Dont mind me, just being the GOTY.
Dont mind me, just being the GOTY
Who is the model used for emily pope?
It’s good but not Sekiro good
What game?
Max Payne in the butt
and sekiro is not even close enough to being GOTY-ish
Psi-Ops the Spiritual Successor
lolno. It had potential but it faltered in just about every area that wasn't graphics.
It's definitely for me because it's pretty much what I always wanted in a game, but certainly not with the arguably better games this year.
SCP Containment Breach
>chad face on female
The game looks promising but what are some of the issues people are having with it? It didn't review amazingly.
Quantum break was better
>Shitty max payne wannabe with powers
>5 generic powers.
>5 generic weapons that are mostly shit.
>Instantly forgettable level design.
>Mediocre enemies and bosses.
>Tedious rpg mechanics that add nothing to the game.
>Most of the side missions are lazy bullshit.
>Knockoff of SPC by professional writers that is way less interesting than any given SPC page.
Probably one of the most disappointing games I've played in years.
This needed New Game +. Why the fuck can't I take a fully leveled Jesse into NG+?
I haven't read any reviews but I'm guessing journalists don't like it because it's a TPS without a cover system so you need to be constantly moving or you'll die very quickly. The story also requires you to figure a few things out for yourself based on stuff you read in notes, so retards won't like it either.
SCP game came out of fucking nowhere
Critics liked it.
Also having your storytelling reduced to reading and reading is just bad storytelling. Games are not books. And Remedy certainly aren't the writers worth reading.
>The game looks promising but what are some of the issues people are having with it?
Poor performance, particularly on the base PS4, the difficulty is also pretty inconsistent and all of the boss fights bar 1 or 2 are in sidequests instead of the main quest with a few being easily missable.
Some people also have a hard time with navigation and the game map but frankly they're just retarded.
Those bosses are in sidequests because they're just awful to play. Mirror Jesse was good but the rest are just badly designed fights.
>The story also requires you to figure a few things out for yourself based on stuff you read in notes, so retards won't like it either.
Have you even played the game? All the important plot points besides Jessie's childhood are laid out in cutscenes and movies. The only "story" you get from the collectibles in background in the pathetically uncreative SPC objects and a little bit to background on how the agency works.
sekiro is literally forgotten
Go on lad, this one's on me.
Tim picked up my copy for me, thank you tim and thank you hoodlum
this guy's face never fails to send chills down my spine
why do we indulge and shelter these monsters? look at that face. he's sitting calm in an interview, talking, wearing a clean shirt, eats 3 square meals a day. Wind back several years and he was cutting up other humans in his apartment, fucking their corpses, flaying their flesh, storing their bodyparts in a fucking fridge and posing bodies around his room.
Not even "Game of the day it was released"
>You are now realizing that this game isn't just shitty and lazy, but that it has also laid claim to the SPC concept for non-indie devs. So, we will probably never see a high budget SCP-homage from a competent developer.
Just when you think gaming can't get any worse in 2019, there it is.
Video games were never good and SCP is trash
Have fun with your true ending being locked behind a paywall.
Stop saying ''SPC'' you fucking idiot.
Cringe and retardpilled
>Stop misgendering my queer fanfic site.
Nah white boi
>The only "story" you get from the collectibles in background in the pathetically uncreative SPC objects and a little bit to background on how the agency works
Have you actually played the game? Don't answer that, a rhetorical question.
What a truly retarded response. It's okay to make a trivial mistake, user. Your family and friends still loves you.
Namea part of the main story that you can't get anywhere except from the collectable documents.
Oh wait you're not even the guy. I'm the retarded one.
Didn't think you could.
Is quantum break any good?
I don't mind that it's not the best game ever, but TV-show stuff kinda puts me off a bit.
I liked it more than control.
Haven't played it yet because I've been busy with Astral Chain but I'll get it when I'm done with that.
It has to be pretty fucking great to top Astral Chain.
c'mon lads who was the model for this beauty.
It's meh.
Wasn't she in that movie with the real human bean? Driver, or whatever it was called?
A fish
Control is way better. way more interesting world and more interesting fights. It's leagues above Quantum break.
Sad year, then.
there was literally nothing in the notes that gave you any actionable game information except for the luck & probability puzzle lol
the game hammers you over the head constantly with all the answers for what you need to do except for that one wonderful mysterious segment involving ahti
I think Control might be the first game I've ever played where I have more fun reading the collectibles and documents instead of playing the actual game, every time the gameplay gets close to enjoyable I get interrupted by a 5 minute cutscene. Really sad because I was really looking forward to this game
please dont be mean to my elf wife who has the personality of a wooden fucking plank
Antonia Bernath
>Slightly less shitty version of the Force Unleashed
Sorry, not going to make it bros.
I just finished it last night. The last mission was absolute shit. I cannot believe that's how it ended. It just kept going and going and going and none of it was interesting. The first sections of the game were great then when you meet your brother boom it goes to shit with just nothing but fetch quests and enemy wave battles. There's not even a final boss. You just keep fighting waves of enemies over and over.
I loved the story but it suffers from everything else that uses mystery. The writers never wanna solve the shit and instead setup for a new game.
Shame I really wanted to like this. It's a 7.5 but man I wanted to like it more.
Anyone do Dr. Yoshimi Tokui's guided imagery tours? Just top kek.
>the potato chips were for his pregnant wife
I'm pretty sure they purposely made the main story easy so everyone could finish it, it's pretty obvious since all the bosses are in side missions
Is that available on PC? I think I know what room you're talking about - the place with the sensory deprivation tanks - but there's nothing to interact with there.
You can use a hex editor on the .exe files to unlock it, also gives you the ps4 costume.
Yeah this: . Very simple hex edit but you do need to pick up the collectible after for the mission to show up. The doctor is voiced by Hideo Kojima.
>woman in plain clothing and a leather jacket holding a gun
wow op, this looks really cool and original
This trash is getting shilled hard right now.
wrong, it's the best game to come out this year so far
but the nig killed him in jail
Natalie Guetta
So is somebody going to explain why the game is good? And don't give me any of this "muh graphics" crap, gameplay matters first and foremost with story as a close second.
>shilled hard
we're all playing the "free" version my fren, put down your tinfoil hat
It's not great but it's not horrible either. It's a run off the mill 7/10 game. Visually very appealing (ignoring Jesse outside cutscenes), good destructive environments with lots and lots of stuff to throw around and it runs surprisingly enough quite well, but the gameplay and plot are not really the best there is.
If anything, the best part of the game is Ahti.
Seriously, this game is perfect for replays but they forgot all about NG+. It makes no sense. Starting new save is useless because the game is unfun until you unlock skills and upgrade them.
With that attitude you won't get shit.
This definitely not felt like a game that is replayable when I was done with it.
Remedy didn't patent the concept of paranormal shit getting contained and catalogued. Even Cabin in the Woods used it.
If anyone wants to make an actual game based on this premise, they will.