Yea Forums will pretend this game is bad

Seriously, watch. It's fucking astounding.

Attached: Persona-5.jpg (768x768, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I won’t, it’s probably the greatest JRPG of all time. Wish they would port the new version of it to the swifch though

It suddenly became hated here when Royal was announced as PS4 exclusive. What a strange phenomenon

P5 is boring. You can't blame people for thinking it's bad for that reason.

Well of course, if we're not contrarian nobody will take us seriously!

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People who say it's bad usually are classic SMT fans or they hate turn based in general. I usually start talking about its flaws when people say it is a masterpiece which, it deffinitely isn't.

But still a good game.

OP seething

It's not bad, but it's insanely inferior compared to past entries in the series. It's nowhere near a 10/10 like P5babies claim

It's boring like all RPGs.

>insanely inferior compared to past entries in the series
3 and 4 don't even have real dungeons or fucking demon negotiation

I've kind of flip flopped on my opinion of it, but I think for all the things it does well, it falls into the same old JRPG tropes Forgiving akechi is the dumbest fucking shit, that whole character is awful and it brings it down because of it.

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Really bad writing throughout in terms of dialogue, like even bad for a literal amateur. It's unedited and un-critiqued. Every fucking character says exactly what they're thinking at all times and prefaces it with, "I feel." It does this constantly, so you feel like it's aimed at pre-teen children who constantly need information relayed to them or they lose the plot.
The text C
Constantly breaks the cardinal rule of diction.
It's really bad. Maybe all Persona/SMT games are bad like this, but this is a problem prevalent in anime and manga too. Japan just can't write.


>3 and 4 don't even have real dungeons or fucking demon negotiation
Yeah, adding simple braindead puzzles makes them dungeons now? Demon negotiation is just selecting an answer given to you in the tutorial. Literally a downgrade compared to the minigame of P4G. Use your fucking brain you tasteless nigger.

4 was better the game peaked early with Kamoshida and quality took a massive nosedive after it
Only Futaba’s palace was also good and that felt like a P4 dungeon story wise
Music is great though

Just imagine unironically liking this game

STUPID ADULT it just hit too close to home

No, 5 is by far the worst written. Hashino got out of bed and decided, RANDOMLY, for the FIRST TIME EVER, to write a Persona game himself. And naturally, everyone else had to suck their boss' dick and pretend the story isn't cancer.

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>Only Futaba’s palace was also good and that felt like a P4 dungeon story wise
Because they copied the P4 story structure beat by beat in that chapter. And that's another issue, Persona 5 feels like a cheap cosplay of 4, only good when that imitation is the most shameless.

it is bad, spent so many fucking hours reading and when it is time to have some gameplay, you are greeted by some of the worst dungeons I've ever seen in a RPG.

Sure, Joker is cool. Game has top tier aescethics all around, dope music, etc. But you could just play a visual novel then, it would be cheaper too.

Astoundingly bad.

This was the game that convinced me people are really easy to trick with presentation and making them feel good.

I'm not. It's one of the few jrpgs even worth playing this gen

It's not bad it's just not good

>I feel like we’ve known each other for a long time and we’re really good friends

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I don’t get how Persona 5 fans find other JRPGs cringe when this shit exists.

Frontloading was smart as fuck since 99% percent of reviewers will only play that long

>Persona 5 hate started exactly when it was revealed that Persona 5 The Royal is a Playstation 4 exclusive

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>find the red text

There were people on japanese release warning about how shit it is. I remember because I laughed at them

why the revisionism?

Style over substance

It's funny how jannies were okay with countless Joker in Smash and "P5 Switch confirmed" threads, but as soon as Royal is confirmed PS4 exclusive the threads start getting deleted

go and play a REAL Shin Megoomi Tensei game

Basically this.
A smile and friendly touch could do the same thing.

>OP reviews the movie, I mean game

>Just imagine getting your video game opinions from some autistic fatass on youtube making a 5 hour long anal sis video


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>long video bad!

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Most of the things he said were already posted on Yea Forums many times prior.

That doesn't prove him wrong tho

Imagine liking a game with some of the worst writing ever put to paper.

Also note that this thread wasn't flooded with completely un-self aware shitposting until a certain group of people on a certain continent started waking up. It is a very specific demographic that 'hates' P5.

He's generally right, but the 5 hour video is too much. Over half or more is filler just like Persona 5.

It's not on Xbox One. I have bought all the Xbox since I were eleven years old. If it's not on Xbox it is objectively a bad game.

>Take a depressed teacher whose wardrobe looks like it came from a thrift store
>Make her best girl
How did Atlus do it?

Anime isn't okay

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But the guy's points are solid, and the game is incredibly flawed.

It's good.
It just doesn't do anything new that previous persona games didn't do better.
Except fusion mechanics those are great.

Putting everything comfy into a single woman.

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When the game is constantly praised as one of the best JRPGs ever made, I don't think there's any nit that shouldn't be picked.

>Seriously, watch

So, it's a movie?

Not surprising.

I pirated it on my PS3 and it was boring, I dropped it and went back to Raging Blast 2.

Just wait to see what do they do with him in P5R
They either truly forgive him or send him to jail or something
Either way , its obvious that he didnt end up being what they wanted in P5

4 is still better

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the only thing i hated, was morgana not letting me out at night, i hope p6 gives you more free time

I don't give two tugs of a dead dog's cock about Persona. I'm a Strange Journey kind of guy.

Well duh.
>Yea Forums shills a game they deem underrated
>it becomes popular
>it's now considered normie trash aka not cool anymore
>Yea Forums shifts to shit talking it
"I just think it's overrated."

There's no way to actually incorporate his character, he's an unrepentant murderer who did what he did to gain Shido's trust, and to advance his own agenda. But he made >le ultimate sacrifice

Get the fuck out of here with your console war bullshit, people have been shitting on P5 for years for some reason or another, be it salty P3/P4fags, anti-rpg niggers, or people who just plain think it’s overhyped

It attracts zoomer neo-weebs like MLP attracts autistic neckbeards. It's a plague on gaming.

Kamoshida arc was the only good one
I hope royal fixes the rest of the game

>I hope royal fixes the rest of the game

I love Anne.

It’s Ann

3 and 4 were better, all 5 has over them is presentation, story, characters and ost are better and for a story based game like purse owner those are more important

Attached: anne.png (2560x1440, 3.6M)

It's a JRPG. Of course it's bad. The only purpose it serves is getting lonely turbocucks to buy it and see their fictional cartoon wives to pretend their lives aren't as pathetic as they are.

False, hate on P5 started way before The Royal was announced. At best, people back then would label the "hypothetical P5 expansion" as Crimson or some shit

Oh but you are forgetting something important
Akechi is bound to be rewritten and swept under the rug with the excuse of "those were his real thoughts/actions, you just couldnt see them"

I unironically love Persona 5

I would be takemis guinea pig and accept worshipping her feet as compensation

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Sauce me up on that pic, google can’t ring up shit.


Its not bad but the series is way too formulaic at this point, 5 offers very little that 3 and 4 didn't already give us

Yea Forums turned on it because it pisses of a bunch of different groups of autists and retards like to pretend the other Persona games are even close to as good as it.

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ive never played any megami tensei game
where do i start

People who married an abusive wife, raised unknowingly his boss's son and got divorce-raped when they were deemed unnecessary have truly wonderful lives.


SMT3:Nocturne or Persona 3 FES

Persona 5

>Enjoyable because my false dichotomy brain is melted

Woops replied to the wrong post

Here you go fren

>made the characters more enjoyable
5 has the most mediocre cast of the series the only standouts are Yusuke and Futaba

I don't have to pretend anything, it along with other persona games are shitty amalgamations of a JRPG and a VN. The JRPG side sucks because it's fucking shallow as shit, and the VN side sucks because it takes way too long to make any kind of progress. Having a 100+ hour runtime to finish the game does not automatically make it good. SMT4 was wearing itself out around hour 40, and this is more than twice that.

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the only correct thing in that post is demons instead of random monsters and the menu
>puzzleshit being good
>p5 not having shit characters in your face
>capeshit outfits being nice
>jazz not a shitty genre

>Anal sis
>He actually meant analysis
Instant disappointment once I found out

>turn based jrpg
yaaawwwn, booooriiiiing, what is this? the 90s? make it an action rpg then I’d consider touching it.

>bad writing
This is possibly the most forced meme on P5, especially since it’s parroted by P3/4fags, and P3 and P4 have absolutely abysmal writing compared to P5 where things actually happen in the plot. You can’t even call P3 and P4’s stories a plot.

It's not on the switch or pc

>P3 or P4 having good characters
I can’t believe Yea Forums has gotten this contrarian

>Average length of the game is around 100 hours
>Only one battle track
The game was cool, but how can you stomach that shit?

It's okay, but the story is fucking dumb towards the end.
They added one more track. Mementos also has a new track, but that is still only 2 songs for 100 hours.

>"man adults really suck" X1000
>the retardedly elaborate plan to trick Akechi and fake Joker's death that was completely planned off screen without the player seeing it
>Mary Sue Makoto
>every social link requiring you to go to Mementos to change someone's heart
Name me one problem with 4's writing that even comes close to these

>but other games
5's writing is shit plain and simple

Make the Yugioh GX videos already fat fuck.

4 had great characters Akechi is the only one in 5 that even compares

Those are the most meme tier nitpicks I’ve ever seen. If that’s the best you’ve got then you must hate every game since you can sperg about small shit like that and blow it out of proportion about any game. P4’s entire plot hinged on the characters being too retarded to catch Adachi like Yukiko who literally saw him before she was kidnapped but forgot for the entire story. Naoto was also retarded despite being the detective. The whole story moves at a snails pace and the little story you do get is shit and made pointless by the end.

>good character

All joking aside, this right here actually happened. Makes one wonder.

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>any of those characters
I guess you like eating shit?

>Forgiving akechi is the dumbest fucking shit
But user they specifically don't forgive him. Heck Haru even says "I don't forgive you... but I do sympathize with you."


Why didn't Morgana immediately point out that Akechi heard him mention pancakes?

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Nice contrarianism

It’s widely agreed upon that P4 had bottom of the barrel trash anime characters

>It’s widely agreed upon
Not at all. Don't confuse angry anons with real people.

He did, but they kept that secret from the player so that they could have le ebin reveal 70 hours later.

I think that's entirely reasonable, there'd have been no tension if they revealed it all at once

don't put words in my mouth nigger
>p5 not having shit characters in your face

Ive never played the game but people I know seem to be disappointed by how the game turned out.
After several delays, I think people wanted something more.

They’re autists, the game is great.

>People who say it's bad usually are classic SMT fans
Not ture, i also play Persona 2, the fan translation is better than what officialy released.

I think it could have been handled better. Joker can recall every single encounter he had with shadows, every trip to mementos, every time he went fishing, took a piss, went to the movies, went batting, every conversation with every character, etc. etc. the only thing that the drugs prevent him from remembering is specifically every detail about the trap for Akechi. I think that it would have been better if they had Joker's memory be foggy for other things in the game.

i've liked it, it was a fun ride, not the best writing, but i liked the message and the way a lot of the plot points where handled, the characters where memorable even if ultimately the story wasn't that great.
does it deserve the hate it gets though? hardly.

He's 100% right about the writing though. It was pretty dumb to just wave away the gray morals of forcing people to change through heart stealing and the game would improve if they actual face the issue. May change in p5r

I mean the game is fine, it suffers hard though by putting style over substance. And fuck off with your /pg/ shitposting, the story is shit.

>this fan fiction is better than the actual script
Not this shit again


I wouldn't say it's bad. But it's disappointing for a Persona game.


It's not bad, it's just okay
7/10 for me
5/5 points for really solid dungeon design and city design
2/5 points for story that's largely underwhelming

I think it was handled fine and you're thinking to much about it. Plus his memory was foggy about a few things.

It was hated before P5R was announced, I assure you

>P5 dungeon desingn
>Persona dungeon design in general

I mean the fan translation retard, the original localization is shit what i heard from people.

It’s not bad people just don’t like jrpgs or anime life sims etc and tbf and it certainly isn’t a master piece, I think also the constant fucking posting and talk and hype around it is a bit of a turn off because it’s fucking annoying I literally see at least 4 persona posts a day on here and it’s usually waifu shit

You know it’s not going to change it’s going to be identical besides the extra stuff

>muh moral conflict, muh brainwashing
P5 going out of its way to show how the people in game that dwell on this kind of thing are every bit as shallow as the people that actually post about it on Yea Forums makes posts like this that much more enjoyable

You literally failed to look past the tip of the surface

I'm glad people are making analysis videos and think pieces so I don't have to form my own opinion and can just parrot without actually playing the game.

>P5 going out of its way to show how the people in game that dwell on this kind of thing are every bit as shallow as the people that actually post about it on Yea Forums makes posts like this that much more enjoyable
Don't remember this.

Persona 3 had a hidden nightmare hour that only certain people can see
Persona 4 had a world inside the TV
Persona 5 had subterranean mental dungeons built from people's minds

Come up with the idea for the cognitive zone for Persona 6

Pretty much the whole application of the media in the game is to show how people initially started out addressing the morality purely for the sake of generating public interest, and once the group's popularity peaked and people were able to turn profit off of merchandise and books about them the narrative coming from the same people shifted to the whole modern day Robin Hood nonsense. At no point did they ever care about the moral implications, it was only ever a means to an end.

Ultimately, people didn't understand or cared to understand what the group's justice was all about, and eventually came to fear them as people ultimately do with things they don't understand. The whole game was predicated on this struggle, that the world couldn't be left the way it was, but the Phantom Thieves couldn't convey to people why that was the case until the very end.