What are some good games to expand my Japanese vocabulary?
What are some good games to expand my Japanese vocabulary?
What did she mean by this?
Who the fuck is Crowdo?
Maybe some JRPGs in a modern setting or Yakuza
She wanted him to bang her, but because Cloud is a closet homo, all he did was sit next to her on that mountain.
my dick
Maybe she should've said so instead of beating around the bush with MUH FEELINGS, dumb bitch. Guys don't take hints.
>cant read the first kanji
>google translate
>想い = omoi = Thought
>huh? How did I not recognize that kanji...
>思い = omoi = Thought
Well fuck you too Japanese language
She literally told him to express his feelings in a way other than words. How fucking clueless can he be?
Don't tell me you don't even know 念い too
You underestimate my stupidity
you think tifa keeled over in embarrassment because the gang saw them sitting next to each other huh
at least it has a different pronunciation unlike the other two.
No, they saw them holding hands
this post is some fucking 重い ass shit.
They totally fucked under the airship and everyone saw it, except (You) because (You)'re a raging faggot
the Japanese language man, it just a gift the keeps giving.
Any game that features the phrase "unconditional surrender", and "please don't kill us, we'll totally become your bitch and abandon all of our traditions because we couldn't finish what we started." Since that's the only thing of importance uttered by a Jap in many decades.
I felt this lmao my current virginess is paved by my very own obliviousness
Wtf?? Those are the same phrases my german teacher taught me.
This is why I'm going to fail the N1.
In all seriousness, though, be like /vp/ and play a Pokémon game in Japanese. And play every JRPG you can with Japanese voices (better if you can change text to Japanese as well).
I recently failed N1, I look forward to failing it again in December.
based cherryboy
Real talk, try playing through a game while reading along with a 攻略 in Japanese as well. I know doing this kind of sucks, but it's gonna help with doing the one thing that video games don't actually help that much with, which is large volumes of repetitive reading.
Pic related contains 14 sentences of various lengths and constructions. There must be around 50 some odd Kanji in there as well, and many words. You're not gonna understand all of this at once, but you're also not going to understand by taking in a drip feed of occasional dialogue either.
However, RPGs and pokemon and shit have merits - the repetitive scrolling battle text can quickly get you used to past tense and other things so you don't have to think about them.
Probably Kiseki, Xeno games and other sci-fi or chuuni games. They love to use outlandish words nobody knows.
She is watching user.
>tfw learning Chinese
it's pretty useful tbqh but I'd still learn Japanese in the future
Everyone has a butthole user. Put something in it. You've now had sex.
>learn Japanese
>all for the privilege of reading this
>She literally told him to express his feelings in a way other than words. How fucking clueless can he be?
When I was 20 I "dated" a shy girl who was also a virgin, and after several attempts at coaxing sex out of her she eventually said something along the lines of "I'm interested in those things too" but she was still really really scared so her verbal responses to smallest suggestions would always be "no" and "it maybe hurts?" so despite the flood between her legs I avoided jamming it in because I didn't want to hurt her. She dumped me the next week and only many years later I realized it's because I should've just ignored her whining and fucked her since that's what she really wanted.
Fuck girls man, they can't say what they want.
nigga how do you even fail nu-N1, isn't the pass mark like 55% or some shit
I got sub-100 on the N2. Even with Kanzen Master and Sou Matome, I'm doomed like Nintendo.