Are you having fun?
Are you having fun?
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Yeah, wish there were more Chuck Norris jokes and [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] posting.
Yes because I'm not a brainwashed retard playing this meme game.
Yup just hit 40.
spbp /thread
No. The game has evolved. I gave it a go for old memories sake but the game is so obnoxious and boring to play in 2019. Boring fetch quests, simple and boring instances where each boss has like 1 mechanic and all they have is artificial difficulty through health and damage.
Are we still doing the artificial difficulty meme in current year?
If a boss is only difficult because of it's damage and health numbers and not because of hard mechanics, then it's artificial difficulty yes.
The damage and health is the mechanic?
Nope. Just compare Naxxramas-40 with Naxxramas-10 or -25. All they did was reduce numbers and sliiiight retuning of abilities, and finally the difficulty meme was exposed. Mechanics were piss easy then, they are piss easy now.
It's an MMO. The only difficulty can come from numbers.
no, I already unsubbed.
Bosses like Xhul'horac, Kil'jaeden and Ragnaros Heroic say hi.
this is just a stupid argument. If you reduce the consequences of abilities, all mechanics would be trivialized. Absolute dumbass.
Also, literally nothing is 'difficult' by this standard. Every single conceivable thing is easy and only a grind by that shitty time and effort mechanic.
I'm gonna play this month since I had enough gold left over to pay it but I don't know if I'll stay. Barrens is making me want to kill myself but at least the chat is fun
Fuck yes I am, the game is fucking cocaine if cocaine was more addictive.
Each class feels insanely unique, brings a huge amount to parties and once you get to the harder quests it actually feels like you're playing your class and not some homogeneous trinity role. People often rush quests which they are underleveled for so you really have to use your classes well to manage the mobs and its so much fun because of it.
The community is great as well, minmax faggotry is almost non-existent and raidfags are ignored completely as they should be.
10/10 will lose the next year of my life to it.
I've been getting probably an average of 4 hours of sleep per night in the last week
I have to keep grinding
I wish coffee and energy drinks did more for me. I'm already invested in wow, I don't need a cocaine habit. But damn do I love this game.
39 warrior, almost got mount money. I'll see you at 60, tanking your dungeons and splitting all the tier warrior gear three way
>find a nice warrior 2h sword
>offer it up in trade for 8s, espousing the craftsmanship and suitability for dwarven fighters
>some f-nelf comes running up
>gives me 10s for it
>it was a hunter
>start screeching insults in Dwarvish after taking the silver
Nah I hit that wall of needing to grind in addition to quests and realised I can't be bothered with that shit anymore like I could when I was 15.
FUCK Wailing Caverns though that shit is too long, I'll be doing RFC until I'm 25
>Be two lvl 25 players
>One lvl 31 mob that needs killing in ashenvale
>Wipe on him
>Second time happen to pull him into a camp of friendly undead npc's that kill him for us
Yeah that was pretty sweet
Lads give me some tips to make money. I've got leatherworking and skinning
Just finished Deadmines with a good group and hit 20 on my priest.
Dont blow money on skill upgrades you dont need is probably the biggest one. By the time you're level 25 they're 50s each and before you know it you'll have 10g one day and 1g the next because you purchased everything.
Honestly, it has been an absolute blast to play.
I have played every wow expansion from vanilla to legion and I can say I haven't had this much fun playing WoW since I first played Vanilla.
Sure am buddy!
Hell no.
Waste your fucking lives away, the fucking one where you're born in a world of opportunity but chose to spend it on some ez cash grab half-assed MMO.
Me, personally, I see through the bullshit that is this game.
I was on earlier complaining about how I was not having fun and how I had lost all hope of catching up with my friends to play with them, but today one of them offered to spend the evening power leveling me and I went up two levels and I actually had fun. I will give Classic a second chance. Only 3 levels away from getting ghost wolf and then the world's my oyster.
Dude, just wait until you hit 31. Then the world is REALLY your oyster.
Jesus, the quest density in Darkshore is THICC. I'm glad I decided to come here rather then grind out in Westfall or Loch Modan.
This mmos are made by Jews to let you stop living life
Not really. I don't know how to explain just feels like I'm wasting my time. Perhaps I have some sort of IRL problem but idk, this game isn't for me. Back to League of Legends (fuck).
drop lw for mining. double gathering is the way to go. herb prices suck (at least on grob) but ores are still worth a bit and will go up in price once people start taking engineering for pvp
>tank and spank bad
>dont stand in red good
If anything, too much meme mechanics in retail reached annoying levels.
>roll enhance
>holy shit, totems!
>"So guys, what do you want? I have damage reduction, strength buff or tremor"
>beekjerkit: "idk"
Enhancement is suffering. Nobody gives a fuck because I don't have the meme power totem yet
Christ I wish dual spec was a thing in classic.
I had fun when it came out, I don't think I'll have fun going through that shit again
Holy based
Can someone tell me why there arent a million skeletons at nessingwary?
It's pretty damn boring desu. I think I've grown out of MMOs.
You think that's long wait until you see Maraudon.
Blizzard disabled skelemans because you could spell out problematic things with them.
yes, thats not a joke
They limited it to one skeleton per player.
You like shooters, right?
42 orc rogue. Cheapshot into kidney is too fun.
Not sure what I'll do at max level, 0 longevity in raiding..
No. Once again, I have fallen for the hype train of a video game release. No man's sky (it's gotten better, I know) Fallout 76, Atlas, Artifact, and Bless Online
What is wrong with me? I guess just really craving a good video game to waste the high amount of free time on but there's nothing out there for me. I'm tired of playing League of Legends. Should I give single player games a shot?
but that's not blizzlike...
What 2 main stats each should i get for gear for both;
Feral Druid
Restorations Druid
>Cheapshot into kidney is too fun.
god yeah its so fun having your enemy die within a stunlock with zero escape options
I've been a nelf druid for Daddy for the past three days and it's been bliss~
Kek. Spbp.
Stam / Strength for tank
Agility / Strength for dps
Spirit / Intellect
Thankyou user
Is it viable to get both while leveling for dungeons?
Is it wrath yet?
Just be a warlock with void sac ;)
Hilarious making warriors pop retaliation only to die anyway
>3 australian servers
>1 low
>1 medium
>1 with queues of 4000
>can't play on low pop because nobody is around
>cant play on medium pop because avoiding friends there
>cant play on full because 90 minute queue
What the fuck is wrong with people, why are they sitting in queues instead of just rerolling on the low pop server
Play Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, developed by Capcom Corporation
Just gotta get level 13 and my axe of Orgrimmar and everything will be okay
Yes, very.
I am a druid that is leveling feral, lvl 34. I dedicate one full bag for healing gear (mostly cloth Spirit/int gear).
I level and play with my feral gear, but if I need to heal I easily can, I will also hold a few tank specific pieces so I can tank too.
I have no issue at all tanking, healing or dpsing legit any dungeons.
I hit real contested zones (not counting duskwood and redridge) as a solo warrior and gave up. I can't see myself suffering through this shit, can't kill more than one mob before somebody spots me and sends me on another 1+ minute corpse run. I really tried to be open and talkative so I could make friends to level with but it just didn't happen.
hard pass
You're literally doing the exact same thing as the people you're complaining about and you even explained why lmao fucking dumbass
I thought Australians were supposed to be smart?
Absolutely. I found two savory deviate delight recipes within 25 minutes. Gonna make bank once people have money to spend on silly shit.
yeah i'm having a lot of fun. also, can i get rank 14 playing 5 hours a day?
Lol nope
except I AM on the low pop server you dozey bastard
So why do the queues on Arugal bother you?
Fuck sharptalon! I did basically the same thing in the same spot, but managed to get him into a crowd of level 28+ who were passing through. Is the big ass ent fucker related to a quest? I stealth and watched him wreck everyone on the road for a few minutes, it was great.
because the low pop server is dead you illiterate cunt
>90 minute queue
Cute, I log on around 4PM and start playing around 10PM.
I really need to set up teamviewer on my phone.
Have you heard the tale of [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]? I thought not. It's not a story the rogues would tell you. It's a warrior legendary.
It's funny cause if they'd prepared two oce PvP servers from the start they likely wouldn't have needed to launch the third one that's currently underpopulated.
Unsubbed. Didn't last a week. Can't believe I liked MMOs so much when I was younger.
Same skinner box bs as lootboxes but with a subscription lmao
Yes. Can't wait to get 60 and start collecting valuable alchemy recipes and selling potions for high margin.
even if they released all 3 at once this problem wouldn't exist. Blizzard seem completely incapable of forethought.
>just spent another night playing with friends
>spent about an hour talking to a new friend in voice chat while grinding
Yeah I'm home, and it's almost weird how little I care about all the time I'm wasting. 3 days played.
Yes, leveling has a bit more challenge to it with certain areas and quests being much better off if you're with others to help out. I'm also enjoying my professions actually being useful, for once. I still don't get why they nerfed the shit out of those in retail to the point that they are (almost) useless compared to the importance of wotlk and earlier
Do note that Spirit/Agility on all hybrids is a very powerful combo because it increases mitigation AND cuts down on drinking time massively
Depends on the server. On popular ones - fuck no. On less popular ones - maybe, depends on how hard people will poopsock.
A little shaky on my server type/faction choice and I feel bad when all the people I've added while questing get ahead of me in levels, but yeah it's fun
Strength of Earth + Windfury + Mana Spring
That's all you'll really drop except for the occasional poisons or disease cleansing totem and tremor.
Don't be a fucking shitter and dispel debuffs one by one. Drop a Totem.
If you want to be amazing and don't give a fuck about your mana pool learn to totem twist windfury and grace of air
also, 30 hours played
sorry sweetie, I'm playing the superior wotlk version
reroll on a non-pvp server and play a class that can help people beyond tanking like pally priest or druid
>The only difficulty can come from numbers.
this is what classicbabs actually believes
If you are doing anything other than impregnating women you are wasting your life
Is that only those two in combination or is it just them stacking?
>get into a fight with another warrior
>i dodge his attacks 3 times in a fucking row and he shits on me with three overpower crits
>look at my dodge chance
Good shit
m8 I'm on Felstriker (low pop) and there's more than enough people here.
I've managed to get groups for RFC and SFK within 5-10mins, max. That and the fact that you can actually quest the 0.2% drop rate bear asses without running around spamming "INV PLS" every 3 seconds.
It's those two in combination.
It's especially powerful on druid because agility gives AP and the crit/dodge. And with higher spirit you can shift out of cat form and give yourself full health between every mob for no loss.
I don't need your approval mutts
no, I'm addicted. please send help
Maybe on horde. I've been looking for a deadmines group for over an hour. There's apparently more than 50 people in westfall too but I can't see anyone.
Absolutely based and smartpilled
This guy isn't me and is cringe.
>This guy isn't me
Don't lie on the internet user
I'm having dreams of tanking fucking SM now, you bet I'm addicted.
It's pretty fun though.
Yes, it's great to find groups for everything. Lots of elite quests and unpopular dungeons I never got the chance to do
Start doing more dungeons. You'll make some friends if you are a decent tank.
Guys, how viable is dwarf warrior? I want to be a based dwarf but everyone is telling me that if you want to be viable and get endgame, you have to go human for the racials. But then I see APES clearing MC with dwarfs. Should I roll a based mountain boy or a village dummy human?
Does anyone know any good UI addon that lets me move the map, quests and the self buffs around the screen please!?
Nice. My best find so far is a level 19 main hand mace. A really strong twink weapon. Gonna well it for fat monies when the battlegrounds get launched.
Just grab an item with some +weapon skills instead (that costs like 1000 gold but who cares since you'll still be a based dwarf).
Meta is for speedrunning trannies
Oh, and the upside to this is that you have less competition for shit like axes since all the humies are lining up to get swords and maces.
Roll whatever you want, endgame is too far away to think about it
Why do people hate barrens?
Even as warrior the mobs are easy to kill plenty of quests.. dont have to zone swap 24//
its funny that there are so many paladins when in vanilla it was a fairly low class becasue people havent realized its exclusively a healing class yes
Does anyone know any good UI addon that lets me move the map, quests and the self buffs around the screen please!?
Kinda over it.
Gonna play some Total Warhammer instead.
OK this is based
Nice buzzword
Oh god, what low IQ country are you from?
New WoW player. Yes. I love it. My only concern is I'm not sure what I'll be doing at 60.
I noticed the only people I sorta know who are currently playing Classic are the burnout losers or worse from my high school Vanilla WoW days.
Classic is not designed for 10000 players on one server (+another 10k on other layers). This shit will not fly, at all.
It's already fucking terrible while leveling. People are stuck doing simple quests because the quests are simply not designed for 10 people doing it at once. You can see it in this thread and by just looking at people doing shit in the game.
I'm level 50, having played 24/7 exactly to avoid that. I'm coasting wild and free here but I know it'll be the exact same shit at 60 when these people compete for Rich Thorium Veins and shit. Fuck this.
isnt garrote into kidney more disable time?
Imagine WO:AOR done right and with kind of detail.
yeah but once I reach it, will I regret everything and roll another warrior?
Garrote doesn't disable until TBC
just like group up dude and 70% of quests will go fast af
>APES clearing MC with dwarfs.
They only had like 5 dwarves, and 3 of them were preists. The rest of the guild were gnomes. Just roll and play what you want, don't be a min max fag. Skill and common sense trumps mix maxing.
can confirm, I'm getting PTSD just thinking about it, level 48 right now and quest hubs are empty for me but my buddy is level 32 and all hell gets loose for the most minor shit
isn't there an auction house in classic?
Zone swapping is good. People don't want to look at the same zone for like 3 days
Westfall, Redridge, Duskwood for those levels is so much nicer. And each has it's own theme and color pallet to keep you from being bored to death.
crashed for anyone else?
yup, cant go online at battle net launcher
cringe druid tranny
This so much
naxx25 trivialized a shitton of different mechanics though. veterans who actually raided both recognize the 40 man is still insanely hard.
I should be playing, but instead I'm shitposting here.
Does anyone know any good UI addon that lets me move the map, quests and the self buffs around the screen please!?
Dumb question, can you split party chat from general chat? Bit of a mess having your party chat with everyone else in the world shitposting around it.
Anyone gotten IF yet? What's the procrate?
>tfw rerolling my warrior to Horde just for Windfury + 2H slam spec
i'm not making a mistake, right?
Yes you can BUT DO NOT BOTHER.
if you move party / raid chat into another tab once you click off it on to another tab it removes the entire conversation and you won't be able to see what was said or re-read what was already said. Stupid as fuck.
Only solution is to have 2 chat tabs seperate from each other filling up space.
>2h slam spec on horde
you are
Well thats annoying as shit
>Join world chat
>Zoomers constantly typing out Twitch emotes
>"New layer please" spam
Fucking pathetic. I never thought I'd actually miss private server chat.
Naxx will be cleared on day 1 maybe day 2 at latest
That does not happen to me. I have party chat on a separate tab and it works just fine.
Are you American? I'm seeing zero of this in european servers.
>watch a mage aggro like 6 crabs 2 levels higher then him
>he just kites them and aoes them down
>i charge a single crab thats equal to my level
>it out dps'es me and I die
It disappears once you move tab. Anything you saw prior does not reappear once you click on and off it. New stuff will appear if you haven't clicked on the tab since moving off it though.
eu servers are down
Falling asleep at the very least has a consequence. In vanilla the boss dies a minute later instead.
Works on my machine
Are you hamstring kiting?
I guess I'm not moving the tabs.
It should work just fine for the guy who was asking about that though?
>questing as a warrior
>bandaging myself after pulls
>mage walks up to me
>gives me a stack of food and tells me "stay strong comrade"
>about to die to two zebras
>suddenly get healed
>druid helps me kill then buffs me and goes away
I am convinced that retard joined a streamer server unknowingly, I did not saw any of it too
If he has them seperated from each other then yes.
Nope, Mograine.
Got to level 20 and realized I was wrong, I just don’t enjoy video games anymore and haven’t considered finding another hobby. Goodbye bros.
yep honestly makes me think how fucking dead retail is now after classic release does anybody here play retail?
I just gave a warrior a healthstone....
He needs it more than me.
Oh, I dunno then. My server is pretty mellow, I have only seen good old thunderfury jokes
it went up now, weird
thats sum nerd shit
we out here playing the game
game playin u brotha
Being a warrior is like being the talented kid of a poor family, everyone gives you a hand because they know once you get to level 60 you'll make it up for them
clips.twitch dot tv/ShakingFrozenLampTBTacoLeft
imagine spending 100 hours leveling for this engaging gameplay
i tried it for nostalgia but its just a chore to play, the sense of community is actually pretty nice but gameplay wise its just an objectively bad game compared to newer iterations
>Skeram /world is going full Yea Forums with the boomer/zoomer shit
Yes. For once I feel like I'm playing an MMO, rather than a cashshop with graphics or a casualfest were it's so easy no one needs to interact with other players.
When can I go home for real, bros?
So, Anons, is it even possible to amass 100k gold in 10 days or less?
It would be nice to pay for your own membership with playtime that way.
>more than 4 classes viable
>challenging dungeons and raids
Cannot happen soon enough
i hated the spells when i was young, because i wanted to swing a sword, hack and slash, but now I appreciate it because it feels a lot like playing a table top RPG
Pretty sure there are only 3, user.
>hunter starts attacking me
>line of sight behind a tree
>he still shoots through it
>try to intercept him through the tree
>not in line of sight
>I can't do that yet
>I don't have enough rage
>That target is too far away
Peak WoW, the numbers don't lie. People say Wrath was the peak but that shit flatlined, TBC doubled the sub count.
I hope you turned the error sounds off. It's gonna drive you mad sooner or later.
>That's still recharing.
>I'm oot oof range!
Hunters in vanilla just fuck everything that can't get into their deadzone.
i miss kara
All you fags asking for TBC, remember it started the whole daily quest bullshit. Fuck that and fuck flying too. Nagrand was fun tho
>kill 100000 boars
why not play a korean mmo?
BC/Wrath would be better
>tfw avoided wasting my life on WoW
>instead wasted it on Yea Forums/internet
>Sodapoppin and his guild are struggling in MC on a 6 hours raid, wipe multiple times on trash and boss
APES killed it without a full raid
sodacucking is bad at wow, as are his viewers
I play on Thunderfury. I'm happy because almost all the names I wanted to use were available.
in real life? you boomer fuck? hah got em
5 mate,6 depending on how you feel about Warlocks. But yeah Druids being innervate bitches does them when nothing else they do is good later on. Shaman's being a 1 trick meme also hurt them. Hunters are only good for leveling and kiting.
Rogue is the strongest class in vanilla. Both in PVP and PVE damage. Holy Palies are solid as fuck because of buffs and efficient healing later on.
why not just go private?
no queues, play any xpac (BC up to BFA), get your nostalgia fix for free.
retail babbies omegalul
passing on your genes isn't the only designed function of a human. the main reason we aren't still banging rocks together in the wilds is because we evolved to focus on passing on our memes as well. our will to create and pass on our technology, society and material wealth is what brought us here today
why do people meme that vanilla is 50% rogue when it's one of the least played classes
>all these mages who cant even spam frostbolt
how can you be this bad
A) Private servers unironically sell warglaives to people
B) classic sucks because of schizo game design but everything after classic sucks even more because of BAD game design
No game itself kind of sucks and i have no one to play it with which makes it worse. Guess i only enjoyed it back when it first released because i was playing with friends.
Im having a decent time playing with my friends, i have no reference to what "modern" mmos should be as i havent played mmos since TBC. I am annoyed by the running wasting my time though
but you can play any content and not all pservers are the same
still, no queue, nostalgia fix, play any content you like.
on mature servers lots of people have rogue alts, also a fair few people reroll rogue at some point (maybe after being ganked by them a lot)
it'd be nice to have a decent game to play after you're finished with the nostalgia trip, which is why everyone keeps asking for classic+.
>I am annoyed by the running wasting my time though
same, even with a leveling guide it feels like i'm spending like 40% of my time running around. it's not that bad since i can look at shit on my other monitor most of my time (i don't know how people endured this back in 2004 when dual monitor wasn't the norm) but i still kinda wish i had rolled druid/hunter/shaman just for the sake of having some movement speed
i was an inch away from rolling a hunter as a rested-xp-only-alt yesterday but someone convinced me it's boring as fuck and i don't know anymore
nah game sucks
are you ok with doing MC every week for 6 months?
>join guild called "sapped girls can't say no"
>forced namechange
A bit bitter tasting when all these memes names get culled.
Didn't you need some hydraxian shit reputation in order to clear MC?
i think the main problem with classic+ is that you can't really expect blizzard not to fuck it up. a good deal of blizzard personnel probably wants the game to fail or monetize it more greedily. i think the reason people are so adamant about #nochanges is because it's the only way you can really make sure blizzard doesn't fuck it up worse than it is
>when dual monitor wasn't the norm
it's not really the same though
I'm level 30, RPPVP is a lot of fun, I'm glad the queues forced me into this server (Even though it's full now) Sad it'll be the first to die though.
I think I do, but I don't.
I actually am, but that's not the point. the point is that people want blizzard to go back and fix their shareholder-oriented design decisions when they're basically releasing the closest thing this game will ever get to a remastered version.
you can't really fuck up fixing SSC trash spawn times and changing badge gear to world drops though. There's a whole lot you could fix about BC let alone WOTLK.
It ain't, yeah, but you make do with what you have.
Literally read my mind. Zoomies don't know about Vanilla CoreCraft.
but nu-blizzard devs are shit, they can't do much other than re-release the old good games.
>you can't really fuck up fixing SSC trash spawn times and changing badge gear to world drops though
again, i don't doubt that they'd fix that, but the problem is that if you stop campaigning for #nochanges and you start asking for any kind of universally liked quality of life changes, blizzard might go ahead and start introducing changes no one asked for (or the community was divided on) and fuck the game up again
>wanted to play Paladin like I did in 2005
>nothing but good memories of the game
>realize it was just because I was young and new to the game
>Paladins are good healers but absolutely dogshit broken at everything else
dont know who i should hate more: the devs who released the game with such a busted class who the "no changes" autists who demanded the game be re-released in this state
You don't know shit. The game is in 1.12 state, meaning paladin has gotten a lot of buffs (and nerfs) by that point. Retribution is only garbage in raids, and prot has it's uses in pve farming. The game isn't balanced around everyone capable of doing everything. It's inspired by Everquest, a game where you wouldn't last a fucking day.
>I'm tired of playing League of Legends.
You're beyond redemption. Just go outside or something.
>notice some gouger was lowering avg price of liferoot below 10s
>buy him out fast while pondering if it will pay off
>i sell them at 12s per (2s below 2nd lowest)
>they sell as i post em
The spawn rate for contested quest objects (like the fucking blue shrooms in barrens) is too low and the worst are named quest mobs that you have to kill, so much just waiting around for them trying to get the tag..
Pretty much this. If you cannot make it in WoW than all MMOs are beyond you unless it holds you hand. WoW Vanilla is the most easiest of the classic MMOs.
did method beat mc and onyxia? I cant find their stream
the community (at least on westfall US horde) is pretty good, tons of shitposters who take it easy
Other classes have gotten the same treatment and when it comes to pures they pretty much eclipse hybrid classes. Warriors for example were garbo at one point, and now look at them. Best tank and mdps in the game and a monster in pvp. Retribution being garbage in raids translates over to dungeons as well as pvp. Seriously why the fuck would you play a melee class with no gap closer, no slow and no on demand damage outside of autoattacks and praying for procs?
Ret paladins do have on demand burst. It's just not a regular skill, you have to make the button yourself. Just macro /sit to a button. Use it to eat autocrits and gain reckoning charges.
i love reach-around ass melee dps
Only because I have a lot of irl friends playing with me. Otherwise its way too grindy to have fun 95% of the time. Grinding can be fun with friends though, and some good friendly competition and PVP keeps us going.
>"did method beat mc and onyxia?"
>downloading porn
truly a different era
Kind of, not really, some times. First time playing Wow. It feels kind of lonely. Its fun when i gather up with others and we crush a cave of bandits or a gnoll camp but a lot of the time i am just walking around alone and trying to do my quests. Playing Human Warlock. Its kind of difficult and i am dying a lot and quests actually takes a lot of time. It seems really boring, but then a green items drop and i feel a little good, then i return my quests and get the reward and i feel a little good. Then i go out slowly killing stuff and its boring, tedious and i feel like i waste my time. But then i level up or get a new item and i feel good.
I hope i get to play more with others and have to co-operate on things and use some tactics and team play cus that is a little bit of fun. I thought i'd play trough this game just to get the experience whatever that means but honestly exploring the world don't is not all that interesting anymore. I guess the cycle of feeling irritated, bored and annoyed at question for it to only be relieved by the pleasure of leveling up or getting an item is the only thing keeping me going. This post got kind of long
>I guess the cycle of feeling irritated, bored and annoyed at question for it to only be relieved by the pleasure of leveling up or getting an item is the only thing keeping me going.
So yeah, you figured out why everyone plays this game. They're virtual drug addicts.
*Quest's not questions
They probably designed it to be addicting on purpose. And all the damn walking takes a long fucking time to
the /sit macro doesn't work on classic, it was a private server thing
Warlock is so easy mode tho.
I played it a lot back in 2005 but honestly I feel the same way as this post replaying it now. Plus the mystery of the world is basically gone since I've already seen it all. Everything is just tedious because it was designed to maximize sub count and keep people resubscribing. This was recognized back then too...
>in tanaris doing some quests as a 44 gnome mage
>41 orc warrior charges me
>nova him and escape artist
>basically 100-0 him in a frostbolt/CoC shatter
>excited about the fact that frost mages absolutely dominated warriors
t. MOP shitter
yes, too much fun. I wasted my entire weekend and realized I can't poopsock anymore. I need to unsub.
it's not necessarily a drug, it's the dopamine release of being set a task and achieving it
I for one will love every second of shitting on the faggots who read some vanilla tier list article that put warriors in S rank for DPS and rolled one. Fucking retards.
this. make sure you know what skills you'll actually be using because they're really fucking expensive. like for example as a Shaman you shouldn't be buying any weapon enhancements besides Rockbiter and Windfury
>seething "dps" warrior
how bitter are you that mages are even more sought after than warriors now that the meta is dungeon aoe spam?
I love slapping a Mark of the Wild on anyone I meet outside of town.
Spirit is terrible for druids. It's not worthless like it is for paladins and shamans, but there's no reason to ever intentionally acquire more of it at the expense of intellect, +healing, mp5, whatever.
I played 4 days straight and only hit level 13 with a character because I would get bored and want to play something else.
First off, Naxx 25 was changed significantly from Naxx 40. Easy example, Heigan the Unclean’s pattern was made slower and had a smaller area of effect trivializing the mechanic. In Naxx 40 healers could only cast 1 single healing spell every minute, the mechanic was changed to be a 3 second healing window every 15 seconds.
Also a vast majority of Mythic fights are just the heroic encounters with more health and damage so your argument is bad
does the pally trick work in sm cath still?
>paladin pops divine shield just before whitemane hits 50%
>fel reaver sized immune over his head
toughs out tanking her 10secs till party returns
>never rez's mograine
>both are lootable after she dies
worked in nost and wrath retail
just dunno if relic expliot or bug
I thought you only get 1x loot if you kill them during the rez
Around the 100-125 range youll get some recipes for +agi leather that goes for several silver on the AH. Light leather quivers are also steady for me at 2s50c a pop. Youre not making much on leatherworking until you get to the very end and can take advantage of how shitty gear will be phases 1 and 2. Phase three youll want to swap out unless youve become the devilsaur set guy of the server
Where do I go after Loch Modan ? lvl 18
>Also a vast majority of Mythic fights are just the heroic encounters with more health and damage
when was the last time you played mythic raid
>lvl29 Orc warrior ganking lvl19s entering Redridge Mountains
>Show up on my lvl25 lock
>Dot him, fear him once
>Literally NOTHING he can do except die to dots as I slowly walk away from him
Low level warriors are so cucked it's not even funny
>can't find people for deadmines because everyone's rushing to 60 and is level 40 already
these people are going to demand TBC after 2 weeks when they're done with all endgame content
I quit at level 7.
>frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt
>manage to kill one mob
>now time to drink
Mage fucking sucks bros
Does anyone know any good UI addon that lets me move the map, quests and the self buffs around the screen please!?
>2nd in dps
i;m waiting for anal rutpures when naxx will drop and raiding will still be pressing 2 buttons and raid will be cleared in 2-3 hours after being opened
>see this
Why? Who is it?
The beginning of the end.
honestly this is pretty much killing it for me. They can bring back the game but they can't revert people's mentality to 2004. Imagine hating retail just to play classic and spam dungeons to railroad yourself to max level asap. The absolute delusion.
Yep. Gonna farm Herod today, need all four items from him.
Katrana Prestor(Onyxia) / Anduin / Bolvar Fordragon.
What's your hussle, Yea Forums?
Oh my
>where is everybody, why nobody wants to do DM
i wonder, when nostalgiafags will wake up and see, that wow changed because players mentality changed, not the other way around
desu I don't find any challenge in leveling
as a mage, I can still pull mobs 4 levels higher than me, the obnoxious amount of resists is not enough
I can still kill two mobs at once, sometimes three (and 100% if I pop evocation or potions)
If things go wrong, I can still escape instantly as long as I have enough mana for blink
literally nothing changed for me as a mage
>1 minute of autoatacks, you can go read book or watch porn whatever, you are invincible
It's literally the best leveling class alongside hunter. I don't know what you expected.
Well, everyone that played classic was saying how leveling was a challenge, so I was expecting too much resists, mobs being too tanky, something along those lines.
There's not really much difference.
it's challenge when you play as warrior
otherwise it's just tedious, as most of vanillia, including raiding
>10 minutes of pressing key binded to frostbolt
I've done the quests a few times already years ago, and on a private server too. Spamming dungeons is something I haven't done before, and it's nice to find groups for them.
No idea how you can't find any groups for Deadmines though, sounds like bullshit.
Because you happened to pick one of the few classes who doesn't give a shit about any of those because it's leveling kit is completely busted. The opposite end of the spectrum is Warriors, who die just by looking in the general direction of an orange level mob.
no it won't
So is it a melee thing, then?
Guess I could try playing a warrior and see what all the fuss is about.
Westfall if you haven't already.
go on, don't forget to lvl up first aid as warrior, you'll need it
Rogue or Warrior?
I really watn to solo PvP and Duel but also i want to know how much fun tanking is and how the learning curve is. If tanking requires complete focus and dedication it's me all over but i don't know how Warriors fair in PvP. I'd want to go 2 handed and beat the fuck out of shit if it works that way.
I bought one month and trying things out
certainly having better time than trying the free 20 lvls in retail which was boring as fuck
There's more people to meet than in retail, a lot more active community and it's actually damn difficult, I've died a lot after being overwhelmed by more than 3 opponents. After learning fear it's getting easier since I can push 2 enemies away and focus on single targets. Group play is great.
My problem is that I don't exactly know where to go. I cleared the starting area and moved to the area with the big ass lake and the silver mine. I am lvl 12 but I've seen players lvl 11 with the big shadow minion, I still have the Imp.
Where do I get a different summon? I don't have any Warlock class related quests.
im having a fucking blast
i havent had this much fun with a videogame in years
the point is that it's barely been a week and dungeons are already ruined because not only are we playing the 1.12 version of them; the majority of people playing have the mentality of ebin pro metagamers that only care about getting MUH MAX XP PER HOUR AOE FARM. Again, the absolute delusion of these people is astounding. Imagine hating retail only to come here and engage in the very things they laugh at retail for
>certainly having better time than trying the free 20 lvls in retail which was boring as fuck
see ya around lvl 50, when quests go dry in some areas and you must grind to be able to get new quests
On your mage, go to Thousand Needles and fight Scalding Elementals. That's roughly equal to the fun other classes are having with regular mobs.
Warriors are shit in PvP until you get a good weapon and/or a healslut.
I am having more fun grinding monsters for no goal other than XP than grinding them for quests, not sure what that's about.
>the absolute delusion of these people is astounding
it's delusion of nostalgiafags like you, thinking that 2019 players will play 2004 game as 2004 players
people on pservers were doing the same, speedruns, racing to server first, abusing any shit that was there to abuse, yet you were so naive, that this will not happen in classic
>went to level 18 to 19 just trying to get 6 crab chunks from a quest
I have never before found people willing to do all the quests in Gnomeregan, but I did them this time. We even did the long ass escort quest in RFK. Sure there are people rushing to 60 and most streamers are probably like that, but there also are a lot of people playing who are just having fun and willing to do shit that's not as efficient.
>i'll heal
zoom zoom never played vanilla
quests are placebos you retard
grinding is the fastest way to level up
Quests are the best way to make money. Also I'm a Warrior, so grinding is basically questing for me since I can only barely kill one thing at a time.
>he needs a sit macro to compete
Why not just play literally any other DPS? I'm pretty sure Shadow Priest would be less of a chore to properly play as compared to this
>Be mage
>Leveling with a shaman friend
>Constantly bombarded with whispers for AoE farming whatever with 3 other mages
>Nearly impossible to find a dungeon group for Zul'Farrak etc. because my friend is not a mage
>LFG full of people looking for mages for AoE farming
>General full of people looking for mages for AoE farming
>All because of streamers
I dont even know what this abominacion is
nope, feels like work, I don't like that the only way you can compete is by spending more time on it and not developing skills.
Couldn't get into in 2006, can't get into it now. Shit game.
You're the one whose supposed to know what totems to place. people will be sucking your dick once you start placing tremor totems in WC and unsleeping everyone
Is this accurate?
>Quests are the best way to make money.
t. not gonna make it to lvl 40 mount
Because the quests aren't interesting and are just grinding with some crappy flavor text anyway.
They really wont
>but without flying mounts
That would be fucking amazing and you know it
i just love seeing all the zones so populated
No, it's stupid, grindy and there's no real decision-making involved since all engagements are predetermined by class and circumstance.
>t. not gonna make it to lvl 40 mount
I'm level 20 and I still only have a single six slotter bag.
>[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
how? trade chat on GROB is full of people giving linen bags away
What the fuck, bro?
You need to invest in bags, you make most of your cash by selling gray trash items that drop.
>AH full of 10s 10 slot bags
What are you wasting your money on?
the most fun i've had in 2004 vanilla was to play a priest and help random people out like this.
>almost 14g at level 25
I've met dumbfucks at lvl 25 and not even 10g, but you, my friend, beat them all.
[path not found]
Yes. The game is great and I am learning the ropes, never played wow before.
>Yesterday evening
>Doing the guns of Northwatch
>Get a nice group of 5 going, super chill
>Everything done except cannoneer Smythe
>15 min respawn timer
>One Tauren warrior manages to tag him 3 times from under our nose with target macro
>lmao and peace out, I'll try to kill Smythe today
>Fuck you Tauren cunt
But if that guy is reading this it was pretty funny, and I got to chat with those five guys for a while and I really enjoyed it so thanks for that anyway.
>die because something respawned on top of me
>Start the long walk back to my corpse
>1/4 of the way there 'herpderp wants to ressurect you'
Words cant express my thanks
>some people here actually try to fit in
For what purpose? No one cares.
>I'm level 20 and I still only have a single six slotter bag.
nigger tailors will give bags away for free if you give them mats
fuck niggers
Does anyone know if rare mobs respawn after maintenance?
I am new to WoW and started with Vanilla and I absolutely love it. No Quest tracking is fucking amazing.
>Go to auction house
>"linen bag"
>buyout for a sixbag is around two silver
How do you manage life user?
>AH full of 10s 10 slot bags
On my server 10 slotters are 50s. Mageweave bags are 5g, and Runecloth bags are 55g right now.
Everything is fucked.
what is the point of rushing to 60 if BWL isn't going to be out for 3+ months? I don't understand this
Yes. Started saturday night and already have 27 hours on my shaman. Only level 21 right now but i'm taking it easy.
Chage it eajy!
Raiding is the only content that matters and I want my full tier 1 before the eternal ass whooping of honor kills is released
I burnt out leveling 6 different characters while my friends got to 30 on mains
They also play on different factions
I think I give up trying now.
Onyxia, Bitch king and Lich King
>6 characters
the only thing worse than running MC every week is running TotC every week
The grinding isn't great, but running dungeons with my friends more than makes up for it.
Counterpoint - Path of Frost after the fourth boss. Guaranteed butthurt every week.
I have deleted a couple level 12 characters on realms I can't get back on too
I always tell people to roll Mage, Rogue, or Hunter if they want to be good at pvp at virtually all stages of the game
>tfw still manage to kill people with that trick in the current raid
hey arent you late for school?
God I fucking hope so.
>trying to run deadmines as a tank
>fucking monkey damage dealers are smacking several different mobs on a pull
>I'm rage-starved trying to apply sunder armor on 5 different mobs since everyone thinks this is retail and I can just shit out aggro-building abilities
not rly
Did you mark the targets? That helps, although there's always that rogue who hits some other target, or a hunter who starts multishotting right after you pull the mobs.
We tried telling you, the players and their mentality is what changed.
I don't really know how tanking works or how doing dungeons works, but I literally alt+f4'd out of deadmines when two rogues said "guess we shouldn't use our abilities"
Just hit 27. Ran stockade last night with a retlol Pally instead of a tank, and I was healing out of shadow spec. Great fun, only wiped once. We also did BfD on Saturday, with 4 lv22s, and cleared the whole instance save Akumai. Incredibly difficult; the hunter was skill play after skill play on his traps and distracting shots. Akumai hard-walled us until we all had busted gear though. Crazy fun scrappy shit.
Honestly this
Should I download quest helper?
Yeah I'm having a good time. I'm level 37 now, playing with a bunch of friends. I almost have enough cash for a mount!
I've started using a Mouse-over macro to slap a marker on the one I want to focus on. It works most of the time but theres always that one dude that isn't paying attention.
And once you've applied a few sunders to the enemies you can just chill and build up rage for the next pull. Remember to use taunt liberally too. If you have good DPS you can basically just sunder skull target once, then taunt when they grab aggro, and the enemy is already dead once the taunt is over.
PvE is a meme, if you know what you're doing you'll outdps humans no prob. You probably don't even want to play with people going human just for the wep skill.
Gnome racial is the best for leveling and PvP, but play what you want my dude. Dwarves are based.
>dead world due to layering
>general is just LFM tank sm aoe farm or layer me plz
>nobody really talks just rushes to 60, retail is unironically more social than this
If it's a topic that interests you, look into "Brain reward system" in it's relation to MMOs.
I read a good article on it a super long time ago, unfortunately I'm unable to find it again.
MMORPG's are often filled with many small rewards spread over time. In WoW Classic for example, killing stuff rewards XP which progresses you towards another reward(Your next level). At which point you are rewarded with a talent point, and possibly new abilities to be trained. With this you progressively get stronger too, which is a reward in itself. There is also the reward of receiving new gear upgrades through various means.
I'm sure many people have had a situation where they probably should of stopped playing to do something important IRL, but procrastinated because they were close to some kind of virtual reward.
>Just 5 more minutes, I'm about to level.
>Hold on let me turn these quests in.
>Let me just take care of X, Y and Z real fast.
As has pointed out, it's literally virtual drug addiction. After educating myself a bit on this topic many years ago, simply being aware of this has reduced my enjoyment of addicting qualities in games, because I am aware of what is actually going on.
I know a lot of what I said is basically stating the obvious. But even with it being so obvious the majority of players are unaware of the reasons behind their virtual addictions.
When I'm not playing with friends, yeah. All my rl buddies are min/maxxing faggots who want to optimize efficiency 24/7. I just wanna level in comfy places like Desolace and Stonetalon Mountains.
I'm a really good tank though, on account of playing prot warrior for 13 years in hardcore raiding guilds, so my friends keep bugging me about speedrunning dungeons and shit. I keep coming up with a bullshit excuse, I don't want to be part of the cancer.
>15 years of private servers
contrarian smooth brains
>dead world due to layering
My realm has been high pop the whole time, the only zones that are kinda dead are the higher level ones because not many people are above 40 or so
How do you get the hunters to wait until after you pull? In my runs it's like, I sit down to eat or bandage because the healer's oom, and boom the multishot's in the air already.
just like the good ol days
the game is exactly as I remember from 2005 outside of people spamming lfg for sm aoe farm, having a blast playing with some friends
No fucking idea. There's something wrong with hunters.
>outside of people spamming lfg for sm aoe farm
I've never seen people mention this on my server, must be a streamer server thing
>play on the deddest non-RP server in NA
>literally none of the problems people are complaining about happen except people spamming SM AoE grinds to level
>server still feels properly alive outside of first thing in the morning
>most fun I've had playing WoW since Nighthold
feels good
Nigga my realm is full, doesn't mean shit if you barely meet anyone in the layer
Why is 30-40 so shit bros
I always have a blast up until this point, then the game just turns to complete shit for me.
You really have to stop giving APES as an example. Those guys have been no-lifing classic for the past 5 years, of course they're gonna rape PvE.
>How do you get the hunters to wait until after you pull
Accept that 80% of all hunters are basically someones cat walking across a keyboard and by inviting them youre accepting that risk.
Sometimes you get one that sets up traps and pulls such that the tank can just clap aggro of the 3 that didnt freeze. I saw one even have cower turned on
Different user. I'm on Gehennas. Constantly seeing people recruiting for SM GY, SM Cath, and ZF graves aoe farm parties. Most other instance groups say they're full runs or quest runs.
>I am lvl 12 but I've seen players lvl 11 with the big shadow minion, I still have the Imp.
>Where do I get a different summon? I don't have any Warlock class related quests.
Go to the Warlock trainers in Stormwind city, ask a guard. They are beneath some pub in the mage district or something. They have quest you can do to get that blue thing
>>literally none of the problems people are complaining about happen except people spamming SM AoE grinds to level
Kek imagine being this autistic you get upset about something like this.
mind controlled my first player off a boat in the middle of the ocean today, felt really good
>play with randoms for WC
>figure it can't be THAT bad
>they kick dps on flight path and pick up a 2nd healer to do dps instead
>tank has no idea where to go
>warrior dps keeps rushing things
>hunter keeps pulling every group he sees
>tank can't hold aggro
>tank is squishy as a mage
>tell them to go back to retail and leave the group
Mograine,Noggerfogger and Asbringer are full of this
If they pull it they tank it.
They're doing layering to try to reduce quest mob competition.
but did you dab on them before leaving?
>Westfall, Redridge, Duskwood
This was my vanilla experience, my first character was human. Going through Elwynn followed by the above mentioned zones was awesome. It was a really good experience.
Even my first time playing horde was boring as fuck. Most of the lower level zones are just different shades of red/brown and aren't pleasant to look at.
Also annoying orc music that isn't all that pleasant to listen to.
this is your brain on autism
At least their guild name is accurate.
why did you block out names?+
I liked TBC.
Except when Sunwell Isle came out, then the heroic badge welfare epics started to become a real problem.
Also resilience was fucking gay.
haven't played wow since 2009. i know that classic is basically vanilla wow, but is it really that different from just jumping in on the regular servers right now, starting from scratch, other than graphics and patches?
>Premade invites me for gnomer randomly
>Decide to do it cause I want the pants from the quest
>Party is level 24-27 players in a premade
>"It's okay bro we've been playing the game for 15 years we know what we're doing"
>Clear the entire fucking dungeon and every single side boss and mob
>Finally going down the final descent into the last boss
>Wipe on the dark iron dwarves twice cause the healer goes oom and the 26 warrior can't hold aggro
>Their 39 warrior friend comes online who offered to carry them
I've really enjoyed my trip from 30-40. I like Thousand Needles, and those levels are when you can really start getting cash with grinding
shimmering flats is the best questing area in the game
Sounds like we need some weaponized team autism.
Horde areas were unfinished. Alliance was obviously the main focus in development.
It's mindboggling how all my friends are fine with playing this boring faction.
Yes, but there is a lot of jank that I could deal without. BC corrected nearly all of it and my hope is that Classic's success leads to BC Classic.
Can I make a character that looks like me (pic related)?
I don't get why people think frost mage is such good dps endgame that there's a billion of them. He's doing like 650 a frost bolt every 2.5 seconds. Back when I played hunter My autoshots hit for 500 each, crit for over 1000 every 3.3 seconds and aimed shots were 1100 hit with well over 2k crits in between every other autoshot, along with my pet's damage and I crit very often with a 24% crit rate. And yes I know they're frost and can't abuse rolling ignites because of fire elementals. Everyone keeps saying mage is such high dps but spamming frostbolts is literally like a hunter just sitting there and autoshotting.
It's surprisingly comfy. Questing hub in the center of a big circle of killable shit, easy place to sell, and you have Gadgetzan right there
huge difference, much slower pace
Some of us prefer to fight against the blatant favoritsm, plus the Undead starting path is fine
In retail you just faceroll yourself to max level casually.
Vanilla/Classic can feel very grindy in comparison, it will take most people ages to reach 60.
Oh yea and multishots in between the autoshots that aren't aimed shots for 800-1800 damage. And if the mob can be poisoned there's serpent sting on top of that.
For The Horde! XD
You fuckers like to live dangerous, aren't you?
Yeah im having a blast, its nice to play a wow that actually remembered the RPG part of MMORPG.
Because you know deep down you have to get to 40 and save up 100g so that you can more efficiently traverse the world. But you're still stuck running around everywhere on foot until then.
that sounds great! i hated it when everyone was grinding back then and the quit the game while i was actually exploring the world, taking my time and reached max level just in time the expansion hit the stores. i guess i recreate my undead priestess for a walk down memory lane. thx user!
>he compares fully geared hunter with just dinged frostmage
Big brain right here.
I wanted to try classic as first wow experience. I have watched videos and read guides for a week.
Its always between:
Hunter- pain in the ass maintenace.
Warlock- Only ugly undead is good. Not a hunter with demons...
Mage- die allot and frostbolts.
Wtf do I do???
Yeah that also confused me
How are the queue times still this bad? I can't recall ever seeing them this bad in WoW's history
Most people I meet are absolute cunts who refuse to help other in any capacity or would rather race to tag enemies than join a party. The most social people I met in the game so far never even played vanilla before or are already playing with friends and would rather die than have a 3rd person join the party. So much for a bunch of balding castrated boomer cucks becoming a "community" like 15 years ago and proving classic is better than retail. If I wanted people to pretend Chuck Norris jokes are funny and spam thunderfury in chat I'd have stayed in BfA simmering on my piss together with the other blizz slaves.
I'm a druid and I took skinning and herbalism, I'm at 63 gold at level 35 and even if I somehow didn't make enough before 40 it would hardly matter because travel form. There just are hardly any good zones in this bracket. I'm about to just grind SM at this point instead of leveling in fucking Desolace.
should i give it a try, sonic totem?
>Be alliance
>Be on blood sail
>literally every person i run across groups up and every one sticks around to finish the quest for everyone.
>Every single person has been super helpful and nice.
I bet you are playing horde.
i've had zero encounters like this and I'm 42, having done almost every dungeon up to this point and the elite quests for every zone i've been through
I'll have people open trade and give me buff food and potions after I buff them
asking again ffs
I've run into mostly good people, sorry your server sucks
Quests start to space themselves out. 40-43 is the worst.
They suck early game when you don’t have half of your important skills. But they’re top raid dps and scale hard so once people start seeing that and get shit on by 60 rogues out in the world there’s gonna be more of them.
Go back to retail, zoomer.
if everyone you run into is an asshole...
Alliance are the biggest minmaxers though so they would have the best chance to be nothing but 60-rushing obsessed autists. Stockades seems to be the biggest source of the spellcleave meme.
Imagine being dumb enough to still play this.
It was the class of choice back in the day because most people saw the edgy dual wield invisible 80% of the time class and went "this is literally me"
tanaris, hinterlands and feralas were fine enough for me
That was with blues/green2h of agility/and like 1 BoE purple. I was talking about my first trips into MC.
based jews giving us mmos
Hey user, are you me? Bloodsail Alliance here too, everyone has been extremely nice and helpful. I've tried to pay it forward as much as I can.
Give me real valid complaints and criticisms of this game that aren't just subjective bullshit.
oh you wish I'd keep paying blizzard like you. Enjoy being their paypig for the next years while they funnel your sub into retail, boomer. Maybe it will make you forget how much of a failure you are
They're huntards. They will multi-shot packs before you even touch them. And yes they keep doing this even in raids.
About 1 out of 50 hunters has any clue on how to play.
I'm on Bloodsail, and I don't think we even have a 60 yet
Casuals shit their pants at the thought of having to put in time healing to work up the gear for their memespec
Rogue - vanish if you pulled too many after evasion tanking them down to kill that 1 mob you needed.
Druid - can just keep going with no down time
Warrior - incentives to level cooking/first aid lol
It isn't TBC.
Blizzard and nostalgia tricked me into spending 15bucks to reavtivated my account.
Never again. I'm 26 and the game sucks balls. Everything is piss easy but maximum time consuming
You know the date...
a lot of the quests are made to waste your time and nothing else. Complain about retail's shitty questing all you want but having to kill 80 bears to find 5 meat isn't good design
What are the best grinding spots for money/xp?
20-30, 30/40 etc
And if you're wondering why my critrate is so high it's because I used a hybrid marks/survival spec that omitted trushot aura because my guildmates all had it and let me get the crit talents in survival.
Are you retarded?
Hunter, Lock and Mage are incredible classes when it comes to levelling
Those quests are designed to teach you that grinding is actually the superior level method and gave you a weak pretense to do so. You should thank them.
grinding isnt good deisng either
>500 autoshots
>only pre-mc greens
The dungeons feel dramatically different from retail. The mobs are dangerous, threat is a real thing, and your abilities actually have a lot of impact and meaning behind them you ant just spam abilities nonstop. It feels like battle chess in a way and it's excellent
Yes, I know, the levels should just fall into your lap
Oh for fuck's sake!!!
It's 3rd time in a row!!!
So you are still comparing yourself to a undergeared frost mage because there is no way in hell frost mage deals only 650 with fb in raid. Base damage of the spell is 450, adding raid buffs/debuffs, talents and gear you should be hitting at least 700, 1400 with crit.
Also, good luck keeping this shit up, hunters don't scale, it's a widely known fact that they only deal damage in MC and fall of hard after that.
or maybe killing the same type of enemy for hours using the same 3 skills isn't engaging or fun and they should try making the gameplay good, you cuck.
Go on, cope harder and tell me to go back to retail
Yeah, although I didn't remember mounts being so expensive on TBC
I should have went with the WotLK server instead but they can't transfer characters and i'm already lvl 35
You should probably stop back at the trainer at least.
there's four servers though. You specifically missed Yojamba, a high pop server bc it fits your garbage narrative.
same here but i'm on kurinaxx horde
real nice people
I didn't say greens, I said blues and I still had a green on in the form a 2 hander of agility, I was using the slowest xbow possible, Bloodseeker so my autoshots hit for very high damage compared to most people who didn't pay attention to the speed of their bows. Scales better with autoshot and aimed shot and allows for more efficient aimedshot weaving.
Not that guy but you should in fact go back to retail
Somewhere around TBC they shifted the riding costs to be less focused on the mount and more on the training.
>damage and health is artificial difficulty
Imagine believing this shit lmao
100% accurate
>Dungeons are undertuned to the point where it's optimal to level in them
>General and world chat is full of twitch celeb worship and politics
>Realm pops dropping significantly, some servers already ghost towns
>Layering (WHICH DOES NOT AFFECT GAMEPLAY GUYS!!!!) has already been abused to achieve the world first level 60 and stockpile massive amounts of devilsaur leather and black lotus
Was he right all along?
Yeah but I've stagnated my leveling because oif it, I've been in Hillsbrad for days slaying alliance.
>Says the guy coping
The point i'm making is that people think hunters do literally no dps, however mine was like twice what this mage is doing and scaled up later it's comparable. Besides there's hardly any good spellpower gear until naxx and late bwl, and it's shared between LOTS of mages, so even then a good hunter will be competitive
if they know what they're doing. This whole meme of hunters do no dps is completely not factual.
So the issue with Hunters is, we can run out of mana pretty easily going balls out with basically no Int to our names, and most of our damage sans Arcane Shot gets mitigated by armor, while a Mage with hit cap (which is fairly simple for them, unlike Warlocks) is always able to hit consistent damage amounts, plus they have much better multipliers with Curse of Elements, a Nightfall for those tryhards, and maybe even a Moonkin crit aura while all Hunters get is 5 sunders and a mark.
You don't need to elaborate on why you use a slow bow.
That bow won't be available until phase 3 anyways, and it's literally slower than a frost cast.
Why were you bragging?
>The point i'm making is that people think hunters do literally no dps
Stop talking to retards that take speedrun parsing as gospel about anything besides speedruns.
Well, no dps meme is not true. But you do fall off, the later the harder. You still will be brought to raids for at least a tranquil shot and maybe for some kiting.
Complete noob. What is the easiest one please?
Everything dies instantly.
Is pet maintenance a constant hassle?
not yet
>tfw just questing and doing dungeons with guild every once in a while as god intended
Im not a powerleveling faggot, just taking my time and having having fun. He was wrong about me, I cant speak for anyone else though
level 13 forsaken frost mage taking wow seriously again for the first time in years
freezin shit up, being a fucking skeleton wizard, having fun
between a 7.5/10 experience so far
got enchanting and tailoring as my professions atm, not really understanding the importance of either at the moment
Hunter is the most braindead to play but probably has the most required knowledge to get to the top
Mage if you put in effort for the mechanical skill of aoe grinding
Warlock if you can figure out how to juggle 3 mobs at once
Sorta. It's not bad in combat, but you've got to haul stacks of food and keep the pet fed or it'll bugger off permanently.
it is, you have to buy meat and feed it every fucking 5 minutes to keep it's damage up. You also have to buy ammo and keep a fucking quiver for the extra attack speed.
I hate the internet
literally just tame a bear and you won't have to worry about food because they eat everything
You mean boar. Those are the ones that eat everything, and they have a good racial skill too.
You need a couple stacks of food to feed them, and you need to catch new mobs to learn higher ranks of their pet skills as you go, they also don't autoscale to your level. It's essentially a minigame like the pet battles except actually relevant to you.
>Kept telling people I'd definitely make it to 60
>Felt very strongly about that
>Wake up today
>The thought of playing the game knocks me ill
I'm almost level 38, the leveling has slowed down to a halt, I can finish multiple different zones quests and not gain a level. I beat all of the Dustwallow Marsh quests and didn't even gain a level yesterday.
I'm still using the Crescent Staff I got from the WC quest reward like 20 levels ago.
This sucks hard.
No, just get a bear or boar.
they may let the game stagnate and not add any new content or ruin it with TBC
slow down then jesus christ lol
>I'm still using the Crescent Staff I got from the WC quest reward like 20 levels ago
I find this to be a plus. Like putting in the effort and gettinng a piece of gear that isnt gettinng replaced in 3 levels feels really good, and then you feel it again when you finally find something that replaces it
Old Tremor Totem was the best thing, along with Sentry Totem
Fuck nu-Shaman
bears and boars both eat everything, unless I'm misremembering
>I beat all of the Dustwallow Marsh quests and didn't even gain a level yesterday.
Fucking doubt
Befriend a mage and you can use their conjured food to feed pets who have bread as their diet.
I think bears don't eat fruits nor cheese, but I'm only like 40% sure of that.
No self-control / 10
They eat both of those too
Yes this! That fourth Frostbolt in a row really feels just as impactful as the first! So satisfying.
Looking it up I see
Bear: Stat modifiers: Health: 1.08 (High), Armor: 1.05 (Medium), Damage: 0.91 (Low)
Bread - Cheese - Fish - Fruit - Fungus - Meat
Boar: Stat modifiers: Health: 1.04 (High), Armor: 1.09 (Medium), Damage: 0.90 (Low)
Bread - Cheese - Fish - Fruit - Fungus - Meat
Strength of earth unless you need tremor totem.
Frost resist totem or nothing
In 5 mans I like to drop healing stream if we will be near it the whole minute
Windfury if you have a warrior tank, grace if you have a druid tank.
When you get to raiding youll want to read up on deeper strats on a fight by fight and group by group basis
Rng drops, travel times, weekly lockouts, and some class specs just being objectively worse than others. There’s also clearly underdeveloped areas like dead wind pass and winterspring.
>Not using frost nova, fire blast or cone of cold
Congratulations, you're bad
have you tried not playing frost
Welp. Thanks for the fact checking there.
>Rng drops
I think you have an issue with the basics of game design then
>weekly lockouts
Stopping people from nolifing raids all day every day is not a bad thing
>class specs are worse than others
Literally always the case, everything is playable besides maybe Protection Paladin and if they were viable for raids it would further skew an already Alliance-favored balance.
pull now or i leave
shit tank
What about Anal [Dirge]?
are you me?
Best Post and Basedpilled.
mate whatever, I play with a bunch of people like this, and we all know that the addicition has us (shared vocally) but we don't care because our lives are okay. it's only a problem if you don't know how to stop or your life needs addressing.
let us have fun for a few months. fuck the world
Why lie on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum
>same boring fetch quests
Who else here leveled by spamming dungeons with a 10 man raid just like they did in Vanilla?
shit I gotta samefag this a few more times before this hits page 10 uhhh based
Is the exp still decent like that? Seems like it wouldn't be
There's other comparable xbows that are obtainable from the get go, Black crow, and nerubian spine crossbow.
Hunters have infinite mana, you can drink in combat with feign death. Stop being stupid.