A daily reminder to classic fags:

A daily reminder to classic fags:
Wearing rose tinted glasses and living your past memories are signs that you are in-fact hitting a midlife crisis in life.

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I didn't have reliable internet or $15 a month to spare when I was a teenager/college student. I'm having fun playing for the first time.

No rose tinted glasses. Classic is just as amazing as it always was. My friends and I have been playing since launch and having a blast. Deal with the fact that Classic is a better game than retail or XIV and there is nothing you can do about it. Your shitposting doesn't change facts.

Cope retail nigger

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Yes that's pretty accurate, is that all you had to say? Fucking faggot

why is the driver's license considered as important as a job or a gf

it is in america

why are Americans so obsessed with drivers licenses?

Imagine paying this much to play a 15 year old game each month, this doesn’t include re-buying the classic expansions when they come out! PATHETIC.

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>don't even
it's not considered as important, it's considered to be bare minimum

Why would it not be important you dumb city breather

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I need money and puss to survive
but I never needed a car

there is little public transport so you need it to get to places like the grocery store

>living in Canada

yy do i want a mosnter now

Second pic is literally me minus the make up, playing WOW, and pissing in bottles.

Reminder WoW was never good, Blizzard was never good, and that fish sticks are fucking good.

>he had to double check the actual pricing to make sure it didn’t go up

Americans have been conditioned to be a car culture ever since Ford started making cars. After the fall of Detroit most smart people realized that we could have had ethanol or electric cars but the American car companies refused to do so. They also realized how much these 100+ year old machines pollute the world and how Japanese/European cars are much better. There would also be less traffic if more people car pooled or if they manufactured smaller cars for one or two people. There's also the big car insurance scam that exists in America and the fact that even if you don't drive your car you still need to pay for it every year to the department of motor vehicles.

so all those famous retards who started their career when they were 12 , acting or playinf football or whatever , are living a constant middle life crisis
nice to know

>paying $15 a month for a game that should be free
blizzcucks are actual retarded

in america, if you arent in a major city and don't have a license, basically nobody will take you seriously. at least in my town, we dont have subways or buses that drive around town for those without cars. if you want to go somewhere you either drive or have someone who knows how to drive drive for you (a family member, uber). bikes are for exercise and less transportation like who the hell goes to the grocery store on a bike lol groceries for the entire family wont fit on one bike, use a car nigga unless you wanna go grocery shopping every day of the week. i went to china last week though and i can see that a car is not needed due to public transportation services that are just not in the states unless you live in one of the huge cities. no city in my state even has a subway/bus service like that
although a car is not needed, at least where i live if you arent a high schooler and don't have a car of your own you aint getting hired anywhere

Have the nostalgia goggles worn off of this shit yet?

You sure?

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America is truly bizarro first world

I unironically had much more fun with games when I was restricted to 1 console and Moms old Dell.

holy shit imagine paying FIFTEEN DOLLARS EVERY SINGLE MONTH to play an mmo

>he can't afford $15 a month

>models, textures, sounds, scripts, quests, zones, and classes are already completely finished and have been for 15 years
>private servers have been running for free for 15 years also

>he throws 15€ a month down the toilet
nice spoiled retard your parents raised

>paying over 200$ a year after tax to play a MMO that you need to dedicate many hours to in order to get your full value

Not that nig, but lmaoing at dumb assholes that actually fell for the MMO fee meme.

I only ever played MMOs whem they went free to play and every time I realize what a huge waste of time they are and what a huge waste of money they would have been if I had a 1 digit IQ.

no matter how much you go in time, you're not gonna make it seem like anything other than pocketchange
>200$ a year

I bet you say the same thing when you buy your cigarettes every week

now you are going to start throwing random punches to see if you hit?

I'm the second pic except I have a job and a car

Stop being so poor.

A drivers license is objectively more important than a girlfriend. I don’t know why people even put gf in these cartoons of losers, because obviously you can’t have a gf if you’re a shut in leech on society.

Being able to get somewhere independently, without mom driving you, is a most basic ability. If you don’t live in a city, driving is a requirement. How else to do you expect to leave moms house?

implying i'm making it to 60

WoW is shit and the only reason it sells is because it was the first MMO to be marketed towards normies

A piss easy game that's designed to be as slow and tedious as fuck to milk the absolute maximum amount of monthy subscriptions from poopsock faggots

Game sucks
Nostalgia sells

pic related, average classic player, pictured casting frostbolt for the 13,000th time

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I've watched one by one as my friends fell to the vaginal jew. Many lost their house. It's not worth it. I worked hard enough to just to afford my own place and a decent car, no need to roll those dice. Call me whatever, it's a tactical decision.

t. retailcuck who just paid a 6 month sub for his deviantart dragon, ready to spend all that time running old raids for PETSMOUNTSTOYSMOGSCHEEVOS

i rather get cocaine once a week than pay 15€ to play a game
but sure thing i'll stay being poor

never played retail
gave classic a shot
realised how shitty it is
realised why WoW became popular in the first place (it's easy but slow & it's a big world with p2p interaction which was huge back in 2004)

>started making boomer jokes in general chat
got a ton of responses
>made zoomer jokes
got told to fuck off

clear as day this game is propped up by nostalgic midlife crisis boomers and minmax poopsock faggots

>started making boomer jokes on Yea Forums
got a ton of responses
>made zoomer jokes
got told to fuck off

Really makes you think.

>Traffic jams
>Road Rage
>Another bill added to your list

I'd rather walk.

>my opinions are literally facts
ahaha how the fuck can you even be that retarded haha

I live in europe, I go to work to a foreign city every day, I can do it conveniently by train/subway/bus.
Unless i'd want to go to a town in the middle of nowhere, urban zones are hyperconnected.

Just get a bike

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