Whats the absolute worst thing id could do to Doom Eternal in your opinion?
For me it's Doomguy no longer being a virgin
Whats the absolute worst thing id could do to Doom Eternal in your opinion?
For me it's Doomguy no longer being a virgin
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I'm really scared of Bethesda messing up the really good thing they have going with Id's renaissance.
Why would that even come up? Aside from some passing comment from Carmack, when has it ever being brought up in any of the games?
You're a fucking spaz.
"Games as a service" but they are kind of already doing it and the game already ticks every other box of awfulness
What fucking renaissance? Doom 2016 was Brutal Doom HD but even slower woth shitty music. Rage 2 was garbage worse than the first game and Quake Champions is fucking dead.
Show his face. Bonus shit points if he actually resembles BJ Blazkowiz.
only zoomers like nuDoom user, how have you not realised this?
It's more like only 26 year old "boomers" who want to seem "serious" and "old school" pretend to hate the it.
>trying this hard to convince people you aren't a zoomer
It's an anonymous image board, I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I'm just stating obvious facts.
that's retarded
you're retarded
I dunno about rage but the rest are just bad
imo its just people who have been consuming AAA console shit for a decade and don't know and better
because op is a virgin and he self inserts as doom guy because he needs to vent that incel rage
imagine getting this mad over a video game because others enjoy it and it doesn't suck off a janky mess made nearly 30 years ago
Go enjoy trannypunk niggers.
I'll buy it and enjoy playing it
thanks for reminding me, user!
I will, because unlike you I'm capable of enjoying games that aren't endlessly jerked off by the Yea Forums circlejerk.
oh fuck no that shite and its garbage studio should burn to the ground.
doom 2016 has some pacing issues but is a damn good game.
whack the sucker
Enjoy playing as a literal tranny in your """cyberpunk""" """game""".
thanks user, I will!
stay bootyblasted
Have the Doomguy talking
yeah this would be the biggest one for sure
>janky mess
that's a good way to describe modern shooters. oh wait, you were talking about old games?
Opinion into the trash, Doom hasn't aged a day. Meanwhile 2016 is already dated and Eternal looks to be slow as shit too.
wasnt that already confirmed in the second leak thread?
Both are designed to appeal to the same people, zoomers who love the taste of shit, same with trash movies like 2049 riding off a better movies coattails to be relevant.
Stay in your room.
Can't, work soon
>Doom 2016 was Brutal Doom HD
Yeah, Serious Sam x Broootal Doom
It was dogshit
Idk I haven't followed those closely. I mean so long as they keep them far away from the singleplayer campaign I'm fine I guess, but I still don't like it.
They already showed his face a bunch, you can see it through his visor in that very image.
Although they did say they might darken it a little more.
I remember a supposed leak that claimed the skins were in game collectables.
Although even if that is true they will probably have others that have to be brought, especially considering their are already preorder bonus skins.
Also there will be a skin for playing the modern ports of the first 2 games, the damage control for the mandatory login mentioned this.
I don't think it would be the worst thing, but Doomguy talking would be bad
Sucks to be a boomer, eh?
You're purely fixated on memories of your childhood. You can only enjoy some shitty 30 year old games, because they envoke that feeling.
When all these new and shiny games come up, you can only throw tantrums and pretend how much you detest them for being "dumbed down" for the younger generation.
The thing is, your brain is not the same anymore. You can't enjoy all these silly objects on your screen, so maybe you should just admit that you're an old fart now, and give up already.
Have sex, lol.
The only retard here is the one I'm posting to.
delet this
Shit, I didn't open the image. Well, the game is ruined now.
Doom boomers are fucking hilarious. Contrarians need to be purged.
But he had a face in the first game.
>when you're so mentally ill you can't even enjoy your hobby any more because /pol/ has gaslighted you into seeing boogeymen everywhere
I trust Hugo. He'll deliver.
>Doom 2016 was Brutal Doom HD
I wish
>games as service
>Open world shit
>Any kind of microtransactions
>Showing his face or making him talk
>Playing to angry incels and right wingers
> basically anything that takes away from me murdering things.
nigga i have some news for you
Microtransactions are likely but not confirmed.
Ah yes and Quake 1 was open world too right?
Fucking zoomers
>Showing his face
But we've always seen Doomguys face. The only game you don't see his face is Doom64
>Showing his face or making him talk
>Playing to angry incels and right wingers
Nice bait desu
>Showing his face
>games as service
already happening with their 'slayers club'
>open world
It has a hub level so its halfway there already
>micro transactions
it will have this
>basically anything that takes away from me murdering things
You are gonna be disappointed then
>slayertrannyautistniggers literally supporting microtransactions and diversified Zoom Eternal
Make Crash NOT a bitchy latina chica.
>For me it's Doomguy no longer being a virgin
The whole story is about him being fucking angry because the demons fucked him over in a deal to revive his son.
The slayer is no virgin.
>clicks on this thread
>doesn't fucking understand that post
based retard
Why would I ruin his bait
>still doesn't understand
room temp iq
>Unskippable cinematics
>Doom guy speaks
>Even more checklist simulation than DOOM 2016
>Intrusive "one-up" feature or other power ups
>No ability to overhaul the ui
>Keeping that hideous glowing question mark that denotes secrets from earlier footage
Now you're full of shit
>the whole story is this dumb fan theory not implied by the game
Literal retard. Doomguy doesn't speak, he only grunts, and that can be disabled. UI can be customized to your liking. Glowing question mark is a fucking placeholder.
Doomguy is revealed to be a demon
>No ability to overhaul the ui
Confirmed to be heavily customisable
And I think the question marks were just for the demo.
>confirmed to be heavily customisable
not him but I need info
They never specified what you could customize though. I just want to get rid of the cartoonish colors and shrink it down a bit.
I'd explain this shit to you but you'd just flip flop and go with "it was merely an act".
Why so many sóyboys like doom recently?
The footage from this years quakecon.
>Gamers won't be able to place themselves in Doom guy's boots if he isn't a kissless virgin