Well which path are you going to take in Cyberpunk 2077:
Street Kid
Well which path are you going to take in Cyberpunk 2077:
only 3 choices? what the fuck. is it modable at least? I lost all hope if its just 3.
None of these particularly appeal to me.
I guess the one that give me me the most robotics implants.
Corpo because fuck dealing with nig gangs
All three looks interesting
I'm gonna have fun with this game!
Get a job and move out of your mama's house, you're in your fucking 30s.
Corporate is the only good choice
filtered you btw
Nomad for me.
This is the only good answer
Well it's obvious which one gives you the most power.
>First promo art released was literally only with blacks
>Ingame is actually whites only
Based slavs
background != class
>60% of people taking jewish way of origin
Corporate ofc since I'll be playing insane tranny
Minimally augmented Corporate probably.
I'm going to take the path of not playing this piece of shit.
Corp so I can selfinsert
Why? They are the master race after all.
>picking anything but corpo
>Having waifus
i want Corporate but with Johnny Downgradehand
shouldn't have been 4?
All I know is that I'm not gonna take any shit.
Anyone who crosses me will get a fucking bullet.
okay tripfag, i'll reply to your thread.
Something like cop or fixer should have been a background over street kid.
Classes in 2020 gave you one unique ability and a boost to some stats, you were still a gun for hire.
Is nomad going to be rednecks or actual mad max type bandits roaming the outskirts? If the former then Corp. Otherwise Nomad.
Street Kid first playthrough Male Good Guy Thug
Corporate second playthrough as a woman
Rockerboy should have been a good charisma class instead of tech.
I thought techie was going to be using shit like the spider bot from last years demo to fight, and instead of ripping open doors like a solo or hacking them like a Netrunner you'd be rewiring shit.
Corpo, because the thug/loner/streetkid background is the defacto base background for most of the popular takes on cyberpunk.
I'm vastly more interested in the corporations and their inner machinations and social environment.
The background are just NPC reactions and dialogue options.
They don't affect skills or build-options.
So how are these backgrounds going to work? Dragon age origins origin stories? Because I'd prefer that to what was shown in the first demo, which looked like a shitty mass effect style background shit.
>Classes in 2020 gave you one unique ability and a boost to some stats, you were still a gun for hire
Is this true? Is there actually more to classes in 2020 andn this a shill on damage control, or are they really not as important as in other games save your background and shit?
The only way it corporate origin makes sense is if you were booted for some reason. Why would you ever quit and become some street gun?
Every game is about you climbing the ladder, as a corporate you are at least already way above the rest, the other two origins do not require a specific backstory to make sense.
Seems likely, if they are like origin stories from dragon age there'll be some reason why you got kicked out and became a merc. Maybe the game will give you the option to betray the corp you work for, and either you get framed or fucked by the Corp even if you didnt go through with it or get caught and thrown out.
Corpo as it's the only interesting one there is.
V is a sacked, retired or disgraced former Corpo. Another Corpo could have made it so that events transpired so V was sacked, retired, or disgraced. Maybe finding this Corpo could be a side-mission.
Some random street kid or Mad Max fantasy
>blank slate
this is two options and theyre both shit
Fucking corposlaves. Enjoy licking shit off your master's boots.
Nomads are basically mad max road warrior type shit on the cities outskirts, at least in 2020.
>not playing the game 3 times with different builds to experience everything
c'mon now
>not just reloading and playing the last save again to see each ending
>Not just playing each intro and that's it so you don't have to subject yourself to more of this tranny game
>not just pirating
>Not just ignoring this leftist propaganda in the first place
>being a bickering faggot
>not just enjoying life
you're doing it wrong
>being a tranny isn't somehow doing life wrong
They said in the last gameplayreveal that this will unlock different paths inside te story with different dialogues and options
Nobody should buy that hunk of shit.
Corporate. Because fuck the system.
At least I can be self-aware.
Not him but yes it's true. A corporate can be a better killing machine than a solo depending on how they build the characters. Cyberpunk is skill based not class based system.
Mechanicswise your role doesn't really matter in the long run and is more for flavor and background than anything else.
The legendary Stealth Archer of course
corpo is the plebeian choice
Why are you obsessed with the mentally ill?
So people rambling about muh classes don't know shit about the tabletop then.
Yeah. You shouldn't be surprised. This is Yea Forums after all.
This game will be a 7/10 but due to Yea Forums being so invested in either shilling or shitting on it that you won't be able to discuss it on Yea Forums.
Because mentally ill really want to be obsessed about. They call it "representation".
nomad so i can roleplay as a fish out of water which is what i am as a player
Too bad the game has no roleplaying it wouldn't matter anyway.
>Has no roleplaying
How deranged do you have to be to believe this?
Have they said if the path will affect where you start the game, like what first Dragon Age did?
I will burn everything down. The city. The people. And most importantly Johnny Silverhand.
>that picture.
Why are all the men looking left like they're keeping an eye out while all the females are posing and looking directly at the camera?
each life path has its own starting location
Are you stupid?
>Street Kid
Nothing more kino than being a corporate that turns against the corporations.
Starting out as some thug is boring as hell.
>corpo number 1
Good to see you all know who owns the world in every piece of Cyberpunk media
>made with help from ex-Bioware devs
Really overclocks your wetware.
corpo, duh
Yes, I think they said each path has its own starting mission and you eventually get filtered into the same core main quest after a while.
I'm guessing you only meet Jacky if you're a street kid
First gonna be male v, Nomad and solo.
Came from a fucked up world searching a better life but...
Fucking sweet. Now they'll just need to confirm exotics and the game will be everything I wanted.
Corporate so I can bring it all crumbling down from the inside
Based and truthpilled. Gonna pirate and decide where to buy or not then.
Then Corpo girl but being good.
Later street kid, evil run.
Explain how it does.
Exotics? Dk what you mean.
>Corporate turning against the masters
>Nomad just wanting to get away from it all
>Nig just being nig
Why would anyone pick street? Where do you go from there?
For me its going to be a solid 8 and a 9 if its replayabe as fuck.
>I'm guessing you only meet Jacky if you're a street kid
I doubt that. You'll somehow meet him and get pulled into the main quest through him. Think like how in dragon age every origin has you somehow meet Duncan and join the wardens.
Gonna be a nomad as well if they aren't just trailer trash and actually road warrior type gangs.
I preffer a mix between Mad Max and rednecks.
>other shitposting thread near bump limit
They'll be migrating to here soon.
Why should i explain the anthithesis to your statement? You are the guy with the obligation to explain the point not me
Typical rags to riches story. Start in the gutter, work your way to the top. That said I would have preferred something like cop moreso.
These threads with srawpolls atract less shitposters than the threads made by the 2-3 autist shitposting the game
The one i can put Sasquatch into submission.
>named voiced MC
>about two dialogue options most of the time
>only one option ever matters, the rest are just additional info
Much role play
Corporate for my racist character. I will roleplay as a racist person who helps no minorities.
This but trans.
>roleplay as a racist in 2077
>thinks he'll be able to roleplay at all to begin with
A-user, I...
How are they going to get rich while still remaining a good person in an environment like this? I was thinking more of a generic revenge story.
It's a blanket term for the heavy body-modification that makes you look like animal.
They were introduced in one of the supplement books, and there's quite few different ones listed ranging from light ones like being a bunny-girl, to heavier ones like being a sharkman, or a dragon.
Who said they had to be a good person?
>>named voiced MC
How is this a non rpg element?
>about two dialogue options most of the time
Outright lie looking at the gameplayvideos so far
>only one option ever matters, the rest are just additional info
Thats also wrong
In other words shitposting
Not gonna happen. Wont be able to be a furfag or go full robot because what is roleplaying?
All the negative reviews that will follow when people find out their initial choice predetermines whether or not they get a "good" or "bad" ending.
Heavily augmented Corpo Fast-Solo melee build with some light Techie or Netrunning.
What about futa space goat females?
I'm asking for them to be included, not to be able to become one.
>All of these corporate bootlickers on Yea Forums
lmao I hope you all realise that corporations don't give a rats ass about you. 0,0001 eddies deposited into your accounts. ;)
you are a man of taste user
more like people who opened it.
>Its not roleplaying because you cannot be everything ever what can be possible in real life
Oh no i cannot be a Technofutahobo living on the street robing people from their augmentations and robbing their anuses? THIS ISNT A ROLEPLAYING GAME
>Pondsmith talks about how the voodoo boys are all niggers now
>Focus on them being in blackface and racist
>not the fact they're suppose to be considered fucking terrorists and rape and kill indiscriminately for no reason.
Nomad, focus on being quick and agile. Likely focus on techie/solo skills, using close range shit like shotguns, pistols, smgs and melee weapons as my weapons of choice.
Corporate melee
Who here /street niggas/
Corporate blade+melee assassin.
This and Solo with muscle augments, so i can be my waifu Vi.
I just want to be able to stealth without having to hack stuff I wonder if thats possible
Probably all points in cool. Maybe you will able to disguise.
But will be boring without hack, like Skyrim stealth.
>never played 2020: the post
Repairman nomad. Just a simple country mechanic who wound up in the big city
But all the people replying with what class they would play as are shitposts?
Who fucking cares.
Plus there's cybernetic stuff to get to as well maybe some stealth orientated ones hopefully