So what's the point of this block existing? Why not just have a 3x3 crafting area in your inventory?

So what's the point of this block existing? Why not just have a 3x3 crafting area in your inventory?

Attached: Crafting_Table.png (300x300, 11K)

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so you can make shitposting threads like this

Say you have a custom map with no wood
You can't make a crafting table, only certain low level items

Ideally, 2x2 recipes are things you need on the fly, anywhere, and 3x3 are ones you'd do at your base, near your supplies, in a safe area.

It's exactly so you can't just craft anything anywhere, or at least, so you don't feel like you can craft anything anywhere. you have to provide some setup and be a little vulnerable when doing a recipe more intricate than a torch.


Now you've made me realize what really bogs me down about vanilla minecraft, no matter how far along you are in the vague amount of progression there is, you are eternally saddled with the crafting table and the furnace, they never get any better, they never get any variants, it's two things that last from the very first night to whatever you'd call an endgame.

*Laughs in smelter battery*

As always, to clutter up your inventory.

Not since the last update

Is there some new thing that invalidates my uneducated complaint?

>they never get any better, they never get any variants

It's fucked up to say mods will fix it, but honestly it's why I love large scale mods. Usually anything with a half decent concept will give you a new means to craft (usually starting mid game, but a few even give you the chance to gather early game materials to start messing around).
That being said, although mods do a good job of building on the crafting box and furnace concepts, the base game itself which was about upgrading your tools with new materials should have also eventually given you the ability to build better furnaces or new crafting table variants with the materials you find for more complicated recipes. Heck, maybe even table variants for specific groups of objects. But it's hard to expect that from a game that is a decade old and despite its popularity, still has NO FUNCTIONING FURNITURE

There’s a bunch of new specialized crafting blocks that can be made or found in villages.
Furnace has an almost direct upgrade called the Blast Furnace.
Smelts and consumes fuel twice as fast, but it only works for ores so its fucking useless.
There’s also a toolsmith table which currently has no use.

It's to incentivize you to settle down and make a base, sparking your creativity in doing so. Furnaces and Beds do the same thing as well.

Well it's nice to know there are specific upgrades, but they're only more time efficient and not anymore resource efficient. Even if your iron is done smelting in twice the time you're still gonna need a wall of the things to keep things going smoothly. These would be a lot better if they had multiple ore slots and worked at the same rate.

For crafting, there isn't some big upgrade, but for some types of stone a new block called the stonecutter was added. This block allows you to turn various stone blocks into other blocks/ slabs/ stairs. it has a few advantages:
>it can craft in small quantities if you only want a few of whatever your crafting.
>it can skip crafting steps (eg you can turn stone straight into stone brick slabs)
>some recipes are more efficient. you can turn stone into stairs in a 1:1 ratio

For smelting they added 2 new furnaces, 1 for food and 1 for ores that work at twice the speed (same fuel consumption)
Using hoppers and chests you can make a machine that automatically smellts anything you chuck in a chest and puts it in an output chest, and its faster because you can have as many furnaces working at once as you like

Attached: FCNI3Q4HRTKJS97.LARGE.jpg (1024x528, 69K)

>he doesn't do all his crafting on a sevtech work stump

>no functioning furniture
uh, ok, buddy

Attached: purekino.jpg (1024x706, 189K)

I'll give you points for the solid bait m8. Almost had me fooled

Minecraft should have a "progression" update

here's your improved crafting table bro

Attached: 1554129173115.png (750x422, 98K)

>bone guard

Attached: 1536326096854.jpg (464x298, 65K)

This reminds me I need to start reading Oglaf again, probably have like one or two years worth of these to go through

>reading webcomics

Why not just carry wood with you at all times?
If you need to craft anything larger than 2x2 make a bench, if you make it back to base before needing to craft you've saved yourself a log

It's fun

Attached: d508837f.jpg (960x960, 179K)

Guess we can't make you have fun

what's the redstone in the pic supposed to be for? Aren't furnaces and hoppers enough?

That would make more sense of those blocks didn't give you the item back when you broke them.

>people enjoying something
oh no!

Muh immersion
Enjoy your useless critter update instead of you know, updating the underground system that has looked the absolute fucking same since the very beginning.

some thing you can make with just your hands. for everything else, there's CraftingBench

looks like a filter system with some overflow prevention

>people took the joke mod seriously
why the fuck? are FTB team retarded?


Minecraft really needs to intigrate tinker's construct at some point.

No, stop being retarded

What? It's a natural advancement of the crafting and smelting system, aside from maybe some shit like Pigiron it's great. Plus arguably the repair system in tinkers is monumentally less retarded than the fucking anvil where you might as well literally never fucking use it for repairs because you'll get fucked by exponentially increasing repair costs and just slap mending on everything.

That one was great.