Why is it everywhere for the past few years now and why do people get buttmad when you say you don't like it?
>Film Grain
>Depth of Field: On
>Motion Blur: Maximum
CA is visuals going backwards. I'd understand sparing usage of it for when an electronic HUD gets disrupted by something seriously fucky, but having it everywhere is just revolting.
If it's well done you barely notice it
>If it's off you barely notice it
>not playing with max chromatic aberration while wearing your red and blue 3D glasses
head bob: maximum
It gives a bit of a movie like effect to image corners. Otherwise the game looks plastic.
No its fucking idiotic, you're not supposed to be a fucking camera.
>turns bloom into lensflares
>our eyes are camera lenses, and they're broken!
how did this garbage effect take off again?
Crysis 3 doesn't look like that unless you fuck with the console variables or your nanosuit is badly malfunctioning. By default it has a very light CA pass that helps emphasize the humid and overgrown "nature gone wild" vibe of the game.
This. CA and a lot of other effects look fantastic but only if used sparingly to accentuate things. Hell I’d even love motion blur if always an option and it was used more artistically (for example, a really fast AG racer having blur applied with varying strength based on speed, and only at the edges of the screen to blend the scenery travelling super fast which can look pretty jarring even at 60+fps).
It’s sad to see so many things misused and no options, but I also think it’s counterproductive how tons of people will just immediately shit on something without taking into consideration how it’s applied.
Modern game devs who flunked out of film school.
>movie like effect to image corners
The only movies with noticeable CA are student films shot on a 20 year old camcorder
>games have to simulate motion blur or depth of field for some reason
>but blinking simulation is a nono
i like headbob
Isn’t motion blur meant to smooth out low fps?
why was deus ex human revolution the only game to get visual effects right?
you wore yellow sunglasses in game so everything you see ingame has yellow tint
Yeah, it's used to mask shitty fps
Headbob on my dick, fag
>character is programmed to blink when you blink
>even wanting games to simulate movie-like effects
Movies don't have chromatic abberation anymore. Technology moved past that years ago.
>spiderman's cover is blown
This. Anyone who wants games to be more like movies needs to be drawn and quartered.
>Play person looking at the world through his eyes.
>Lens flare.
A yboi wrote this
Crysis 3 deserved to sell better.
Crysis 1 for consoles deserved to sell better.
Crytek and EA need to work out their shit so that we can get a rebooted Crysis.
haha, you aint seen nothing yet, WATCH THIS!
That's a post-processing volume controlling the exposure of the camera. People bitched about these in RE2 Remake as well. I never got the issue honestly.
I've never understood headbob as an option for just walking. Your brain normally filters it out in real life, so you never notice it unless you specifically pay attention to it like breathing.
the issue is that the lighting in the room swings form very dark to bright about 8-10 times per room
It's really obvious, really annoying.
I like just a little bit of chromatic aberation in post apoc games
Really wish I could turn off the bloom in this game.
The only ONLY acceptable use of CA is what this user said
it's fine in alien isolation
im fucking dead
this is their target audience
It’s part of the cassette futurism aesthetic you fucking mong
What is it with vidya trying to simulate camera defects/flaws like film grain, chromatic aberration, bloom, etc. that photographers and camera makers have worked very hard to get rid of?
Go play pong or pac man, gramps. Those are gamey and non-cinematic for you. Some of us like our games to have a more immersive presentation.
I have no fucking idea, some kind of insanity?
Games like Alien Isolation and Left 4 Dead intentional try to evoke a similar feeling and aesthetic to older 70s and 80s horror films.
Biggest reason I switched to PC was to disable motion blur/CA/DoF. It is utter cancer. Film Grain is bad too, Left 4 Dead is the only game I feel like does it right.
>Let's ruin this crisp image by adding shitty camera filters
>They also don't scale with higher resolutions making them age horribly
Great design choice.
people bitch about it cause it's a problem caused by lazy dumb devs. you don't mind about it cause you're retarded nigger
color correction was never good,all lighting differences from a room to another should be delegated to modified lights with different color and intensity, not this shit post processing trick,this applies to all games,prove me wrong niggers
>some of us like to have the game play itself
>default FOV: 70
>have to do some .cfg fuckery to change it