PS3 was the literal worst, even sonyfags can't force themselves to like it anymore.
PS3 was the literal worst, even sonyfags can't force themselves to like it anymore
But little big planet was fun and making people in gran turismo ass blasted with your sleepers was also fun.
BROOM VROOM! I like racing games
people call it the no games 3 but it actually had 2 games
hee hee only real gamers remember this game!
Those were harsh times for sonyfags, that's why it was also when their shitpost was the highest with anal vore and goldface spamming.
It only has no games in retrospect, since everything was ported to PS4/PC overtime. Played shit out of my PS3 back in the day, though, despite having X360 as well.
>Demon's Souls
>Gran Turismo
>Dragon's Crown
>Little Big Planet
>Siren: Blood Curse
Just from the top of my head.
tl,dr: Shit bait thread.
Come one guys let's RACE!
One of the most underrated gems of the PS3. It’s a shame Sony killed it, like 75% of their other IP.
I bought a new PS3 2-3 years ago so that i could grab some good games that i would miss otherwise for cheapo and before they get to rare and to expansive to get.
>can only unlock cars online
>dlc cars are fuckin ugly and based on literally who cars
It honestly partially ruined the game for me.
PS4 much worse in terms of marketing bullshit, extremely shitty hardware and projew version that's barely different from regular one
Pacific Rift might be the best free game I've ever received
no, fuck off
they killed pacific rift's online prematurely for the shitty sequel
yes, I'm still fucking mad
I think this might be the worst mainline console ever created actually.
I'd say it's even worse than Dreamcast, the system that ruined its company.
I had a friend who was very into LBP to the point where it ruined our friendship as when I would visit him at his house he would just want to play LBP while I watched. His dad got mad at him for stealing his credit card to buy LBP costume packs.
He killed himself last year.
Yeah, no. Halo is based. Get dabbed on
PS3 actively killed DOZENS of series, devs couldn't transition from PS2 to PS3 and the studios either closed, shifted to AAA one game every 3 years, or the teams were dispersed elsewhere.
>demons souls
>drakengard 3
thats about it and i liked all of them (even drakengard 3)
Just because you think it doesn't make it real.
>stickfag """shooter"""
Why is your hand not black?
Slavs are the niggers of europe
But the PS3 ended up having games in the end. It's eons better than the PS4 is. I'd take the the former over the latter any day
>He killed himself last year.
based nigger stole all these games to prove op wrong