Has a game ever made you cry?

Has a game ever made you cry?

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Danganronpa v3

Yeah, I burst out crying everytime when i wasted my money on shitty game

So op are you talking about in general or did you wanna talk about fata morgana?

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The original didn't make me cry, but Requiem did.

All around me are familiar faces...

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with laughter
bioware games were pretty great about that

>tfw Michel gets the door with the 3 locks open and finds her inside

Metal Gear 3

i cry everytim

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Jacopo did nothing wrong

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No but I almost cried because I wasted like 10 hours of my life reading this crap because you retarded trannies keep memeing that it "gets good later" while in fact is a very boring an mediocre VN you fags only like because the dickless appeals to you. Even though I pirated it I still want my money back.

It's way longer than 10 hours though.

Yeah, I stopped when it became unbearably bad.

I got spoilered about the dick thing, but I kept reading and trannies are just blatant retard that monopolize this novel to their mental sickness culture because they are desperate for medias to support their shitty beliefs.

The game itself and the writers have nothing to do with trannies and LBGT, the message they try to communicate goes way above the tranny crap, it has nothing to do with the hero being dicklet, I didn't regret reading until the end.

Sadly it's true it gets interesting only if you gather enough focus to get so far.

Literally no one gives a fuck about Michel's dick except for a few shitposters on Yea Forums who insist the entire story hinges on an element that isn't even a part of it.

Sounds like you went in with a negatively biased mind because you can't keep trannies out of your head.

Everytime you google this game or post about it they are here to ruin it with "le toxic masculine culture"...

Man the authors don't give one fuck about trannies, the hero isn't even a tranny, his mother removed his limbs because she wanted a girl.

>his mother removed his limbs
No, he was born with a genetic disorder leaving him intersex and with improperly developed genitals that essentially just left him with a small nub on his crotch, and a delayed onset of puberty.
This still has nothing to do with tranny bullshit because Michel isn't a guy who wants to cut his dick off and replace it with a gaping wound.


Morgana's untainted cunny

Telltale’s The Walking Dead Season 1. Never cried over a game since.

Is Michel still intersex in the epilogue?

Nope, he's reincarnated as a man

Fata Morgana is tragedy porn.

Giselle's tainted pussy

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