who posted the articles simultaneously all thought it was a good idea to out the guy who for years threatened to kill himself over the slightest thing and was clearly Schizo.
You'd literally get jail time over here in the UK over that kind of stuff if it was over Facebook.
or just make a good game that can stand on it's own merit without having to pander to specific demographics.
Just like how when he died trannies on ERA were talking about how we need to ignore this because it'll harm the cause to Buhlieve Wahmen?
>It's funny how everyone clams the fuck up the second you talk about ZQ being a pathological liar.
Because she is actually a con artist and probably an evil fucking cunt. have you seen her profiles? Unironically using pentagrams and saying "unburnted witch"?
schizophrenic tranny
Yes, literally everyone said "It's fucking Literally Who so it's probably bullshit" then we laughed at another ally being a supposed sexual predator and some retards tried to keep it serious business. At the end of the day it's shit people ruining shit people. I can laugh or cry but it won't affect me so I don't fucking care.
Guilty of what?
>ITT: A bunch of people that can't be arsed to even read a single sentence with the context of the entire story talking about how much mental abuse Alec pushed on them and how he'd prey on others knowing full well that he could get away with it
Before I believed that this was just Zoe making shit up, and while I still don't like her at all, what Scott says can't be ignored. This guy was clearly extremely abusive to the people he worked with, and while he was busy feeling sorry for himself, he was putting others through stress-induced hell by hardly working on projects anymore because they no longer interested him. This Alec guy was clearly extremely unstable, and put all of his problems on everyone else so that they would have to deal with him and constantly put up with his shit.
>>reaction to a former close friend
But they were hardly friends at all during development. He literally says in that story about how Alec was just a guy that picked him up to start working on a game with, but acted very mentally abusive towards him. The game was going through development hell because Alec was spiraling out of control and Scott was struggling to keep the project alive and hold it together while the publisher was completely unaware of all that was happening.
um sweetie stop victim blaming he was gaslighting, manipulative, violent, and angry so people (especially womyn of color) were scared of him.
>A harpy #MeToo'd someone months after they worked together
it happened in 2012, before gamergate
looking at the tweets she actually had a good time and doesn't seem pressured at all
judging by alec's tweets about refusing to date anyone at all after dating crazy pathological liar they had a really bad breakup, which is why what once was them having kinky shit is now rape
Reminder that SA goons have had Gamergate living in their minds for the past 5+ years rent free.
Man, these years of allegations really do make you think. Kinda like how there's been years of allegations of Zoe Quinn repeatedly lying both privately and publicly. Those probably don't matter though, but they definitely matter for this guy.
Yeah that's another thing I never get, Zoe always goes on about being "trapped" and "scared", despite probably having more friends and fuck buddies in the industry than anyone.
I don't have any public profiles on social media.
Are you a zoomer who needs a public twitter and instagram to make friends?
Move apartments when lease is up or don't. What are they going to do? Spray paint rapist on your door? Not happening.
They're just going to complain online and then it dies down.
That's a nice speech but you still haven't answered my question.
>So why did this people work with him for years?
Opportunist, and money. You know, the evil of humanity.
I don't understand how you get ptsd from just being around a weirdo. Mine's from decades of child abuse.
I love how discord trannies have been running a 24hr subversive campaign against Yea Forums for over a year and probably haven't gotten a single convert. Whereas this one event has probably had more people drop from "their team" than their campaign ever will.
Because life and people are complicated user, and sometimes people will undergo emotional abuse either because they feel like it's in their best interest (most of these people probably saw working on NITW as their dream job and big break) or because they feel like they have to tough it out for the sake of the other person, as if you read the story the main reason the 'team' did not abandon Alec was because they felt like his suicide depended on them supporting him and finishing the game.
All you have to do is empathize with people user and not assume everyone is a perfectly logical robot.
no wonder they got him killed, he believed in meritocracy and saying no and walking away instead of crying about it. ironically if this guy did just this when alec started fucking up he wouldnt have suffered at all. fucking people with no spines
>go out of town for CRX and off the grid
>download NITW before flying out and played the game a bit
>come back home
>this shit happens
>can’t play the game anymore
>bleeding heart retard
>posts undertale
checks out
Everyone knew it was likely bullshit when it came out but you're right about one thing, we did all have a giggle at another 'woke' dev getting #metoo'd.
Speaking of which, Alex Lifschitz, Zoe's ex also got #metoo'd recently by some other girl, it's like pottery.
How was he clearly abusive?
Hard mode: don’t use because someone said so
Let's all put our heads together and wonder why somebody would try so poorly to imitate a Yea Forums filename.
I'm not reading it and I'm looking at this from the perspective he's a piece of shit, still don't understand how she convinced herself doing this was a good idea, and for what reason, was it literally for clout?
The difference is here zoe quinn wouldn't even know what the UN stands for.
cunts have no idea what PTSD is
that word has been so diluted by this point that anyone with a minor phobia claims they have PTSD
so they decided to destroy his career and subsequently his life because he was kind of an asshole.
After reading this, it's so fucking obvious he did it. You people are legitimately insane if you still think that there's this concerted effort made by a group of people spread across a continent that decided to make up a list of contrived lies just to get back at a perfectly innocent spaz.
>Durr, he was right to be afraid of people conspiring to ruin him, that's exactly what happened
Yeah, if I had a mile long list of people that I propped up, love bombed, freaked out at, fought with, abused and threatened with my own suicide, I'd probably be pretty afraid that eventually this behavior would catch up with me.
A lot of this seems to come with stubbornness from not wanting to be wrong. Zoe Quinn comes out and says she was abused, wtf I love Alec now, Zoe Quinn is a bitch, she must be lying. What? Everyone else, including Alec's fucking sister, confirms what she's saying? No, it can't be, I can't have been wrong, IT'S ALL LIES!!!
Like a lot of you retards like saying, SJW male feminists are often creeps that just want to get close to women. Why is it that this mantra you believed in suddenly became meaningless and worthless? You're not even consistent.
wait people think gamergate is real?
>Guilty of what?
The retarded zoomer here is you, because you have zero clue how easy it is for the internet to track people down based on the tiniest of information. If he has any profiles on the internet with even his name and address on, he'd be found. Someone would scour every post he ever made on the most innocuous of places and use it to find him, spamming him with death threats and torment him forever.
Remember when /pol/ found Shia's hidden camp based on flight patterns and the angle of the shadow on a fucking flag pole? People are adamant and persistent when they hate someone.
>how much mental abuse Alec pushed on them and how he'd prey on others knowing full well that he could get away with it
Why wasn't any this posted prior to the man's death? Why continue to work with a man you despise and find abusive years after your contractual obligation is done in an industry that essentially designed to allow people to freely work with others? Why isn't there a single piece of documented abuse from this abuser that has been on the prowl for a minimum of nine years? Why didn't a single woman that he supposedly abuse go the police despite it taking less time than going to the DMV?
Very odd every single one of these accusations only pop up after a known abuser herself claimed this guy was an abuser
Did you just turn up yesterday or something? The moment his shithead "friends" and coworkers removed him from their team they were defending him, like multiple threads worth of shit, you seriously saw none of that?
I mean if you read the story he got a diagnosis from a doctor saying he had PTSD
although you may have a point, two anons on Yea Forums might be more informed on the issue
Yep, this game is now forever stained with this mess. That's the funniest part, them firing him ended up ruining the public perception of their work from now on.
>western indie scene killing itself
tl;dr. Post video games.
>it's so fucking obvious he did it.
Yeah but he worked 7 hours a day! For a year!
okay FBI
So if he's a massive twat and abused a lot of people and killed himself surely we don't need to hear about it, yet clearly he surrounded himself with people who were just as bad as him, maybe now your noggin is joggin user.
I don't even know why Yea Forums acts like it's his close friends betraying him.
By all accounts they were work partners and the dude was a douchey basket case who kept flaking on dev work.
Because... he said so. Get a grip incel
Wtf I love Zoe now
So four years after Alec went tio proper therapy and got his mind and life back together, became successful and stable, they ganged up on him for past transgressions to destroy him and profit from it.
That makes them even bigger bastards.
Doctors are fucking idiots, they wanted me to go on antidepressants because I was going through puberty.
Did what, exactly?
Every time.
Could it be possible that somehow what Alec did was proved to be innocent, and all the People that pushed him into suicide go to jail?
Again, show me what fucking abuse, all I got from this was "mood swings". How did he get PTSD from his coworkers mood swings ?
Cases of Alec's manic behavior have all been swept together into a Megawad calles "abuse". Everything from him saying something bad to fingering a cunt too hard has been merged to weaponized vague half truths about this person, so that he racks up enough bad apple points so that they could finally sacrifice him to Marxomeph.
Someone post the comic.
>Like a lot of you retards like saying, SJW male feminists are often creeps that just want to get close to women. Why is it that this mantra you believed in suddenly became meaningless and worthless? You're not even consistent.
Because the primary accuser is Zoe Quinn. Someone who has apparently killed a "rapist" and buried his body where nobody would find it.
>heres this guy whos mentally ill and has paranoia about people talking behind his back and wanting him dead
>lets make an account on twitter where we talk shit about and forget to make it private
theyve tried to kill him before
>clearly abusive
Post those proofs then bro
Even if hes guilty he didnt deserve to fucking die for rough fingering Zoe
>You people are legitimately insane if you still think that there's this concerted effort made by a group of people spread across a continent that decided to make up a list of contrived lies just to get back at a perfectly innocent spaz.
I always contended that Zoe was just appropriating the abuse of others to make up her own story to get her name back in the news
>Have your "friend"/coworker killed by a known bipolar whore liar thanks to the system you helped to spread
It's even funnier he fact made gifs like this
alright so we shouldn't trust doctors and professionals on issues of health?
No, because they would plead guilty and get parol
He got yelled at by a weirdo autist and it hurt his feefees.
All I'm seeing is a bunch of literal human garbage trying to cover their assess after they dogpiled Alec over Zoe's obviously false accusations, you really expect any of these cockroaches to admit to it? Now that the guy is dead they can make up anything they want to cover their guilt.
t. Ameritards that actually think that mental health doesn't matter
Burgers literally can't even read and they want to criticize anyone else.
At least Quinn will be shat on for years for this, even if what she said was true somehow. When you get associated with a suicide, that will stick to you
>I don't even know why Yea Forums acts like it's his close friends betraying him.
I wouold most certainly say that a dude he worked with and was very open about being someone that he leaned on during hard times and even made a company with who threw him out of his own company on an allegation and his sister going out of her way to post about how he deserved everything before his body was even cold would be "close friends betraying him".
All of Yea Forums in a nutshell
You'll take your political dredging threads and like them. Your board is awful and this is what happens to awful boards.
Futurama was a fucking warning.
Unless the guy has experienced anything life-threatening claiming to have PTSD is actually an insult to actual PTSD.
Should've reported him to the police then, basedfriend?
>who threw him out of his own company on an allegation
He literally warned people against working with Alec.
Why are normies perfectly okay with and even encourage bullying people they don't like into suicide?
>You people are legitimately insane if you still think the oil barons assassinated him over a water car
>If your brother is an abusive asshole, you're supposed to lie for him
To milk money from his corpse.
If you're in America especially doctors just try to find every opportunity to put you on some fucking medication, its literally the cause behind the opioids epidemic.
Doctors are also responsible for the opioid crisis, they're not perfect.
Toby attacked Chucklefish though so he's also a shithead
>helped the rest of the men in the Village bury him and burn his clothes
what did he mean by this
The only evidence is from Zoe which could have been based on feeling alone. He might have been acting normal and she didn't like it but didn't say anything then talked behind his back about it. Rumours spread and he's now an "abuser". Maybe he did do bad things to her? It was 10 years ago and again there's no other instances of this. Maybe he was trying to be a better person. He said in his 33 birthday blog that he was doing cbt or some shit.
This is highschool drama, gossip and ultimately bullying from people who parade themselves around as being above that and everything else.
>He's a mentally abusive monster!
>Okay can you show being true?
>Ugh americans
The evidence that says Zoe is a pathological liar and a manipulative cunt still weighs heavier than whatever bold claims of abuse she said.
That's kinda my point. Everyone's getting sidetracked about proving his guilt or innocence like that'll change anything, like his guilt justified the internet mob pushing him to suicide, or his innocence warranting the death penalty for every other vaguely involved e-celeb we don't like. What should be the point of discussion here is that a guy killed himself over twitter shit. The people who should be held accountable are the ones who caused it and who could have prevented it.
Basically I'm saying burn down resetera.
No it wont, Quinn has that DSPice, all she has to do is wait it out and people will move on to the next cancelcunt, and she'll come back clean as a whistle
>Subject yourself to a cause for this long
>One liar says shit about you
>Everyone hates you
>Commit suicide
>Everyone shits on you even in death
>Sister wishes best things for liar
This sucks, I didn't agree with his liberal ideas but it's still really shitty
>>if your brother was an abusive asshole
Prove it
>we're legitimately insane for wanting any, literally ANY proof
>you're sane because angry tweets = gospel
most (((doctors))) don't know shit either. They just exist to sell you drugs and are big pharma shills
whatever you do buddy, don't look up information on PTSD because you might be surprised by what you find lmao
>this guy im working with is mentally ill and has paranoia about people talking behind his back and wanting him dead
>i know, lets make a private twitter account where i tweet shit about him behind his back to his friends!
No he didn't, he claims he did after the guy was alleged to be a horrible abuser.
Don't worry user, you're not the only one on Yea Forums with some sensibility. Don't listen to what the rest of these spergs have to say. It's clear this guy mentally abused people to the extreme and was an attention whore that always had to make situations about himself. He preyed on people, and once he was done sucking them dry to the bone, he moved on to the next person.
I like how he adds this in without realising what petty pathetic assholes it makes them.
Like this would reach there pathetic definition of abuse.
I too remember when DSP shot Fred Fuchs to death on his front lawn before going "NOTHIN I COULD DO MAN THOSE TIHYDP GAME ME PTSD MAN ACKACKACKACKACKACK"
So this killing of a rapist thing, is there actually anything tangible of it other than that one girl saying she saw her admit to it, like wheres the proof thats not just hearsay?
Let me hope at least
His sister even fucking donated money to Zoey Blowie after he offed himself.
>claims to have a hatred for capitalism
>made a game and slapped a price tag on it
okay so as a result we shouldn't trust doctors or professionals.........??
what is this 'what aboutism'? you ever hear the phrase "throwing the baby out with the bath water?"
Theres also a lot of love for Zoe killing indie numales, most of us are just here to watch the fire and hoping it gets bigger
>believing known liar zoe quinn
Frankly, I don't care that much aside from watching this shitpile burn because if it had been someone else, this simp would likely be backing her up.
That if soviets find a dead soviet in a german village, they will make the holocaust look like a fucking joke. You know how to read, right?
That was a photoshop.
I knew a mother/daughter combo that invited me to some class as a "favor" and then they were upset because I didn't go.
The venue was like 5 (five) miles away, and they called me only 10 (ten) minutes before it started (with no prior warning), literally expecting me to teleport over there. I was 17 and didn't have a car, and they knew I didn't have a car. You can't even drive at 17 here. Even if I *did* have a car I'd have to like... do other HUMAN stuff like take a shower and change clothes before going. Wait no... even I was all washed up and ready to go AND had a car, I'd still have to deal with at least 40 minutes of traffic to get there! I told them it was completely impossible then days later they were talking about how "rude" I was to turn down the invitation. I minimized contact after that.
Imagine the fucking controversy if genders were reversed and it was a guy falsely accusing a female co worker of harrassment and she killed herself.
>being a spaz and an asshole is enough to push a mentally ill man to suicide
Makes total sense, user.
Fucking Scientologists crawling in under the door again. Shoo, Tom, shoo. It's only the American pill mill that is corrupted.
So he's shitting on a dead man now, to prove he was right in driving his 'friend' to suicide? Wouldn't expect anything less from these self-centered assholes.
ResetEra had nothing to do with his death though. Suucide is a selfish act that needs no assistance from anyone.
>>If your brother is an abusive asshole
Funny thing is, no one has posted anything showing this is true. I could gather fucking medical records where multiple toes of mine were broken and a statement from my 15-year-old self saying that my brother broke my toes in a retarded fight, yet none of these people have ANYTHING.
I'm not saying that his death is good, or that Zoe shouldn't be at fault for posting about this on social media, but why the fuck would Scott have a reason to lie about any of that now?
>B-But Zoe...
This goes far beyond Zoe.
They were never friends. They were co-workers, in a more realistic sense. It's literally like tweeting about a shitty boss you have.
Pretty much, but now whenever she shows up there's at least a reason to say 'so how about that guy you killed that one time'
This whole situation is just AIDS eating cancer.
>a guy falsely accusing a female co worker of harrassment
You wouldn't hear about it. No one would.
>I had a hard time saying the word “abuse” then. Still do, a bit. I’ll talk about my hatred of capitalism or the faith I grew up with, but I don’t talk much about things done to me by someone specific. Part of that is just dumbass masculinity
What a cuck
Oho now fucking hearsay matters does it?
So a dude abuses a dozen people and not a single one of them has any evidence other than their word which they sat on for over a decade to then post about it on a public forum when they're slipping out of relevancy and money after the media spotlight has moved away from them instead of the police? Yeah, nah, get fucked cunt.
The way I see it, whether everything people say about him is true or not doesn't matter. I think it is true, since there are too many accounts that corroborate with each other and it's more likely that they're telling the truth than that a couple dozen people who knew him are psychopathic liars. But again, it doesn't matter.
What matters is that online hate mobs shouldn't be weaponized to administer justice against other people. This is a pretty simple moral position. It means that Zoe Quinn shouldn't have been a target in something like GG, where regardless of what circumstantial evidence regarding her using sex to advance her career or whatever, who cares that's not a crime, and even if it were it doesn't justify directing thousands of people to ruin someone's life. And in the same way, Zoe Quinn shouldn't have directed thousands of people to destroy Alec's life. If I was raped, I'm not allowed to cause property damage to the rapist, or head over to their place and break their legs. The damage done by online hate mobs is completely ignored by the law.
If someone did something wrong, go to the police. If going to the police won't work (like there's no proof of a sexual assault from years ago), I'd still say go to the police just in case there's some file you don't know about where they've taken testimony from other people, and beyond that, then maybe confront his family, message his coworkers, and so on. Don't take it to social media and administer your own justice.
wrong image, fuck
>If your brother is an abusive asshole, you're supposed to lie for him
She also referred to him as her "best friend", but threw him under the bus at a moments notice due to her dogmatic obsession with "always believe the victim".
She'll probably be the next one to end herself.
At least now we won't have to hear about her anymore
unless she kills another person
Don't forget the 'dozen' people are just slavish worshippers of Zoe.
so what I'm getting here is that all his "friends" are just cunts and they absolutely contributed to him committing suicide
>It's only the American pill mill that is corrupted.
sure bud. It's all corrupt. governments, corporations, banks, everything
"While I praise Alec’s work, consider this- people left the industry because of what he did. People gave up their dreams, the art they wanted to make. People, drawn by the promise of working with a well known indie developer, found themselves caught between giving up their dreams and financial stability and getting away from him. People spent years with him as a destructive presence in their lives. People developed PTSD. People spent hours and money on therapy. People felt trapped by him. It’s hard for me to see how one man’s work is worth what he did to so many others."
You're not getting out of this one this time. I don't know how you weaseled your way out of the pedo discord shit, or the possibly numerous pedo mods you have, and I don't know how many other pedo-related shit, but now you've got blood on your hands.
>Goes into full detail with multiple paragraphs talking about how abusive it was
>"tlft i'm not reading that who cares he dindu nuffin"
>why the fuck would Scott have a reason to lie about any of that now?
Yes, why would a man possibly lie about a dead man to futher his own career? Why, it'd make FAR more sense for him to defend this dead man that's being claimed as being an abuser! After all, people like Kevin Spacey were accepted back into their field of work when it was shown he didn't try to fuck a minor!
There won't ba controversy because nothing would happen over a guy simply making an accusation.
We shouldn't be listening to them on issues that revolve around PTSD dumdum.
Honestly it just seems like because 99% of you have dicks its far harder to empathize with anyone other than Alec. It's far less likely that you'd be a victim of harassment than falsely accused of harassment, so your empathy defaults to the accused in a situation like this.
>>Goes into full detail with multiple paragraphs talking about how abusive it was
>Yet not a single text, email, social media post or written statement about his abuse
>it's the defeatist avatarfag again
She went to twitter for obvious reasons dickhead. To destroy him. Then he killed himself I guess she got what she wants? His sister is a whore too. Imagine throwing your brother under the buss and then calling him your best friend.
okay so we shouldn't trust professionals or doctors on one specific issue because you, a person on Yea Forums, says so....???
user i think at times like this you should take a step back and reflect on how deep in the echo chamber you are
Niggah I knew a guy who offed himself because of prozac. I trust doctors for some things but anti depressants are not one of them. Educated people are more than capable of being wrong about things.
*She though.
>Yea Forumstards think that PTSD is exclusive to war veterans
I could go into extreme detail on how you tongue a dead dog's asshole last night, doesn't make it true, does it?
Hey dumbass, plenty of us already think he may have done it. It doesn't change the fact that going to fucking twitter about it was an incredibly reckless move.
Someone’s got a hard on for Americans.
I think yes, he was abusive and yes, Zoe was abusive to him, there are tweets from people who know both of them confirming this. There are also many, many of his co workers and "friends" saying how horrible he was and then they follow up with how they were horrible to him.
So yeah he was abusive, yeah, Zoe and his circle of friends drove him to suicide.
I'm impressed how effective twitter is now at showing that internet shitshow is now real life shitshow.
>developing PTSD from one scrawny fuck not delivering on time or being a sperg who says meanie words
Im too much of a nigga for the gaming industry; i remember being gunned down by 2 niggas for flirting with one of the guys girl and i dont have PTSD over that shit.
You just raped me user. I'm calling the cops.
>ZQ is a liar
>thus Alec must be innocent
Don't you think it's possible that she's a liar AND he's a sex-pest? She's still guilty of driving a man to suicide.
It’s a story about working with someone who suffered big mood swings. Someone sometimes being difficult to get along with doesn’t equal “abuse”
>guy falsely accusing a female co worker of harrassment
It wouldn't even get that far. Nobody hypes up on this believes that can even happen.
No one here has empathy towards anyone, the entire situation is disgusting and the only actual worthwhile part of it is that we can now say the next time a zoe quinn appears on the internet "it might end in suicide".
>erafaggot thinks you can get ptsd from being called mean things
>accusation with no proof
What the next step in her master plan?
>Then he killed himself I guess she got what she wants?
Nah, he wanted him to bend over and throw money at her patreon for the rest of his life, but he had to finish his own life just there without paying up so she fucked up
>"While I praise Alec’s work, consider this- people left the industry because of what he did. People gave up their dreams, the art they wanted to make. People, drawn by the promise of working with a well known indie developer, found themselves caught between giving up their dreams and financial stability and getting away from him. People spent years with him as a destructive presence in their lives. People developed PTSD. People spent hours and money on therapy. People felt trapped by him. It’s hard for me to see how one man’s work is worth what he did to so many others."
Basically he was an asshole, obsessive compulsive disorder, perfectionist, autist.
All these people needed to do was a grow a spine and tell him to shut the fuck up.
You're throwing the blanket term pedophilia over a very real for of unconventional attraction and drop the nuance needed to discuss it. Then again I expect nothing more from mindless hate mobs.
Are all americans this unloyal and feminine or just the liberal one? Legit question
"keep doing what works"
Is that victim-blaming I see?
hey and i knew a white guy who got naked and beat up a cop in the street, so i can safely assume all white men will get naked and beat up cops in the street
or did you have like, a smart point here?
post koopa titties
>proud of living in shit hole
>plenty of us already think he may have done it
Hey dumbass, no one here believes it except the fags who are typing essays defending zoe
You know what happens when a person who's actually an abusive, hostile asshole is one of the leads for a game's development? People don't just take the abuse, continue to work with him, call him a friend for years and never speak up until he kills himself and they want to take the blame away from themselves. Look up Brendan McNamara and the production of LA Noire. People were quitting every few weeks or so because he was ACTUALLY abusive and hostile towards his team.
There's evidence of ZOe being a liar, the only evidence against Alec is the word of a known liar.
Note how the picture is a massive car wreck. Not someone being difficult to work with every now and then
Well, this is the first time I felt bad for someone that was probably a shit person. Poor Alec, his closest family betrayed him with zero proof.
I believe that people that had a traumatic experience in war or someone that had an experience with rape or an incredibly abusive parent or partner can show reasonably develop a mental disorder. I don't think people that feel like the entire internet or the entire white race exists to attack them can. They probably have some other shit going on.
>That fall, a little over a year into NITW development, Alec’s behavior began to become more erratic. He more and more became convinced that a growing number of people were planning on how to ruin his life.
>kills self because Zoe "I was raped by everybody on the planet" Quinn accuses him of something
Not sure what to think about this
>he gave me ptsd because he was mean to me sometimes
>i believe women
>even though he's dead and the mob I lead was responsible for driving him to suicide, i want you to understand that he deserved it, and mob justice is always justified with or without evidence.
>do i know if the allegations are true? no, but i believe them because he was mean to me sometimes
>and because i believe the allegations because, and this is important, i have ptsd because he was mean to me sometimes, its a good thing the mob I was a part of drove him to suicide.
>at his funeral, his sister, his friends, and me, will make sure everyone knows the allegations were true, because we all believe women all the time and he was mean to me sometimes
Does G-d punish "men" like this? Is disloyalty a sin punished by G-d?
I don't think you read my post which, fair enough, it's long. That's right, yes, it's wrong to direct an online hate mob to destroy a life, even if it's "justified" in the sense that the person did commit a crime like sexual assault. It's against the law to murder your rapist, but it's not against the law to direct a hate campaign against them and I think the only reason is the law doesn't know how to deal with the Internet, but morally, it really shouldn't be exempt.
>so your empathy defaults to the accused in a situation like this.
My empathy defaults to the person having allegations thrown at them only after their death when they couldn't possibly defend themselves. It also becomes incredibly difficult to believe he's an abuser when the allegations only started to come out when someone who's a known abuser is the one to make the initial claim, and that there isn't a single piece of physical content that shows he's an abuser. I have a VERY hard thing believing all these people he abused didn't actually record or save any of his abuse when crackheads on Judge Judy can have prove of their insane statements.
It's funny you used a black guy as an example because Emmett Till lost his life because of a liar who just was believed without evidence, and created a sympathy mob that lynched him.
Yes, there is an element of racism, but ultimately they wanted him gone and used that as the excuse without evidence.
>nooo we're not THOSE kind of pedos, we're nice!
Just trannies and zoomers
Honestly its just the western Amerifats. Go to new york or any of the far east states and people are a lot less fake and a lot more openly hostile to things they dont like. Its why i prefer Jew York to Commiefornia
You guys want to tell others to grow a spine, but you're all just a bunch of touchy prissy faggots that need to feel offended over nothing, and are just as radical about it as Cancel Culture.
>think about the other people's feelings, the expectations they had and the decisions they didn't make because they had no backbone to face uncertainty and instead stuck around for the familiar hell.
>Is disloyalty a sin punished by G-d?
Of course, the 9th circle of Hell is reserved for betrayers.
>professionals or doctors
Just answered yourself there well done son.
mostly liberals in my experience
While going public on twitter is not the best thing for the abuser, it's definitely the best thing for the potential abused.
You need to warn people that this dude is a mentally ill cunt that will ruin your life if you get close to him. Having a police investigation on him is gonna take years, and if you keep it private, his cycle of abuse is gonna continue for even longer.
What would he even get arrested for? Threatening to kill himself if people don't do what he says? Is that even illegal?
Fuck off tranny
No I normally support women and I'm gay so I'm not even scared of being me too'd but this is Zoe Quinn we're talking about. There's really no reason to trust her. You would have to be a blind idiot to take anything she says at face value.
>Attraction to prepubescent humans isn't pedophilia!
I get the impression that the SanFran Indie Clique all secretly hate each other and are constantly gossiping and bitching about each other in countless different whatsapp and discord groups.
It's a fucking powder keg, lads.
stupid question but here's the (you) anyway
>"justified" in the sense that the person did commit a crime like sexual assault.
It's not you don't choose who and how to punish people the courts do. Grow up are you really from resetera?
>He has to prove his claim even if you believe it a negative
jesus what a retard
But Zoe is the abuser in this situation.
>Having a police investigation on him is gonna take years
Is 10 years too long?
>modern psychiatrists diagnose it much more nowadays so its legit
>doctors prescribing antibiotics as candy is wrong tho
One year from the elections and this happens.
Must be 43+1/2D chess from Trump.
These people need Jesus
Jesus fuck you're dense. Ok go head and trust all professionals 100%.
Careful user. You’ll give me PTSD by being so rude to me
You sure are upset over a bunch of people rationally wanting actual evidence, go drop a few more bucks on Zoe's patreon, I'm sure you'll feel better.
Talk to any of those people face to face and you'll see it's not secret they just don't vent it on twitter.
At the minimum just some help or some redpills
Hey didnt Zoe Quinn assult somebody herself?
those guys exist on the west coast too. things just aren't as densely populated here though so they stay in the countryside and never mingle with the fey city faggots.
t. grew up in california ranching town
I wish 4+Yea Forums would leave.
What do you think people did before twitter existed?
>Not only can Zoe can not only get away with murder, she doesn't even have to get her hands dirty any more
I just want to see what she'll do next
Do you have any evidence?
Witnesses' claims are not evidence btw.
And sometimes he ate a jellybean.
>zoe comes back
>(User banned:2 weeks hateful response)
and remember that vaxxines cause autism and the world is flat
>me user me never research topic or read into it
>me only look for anecdotal confirmation bias that matches my feelings!! me ignore all professional evidence that goes against my feeling based belief!!
i'm jkin user you're smart af keep being you and owning the sjws
I wouldn't even watch her porn if she went back to it.
So Zoe is lying then.
Alec confirmed innocent.
No. A lotta people, yes.
The blog author is from and lives in Pennsylvania retard.
Just the far left. It's a phoney belief system that results in phoney friends. Most other people still have some sense of community.
>ruin your life
This faggot in the article went from a failed artist, to now fully controlling an IP that aspies throw money at.
But it was hard work sometimes. So his life is ruined?
>you either fully trust the government and authority or you’re a conspiracy theorist
I am so fucking confused how you keep disagreeing with me and then making my own point back at me like you're trying to pick a fight. Morally justified, you dolt. I repeatedly say maybe 5 or 6 times that vigilante justice is wrong and it's up to courts to administer justice.
no one said that, it's just that these kinds of people really love pretending to be mentally ill for sympathy points or whatever the fuck
Every fucking source on PTSD I can find specifies serious life-threatening experiences as the course
Well he's not getting cyberbullied anymore, now is he?
>no you the snowflake
go back to social media dumb tranny, no one can clap to you here
>when mob violence doesn't make people dangerous radicals
Your brain on whatever this guy is reading
Sounds like the only mistake Alec made was not making this a murder-suicide instead.
Jesus /pol/ really did ruin this site.
Psychology is not a science, because you cannot reliably test methods to 'help' patients. Its mostly guesswork. Psychiatry has the veneer of science, but its still not because medication is very unreliable. He did not have ptsd. Was he shaking and crying in a bathroom every 4th of July remembering the ied that blew apart his best friends' face or the kid he killed because his stupid parents ran a checkpoint? No, a more talented man had a vision and was mean to him sometimes.
God damn right
>conspiracy theorist
You say that like it's a bad thing. Paranoia is a healthy frame of mind these days, it means you're actually trying to think about more than just yourself.
>american drone pilot feels very bad about killing civilians please donate to his patreon.txt
>Morally justified, you dolt.
IIt's not. Grow up and i don't agree
No, you don't want actual evidence. You got evidence by people who were clearly abused by the man, but deny it because you need to act like a piece of shit contrarian asshole just because someone you don't like is involved. You just want to act self-righteous because you're totally redpilled and understand every single facet of the world when you're just a narrow-minded fucking retarded autist. You crave disaster because you're just an awful person deep down, so you come to a place of like minded individuals, and instead of actually trying to take a step back, admit faults, or see things through a different set of eyes, you continue to remain close-minded because it gives you some kind of sick sense of satisfaction and self-gratification.
Vigilante justice would be them going to beat the shit out of him
Warning people that he's a cunt and you should avoid him is not vigilante justice
>Vic confessed in his deposition that he laid hands on the girl (Monica?)
In what way did he "lay hands" on this girl?
As for everything else, I was told that Funimation fired Vic due to the sexual abuse claims, then denied rehiring him when those claims fell apart. Hence the defamation suit.
>cant refute
>(user banned forever: homophobic speech used in a derogatory manner)
7 hours a day user!
Huh, well, i said "a lot more", not 100%. Otherwise, id be wrong on the internet, a fate worse than death
why the fuck is he growing dark
what's wrong with that games lighting
>implying any drone pilot has ever hit civilians
Fuck off Ivan.
Technically yes. If you believe that there are certain cases when the government conspires to do shady shit then yes, I don't see how you're not a conspiracy theorist
I hate these people so much. Jesus christ, why do we have to live in this fucked up timeline
Does this faggot fucking complain about a 7 hour shift. Please tell me he doesnt.
And here I thought incels were just a meme.
Because he totally did not make that up
Correct, everyone within the blast radius is automatically a combatant due to engaging in combat with the bomb.
>No, you don't want actual evidence.
I wasn't aware asking for physical evidence over anecdotes before condemning a dead man meant the opposite of asking for evidence.
How am I not surprised that's your response, you people are predictable as fuck.
i can't argue your feelings user
you win that one every time lol
but if you want to argue link some research papers or something on the misdiagnosis of PTSD or like a breitbart article on how PTSD isn't real
What evidence? There's been plenty of other cases with 'witnesses' ganging up on someone and lying about them. Even been posted in this thread
>he was my friend
>so i'll shovel dirt on his still warm corpse, that's what friends do
whew lad
God job user! You just outed yourself as a falseflagger with your faggot picture
>I'm angry we have to deal with this in public
Ruining someones life is vigilante justice
go clean some toilets or something
Make love not war, man. Lets just chill out broskis
>I try to rape you
>You punch me and break my nose
>I'm now scarred for life
No you faggots did and you are not fooling anyone.
Now you understand why he has PTSD.
A mean distant coworker, putting so much pressure on you that you work 7 hours a day for a few months.
Now tell me what that is if it’s not clear cold ABUSE!
This is the second time they change their response. The first time it was simply "don't blame Zoe, there were a bunch of other chucklefucks on twitter, too"
>He still think quantity proves his point
>be psychotic
>finally get a therapy and medication that works
>spend years getting your life back together
>become liked and successful
>some jealous greedy cunts from back then drag up past transgressions
>smear them all over twitter and the gaming press
>take the IP you created away from you
>destroy everything you worked hard for the past years to accomplish
>even family throws you under the bus
>only way left to go
>an hero
>get smeared some more after your death for pity bucks, oppression points and virtue signaling
Games about underdogs getting their victory snatched away from them?
>You got evidence by people who were clearly abused by the man
We just had a supreme court nominee be accused of raping a woman horribly and going through a whole dog and pony show based solely on her words versus his evidence that he was elsewhere. Considering that still not a single piece of evidence, literally anything that isn't hearsay, hasn't been posted, it's reasonable to assume that the claims aren't true.
your friends will believe you and support you inconditionally, strangers won't necessarily do, especially if you put charges against the nigger.
you and your friends's words will be taken with caution as from an outsider's perspective it can all be an elaborated slander.
>Mentally ill man tries to get better
>Something that happened years ago gets dragged up and splashed everywhere publicly
>Loses everything, like he'd always feared would happen
Scott spends a lot of time trying to make us feel sympathy for his mental illness, while conversely demonising Alec's mental illness, because Alec's is a less socially acceptable mental illness.
While Scott is having mental breakdowns and medical issues, presumably not getting work done, Alec's mental breakdowns are simply brushed off as laziness, disinterest and shiftlessness.
Alec needed help, not someone ruining his entire life.
Today I learned that SJWs act like women, avoid all responsibility and talk about their feelings as if anybody cares. No wonder so many of them are chopping the dicks off, they're already halfway there
Please, he was a bitch for killing himself over what he lost when it was worthless in the first place.
He touched her when asked for a photo with another VA, so clearly he was fingering that poor woman all throughout cons.
>I say you raped me
>I say you broke my nose
>I get your monies
copy & paste my post into notepad
and do ctrl+f "quantity"
screenshot the results lmao
>7 hours a day
Oh, the humanity. No one deserves such awful conditions.
Jesus fucking christ, 7 hours is fucking nothing. If he's complaining about working 7 fucking hours I'd be a pissed off coworker as well.
If only his family wasn't in an SJW cult and actually tried to help him.
Hell as a concept we know today (ie. 9 circles) was written by Dante alligieri and has nothing to do with Christianity, it is a cool concept though
>anime doesn't belong on Yea Forums
I actually work in a R&D lab because I can think for myself. Now go be a good little boy and always do what you're told :^).
The nature of social media isn't accounted for by the law and the damage it can do to a person isn't fully understood or appreciated. I can't brand a rapist with a "RAPIST" scar on their forehead to warn other people who they are, but social media effectively does just that. Morally? Yeah, I don't have much sympathy for the rapist, but I still understand that the consequences of online hate mobs and social media campaigns against a person are so powerful and so far-reaching in a way that never existed before the Internet that they should be treated as a sort of vigilante justice. And just as with vigilante justice, even if I'd be morally for going after someone who is definitely criminal, I accept that it's necessary to limit the ability for civilians to take justice into their own hands because of the all-too-likely case that they'd sometimes get it wrong.
>(user banned, 2 weeks: derogatory remarks toward minority groups)
Zoe literally complained that Alec coded her game for her for free
I'm just gonna say that reading this is a real ride. It's like diving into a really good creepy pasta about a serial killer that hides bodies in his basement while being an indie video game dev with too much money on his hands on the surface.
>actually working your full shift
At least we have more proof working in that huge circlejerk of an industry is nothing but bad news.
Ever since that Dave Chappelle special, I've been think that hes right that America needs more niggas.
Imagine if every game dev has a nigga on staff just to keep thing 100 with you.
>le vaporwave sadboi depression belongs on in Yea Forums
Ok, sorry I was being stupid. It all makes sense now
Most indies aren't even burgerstani. This is just the commie indie clique that gets promoted by Kotaku.
Is that special good? I might watch it
>Working for more than 7 hours on something you care about, like a video game, is bad
user, please.
This incident will make me think twice about shitting on someone publicly. I did it in the past and felt like an utter piece of shit for a long time over it.
I heard good things, and Vice hates it, so maybe.
>America needs more niggas.
No, just the white ghettos of california.
>Twitter shit
Yeah, they totally were not making him into a pariah in his industry, complete with the industry's journalists demonizing him, it was just a couple of insults in a couple of tweets.
I felt I should have put industry in quotes because I know there's more out there than these sad californian fucks.
Had some funny moments, how "offensive" it is ends up being pretty mild actually if you watched his show.
>LA, San-Fran, Silicon Valley
>not whiter than snow with not even a token nigger per 100 square miles
How do we deal with the /pol/niGGer question?
And before some tard @s me, Oakland isn't San Fran. Oakland is Oakland.
It's good. He says a few anti white things but only one was crindge, the rest is gold. The backlash is because trannies are higher on the oppression scale than blacks now.
>a SJW faggot an heroes because another SJW he got involved with accused him of rape
Go ahead and tell me why i should feel sorry about him
Also, the matrix was indeed a good movie
Does Oakland even have any oaks left or are they all burned down by now?
>believe it a negative
Get that cock out of your mouth, either something is or isn't. Nobody cares you're still sore after losing arguments. You can't reverse russel's teapot with some childish "isn't not" twisting of words.
That's absolutely how it works. You're going to fuck someone for libel, you've gotta prove the shit they're spewing's false, and that they know it or reasonably should.
You're a faggot. Leave.
we sure moved that goalpost
i dont think anybody is saying he shouldve died, but that he was mentally unwell, which might have contributed to his abusive behavior and suicide
Also a reminder that Scott was publicly mulling over trying to stiff Alec out of any revenue from NITW.
/int/ memes aside, all these shitstorms are initiated by white women in white circles
maybe they do need to get some forced diversity to disrupt this shit circus
Because there was zero evidence other than BELIEVE WOMEN. And I assume you are a male, hope you don't make any women angry enough to accuse you of rape.
If you think this is a case of "Haha how is cyberbullying even real" you're a fucking mouthbreathing retard.
That doesn't mean it isn't his fault though.
Do you really think this indie dev who had surrounded himself in this world could just shut off his computer and that was that? You don't think that his friends were part of that world? You don't think that his workmates were part of that world?
Do you think he had anyone in his social circle who WASN'T part of that world?
It. Is. A. Cult. Despite tolerance seeming to be their chiefly espoused virtue, once you're in you will be encouraged to either convert or ditch all your old "problematic" friends, because they are seeped in sin. This leaves you entirely reliant on the rest of the cult for social needs.
This means that the spiritual leaders and champions like Quinn have the potential to completely shitter your life. Immediately. With next to no effort. You're property at this point. The only thing you can do is stop questioning, listen, and believe, because only sinners would think to question the good word, and we wouldn't want any nasty rumours of you going around.
Just be thankful these cultists have to live in an orwellian hellscape of their own design and choosing, but if you really think he could have just turned off the screen and that was that you are the biggest retard on a board of retards, kudos.
The issue isn’t the skin color, it’s that women and women(M) cause the issues
Scott is a greedy duplicitous, neurotic cunt with a equally backstabbing selfish cunt for a wife.
This dude seems like an absolute piece of shit.
How did he write this and go “yeah, that seems like a appropriate response to this suicide”
>it’s that women and women(M) cause the issues
that's very misogynist of you to say such, incel
I think it's a cautionary tale of not jumping into projects with people you don't know just because you're desperate for your big break in the industry. Here you have a 32 year old trying to get someone to notice his art on twitter, gets noticed and is immediately whisked into this life of indie game dev social circles and jumping from game conferences where they all drink and say shit about each other. In that regard, how could you not be freaked out. The guy needed someone to tell him "You don't know this guy, are you sure you want to jump into this shit? You'll be traveling together. You'll be in business together. And you know absolutely nothing about him other than he has money and makes games. Are you sure?" If I was in that position I would have said no. I would have made a decent game maybe, but it wouldn't have been worth the potential risk and certain emotional toil.
Before the thread dies, I’d like to tell all the essay writing trannies in this thread to go back to their shithole and defend zoe there
Alec, on the other hand, is a perfectly innocent angel. He dindu nuffin.
People like him are the ones who have cultivated this kind of culture
He made his bed, he laid on it
No sympathy for him and his shitty game, may they burn in hell
Eternal daughter and Aquaria were good tho
He got better and turned his life around.
I just say don't work with any of these emotional time bombs.
He didn’t though. Dindu nuffin is for niggers who did a crime and said they didn’t do it. Even with video evidence
>How did he write this and go “yeah, that seems like a appropriate response to this suicide”
Because SJWs don't have actual empathy.
This is entirely about trying to justify his own actions.
Nigger, people have reported multiple times that Zoe Quinn was abusive and that she fucking sexually harassed a dude in front of his fiance
Does that mean that Zoe is a sexual abuser if that's all the evidence we have?
I agree. This is him trying to justify the fact he let an abuser get out of his life and go abuse someone else while he stood by and did nothing.
The problem with people like this is, when you are a pile of human garbage, the people who stick around with you for years in professional or personal relationships are ALSO human garbage. They basically have to be, well-adjusted self-respecting adults distance themselves from fucking lunatics.
So what invariably happens is that you get these stories about a person, saying he’s human garbage, but you don’t want to trust those stories, because the people telling them are all also obviously human garbage. Trash people attract each other like magnets. Liars and drama queens and crybabies and frauds clump up like glueballs, and when one liar or drama queen or crybaby speaks up about another, it’s hard to believe that it’s true, because hey, that person is a liar/drama queen/crybaby.
So the takeaway here is what, exactly? What is the “moral” you want to stick, user? It turns out Alec Holowka was a piece of shit after all, so we should all feel bad for NOT implicitly trusting someone like Zoe Quinn? Why?
No, because zoe SAID SO INCEL!
No he seems like a jerk too.
The difference is Alec was so mentally disturbed he killed himself.
A few days after this, this guy decides releasing an essay going “but he was so hard to work with” is the right thing to do. Yeah no shit he was difficult - he was obviously seriously mentally ill.
>I'm a victim because this guy RAPED me (actually not him, but this one was ummm annoying and since I got your attention please remember that I was RAPED)
>I'm a victim because I literally commit suicide *hangs self*
>I'm a victim because after I bullied my friend into committing suicide I felt really really bad about it
Meanwhile they're all rich Americans living in California and are literally more privileged than 99% of worlds population
>so we should all feel bad for NOT implicitly trusting someone like Zoe Quinn
I'd just be happy with people stopping with the retarded conspiracy theories while delusionally saying that Alec still did nothing wrong. That'd be enough for me.
Alec had a mental illness. I'm sure that made life shit for people but mental illnesses are just that, illnesses. And he was taking steps to fix himself (because no one else was helping), until all this happened.
Most people don't feel sorry for him, they're exposing his case as a warning to others.
Wasn't there a screenshot of Anita showing a hateful troll post with an *edit post* button on it before?
>Quinn, who uses the gender-neutral pronoun "they"
What abuse? Seriously? Being weird and mean is abuse?
>it’s delusional to defend someone with no actual evidence against him
No, that was the tranny "developer" forgot what their name is.
user you raped me. Please fuck off with your conspiracy theories and believe the victim, me.
Thing is, he had no idea he was an emotional time bomb. He was on meds, yes that's a red flag but he was on meds too, and that does imply that he's at least trying to maintain himself. It means he's trying to regulate his emotions. And if you both take meds well, that probably made him more comfortable. They had something in common. It meant that he could "understand" if he flew off the handle. Except people take meds for different reasons. This guy took meds because he was depressed by otherwise functioning and married with a stable life. This guy took meds because he was literally unstable in every regard and it was the only thing grounding him in his fucked up life.
>no one has posted the comic
the true crime.
>Abloo bloo
Stop using faggot words
>more privileged than 99% of worlds population
Considering 80% of the world's population lives in shithole countries, that doesn't say much.
all those san francisco homo devs are mentally ill.
Why are you writing in third person?
What does abloo bloo mean?
Brainna Wu probably, well she still had supporters after that, although not on the scale of the others.
Still sounds like you're better off trying to hack it on your own than join this western indie cult.
They're not complaining about it though are they, they just get on with it. It's literally the richest 1% of the world who's complaining about how hard their 7 hour work day is.
Funny how the discussion turned from "did Alec rape Zoe or not" to "you have no reason to not believe Alec / Zoe" due to the lack of evidence
Yes, that's the one.
I believe the thread was "Is Brianna Wu and awful person" and it was from her main account rather than a sock puppet she was meant to be using.
>conspiracy theories
Near as I can tell, what people said was “accusations were made, and there was no evidence to support them, but the public immediately behaved as though they were true, and now a guy committed suicide because of it”.
That’s a fair perspective.
The more stories, and ideally, the more concrete, verifiable evidence that these claims are true comes out, the more willing we should all be to believe that Zoe Quinn or whomever else was telling the truth about Alec. But that doesn’t mean anyone should feel bad for not believing it prima facie, or for chastising the Twitter Mob that immediately DID believe all of it without a scrap of fucking evidence to back it up. And it doesn’t mean people shouldn’t still use the suicide itself to demonstrate the dangers of the Public Lynching, and to maybe make people feel as shitty as they ought to feel about actively desiring to see a person’s life torpedoed into pieces because of something some asshole claimed he did 11 years ago on a public internet forum.
That was a different Alex that was me tooed at around the same time
This is the only question worth asking:
If yes, now you need to come up what sort of criteria, while implicitly acknowledging that vigilante justice with all its risks (like getting it wrong) is apparently acceptable under some circumstances.
If hate mobs are not justified, then what Zoe Quinn did posting about Alec was wrong. And GG was wrong, and everything Kiwi Farms does is wrong, and so on.
Sorry I don’t know what a faggoty reddit word means
I wouldn't think so, it's from before you came here in 2016.
Kiwi Farms is pretty shit.