>work 9 hour a day
>boss yells at you all the time
>customers complain about the dumbest shit
>go home
>wife get blacked because you work too much
>donate all hard earned money to millonares to feel good about yourself
Could someone explain this mentality to me
Work 9 hour a day
They probably don't have one
As for mentality they're probably still children in their mind and have affinities for certain streamers. Combine that with some money and you've got a twitch cuck
you will never be happy
go kill some people
agent Marcus working overtime tonight I see
The easy dopamine release when they say out your name and how much you'd forked over is what I think
The person who donates that kind of money probably does not have that much trouble earning it, or in other words is not a wagecuck like you
>Play with girl who starts streaming
>Have her chat open and talk to her/chat while gaming
>Only about 10-15 viewers on average but she starts making nice money
>Cucks start donation wars with each other
>She has a boyfriend and he pops up on stream from time to time
>This one cuck drops $20, $50, or even $100+ donations from time to time
>Think he must be a wealthy but lonely guy
>One day find out he's some kid in Hawaii who lives with his mom and drives for Uber
>Instead of saving up and moving out this kid was giving his paycheck to a girl on the internet
Don't kill anyone, it woulv be silly and it won't make you happy.
It's not people with wives, it's most likely single nerds with well-paying jobs.
It's exactly this
when the streamer forget the donation you can see them donating again so that, this time, he doesn't forget
I think it's akin to addiction
what games does she stream? i should really get my gf into streaming
>One day find out he's some kid in Hawaii who lives with his mom and drives for Uber
this is most likely the case. dumb highschool faggots spending money on fake girls. adults either go get pussy. if they do pay for it, at least they get to actually have it.
And people wonder why e-celeb is beating out astronomer/doctor/firefighter now for things children want to be when they grow up.
What a based little mommas boy
t. donatecuck
It's the new American Dream. Low effort high yield.
This is the weirdest fucking shit to me.
Why work hard when u can react to videos and make double the amount of what a physcian makes
And it's only 2019, imagine what we will have come 2029.
i dont understand anyone who unironically watches streamers. I could see something like if they had early access or were showing something new that was coming out but most people who consistently watch streamers do it to actually watch them play the game. that has to be the most boring shit ever not to mention how frustrating it is when they are shit at the game.
I fucking hate career day now
>throughout 00s middle school kids still had reasonable aspirations like astronomer/doctor/firefighter
>still some autism like video game tester
>now it's all YouTuber or some form of """""content creator"""""
Now we only give a list from which they can pick
>1920-2010: wow I want to be a soccer player or actor!
>2000 BC - 1920: wow I want to be a degenerate nobleman!
Times don't change.
I do always wonder what the streamers who don't pull in the huge numbers will do when they or streaming itself loses popularity. I doubt they have the work skills to easily get a new job.
Same thing with Youtube vloggers or the angry reviewers of old, what the fuck are they doing now?
>Have donated over 12K to my favorite streamer over the years.
>Constantly laughs at my jokes and says hi when I enter chat.
>dat feeling of acknowledgement
Feels amazing, bros. I'm considering asking her out.
We're all gonna make it.
I can imagine Irate Gamer as a gas station cashier.
>Have donated over 12K to my favorite streamer
>I'm considering asking her out.
please be real
>Donating to millionaires
They would be addicted to any other stupid shit if there weren't streamers exploiting them, some people simply are on a lower level of consciousness and have no self-awareness. There's no helping them until they realize it themselves
That's what you do when you pay taxes, you retarded frognigger embarrassment. Do your parents a favor and kill yourself.
She streamed Call of Duty more than anything else. For some reason those games gave her the most viewers. I guess the game always has something going on for entertainment, but at the same time it's repetitive enough to allow for easy chat interaction.
why would someone ironically watch something
do you even know what the words you're using mean?
Not gonna lie if I was a chick with a hot body I'd whore myself out on stream as well.
ah yes, my taxes go straight to orange mans private pool and caviar. guess all of this infrastructure like public roads and consistent electricity is just funded by magic and good kissies from mommy. ah yes all of those taxes are going straight to orange man's bank account and golden toilets and not to the lazy niggers and spics living off of gibs.
stupid zoomer faggot
cmon user it's obvious bait
this is bait