Why are pure and innocent vidya girls who turn into utter sluts the best vidya girls?
Why are pure and innocent vidya girls who turn into utter sluts the best vidya girls?
As much as I love Rikku's X-2 design there should have never been a sequel.
how do you go from this...
Combat was great, I wish they'd incorporate mid-battle job changing into another title.
The Charlie's Angels Save Spira plot was dogshit awful. There's still no explanation as to how Leblanc was able to copy Yuna's appearance at the beginning of the game.
13 does
I might have to give it a try, then. I'd largely avoided it as everything made it sound very linear and average in terms of FF titles
>tidus might be actually another dude just the fuckers might've missed some details while creating him
>nah he is actually real in the true ending
Man X and X-2 had really shitty writing.
only people who haven't played it have hot takes about it
game journalists wouldn't even get out of the intro
The problem is that the intro is 20 hours
>real life zanarkand 1000 years ago
>shuyin (not tidus) has a boner for a summoner and dies
>1000 years later
>gagazet fayth create a dream zanarkand complete with dream people
>fuck up making shuyin, give him half a brain and call him tidus
doesnt seem that complicated
Don't listen to him, it's not a true job-change system
>>fuck up making shuyin, give him half a brain and call him tidus
That would be fine though, but as I said in the true ending of X-2 he's actually real.
Lightning Returns does and it’s by far the best part of the game.
didn't the fayth just end up saying "ahh fuck it" and slapped some pyreflies together to make him again? out of gratitude or something
I bet their favorite drink is semen
I don't see why people tend to think ffx2 is worse than any of the other ff games, it has the most fun combat of the series and it's not like it's written any worse than the other games
because it ruined yuna
More like it has to do that 90% of the game is filler.
Without them, the game would be 20h long.
The combat was only great in theory. The balance was absolutely abysmal, it was grindy as hell, most of the dresspheres were useless filler, and it still wasn't possible to completely remove the dressphere change cutscene, which made switching an irritating mechanic.
>it improved yuna
>shinra invented the dress spheres
>somehow you find some in ancient dungeons much older than him
>dressphere is just a few hazy seconds of footage of a single street in Zanarkand
>black mage dressphere acquired!
Her character arc was pretty good, just because she moved on from tidus (except on the endings were he comes back, easily the worst part of the game) and wears less doesn't mean she's a slut
it's a more "anime" game, were the actual meat is seeing the characters do stuff rather than work towards a plot. I personally like it, but I can see it getting annoying
Spheres are relatively common on spira, he's just reusing some of them as dress spheres
>pic related
>wears less doesn't mean she's a slut
uh yes it does
This, she should be wearing a burka
Lightning Returns combat > X-2 combat
Am I right?
Disagree I am replaying X-2 for the first time on my Vita and I am enjoying greatly. I wish square would reuse this battle system for something else.