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have sex
It looks more ethical this way.
Oh my god they fucking ruined it. I’m pissing my pants and screaming right now square literally held my childhood over a table and raped him in the butthole. We NEED to change this NOW, bros. From here on out I am boycotting all SquareEnix games and I am declaring a gamer jihad on all western censorship
>they censored a 20 year old game
For what purpose
Its a better design
But her card is not her whole body instead of a face closeup and its unchanged
Fucking weird
CERO didnt exist 20 years ago
It's not a big deal in itself but the fact that they bother to go out of their way to change something this minor is alarming
muslims and niggers cant handle seeing panties
>video game girls with canonical bushes
This, but unironically.
I always thought it was a clam shell covering her vagina. Similar to how Mermaids always have them covering their boobs.
Honestly it actually looks better, I get it's censorship and stupid, but the design of the skirt is better. You see the color palette a lot more, so it really pops in the image and gives it a more regal and angelic look to it. So while the reasoning for the change (censorship) is stupid, it's a change that turned out for the best.
Now with all that said, you all need to stop having meltdowns over the dumbest fucking shit in the universe, it's the exact opposite of resetera having meltdowns over the dumbest shit ever.
Why did they change the card and didnt censor it
Probably didn't expect people to actually play Triple Triad, least of all not the people that have fits about this kind of stuff in the first place, which is likely true. They'll blast through the story and that'll be that.
Anyone tried the JP version yet to see if its changed in that one
>CERO didnt exist 20 years ago
I'm not seeing this effect similar shit being released today.
When I was 15 I used to summon Shiva and Siren then put the vibrating controller on my dick
Good times
>covers up her disgusting blonde bush
Quite based tbqh
t. white boy never seen a rap video
This is so silly
Isn't it just a seashell covering up her crotch anyway?
Look at these fucking OPs.
>oh no no no
>for me, it's X
>what did they mean by this?
>now that the dust has settled
>have sex
This place is a fucking shithole, I want pigchan to come back already so I don't have to look at this garbage dump of a board anymore. Fuck.
no, it's feathers, she has feathers instead of pubs
it's objectively better
This raises a good point actually
Why have TV, music videos, movies etc. seemingly gotten more sexualised, while vidya gets more censored over time?
Did anyone ever cast Siren more than once?
When I was a kid I thought GFs were the shit. When I replayed it on the PS Vita I just Renzokuken'd my way through the game like it's meant to be played
because they're dying media trying to attract audience with shock value. vidya was in exact same position 20 years ago
She's very good for a fantastic Rinoa, especially with tools and life magic.
>gaystation cucks can't handle seeing a woman's bush
a fucking pig.
new one looks less skanky and more fantastical, an all-around better design
you double-stack hamspergers are so hopelessly blind in your impotent see+thing=hate over the SJW boogaloo man
>I'm sure nonplayers are gonna buy the game if we modified this!
Is this game censored on PC/Switch too?
Jesus, did they censor her feet too? I swear to fuck we're gonna be playing nothing but bible games in 20 years
We need to rise
Bros should I get the PS4 or switch version?
Do you have both? If not it is an easy question.
Of course not. Gaben and Shigidigy aren't Cali cuckolds.
I have both. The switch pro controller is way more comfortable than DS4 but I’m a trophy whore
don't worry user the new jannies will clean up this board for sure!
Whichever is cheapest unless any issues have been revealed yet
>sonyfags are actually defending this
I doubt digital foundary will be doing an analysis so I’ll wait and see if there’s any problems on the switch version
S-E ans snoy can fuck themselves
We don't know yet but considering S-E are lazy ass who released the mobile version of FF9 on steam instead of a proper port, it's probably the same.
it's time for gamers to rise up
>you can't even show a bush in a video game anymore
Why bros?
Well, if they don't want my money...
Fuck censorship.
>on a snoy system
They really should just change the name to cuckstation or trannystation at this point.
You don't buy games anyway
From one of the mobile games.
vidya is a dying media,
music and movies definiteIy arent
No consoles allow bush.
And no, that's not modded, everything was done with the character editor.
I never casted siren so i never noticed desu so mY gane experience doesnt change