Remember the part in Bloodborne where you run around and check every corner and make no progress for dozens of hours and never figure out where to go because the game is shit?
Remember the part in Bloodborne where you run around and check every corner and make no progress for dozens of hours...
No I don't remember that
No, I was actually good at the game and had fun.
Hmmmm... can't say I remember it, no.
no im not autistic and bad at games, and my name isnt woolie or pat
Fucking bullshit.
bb is trash
but you sound like an unskilled faggot
so i'm gonna call your mom gay
ur mom gay
No not really, what section of the game was that again?
Nope, can't say that ever happened to me.
Wow Bloodborne fags are very delusional.
games that apply hidden secrets randomly without giving any clues or hints are fucking shit.
I remember this game being boring because I played all its predecessors first
oh this is a ds2tranny thread
your game isnt good and you arent good at games
Every section of the game
dont remember that part specifically but I do remember the game being shit quite specifically.
i, for one, have never played bloodborne, because i am not retarded. victorian-era is trash and not at all kino.
I can help you if you tell me what part you're having trouble with
Ds2 > ds1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Bloodborne
How do I get through Yahar'gul? The game was pretty manageable until now, everything hits like a I truck and I do diddly shit damage to the enemies.
lots of seething PC virgins itt
the only thing I remember back on and didn't like was farming blood vials
>just get gud and don't get hit!
no fuck off, estus was a great system and solved the downtime experienced in DeS, we didn't need to go back to that
You sound like you leveled your stats very unwisely or have an unupgraded weapon.
You have to cheat because it's shit and you still won't figure out where to go and also still die even though you cheated to max level.
Have a stroke
wow you are fucking dogshit at games
What's your build? What kinda blood gems are you running and have you +'d your weapon?
Yahargul is basically a straight line, though
The game is fucking garbage. I beat dark souls 1 and 2 and this one is just fucking retarded trash.
Bloodborne has always been overrated garbage. It's a 6/10 at best.
Yikes now you are just getting embarrassing to see
I fucking dare you DaS2fags to play through Bloodborne including its excellent DLC and then go back to DaS2. You will want to kill yourself.
hey man whatever you need to tell yourself to not feel mediocre
You can smell the ragequitting from your posts a mile away, time to git gud
Genuinely don’t know what part you’re talking about.
Nice delusional fanboy posts
nice crybaby garbage post
The entire game
Did you throw your controller and screeched like a little girl, user? It's okay, we can tell.
Nice post of irrefutable delusion.
No, I do remember a fucking amazing game I play monthly though.
Did you make a delusional post?
>getting lost in Bloodborne
How stupid do you have to be? Hell, Super Metroid is more complicated than Bloodborne when it comes to the structure. BB is practically impossible to get lost in. There's no room for confusion as you always have some path which you didn't check out.
>but I didn't remember that one path
Then write it down you retard.
i can taste your tears
if you ever play sekiro my man you are going to kill yourself lmao
What game would that be? It cannot be Bloodborne for those of us who aren't delusional.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but DaS2's three DLCs are better than Bloodborne's DLC, even if the latter has god tier bosses (Ludwig and Orphan fo Kos) and a god tier area (Research Hall).
speaking of delusional
t. someone who hasn't played DaS2's DLCs
Level 44
Vit 18
End 18
Str 10
Skill 26
Bloodtinge 13
Arcane 9
ATK 246
Threaded Cane +7
I have 3 tempering blood gemstones, and for runes I have Moon, Communion, Lake, and Impurity.
terrible bait thread
post ENBsister instead
Das2>das1>shit>getting raped>dying>bb
i get it youre uninteresting and need to pretend to like things everyone hates because it makes you seem cool and like you have a personality
but thats not how it works
clean your room, have sex, take a shower ds2tranny
>can't play games without questmarkers
You must be a "journalist"
Blood vials drop from enemies regularly and you can buy them. Sure it takes 2 to fully heal you but you can kill an enemy and pick up more. More often than not you break even and use one vial and pick one up.
Your level is a bit low. Did you do the side areas or are you just barreling through the main quest?
Never played BB because the PS4 is gay, but this has happened to me in other games.
I know a lot of people dislike hand holding in games, but being stuck is far worse.
I think the ideal solution are mechanics like those of dead space or ninja gaiden 2 which shows the progression path when holding one of the buttons.
Except I dislike almost every area in the vanilla game, you dumb fuck.
>le tranny meme
You have to go back.
Lol you're the ds2tranny, you're on this board 24/7 shitting on ds2 which is much better than Bloodborne with multiple ips and jacking off over bb even though it's one of the worst games ever made because you're jealous of ds2
>Copy paste 6 bosses
Ivory king and Alonne save those dlc.
I made my way to Nightmare Frontier but I haven't finished it. Not sure if I've missed anything else. I'm trying not to use a guide.
>not mentioning Fume Knight
How can one man have such shit taste?
Meh. He’s kind of a dick.
Oof, put me in the screencap! This is an epic win for DS2!
just run through, the enemies at the bottom are ass trash and so is the boss. it's a set piece area, parry to kill the mooks on your way down duh but don't bother with shit on your way to the boss
I just started playing at my friend's house and got to nightmare frontier but I was also drunk the whole time so I dunno what the fuck happened.
>threaded cane
Obsessed. You actually do this 24/7.
You picked the worst weapon for a noob. Go find the Ludwig Holy Blade if you're having trouble doing enough damage.
Does the game even tell you how to parry
I thought I could do a Skill build like a DEX build in Souls games. I'm a little surprised that I've found no other weapons the entire time I've been playing.
> Faggot who dumps all his points into VIT
But I love checking every corner in FromSoft games because usually there is something there.
kos some say kosb :D
Don't ragequit this thread too, DS2tranny.
>end 18
>why yes i'm a total scrub at the game how could you tell
Don't be obsessed with the superior game, ds2, 24/7, ds2tranny. Oh wait...that's impossible because you have a disease....
Did you get kidnapped by the bag guy? If so, you just get out and come back later in the story.
What a weak response. I won't even bother with a pity (You) anymore.
Bag guy? I found my way here after killing Rom.
Nah op is gay. The game isn’t that open for you to get lost for hours. It’s basically walk and kill your way to the other side of the area, open something, walk and kill, open short cut, kill boss, walk or be teleported to next area. The branching side paths connect so I don’t know how op got lost.
I've done it 100 times. Shit I've probably played through 2 more than any other souls games. The size of the game and build variety easily make it the most replayable souls game.
I was in some area with roof tops and everything fucking looks the same and kept ending up in the same place
The first time you go there can be optional so you're under leveled but if you didn't get kidnapped, just git gud
Are you talking about forest level? You just follow the main road there and it leads right to the boss so there's no problem getting through it on next playthroughts.
And some fag shot a minigun at me (retarded)
And you can't even use the minigun. Fucking shit game.
Are you in old Yharnam, Cathedral Ward, Yargol?
Idk I'm never playing again
Are you brain damaged? Cathedral Ward is not hard to navigate.
I'm a genius.
Clearly not if you can't figure out where to go in a level that's shaped like a cross.
>responding to obvious bait
fucking zoomers
This tells me that you've yet to visit other areas, or might have not revisited previous areas. At this point in the game you can find at least 4 skill weapons (off top of my head, the rifle spear, blades of Mercy, saw spear and reiterpallasch)
Git gud NIGGER!
Just go up where the bridges are and unlock to shortcut to the lamp-post. Ignore the ganksquad of hunters if you want but they're not that hard. Kite them out. The only one that gives trouble is the faggot with the arcane blast thing. It can one-shot.
Shit, at this point I'm tempted to just start over. That's what I get for playing drunk.
A Threaded Cane with 50 skill shits all over everything. It's the best Dex weapon in the game in my opinion. Huge range. Serrated for beasts. Fuck the Chicage and Ryuko. I was so disappointed in them when I had heard good things about them. Dropped them like a fucking rock and went back to the Cane.
souls/bloodborne players tend to be the biggest faggots I encounter. same shit everytime, "lol as if you didn't know about this thing you would only know if you checked out one of the wikis and/or this epic memespouting youtuber's new video, like, like, gitgud lol screencap this"
kill yourselves
threaded cane also has a B in arcane at +10, shit base damage though so still not as good as other weapons for arcane but considering it's speed, range and combo of righteous/serrated, it's pretty versatile
only cainhurst might be hard to find and instructions are in letter, hunters workshop is another and both those are optional. so no
you havent played soulslike games before i can tell, just stick with linear shooters or something.
like what+ name one you casuall scrub, games use to be like that before the internet zoomer.
I don't think you have to, personally everything about your build and weapon is fine, but do level up vitality the most
This, threaded cane first was my least favorite weapon but once I started doing mid level invasions and chalice dungeons it became my favorite. The spacing on R1s is so satisfying
No because I don't own a playstation
It's great, but it's by far hardest to use out of 3 starting weapon with lowest dps in the beginning. Also bounces of the walls all the time in whip mode.
I already know this guy's problem, aside from probably being underleveled. Everyone has given you bad advice.
First, do some chalic dungeons to level up a bit more.
Second, you probably haven't worked out the gimmick of the area which is the bell women. The bell women give all the enemies in the area a massive health and damage buff, and also make them respawn. Look for the bell woman when you see enemies with a red glow and kill her first, the area becomes a breeze.
I know this is your problem because I too failed to work out this gimmick right away, it just felt like I suddenly hit a wall.
Git gud
OMG you like easy to traverse corridors with your hand being held by the game too? You should try my favorite game: Final Fantasy XIII :>
People normally end game at level 60-70 if they don't spend time in chalices.
Nah, I must have missed it since I was too busy on the part where you run around and check every corner and make great progress finding secret areas, new weapons, new clothing and upgrades for dozens of hours
Imagine not beating the game at BL4. Heh, casual.
I always take out the bell women. It's directly after that, when I run into a bunch of shit enemies. What are those glowing things in the ground for? They just damage me.
They also damage them
Engage the skeleton boxes one at a time, circle strafe around them and they can't do shit.
Oh wow I feel retarded now. Thanks user
This. Acting like they did everything first try when it's retardedly cryptic fucking horseshit with a bunch of enemies that will kill you if you don't memorize exactly how to kill them which you can only figure out after dying to them over and over like a retard.
You spelled Dark Souls 2 wrong
ok but you didn't figure everything out in 1 second :)
>games use to be like that before the internet zoomer.
to sell strategy guides yes
I beat multiple souls games. BB is just trash.
>I was too busy being a fat lying retard who smells like shit and never had sex
No problem! Remember to forget you had to be explicitly told what to do and then act like a delusional fat nigger in the next Bloodborne thread and say you figured everything out yourself immediately in this overly cryptic shit game!
We're hitting levels of asspain that shouldn't even be possible
you might suffer from some kind of brain disease
Bloodborne is pretty great and the only reason I kept my PS4
I thought there would be more good games by now though. There isn't anything even approaching the same level of Bloodborne on the system.
The best game on PS4 is fucking shit, wow.
Git gud
What is your idea of a good game from this gen?
Chalice Dungeons are such garbage, and the other games had better fashion. Blood Vials make sense in universe but are also very stupid
Just watch a youtube vid lol
>this thread
pathetic OP
absolutely pathetic
Meh, lol
I’ve beat the game several times and cane is my weapon of choice. That’s not this dude’s issue
I can't remember, how were you supposed to know you could check the door with the amygdala that killed you after summoning the blood moon?
I disagree I bought Scholar for the first time and the bosses are all so shit I just quit playing after Sinner. Pursuer is the best example, he's easy as fuck and it's annoying fighting him everywhere because it isn't fun.
Look it up and then pretend that you figured it out yourself
I played through the game the first time with the threaded cane and had absolutely no issue, "Threaded cane bad" posts are just shitters guaranteed.
The only hint I recall was no longer being able to teleport to the lantern after the moon turned red. But that area was optional anyways and you only discovered it by dying to bagman beforehand.
I found it quite thrilling really
I played Bloodborne like 2 years ago and I don't remember any of it
still need to go back and beat the DLC, I finished the first boss and stopped
unfortunately I don't have a good TV to play it on at the moment and my monitor doesn't do audio so I'm sticking to PC
The levels aren't even big enough to get lost in, except for the forbidden woods.
Bloodborne uses verticality for navigation. You should be able to quickly identify if it's a ascending or descending level and you can use that to orient yourself in any level. For example, progress in the Forbidden Woods is mostly descending, progress in the Nightmare areas is mostly ascending.
The cities are small and visually distinct enough that you shouldn't really be having a problem, at least not on a per level basis.
The final two bosses in the DLC are quite possibly two of the best bosses in a from game, full stop. Unfortunately, there are four mandatory bosses and the second is one of the worst bosses in a from game.
yeah workshop was only place i didint figure out and didint fight the moon precence.
is it worth me starting over from the beginning and then going through the DLC with my new character? I imagine it'll be tough to jump straight in as the DLC is meant to be quite hard
I was using the kirkhammer for my first playthrough, should I switch it up?
shut the FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Overly cryptic
>There are characters that explicitly tell you where to go and what to do
bb is best fromsoft game by far, only insightless fool would argue.
You can jump into DLC fairly quickly after third mandatory boss, but it's much harder than main game, yeah. Though as you progress through DLC, you get items to get your weapon to +10 which makes it easier.
It quite literally teleports you to the door after killing Rom, or is that not what you mean.
Having a brain helps.
sekiro lacs pretty much everything that former from titles got, even on ng+ the combat turns out to be very straight forward with little of any kind of way to improvise.
Oh did it? I honestly can't remember. It's been years. So yeah if it does that then it's pretty straightforward, each boss tells you where to go next.
Up to you, you could probably jump back in and just warm up by running through some of the early areas for a bit. I'd personally probably start a new game though. BB is great.
Kirkhammer is fun, not my personal choice. I start with Cane usually, I use the Blades of Mercy mostly, but the rifle spear and the cleavers are a grand ol' time.
you can stick headphones to ps4 controller.
They really do. In fact the only boss I can think of that doesn't direct you straight at the next is the Cleric Beast. Which I think is the funniest thing of all. OP is assmad and he's not even 2 bosses in.
Bloodborne has very simple and effective map design
Only the Forbidden Woods was a confusing piece of shit
Cleric beast isn't a mandatory boss. Only mandatory bosses give you directions.
I beat 2 bosses you fuckin nigger. And leading you to a dead end after killing the first boss isn't good game design.
I can't recall that part of the game. Sorry.
>First boss
>Leading you to a dead end
It's an optional boss and there's abnormally strong enemies right before him. That means you're going the wrong way.
For me it was Old Yharnam. I accidentally completely missed Cleric Beast so I didn't have the key so the only way to progress was beating the BSB and opening the door to the Upper Cathedral Ward. It took me a long time to orient myself but when I did I beat Amelia first try.
What labyrinth? Yharnam is so simple and has like two branching paths at any time. If you kill all the enemies and run through it, it takes 30 seconds to navigate.
Forbidden Forest is simpler. The rest of the levels are borderline straight lines.
I get lost all the time IRL and this shit was easy, you would be fucked without GPS to your kitchen fridge.
thats actually really good gamedesing witch gives you to choice on ways to go. bloodborne actually opens up after couple first bosses so much that you can go like in 7 different directions.
and that gives you game audio?
I had to give up on a Final Fantasy IX playthrough because I couldn't get to a location on the world map even after watching a walkthrough and trying to carefully trace my steps. I still got through all of Bloodborne's main story (and found a decent chunk of optional content) just by talking to characters and reading item descriptions. Just because it's not a straight line doesn't mean it's "cryptic".
If it's not a problem with your console, then yeah, it should
that's pretty magic, I'll give that a try later
thanks man
Learn to read and write you fucking nigger.
english is weaponized cancer laguage, i hope niggers will ruin it all the way trough.
sounds like you already are, nigger