Why no, I would not like to give to charity. Why yes, I do have a $1000 graphics card.
Why no, I would not like to give to charity. Why yes, I do have a $1000 graphics card
why yes, i subscribe to 40 channels on twitch every month and i don't even watch them
>donating anything to society
>normalfags get mad when you point out charity is a scam
Why? Don't the ads where the camera slowly pans over a starving African child strike them as a bit suspicious? Why is the cameraman there filming this instead of helping out himself?
Based why yes poster
Why is it always only starving black kids and sometimes animals
>why yes, I'm an esl
>why yes, I'm the cunnyposter how could you tell?
Wouldn't do neither tbqh. Charities are a scam and modern games are cancer. Please do kys.
Because they’re not problems the average person is going to know about otherwise when going about their daily life? You’re gonna see homeless people when you go outside and know it’s a problem, but you aren’t going to see starving africans in mudhuts.
africa isn't even a real continent
Thank fuck.
>if you call me again I will shoot up your office, is that understood?
Maybe the other Africans should donate to help the ones starving in mud huts, then.
I used to donate to an animal shelter, turned out they were pocketing over half of proceeds. Seemed like such honest kind dog-loving people, too. I'm not saying all charities are like that, but I bet most of them prey on naive people.
>I'm not saying all charities are like that, but I bet most of them prey on naive people.
it doesnt matter what you say, ALL charities are like that
>was in military
>go to Niger to go look for bad dudes
>black friend gets deployed with me too
>we get the opportunity to see a bit of the local area
>my friend was genuinely shocked that Nigers were living in literal mud huts
He lived a very sheltered life.
Maybe because people are jus selfish, self-interested scum. There's corruption in everything.
Is it bad if I actually said this to some Indian street shitters that kept calling me trying to scam my SSN?
You can actually look up how much of your donation actually gets used directly on the cause that you're donating for, at least in US. You'd be surprised at some of the percentages of some of the bigger charities. Or, I suppose now you wouldn't. Some charities are still good.
youre based and rediplled ngl brother
You might be on a few watch lists, but whatever.
I’m not giving my money to anyone unless the government forces me to
You should get a hindu version of the navy seal copypasta and play it to them if you really wanted to meme them.
Or the nation anthem of pakistan.
but i'm sure you're happy throwing your money away being a consumer whore
>not investing money into yourself to improve your life and use that to improve others without the need of material goods
The only thing you should donate is your sweat and tears. Not blood though, that shit makes me quezy.
itt: faggots with shelves of plastic anime toys tell you how to spend your money.
based af, I always tell those subhumans to neck themselves
you cant get gold on Yea Forums so you can stop with the epic quips, redditor
you're retarded
The one I volunteer for isn't, but that's just because we are small. I assure you that if it ever makes it big, it will become corrupt as fuck.
Basically donate to a local thing if you feel you must. I guarantee you it will be put to better use than some big operation that has a bunch of paid management shitheads.