It's a game about friendship
Night in the wood
Other urls found in this thread:
Which the devs themselves apparently lack.
Which of those characters kill themselves?
looks like one of those tranny "feel bad for me" games that's not actually a game
The cat one
it is
it's actually amazing how the devs are even more unlikeable and rotten than the main character
at least the cat wouldn't push his friends under the train
And precious little of anything else. What stupid excuse of an ending. I should have known better.
It's a shitty version of Oxenfree.
I made this for Alec
It has a "Be gay; do crimes" vibe to it.
It's amazing how people justify their shit beliefs by forming an over-the-top straw man of the other side.
the cat's a girl
Reminder that this was made by the other male dev, not Alec
I wanna fuck the cat and the alligator but this seems like one of the games where literally every woman is a carpet muncher because that's what's progressive. Can someone who's actually played it confirm or deny?
The fox and bear are gay, the antilope is trans
so the cat and the alligator are made for dick? Perfect.
as an aside, as someone who actually lives in a small town in the rustbelt >implying theres that many gays in a single friend group
there were literally like 10 faggots in my class of 450.
It's actually even more amazing how this just makes the ones they're making straw men out of do the exact same thing back at them, so you have both sides arguing vehemently with nothing but their own flawed perception of the other side.
Reminder Alec had suspicions people were conspiring to ruin his life.
Why are progressive such evil sociopaths? Something like 10% of them are even capable of empathy and less than 1% are capable of rationally processing information.
Video games are fucking shit, Indie, AAA it's all a fucking radioactive cesspool. I hope the rest of America isn't like this , my country was communist until the 90s so we still have some common sense, I hope this is not where we are going
Cat wants to fuck chubby bear (female), but will take dick
Alligator is quite straight, or at least doesn't go lesbian.
The cult attracts all the worst people. People with skeletons in the closet who want to hide them under virtue signaling, terrible people who think they can make amends with ideology instead of changing their ways, people who crave power and control over others. Then add in a huge influx of damaged people who think they'll actually help something and thus themselves but only end up being victims of the above.
desu I would fall for that bear's honeypot too.
I mean who would even want to get tongued by an alligator. That's scary.
The word progressive to begin with is a sociopathic manipulation of language to gain undue influence.
Yeah who would, haha.
>tfw have tomboy fetish as a straight man
Lesbians are my worst enemy. I even have to compete with them for fictional waifus. FUCK YOU DUMB DEER GET AWAY FROM MY SUZIE.
You're not wrong dude
Damn. I wish I had met the guy before this went down. I feel the same way sometimes.
How reactionary do you have to be to call homosexuality progressive?
kek. dark
>if you criticize my argument, that means I'm right
That comment section is fucking cancer. Why do they keep repeating this sentiment? I don't understand.
>make a game about sticking with your friends in the darkest of times and forgiveness
>kill yourself because (unlike mae) your friends can not forgive you
Holy fucking shit. This takes the cake.
what was it?
The video of the incel guy with the woman and the ice cream machine. The youtube comments are retarded.
Link? the one with "the matrix is a good movie"? I can not find it
its more of a VN then a game. seems too woke for my taste.
It's a bad VN because
Each like of dialogue
Is so short that
You have to keep
Pressing through the
Text boxes
DingDong and Julian's LP is the best representation of this game yet.
Hard to be friends with anyone when you're a progressive.
Funny how the game deals with a cult of sorts but it's made out of conservatives and the ones fighting it are leftists. Mod that turns it around when?
snooter too short, not a big fan of the overall roundness and plastic feel of it either
Because many of them had troubled childhoods of being either directly abused or at the very least being ostracized and ridiculed. Contrary to what some people think, suffering doesn't automatically make you saintly, it usually turns you into a bitter jerk only interested in revenge.
Progressives are ALWAYS after revenge, even if it's only vicarious revenge by attacking what they perceive as 'the system' that led them to be the way they are (they usually have crippling self loathing they're in denial over too). None of them care about peace, understanding, or open dialogues. They care about drawing lines in the sand and gleefully attacking any who dare cross it from positions of safety (ie: the internet).
Games about devastating loses?
Also Mae, despite doing something bad in her past (I'd argue it's worse than what Alec (allegedly) did), all her friends stick by her with one even saying the kid probably deserved it.
wow ZERO remorse huh
How did he die, Scott? Was he in a car crash? Was he diving and eaten by a shark?
They are socially engineered to be this way because this type of psycho is easy to rule over
to be fair, the two gay characters are the only ones you meet in game, you maybe meet more in another segment of the game, but that was when they went into a city to party.
I looked at their reddit
>Content Warning for Suicide, Discussions of Mental Illness, Allegations of Sexual Assault, Abuse, Misconduct
they drive one of their own to suicide and then have the audacity to use TRIGGER WARNINGS
She can't keep getting away with this.
roses are red,
silent as a mouse.
your door is unlocked,
i'm inside your house.
> out of do the exact same thing back at them,
SJWs are very high visibility and actually tend to be insane on twitter, formerly tumblr and the like.
this isn't a Both sides Argument sadly.
Wew, fucking checked
Why though?
Why? was it simply shed-his-purpose? Knew too much?
A test of their power?
Man this whole thing gives me even more respect for someone like Sips.
Sjin and Turps, some of his best friends leave the yogscast due to allegations and he never once throws them under the bus like these fucking devs.
He didn't die user, he "passed away". Doesn't that sound better than killed himself?
>rape 20 women everyday
>wew lads I think someone wants me dead lol
>people keep linking Scott's reddit message
Okay, Scott, if it was "long time coming" to Alec and whatever then how come you guys kicked him out after the accusations? Why not do it before if Alec was such a liability?
the door locks behind you
you're as unlucky as you can be
i'm not the one trapped in here with you
you are the one trapped in here with me
b-but there's a reason, you know, like... uuuh we were 5 when alec raped us and we didn't know better! yes that's it, we were in kindergarten and alec grabbed us by the pussy! now that we're old enough to know better we decided to break all ties with him, I hope this answer makes everything clear, urgh I'm so depressed right now, buy our game
The reddit poster isn’t Scott, it’s a kickstarter backer.
I read through the reddit post, it’s not as factual as you’d like a timeline to be.
he didn't like zoe
based chinks
Why Bea's butt so thicc?!
SJW Trannie detected there
>attention whor?e
Legit someone should contact the police with these. How could you think Zoe was not intentionally preying upon his fears and intentionally trying to get him to act on them?
Why do we need several threads on this? The topic isn't popular enough to warrant. Most of these don't even hit the bump limit.
>a mentally ill person was severely paranoid
You don't say?!
Police tend to not like having their time wasted. You'll just be forwarded to some retard call center type place to place a complaint as they won't take you seriously.
Lewd and bonerpilled
Can't tell if defending Zoe or not. "Hey police I think I have a string of evidence that points to a recent suicide being intentionally coerced by someone" doesn't sound like a waste of time to me. Michelle Carter was arrested for convincing her boyfriend to kill himself.
The issue user is that it was in no way coerced and no DA in the world would ever try to prosecute it. Your feelings and culture war don't mean much. The bar for "coerced suicide" is high.
You're pulling assumptions out of thin air and not considering the context of the situation. Please read the posts in the thread.
Shows the specific fear she preyed on
Shows a motive for her to do so
To say there is not even a little suspicion of coercion is stupid
I never said anything about feelings or culture war, is this bait?
Being one of few, if not the only person to have read through the entirety of Zoe Quinn's archived online diary, she absolutely is a pathological liar.
I think she's may be an actual clinical sociopath. She was willing for people on Wizardchan to die just to get her career of the ground.
Any juicy nuggets?
He’s right. That girl who was arrested literally and repeatedly told her bf to kill himself. Alec did because of the situation he was in, in the eyes of the law it’s much different.
To the people defending Quinn ITT, why?
how do you write based in chink?
It was wall to wall bullshit and daddy issues.
iirc she was a badass on again off again stripper who assaulted older men multiple times, occasionally with weapons, and broke their noses for disrespecting her or whatever.
How did alex kill himself again? Handgun? is no one gonna use this as another talking point in gun control debates?
>Scott and Alecs own post from 2016 refer to his paranoia of his friends and the community he belongs in trying to kill him.
>The community proved his fears right.
>Zoe, the creator of anti-online bullying program Crash Override and self-proclaimed expert on mental depression could not tell the inevitable outcome of throwing a mentally ill, suicidal man to the wolves.
Their community is absolutely hideous. A bunch of sociopathic lizards hiding behind smiles and "feelings", ready to throw each other at the mercy of angry hate mobs the second they gain something from it. And now those who threw rocks are busy trying to justify them driving a man to suicide by saying the man was very mean to others during his mental illness. Their entire circlejerk is severely mentally ill, they all need to get committed into an asylum.
Why would they dredge up something that they're trying their hardest to sweep under the rug?
He probably either hung himself or did a flip off a bridge
>you are the one trapped in here with me
We don't know, it's not even stated that he killed himself, his sister just said "he passed away"
I sincerely hope that the conspiracy about him faking his own death and getting a false identity is true desu
how could he not like zoe, she a cute. CUTE
>She was willing for people on Wizardchan to die just to get her career of the ground.
Link to the archive?
I will say she is a goddamned genius to be pulling these stunts one after another AND ALWAYS WIN. I would never have thought to use the safest, most inoffensive and depressed community to target. And the fact that it was "OMG Yea Forums!" makes it so easy to pin the blame.
Fucking lol.
>WOW HE'S A RAPIST???? OKAY HE'S FIRED! (although he has the only practical skills to make an actual game lol)
>oh shit he's dead this is a terrible tragedy
he's on epstein's island dunking into slave lolis right now
Wizardchan was definitely an early warning that she doesn't have much consideration for people with mental health issues.
Her nudes make me hungry.
Remember that part where after Mae had a mental breakdown at college and came home Bea got jealous and said Mae raped her so that people would help send Bea to college instead? And when Gregg and Angus came out in support of Bea and said they always felt off about Mae and aren't surprised? And when Mae's parents also publically announced support for Bea, speaking publically about all the mental problems Mae has had throughout life? And when it all culminated in Mae killing herself and still no one stood up for her? That was a really weird chapter
>I will say she is a goddamned genius to be pulling these stunts one after another AND ALWAYS WIN
You dont need to be a genius to fuck corrupt journalists.
A game with
-furry fandom
-rabid tranny online following
-pitchfork pseudo commie mob leading devs
honestly probably the worst thing ever created in any medium. Patch to excise dead guy's music coming any day now, as soon as they hire a pajeet that knows how to do it.
No now that he's dead they've responded that it's still great music no matter what he's guilty of so they're leaving it in
Yeah, I don't see it.
Means they wouldn't know how to replace it.
You mean "we're going to make money off his work after he's dead"
She's a rogue psychopath, there's no genius involved since she's been caught out multiple times, her legion of white knights is just physically incapable of not believing a vagina
Just suck their dick for a little bit and you've pretty much have them in your control
Sorry about your standards.
The more people try to defend this guy on Yea Forums the less I take it seriously. The in depth account of his years of horseshit even line up with his own mental accounts on how everyone around him was to blame. When you get to the root of it though, you have this kid who makes a successful game and has moderate fame and money tossed at him without having an ounce of emotional maturity first. Makes you wonder what his parents were doing. The fact they let him live back at home after his roommate angrily kicked him out should have raised questions. What were they doing?
Should I finish it?
I started it, but didn't like the cat much. Worth it?
If you didn't like the beginning you won't like the ending since by the end the game goes full retard.
Back in the day "deep" games usually had some philosophical message that changed your perspective on life. Now the message is always tolerance and diversity.
Zoe is a pathological liar and should be left penniless on the streets but the gamedev killing himself was not her fault, it's the coworker's fault, the gamedev's friends and families fault.
>Back in the day "deep" games usually had some philosophical message that changed your perspective on life.
name two
Deus Ex
Zoe initiated the dogpile and knew exactly how everybody involved and affected will react.
"Deep" is just a buzz word for a reach around political message. God forbid that means discussing the current hot topics instead of being purely philosophical. Although, the best way to do it is a proper mix of both. That's not easy to do though.
Legend of Kain and PS:Torment
You can't be serious, right? You don't actually believe that this is the rambling of a sane individual, do you? Does this motherfucker think he's Harvey Weinstein or some shit? Nobody is going to kill you over a fucking indie game, nobody gives a shit. Nobody within the indie game scene even has the fucking power to do that.
Maybe if he wasn't so fucking narcissistic and thought everything he did was centered around the fate of the universe, he would have been able to just walk away from this shit.
Gone Home
Depression Quest
>"the current hot topics"
it's about as interesting as normies talking about college football.
liberals are idiots.
Would you say it's magical?
Abe's oddysee
Shadow of the colossus
Silent hill series
>Miss Quinn (or do you prefer Mr? Okay Miss it is) is it true you manage a website to combat online bulling?
>Y-yes but
>IS IT TRUE Miss Quinn that said website was founded after you were personally the target of online Harassment
>Then tell me Miss Quinn, were you aware the effects that negative online attention could have on a person's mental state?
>that's not-
>Miss Quinn we have evidence showing that Alec's colleague's were in a tight social group with yourself, so close in fact that you had deleted your twitter before Mr Holowka's own sister announced his death publicly
>shuffles nervously
> I have here a collection of tweets from Mr Holowka that shows that yes he was mentally unstable, and that he fear for his own life
>Objection: Its not my client's job to know the mental state of her abusers.
>True enough, however it does show that she elected to use methods that she knows for herself cause serious mental harm, to someone who she knew was deeply emotional trouble, having been close enough to the victim's circle of friends to understand how exactly they would behave once her tweets were published.
>In point of fact you can see her, moments before she deleted her twitter, she had changed her handle to "causes suicide" again, before the news had even been made public. Your honor, the accused knows she's guilty she's simply trying to hide that fact from everyone else.
Then I got a medal and a million dollars.
Gang mentality is just the mentality of twitter, honestly. People like to jump on bandwagons without reading facts. In any situation. What it did do, was encourage other women to give accounts of what happened sexual or otherwise. Zoe very likely could have embellished her story because it wouldn't be the first time. She also had a axe to grind because he was shitting on her game, like many were at the time (remember band wagon mentality?). But there were plenty of accounts from other women about shit he's done. That's can't be ignored. If anything, the one decent thing she did was help those people speak up despite the fact it would erupt in a shitstorm coming from her.
Besides that, jesus christ this woman is constantly getting herself involved with unstable people, isn't she? How does she keep finding them?
They obviously pack animal'd against him
It's really disgusting how the people who routinely tell people to kill themselves and make fun of suicide victims are now pretending to care because this is good for their ideological narrative.
$5 that you're 100% certain that Alec didn't do anything even though we can't know that.
Deus Ex
Planescape Torment
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines
Fallout 1&2
Balders Gate 1&2
MGS 1 through 4
Silent Hill 2
>Zoe's lying for financial gain
>but not those other girls why would they lie :)
Except what he said is what happened. He specifically said that he thought someone would try to drive him to suicide. And that a certain family member (obviously his sister who threw him under the bus) was emotionally abusive.
hey look your hypocrisy is showing
>Look at all these accounts from women who totally exist and all these proofs i have
eat dicks
hot topics are relevant, from a business stand point, it's what you want to do
You're upset with it because corporations usually are the ones that benefit from this. They stay relevant so they make money. So when other people do it they seem just as boring and shallow. And they do, but that's capitalism to blame.
>plenty of accounts from other women about shit he's done
where, and what? I don't twitter.
My thoughts are that Zoe and Alec are both abusive towards each other and Alec is abusive to his coworkers and his coworkers are abusive towards him based on all the sharing the coworkers are doing.
Hey, that Boise State game was great.
There were a few actually. Still doesn't mean he's guilty of anything.
Forgot to add that shit of this level is rare now and replaced with "muh tolerance". I think the Witcher 3's hearts of stone DLC was the last game than activated my almonds a tiny bit. The problem will all the SJW shit isn't not only it's tolorance promotion, it's that it cuts everything else out.
what? no, there are people legitimately obsessed with race and gender as if these are the pinnacle issues of the humam condition.
>hurr durr to be black or not to be black?
>hurr durr to chop off dick or not to chop off dick?
their minds are in an empty gutter and they're unsalvageable. To be "deep" would be different. To engage in political dialogue with this sheeple shit flinging mob is another idiocy.
>Legend of Kain
>omg shitlord why wont you listen and believe? look at all the womyn lined up accusing this dead man of rape!
>every single one of them besides zoe herself just says they "had a feeling" about alec, or heard about it from zoe
I miss when "political" meant large scale things like economic trends and lobbying and not small scale ethical things like "is racism bad?????"
>His sister threw him under the bus
>A bunch of women he dated made up fake claims about him being abusive
>One of his current coworkers made up a story about him being abusive
>His chief collaborator on his most popular game made up a story about how he's mentally unstable
>They were all out to get him for no good reason
And this.. is more likely than the idea that he's guilty?
If it fit your narrative in the culture war you'd call him guilty given a quarter of the evidence. You hate Zoe and want to own her. Guess what? Even if Zoe did wrong in the past that doesn't mean that she can't be a victim in a different context. Life is not black and white. It's bullies bullying bullies, trolls trolling trolls. If you genuinely believe what you're writing: wake the fuck up and realize that you're caught up in a light versus darkness story in a world where neither exists.
>100% certain
Nobody knows, you don't condemn someone without due process.
Lynch mobs are bad, mkay?
Boogie should've really reworded that since it sounds like it's asking something completely different.
Yeah why would they lie? They aren't going to make money really. Zoe can use the attention to market herself but the others were no name devs and still are.
My main problem with this whole ordeal is not the person accussing or if the accused was guilty or not, but the way it was brought to light. Making allegations through the web instead of taking a proper legal course. You end up with messed up situation like this one. If zoe did the proper legal procedure, maybe the guy would have been convicted and this drama wouldn't have happened.
Worst is that this might repeat in the future, this things should be taken in the hands of professionals who know how to handle them properly.
>Zoe is a liar
>all those people who accuse Alex are also conveniently close with friends with Zoe
>Zoe knew about the suicide before it was made public
Its more likely that they were all on the same page
Everyone in indie dev is a sociopath. I have no problem believing Alec was abusive but when all you've got is the allegations of other sociopaths, I'll stick with innocent until proven guilty.
I read their twitter posts, its not like it's hard to look them up. They'll all tagged.
>the others were no name devs
you answered your own question here
they're trying to get famous the Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian way
>legal procedure
She would be told that there was no case to make without any evidence for her imprisonment. And rough sex isn't illegal at all.
>They aren't going to make money really.
They're going to earn oppression points in their local circles. Guarantee right now each of them is getting flooded with positive male attention and riding the dopamine high. This is an addictive behavior.
>Spoon feed me please
You don't need an account to use the search function user, just an fyi
Character witness is really important in court.
Scott Benson's Twatter is back...
With lots of supportive comments from his SJW cult...
Twelve Forever creator made posts about how she fantasizes about /ss/ and would go to public parks to stalk children, but not a single person is reporting it or making a big deal out of it.
Nobody cares user.
nice pusy
Scott Benson, the other guy, his own sister, not a single one of them has said anything even remotely close to "Rest in Peace Alex, your death pains us"
Assuming guilt is worse than assuming innocence, yes, but if you ignore all but the most rigorous of evidence you're choosing to let a hundred wicked men go to save an innocent one. If this is a sentiment you believe in consciously, alright, I can respect that, but realize that those hundred will go on to ruin far, far more than a single innocent life.
It's not as simple as "pics or it didn't happen" or "listen and believe". You have to look at what is known and come to the most logical conclusion.
I'm not doubting that he's abusive. Based on everything that's been said, even by Alec himself, that's likely. Still doesn't mean he raped anyone though. I don't care about NiTW so it's not like I have a personal fondness for the guy. Furthermore, I don't think it matters if he did rape anyone or not. Quinn needs to pay for how she chose to go about it.
The current hot topic isn't making them money though. Lots of woke games went broke, and no RD2 or GoW4 are not woke.
>hundred wicked men go to save an innocent one
The US legal system is literally designed around this exact concept, and mentioning it in a negative light shows just how ignorant about law and the basic concept of justice you really are.
What happened is regardless of whether or not he was innocent, he put so much importance on small shit than any sane person would have been able to just walk away from. Then he killed himself. Self fulfilling prophecies don't prove someone is right. If he's delusional and talking about the world collapsing onto him, then of course the moment things turn sour he won't have the mental fortitude required to actually confront those issues. It's called actually having a sane and stable grasp on reality, having the resilience to adapt to adverse scenarios, and having the confidence to know you'll overcome bullshit. You don't get that by whining that everyone and everything is out to get you - that's the kind of mindset that becomes a reality the more you think about it because you can make ANYTHING to against you and just compound those feelings into a feedback loop the more you utilize confirmation bias to strengthen that perception.
In other words, stay onions user. It's always everyone else's fault, not yours, don't worry!
Who is this freak?
>he put so much importance on small shit
Small shit like all his friends and all his family, his career and all his aspiriations being rent to shreds in a single day. I bet you're one of those people who thinks that if you're entire support structure fell apart, you'd be strong enough to make it through, cus you're the hero of your own story, right?
She could have filled for abusive relationship. Imprisonment is not the only thing that can be achieved, maybe force him to go to rehabilitation or get psichiatric help. I dont know enough about this, but just ignoring a goverment system made to protect victims is not good.
I get what you're saying but very few allegations of this sort ever make it to court. People are going outside of the justice system because the system is broken. Denmark, a fairly progressive country, has a rape trial conviction rate of 20%. It's pretty fair to assume that this is not down to tons and tons of false accusations, yes?
Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong
>Yea Forums defends one of the most blatantly leftist games to exist
Hey notalldevs buddy. I don't see the factorio guys out there compelling people to suicide.
>can't even say the name of the man you drove to suicide
Literal unpersoning.
>Meanwhile at Zoe’s place
>Meanwhile at Anita’s place
>Meanwhile at MarzGurl’s place
>getting famous by taking huge risk
I don't think that's the wisest thing
That's an assumption. Indie game dev circles are social groups that shit talk about each other. Everyone drinks. Everyone starts shit. I doubt she is getting much support. Or much less than you think. Twtitter isn't a 1 to 1 reflection of reality.
Yea, because I don't have a support structure you fuckwit. I'm 32 years old, have a beautiful qt wife, and a fucking great SysAdmin job that allows me to shitpost on Yea Forums all day at an amazing salary. It wasn't easy getting here, but I didn't give up because I'm not a onions pussy. Thanks for proving my point - stay onions, user.
He did just say his name, he posted a whole story about how he knew him
From watching Twelve Forever, that's much less surprising than it should be.
She's the alt-rights greatest ally and biggest recruiter.
>stand up and shout "BASED!"
>judge finds me in contempt of court
That a nation has chosen to value something does not make that thing right.
>I don't have a support structure you fuckwit.
>I have a wife and a job
Congrats you do don't know anything about we're talking about, go back to school, kid.
You seem like you're an indie developer who's met some of these people. Willing to share anything juicy about this or other indie dramas with us?
First of all how is what happened small shit? Second of all, right mind or not, he was still right that someone would try to ruin him.
Autist plays too much Phoenix Wright
Does anyone have the tweet where Alex said he was going to seek legal assistance and was told that he 'wasn't allowed to deny this?'
All I saw was a sob story about how his friend killing himself ruined his indie career.
>I don’t have a support structure
>I have a wife
>I have a job with a great salary
What if tomorrow you didn’t because you once called a girl a cunt?
>Yea Forums
>not /pol/ invasion looking for a hook to prove all women lie about rape accusations to benefit themselves
Even more ironic, the guy was a leftie that hated trump too.
>cropping the haircut
his sister and purported "best friend" who immediately threw him under the bus after 1 (one) twitter allegation.
Are you thinking about Alexis Kennedy, AKA Cultist Simulator dev?
Inversely, letting people know that spouting baseless accusations has no negative consequence allows a dangerous precedent because logically, if there is even a minute gain in doing so, people would do it since nothing bad can happen to them.
>had to hop off and help people to clean up the fucking disaster
Meaning establishing a rapport about how they are going to spin the narrative and bring everyone in line.
Why do they all look the same? Like you can tell who is a leftist by their look.
I agree. There should be consequences. If someone makes false accusations then they should be punished.
>Why do people who look the same, look the same?
Literally kafka trapped
And it's thrown out real fucking easy, SMEs are the only thing that really matter
you only had to listen
How can someone make a guys suicide so much about them?
Anything I say would the the same of anyone else.
>so and so said so and so slept with so and so
>lmao what a slut!
>so and so said so and so is a prick and won't work with them anymore
>wow so and so is so sensitive lol!
Indie dev has no filter like in a work place. You can't complain to management if someone is being a little shit. You get this shit in all social groups of any kind. Except, this involves money and people's livelihoods.
That's why people shouldn't be making accusations on twitter.
>why do these freaks all have the same look and political belief
Oh so they're a cult, i get it.
how can anyone think this thing is anything more than a 4/10 is beyond me
>the system is broken because rape isnt prosecuted so we don't report rape so it can't be prosecuted so the system is broken because rape isnt prosecuted so
The Bullyhunters chick also looks like this
Then I'd get another fucking job? See, that's the thing, I built everything I have now on my own merits. If I was fired, I still have other companies that would be begging to have me in their doors. If my wife left me (I've thoroughly screened my partners up until now, this is an unlikely scenario all things considered; at the very least we'll come to a mutual breakup) I still have my own merits to fall back on and get another woman somewhere. It may take a while to find one as good as who I'm with now, but there's definitely another fish in the sea for me.
That's the difference between basedbois like you and me. I know what I have is mine because I've claimed it as my own. It wasn't handed to me. And so I don't fear someone taking those things away from me, because I know I can reclaim them again.
>You get this shit in all social groups of any kind
You don't really get this much Twitter drama out of most professionals in other industries. Some indiedevs (like Zoe) seem to have a special ability to generate drama above anyone else. Why do you think this is?
>Zoe whispers something to an officer
>You are dragged away and beaten severely in the basement of the court house and interrogated about the wherebouts of the hacker known as Yea Forums
>The Bullyhunters
kek thanks for reminding of that scripted shitshow. their livestream was so laughably bad
I don't see how that follows. That can be true and what I wrote can be true.
>ctrl+f "Alec"
>95 results
>ctrl+f " I "
>185 results
Work on your reading comprehension. That's the conviction rate for rape cases that *were* reported.
They did the same thing about being silent about abuse
> more people should speak up
> we didn't though, not until after the dude died
>but yeah more people should speak up, not us though
>Then I'd get another fucking job?
Not if you couldn't. You fundamentally don't understand the concept. That being the case, I think you would crumble if you support structure fell through cus you're too stupid to understand the life you enjoy right now. What if you went blind? What if you got some crazy cancer that ruined your ability to work at all. What if the lack of ability to work caused you to become emotionally abusive and your wife left you and you couldn't find work again and
>that wouldn't happen
Oh :)
>system is broken
The system is working as intended in minimizing false positives. Some crimes are hard to prove and that's just a sad fact of life.
>spooky /pol/ boogeyman strikes again
I dont think that court is always the answer, counselling could work. I guess that one of the many reasons victims dont go to the police is that they dont want to punish their abuser very harshly. So they opt for accussing through twitter without knowing fully the consequences of that.
Everyone in Alec’s circle was as fucked up as he was, he was an abuser with a bad support system and even after his suicide nobody can say anything except how conflicted and or relieved they are that he’s gone.
These people have ways of finding each other and it will kill each and every one of them some day
Except they're not because if we went by your logic the 80% of rape cases that fall through COULD be false rape allegations and the prosecution would suddenly be on trial. Or you get situations like this where someone has now killed themselves and everyone just presumes he did it because he killed himself out of guilt. When let's face it all that really happened is Zoe agreed to some kinky shit, did something dumb, didn't like it and then years later decided to ruin someone's life because she's a fucking psychopath.
That's not a "sad fact of life". That's a conscious design decision. If a woman gets raped and she knows that the system is set up to let her rapist off the hook because "it's a sad fact of life" that there's no proof beyond he said she said then it is rational to seek justice through other avenues.
>it is rational to seek justice through other avenues.
nice assertion
rent free
No you fucking retard. If a nigger breaks into my house and steals all my crack I'm not allowed to go to his house and shoot him in the fucking face because I chose to "seek justice through other avenues." You're not some fucking vigilante you're somebody who ruins other people's lives with no cost to yourself.
Its not pol. Its 8faggot. Their site got banned and theyre all flooding here desperately trying to upstart GG2
Pol is one of the few boards telling them to fuck off. They completely took over Yea Forums
>When let's face it all that really happened is Zoe agreed to some kinky shit, did something dumb, didn't like it and then years later decided to ruin someone's life because she's a fucking psychopath.
>Hasn’t even made a proper game
>Is so powerful in the industry that young devs are warned not to question her
Is Zoe the final boss of vidya?
LISA: Painful RPG
>vengeance is justice
HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM beeg thonk. beeg brane.
Strange that one of the key takeaways of Night in the Wood's story is that we're all supposed to pity Mae for her mental illness despite the fact that that she nearly beat somebody to death with a baseball bat. Yet it wasn't Alec Holowka, the (most) mentally ill one best resembling Mae, who wrote this story, but rather Scott Benson and Bethany Hockenberry who are apparently now saying that they detested Alec all along.
Lex iniusta non est lex
>conflicted and or relieved they are that he’s gone
AKA shut your fucking mouth or you're next to get blackballed
That's a sad fate.
>Making sure that the person that hurt you faces consequences is not just
>Accepting that they won't face consequences and will probably hurt others is just
she's all makeup, dude. Go look at what she looks like with none.
>an eye for an eye makes the whole world 20/20 vision
I actually enjoyed nitw. Got it on sale so maybe not paying for it in full is why. Cute flawed characters in a run down ol ol town. Since that one Dev is gone now there's no chance for a sequel huh?
>they completely took over Yea Forums
And that's a good thing fuck sneedposters
>draconian punishment is justice
>they detested Alec all along.
These are the people pulling the narrative that theres men who control everything in the biz out there, and at the same time are complicit as long as its convenient.
>Alec would have shut us all down and ruined us if we said anything!
He's literally who, like wtf. Not to mention they're also trying to say they were all good friends. I'm an indie dev and I can tell you not one of these were ever so important as to being comparable to Weinstein.
Because it looks like it hasn't been shared here, this is Scott Benson's account of Alec.
>Go look at what she looks like with none.
Eww why would anyone look at girls without makeup
Martin Luther King Jr. didn't go around beating up white people in order to show his disdain for the unjust law you stupid fucking mongrel. How do you fucking remember to tie your shoes without instructions?
It's not just Zoe. When it comes to her, my resentment comes from the original controversy surrounding her which was really just a spat between her and her ex where they both emotionally abused each other with embellished facts over the internet. This would be harmless otherwise but it ignited that gamergate autism which led to in part to /pol/ becoming as much of a flaming shit pile as it is now. "Incel" memes were born not directly from that incident but it played a part and that's what angers me. She served to make things worse and then acted like she was a beacon of standing up and speaking for women and abuse victims. Give me a break.
That said, you can't just use that as a reason not to believe her this time. Yes she knows she'll get attention for it. Yes she knows it will benefit her. But, again, that's not the point. Because ignoring this would be like saying you need to ignore anything anyone says about abuse.
Is calling someone on twitter the same as sexually abusing them? No? Then it's not an eye for an eye.
Next you'll claim that calling someone to court is a form of vengeance.
Nigger is you fucking serious. He got MeToo'd by a notorious slutbag and liar and you "cut ties with [him] going forward" which is the most pussy footed possible way of saying "we fired the dumb bitch". And then the mentally unstable person who was on the brink of suicide at all times, who you knew was on the brink of suicide at all times, fucking committed suicide.
How do these people breathe and think at the same time?
Explain why there are threads about this on there then? At least 5 or 6.
In my head? No, on this board? Yes. It's about time they payed up.
>Twitter posts are a DRACONIAN PUNISHMENT
Martin Luther King was not the first person who said this line. Telling the world that you were raped by someone is not some form of gratuitous violence. It's absurd that you're casting TELLING PEOPLE that you were hurt as equivalent to assault.
>cashier doesn't smile when he hands me the change
>this is an upset of my moral values so i slash his tires and plant child pornography on his computer before telling all his friends he's a dirty kid diddler
>quote latin at the judge and say that my actions are just because i'm the good guy and on the right side of history
sounds like a self-insert
"I want to be forgiven even after causing people to die!" is a huge red flag
>reminder Scott Benson cries in this because he worked 7 hour days
>Alec was some kind of boogeyman, holding a pall of fear over what sounds like dozens of people
I literally cannot believe shit that's stacked his high. I would believe he was a dick to his friends but this shit sounds positively mythical.
>is attempting to ruin someones life leading to their suicide the same as jamming your finger in their butt and carrying them around the house like a bowling ball yelling opera ballads about gamergate which is a thing that totally happened btw you shitlord the same aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
youre not batman youre just a retard in underroos.
Fuck that game, and I don't mean that it's bad it just hurt me
That is a fair assumption, yes, because rape can be a challenging crime to prosecute in trials by jury because our society still doesn’t fully agree on what rape actually is and what we should do about it. But that doesn’t excuse trial by court of public opinion where we can completely circumvent investigations, burden of proof, and due process and completely destroy someone’s reputation over unsubstantiated claims. If the state can’t put 4/5 of people merely accused of rape away, why is it okay to take matters into our own hands and punish people for crimes they may not have committed. We don’t do this for any other crime.
This user raped me AND my dog
You talking about Zoe now?
You're right, it was St. Augustine, who developed the idea that it's okay to go to war if it hurts your feelings.
>Not if you couldn't. You fundamentally don't understand the concept.
Because I was smart enough to build my professional life up with security in place like any reasonable adult? Because I had the foresight to cut out toxic people from my life because I understood their affects on my well being in the long term? Because at some point in my early 20's I told myself I'd work on my self esteem, skills, and rewire my perspective on life? Because I've ALREADY faced the adversity of being a good for nothin NEET that got kicked out and homeless but had to rebuild from the ground up into what I am now through pure determination and grit?'re right, I should have been a soiboi instead and cry on social media about how the eyes on the walls are always watching me - then everyone can call me a fucking profit when I kill myself in a room with eyes drawn all over it.
If I went blind? Sucks fuckin ass but I'll pull through, just like all the other blind fucks in the world. Crazy cancer? Don't really care, my wife and I are already on the same page with this, we've actually discussed this in depth and know how to handle this if it comes up. Cause unlike soibois, I love my life up until now and I'm not going to spend the last months of it wasting away into a skeleton under chemo. I think of negative future scenarios - but rather than being weakened by them or feeling overwhelmed at their scale, I prepare for them.
Again - keep thinking that being a soiboi is some sad tragic curse. It's a fuckin stupid mindset that bitch pussies like you won't escape from if you keep assuming that everyone else just MAGICALLY has it better off than you and CAN'T UNDERSTAND ME EMO WOES wrongfully all the time. People have faced worse and survived, even bettered themselves from it with the strength they achieved from overcoming those obstacles. You only find it unlikely that I'd pull through those adversities because you're projecting your own pathetic insecurities onto me.
It's easy for me to ignore what these people say about abuse when they could have done any number of things to prevent it. This Scott guy could have walked away from this project at any point and just moved on with his life instead of being abused. I don't buy it that what he went through can be constituted as abuse when it can be so easily avoided. It leads me to question what other people also called abuse and makes the whole situation seem like just a bunch of insane people met up, handled everything as poorly as they could, and then piled up on killing someone a few years later.
Night in the Woods -90% when?
Lol don't you have a game to work on EvaXephon
It's valued with good reason, and has withstood the test of time. The opposite approach (guilty until proven innocent), on the other hand, has centuries of evidence showing it's the worst possible way to handle things.
didn't read lol
You're the exact kind of person who commits suicide with people all over saying
>he had a wife and a job how could he do this!
>the pain was hidden, why didn't he come out earlier
enjoy your life on rails, homo, hope its a long one
There's a difference between telling it on an Anonymous message board and orchestrating bullying against an individual using his real identity.
Nobody can hurt you here, it's not linking to your real life persona. I think you understand this.
Would you say the same about witch trials or lynch mobs what about the Tulsa riots?
You can't condemn someone on hearsay alone.
And twitter is enough to ruin someone's life
You know how these things go? People will distance themselves from anyone accused of those dirty crimes, they will not get sullied by association. No matter if they're credible or not. I've seen it happen, I've been guilty of this.
In this case, do you have any proof, or mateial that suggests Alec deserved this? Send it then.
my guy dodged a bullet
sorry was meant for
Wording your stupid fucking posts in some weird esoteric way doesn't make you any less of a fucking idiot. Trying to claim some moral high ground with an objective "right and wrong" is stupid shit middle schoolers do. NO EVIDENCE, NO CONVICTION. Do you understand that? Can you get that through your autistic morally absolutist head? Will you ever understand that power rules and nothing else?
The whole thing reads awfully. Dude killed himself 3 days ago, and this faggot decides it’s perfect timing to write twenty paragraphs saying “he was mean”
>I survived Alec Holowka. A lot of people got it much worse than I can wrap my head around. And I’m a man. People who aren’t men got it worse.
Jesus fucking Christ. Even after pushing a mentally unstable man to a suicide these people still try to make themselves look like the "victims". So brave.
>I have to make up a whole story about disproportionate retribution to replace the case of a woman who was raped and accused her rapists in public of raping her because I know I have no case
Zoe is far from the only person who has made accusations in public. We're talking about the general case. Are you saying that every public accusation is fake?
>I have no argument
I know.
>Accusing someone who actually hurt you of hurting you is the same as going to war over being insulted
I miss when Zoe and Anita were just becoming more irrelevant.
Because locking up 100 innocent men just to catch 1 guilty man is such a better system.
This is a false dichotomy. See
Quinn never had control of anything. There's a girl like her in every high school, who dates the druggies and the nutjobs because she herself has a lot of problems, and she always makes mistakes at every turn. You usually find a neglectful home, or just some real personal problems, or drug abuse - and frankly it's not your responsibility to do anything about these people because it's more trouble than it's worth, user.
But look at the what the internet was doing then and now. Who was actually in control? Google and Facebook, promoting click-bait and controversy to generate ad revenue from spam. Zoe won't blow up again because she's the furthest thing from a mover or shaker. She's one of society's many pieces of confused driftwood, who'd probably be doing heroin in an alley now if Gamergate hadn't saved her life.
>because I know I have no case
That's right, Zoe has no case because it was a consensual BDSM relationship she felt bad about. That's why she chose to air her dirty laundry on twitter as soon as the limelight was almost drying up instead of taking it to the authorities (which should have been an open and shut case with how many of Alec's friends are willing to talk about his shitty behavior, right?)
Give it a few more years, she'll become irrelevant again and then she'll find some other mentally unstable indie dev to blackmail into suicidal and then accuse publicly of rape for the finishing blow so she can be relevant again for 10 minutes.
Is he still even a fucking thing anymore? I saw a few yandere-dev spinoff games in my recs every now and then I never click so I assumed his project died and others picked up. If fuckface had an ounce of intelligence he'd be using all those NEETbux to invest into shit that will keep him afloat for a while.
Did I hurt your feelings along the way, soiboi? Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you. Change your mindset. The world doesn't work the way you think it does, and if you need evidence of that then just look at the mindset people who are successful have. What you earn is yours because you've earned it, and you can earn it again because it wasn't through some freak accident that you got it in the first place. Put yourself into a position where you dictate what happens in your life and you won't have soiboi issues.
anita's still irrelevant, dont worry. even her sad attempt at riding cyberpunk's coattails didn't get anywhere
I thought Alec was the fox.
Nothing more badass than being a transqueer progressive
Beautiful, isn't it?
>being friends means being a rape enabler
>t. Zoe "gamergate" Quinn
>he instantly sides with some whore over his friends
Low T
>then after said vengeance try to hide your actions from the law because your not THAT proud.
Who the fuck would touch that poison woman?
>believing rape accusations from Zoe "Fives Guys" Quinn
Bitch would go down on a 40 penis buffet if she got good reviews for her latest Twine game. Fuck off.
Accusations of what?
What has he actually been accused of? “Abuse” right? Tf does that actually even mean?
All I see is “he was mean and difficult to work with sometimes”. Yeah, no shit - he was seriously mentally ill. No surprise he struggled around these people when their response to his suicide is “oh think about me at this time”
Does anyone suicide in the game?
Even 10 sounds high. But i graduated hs in 2004 before it was encouraged to be a faggot so i dunno
Nobody but she hangs out with beta males who turn suicidal at a drop of a hat and all she has to do is convince them that she can ruin their lives by making false rape allegations and then make them. Easy racket, 90% of them are going to commit suicide.
>chad comes in to lecture the ways of the thundercock
>"you don't get it man! i bet if this happened to you will die too if it happened to you!"
never change Yea Forums
I seriously don’t doubt someone desperate enough to go after her.
I've yet to see ONE report from authorities on the matter. no lawyers on harassment. nothing it;s just twitter bullying.
i really hope people start learning to sue for defamation.
Underrated post. Remember to degoogle, quit facebook, twitter, and insta.
I know it hurts, but it's for the best.
The most egregious part of the accusation can be dismantled by Zoe's own (now deleted) twitter.
Yeah none of them are going to come right an say "He deserved to kill himself" because thats bad PR, but if you zoom out a little bit, you realize that none of them are showing even a token amount of remorse over the death of colleague and are spinning this narrative of how he was the worst human ever. You have to ask, why are they doing this? So it makes more justifiable. Theyre saying it without saying it. "Alec killed himself but we're right to not care cus he was mean." Its disgusting.
This is not about Alec in specific but about the general case.
We can and do convict individuals based on eyewitness accounts. For most of humanity's existence that's all we had. Justice predates the camera.
You speak of the harm that is done by false accusations. That harm exists. I do not deny it. Consider, then, the harm that is done by not being able to accuse abusers who you know would not be brought in in court. This is not just about justice but about preventing them from doing harm. As noted upthread a small minority of rapists are actually convicted and only a small minority are even brought to court. Knowing this, does it not make sense to do what you can to bring them to justice using what means you have available? Words on twitter are some of the least confrontational means of doing so.
Justice is messy. You will get some things wrong. Always. All one can do is one's best. I do not believe that letting the vast majority of rapists slip through the cracks is the best we can do. I do not believe that someone who was actually hurt should have no recourse open to her if she knows there isn't enough evidence for a case in the court. That doesn't mean that we should blindly believe accusers. Each case should be handled individually, based on all that is known.
I’d rather play a game about friendship made by non mentally ill people.
nice photoshop bro. this proves nothing
>forensics dont matter cus uh eyewitness test is older
Daily reminder that Zoe has blood on her hands.
She literally drove Alec into suicide by giving him the fault for their failed Sex life and thus setting of a cancel Bomb.
>if this happened to you will die too if it happened to you
I guess the lecture doesnt have a segment on not sounding like an ESL retard
>I like old thing
next you'll be saying that you hate your wife
The real Zoe Quinn here. Just wanted to let you GamerGaters know you were right about everything. And guess what? It doesn't even matter because I've won. Not only will I get away with murder, but I'll profit from it too. And when my money starts running low again I'll just pick another victim. I bet more feminists jump on the bandwagon too once they see how easy it is to get away with literal murder. You seriously think the cucks will stop supporting me now? They can't. For them to acknowledge I'm in the wrong is essentially the same as them admitting you were right all along. And they'll never do that. You gave me a license to kill. Thank you
Those who thirst for justice exercise their power even outside of the system. The law is not omnipotent. If power rules.. well, the masses believe in justice and the masses hold the power.
>Consider, then, the harm that is done by not being able to accuse abusers who you know would not be brought in in court.
And how do you know that without trying? The only way you know that someone wouldn't be brought to court is if you know they didn't do anything to justify it.
They are egotists. Many, if not most people are. These are just remarkably deluded ones.
It wouldn't be a better system, no. It's not the alternative either.
Archive links are in the image, retard
can they fucking explain what he did and to whom already
they're making it sound like he was WORSE THAN HITLER, giving PTSD to MULTIPLE PEOPLE
She didn't accuse of rape. Just mention the word talking about someone else. Before accusing him of abuse. Confusion seems intentional.
I'm just waiting for Zoe to return to twitter. I wanna see how she's going to skip along after this.
Oh right, the good old "just assume whatever, does he look like a creep? eh, guilty" system.
Post more
Yeah, that's a good joke when it's clear as day that Scott Benson was the one with all the cards, especially after Night in the Woods was released. I've heard of Scott for years, but not Alec until now, and I've even played NitW. Scott has twice and many Twitter followers and is obviously a big player in the whole indie clique.
Hey you know, her website is still branded as UnburntWitch. Anyone wanna snag the twitter handle so she can't take it back?
They won't because they don't want it to sound like they're justifying the fact they made him kill himself, which is what they're doing of course.
>he was bad he was mean he was awful and obscene
>So you're saying that it was a good thing he killed himself?
then why bring this shit up?
I'm sure Roy Bryant had your exact mindset as he and his goon squad lynched a 14 year old black kid.
Zoe built like a lunch lady
NAYRT but most people don't get themselves into life compromising situations. You should never be vulnerable enough that rape accusations will toss you overboard.
This is not just about Alec. The conversation is about victims publicly accusing their abusers.
That's not an option in many cases, user.
This is not even an argument.
Most cases end without a conviction because there isn't enough evidence to make a call. If you know your case fits that profile but, as the abused person, you know for a fact that the person you're accusing is guilty, then you're in the situation I described.
That's not how it works according to Phoenix Wright.
>when they could have done any number of things to prevent it
People who get abused typically are not emotionally stable themselves. An emotionally strong person would not only speak up but be violent in response to any contact they don't consent to or feel comfortable with, even if it's done innocently. These types of people will usually be called bitches or high strung but they'll brush that off. Who cares, my rights are more important. This makes sense right? Well, an emotionally unstable person who is depressed or confused, or better yet, scared will sit there and silently endure and either try to convince them self that this is ok or "maybe if I put up and shut up they'll realize I'm uncomfortable and stop". And this doesn't make any sense to a sane person but it's what people do. And it happens all too often for ridiculous reasons so of course when you hear about it you have to say "Why didn't you do anything?" because you would have done something.
When it comes to emotional abuse though, it's a state of mind. He was depressed and on meds. He had a game he had to finish in a project he jumped into head first like a young optimist and then got burned. Of course he was going to be abused because he was the type of person who lets people step on him. And it goes back around to: "Why didn't you do anything?" an emotionally unstable person doesn't know how to say they've had enough.
>small minority of rapists are actually convicted
Then how do you know how many guilty rapists are out there? Studies that consider a pleasant exchange before having sex as being "coerced into sex" and therefore rape?
When did "life isn't fair" and "take responsibility for your actions" turn into "I AM LIFE'S PROTAGONIST AND ANYBODY WHO CROSSES ME WILL FACE JUSTICE!!!" exactly.
Literally every witness lies in phoenix wright and you have to disprove it tho
>It's pretty fair to assume that this is not down to tons and tons of false accusations, yes?
No, no it's not.
>Confusion seems intentional
You overestimate people.
she has literal blood on her hands by stabbing someone, user
>Think the game is a cute slice of life
>Until the end where the game goes full "FUCK BOOMERS, THEY WANT US TO GET A JOB AND SHEEEEIT" mode
What would it realistically take for people to finally drop Zoe Quinn? It's crazy how much she gets away with.
Oh no no no no!
Yeah I agree. Every girl I know, if she got touched or looked at the wrong way, she'd be calling security, screaming and talking shit about the whole thing, and with good reason. I don't doubt theres a population of women are too scared to do anything like this, but it can't be all of them.
>he abused me for months!
Okay? Why didn't you call the police? We have proof that Quinn had her phone the whole fucking time
>they never do anything!
How the fuck would you know if you don't call them?
Yeah, because that's how the courts decided shit for millennia.
>You know who else broke the law???
No, the conversation is about Alec, this is just some stupid whataboutism because you're cornered knowing the only evidence is the word of a pathological liar who claims to have murdered and buried the body of a rapist in 2007. This is like trying to turn the Casey Anthony case into some greater conversation about the responsibilities of motherhood. We don't fucking care, this is about the here and now.
It's a game about non gender specific furries engaging in non sexual relations of unspecific nature. I don't understand who's in love and who's a friend in this game. Which now makes sense since devs don't know what friendship or love is.
There's generally not evidence due to a lack of a crime being comitted. Most dismissed cases are done so because there's evidence to the contrary, like texts before and after for some time remaining friends and being cordial, with no signs of any aggression from either side. So, yeah, if you didn't think you were raped at the time, because it was consentual, continued to be friends. Then had a falling out and decided it was rape, then sure. You know your case would be dismissed.
You can't seriously fucking think that's a good system just because it's old
Witness testimony is extremely important you pseud
Gregg is just gay and immature (or at least lapses into immaturity in the presence of Mae), not mentally ill, though plausibly ADHD. Don't recall him expressing suicidal thoughts at all. Angus was the one with the mistreated homo backstory.
I'm pretty sure every single mission in the first PW game had every witness tell a bold faced lie that you've gathered evidence against.
>appeal to tradition
Try again
I feel like I barely avoided my ex boyfriend driving me to suicide with his constant, repeated abuse and basically telling me that he wanted me to die and other horrible things.
But I still wouldn't have said he had blood on his hands. I felt it still would've been my fault for making that final decision. I can only imagine Alec shared this sentiment.
It's really sad that Yea Forums, a group of anonymous strangers online shitting on his game just a week ago seem to care more about him than his own family and "friends". I can't think of a sadder fate, really. Makes you want to reflect upon who you hang out with.
When was this posted?
You're trying to cast someone who was factually wronged by someone telling the public that they were wronged by that person as something unjust. Does that seem reasonable to you?
Cool, but you have to understand that his failure to stand up for himself them led to him lashing out in the future, which result in someone killing themselves. The purpose of small scale every day conflict is to iron out your relationship with someone so that you can tolerate being around each other. If you avoid this day to day conflict as much as possible you bottle it up for the future. In the case of this guy he NEVER confronted Alec, the only time he did was accidentally through the girl's private Twitter account that she forgot to make private and trash talked him, and IMMEDIATELY after this conflict happened Alec understood what he was doing wrong and things were OK. Why? Because conflict actually solves problems. But these people had no backbone and avoided conflict forever until it blew up and the guy killed himself. They're to blame for his death, all other people who interacted with him and acted similarly and failed to confront him properly are too.
please tell me this is new. if this is true, someone with a twitter tell them then Zoe should start finding a job
Hypothetical situation: You have a vindictive ex-gf and she seeing you in a happy new relationship. Pissed off that you're happy she goes all over social media trying to defame you out of psychotic spite. Would you still support the "Court of social media" then?
>factually wronged
Wow, what a gigantic fucking assumption you've made there Sherlock. Mind showing the evidence you've got for this amazing deduction?
Can't this group of people feed themselves? If they work together it will be fine
>When was this posted?
But everyone on this website is a cruel sociopath, right?
And what happens if you do not disprove it?
A lot of people here know what it’s like to be mentally ill with an abrasive personality and a bad support system which they think would be better off and happier if they died
thats it, yall is now a redflag word
By "they", it means Zoe herself with They/Them pronouns
it's a joke account in case you haven't noticed
poe's law
Yes? The old courts it was on you to prove your innocence. That's called "Guilty until proven innocent". The thing you were saying isn't the only other way, but can't seem to provide an alternative to.
You disprove it 90% of the time tho
Source or you faking it.
are you retards seriously believing this? You're not better than Zoe's cult at this point
what the fuck???
thats fucking despicable
legitimately wtf
>No, the conversation is about Alec.
Nope. Stopped reading.
>Women are raped at an alarmingly high frequency
>80% of the rape allegations are false
I don't.
It's not appeal to tradition. It's pointing out that justice existed even before the camera.
Fear can be debilitating, user. That's really it. The concept of "put up and shut up until things get better" is the easy route, actually. If you're scared, that is. If you hope it goes away by itself it can be like it never happened. No it doesn't make sense. But to someone who isn't emotionally stable, that's the mindset.
Your boyfriend being shitty isn't the same as your boyfriend inciting every single person in your life to shun you.
See now you're just falling apart and trying to nitpick 4 different posts at the same time. Pack it up and try again next thread.
>Women are raped at an alarmingly high frequency
Bitcoin trading
Yeah but scared of what? Im saying most people in a situation of getting harmed, groped, molested, or even rude talked would be indignant and try to lash out. They make it sound like Alec systemically infiltrated the psyche of their minds or some shit.
The false witness holds power was his point I think
>Alec would say things like this sometimes. He’d talk about how he didn’t care about money, didn’t understand why people who didn’t like their jobs just didn’t leave them. He was baffled that more people weren’t quitting their jobs and following their dreams. After all, one could make lots of money if they just made a good game. At the time I felt like his downer know-it-all of a coworker, constantly telling him that this just wasn’t the way the world works.
He was a neet whose life was ruined by seething wagies. I’m willing to bet the real reason he killed himself was because he realized he would have to become a wagie now.
severely prophetic you mean.
Yeah, but for SEVEN years?
It’s a troll account
>some of the least confrontational
And the more efficient. If you have influence, anybody you choose will be treated as a leper.
In this case, it wouldn't happen if she wasn't an e celeb, you're giving free reign to the influencers.
Assange, Strauss Khan, same thing. Using unsubstantiated accusations was enough to stir the course of worlds politics.
We need justice, not mob rule.
Oh I thought we were just going off about ace attorney
the problem is that zoe's actual clique is insane enough for a tweet like that to be believable
Try and find a reliable study that shows that "women are raped at an alarmingly high frequency". That college campus 1 in 3 / 4 / 2 / 5 that keeps on changing? Disavowed by those that ran them. Every time it's because the questionaire boils down to "Were you raped? yes. yes." only not as obviously. It's questions like "Have you ever had sex with someone who had, at any point in the past, given you a gift?" if you say yes to that, you've been raped. Because influencing someone through buying them shit is coercion and therefore rape.
>it's a joke account in case you haven't noticed
And the funniest part is that this joke reads like something that could be real.
Zoe has hidden the amount of money she's making on Patreon a day or two ago (I think it was somewhere around $1.3-1.5K - even though her Patreon has
no recent updates). It would be totally in character for her to claim that she's not making enough money anymore and ask her followers to donate more.
Please some person with a Twitter tell her to learn to code.
Super fake. A person in phone contact with Zoe would not have 300 tweets and 12 followers. She'd only take consultation from people with e-cred.
It's a troll you fucking idiots.
I just don't understand what Scott is trying to accomplish this whole thing. Never does he even signal remorse for Alec's death. It all just seems like he's saying
>Alec died but he was a depressed rapist loser so who cares
>based on all that is known.
So let's get back to the composer of Aquaria's soundtrack.
What is known?
Yes, for the same reason that you support the traditional court now: you're okay with some rapists potentially getting off scot-free and I'm okay with innocent people having to prove their innocence now and then.
Evidence that anyone was *ever* factually wronged by a rapist? This is not just about Alec. This is about the general case.
Many varied justice systems existed throughout the ages. You're mischaracterizing them. If just accusing someone was sufficient to doom them unscrupulous people would quickly abuse this to get everyone they don't like out of their way. Things were more complex.
The alternative is hearing everyone out and making a judgement call based on everything that is known to you, keeping uncertainty in mind. If you're not sure that someone is guilty then it doesn't make sense to punish them too harshly.
>Zoe has hidden the amount of money she's making on Patreon
That means she had to look at the page and make the conscious decision to keep it running.
game takes place in oregon where the studio is based
>If you're not sure that someone is guilty then it doesn't make sense to punish them too harshly.
Why punish someone you don't think is guilty? Again, you're just highlighting systems with a presumption of guilt.
Believe it or not the "alt right Nazis" are very compassionate, they just go about it in a more Red Foreman kind of way. I been saying this in a few threads: SJWism is a hot trend for phoneys, no SJW man or woman really gives a fuck about anything other than social approval, and the friends you get out of it will also be phoney.
Reminder that Alec's own sister not only threw him under the bus, she immediately donated to Zoe Quinn's patreon after he'd killed himself.
Correct. Prove to me that rape (see: having sex) is at all a net negative to any human being on planet Earth. Because women are histrionic and prone to lying, their testimonies are not counted. Find me ONE male "rape" victim that actually was mentally harmed. I'll wait.
Fake news. The bitch is despicable, but that tweet is fake.
Generally speaking, shitting on someone for being an SJW comes out of concern for their well being.
Alec had money. He had support and pull despite his bullshit. He made a kickstarter happen and made it successful. I mean, look at the guy. Imagine being able to have an idea and being able to scoop up anyone you want to make your idea happen. That kind of power, even coming from a lanky autistic code monkey is intimidating. He could drink and say whatever he wanted to anyone. But there were people that cut him off. He got kicked out by his roommates for instance and they didn't let him back in despite his pathetic suicide threats over it. He was enabled by the people who couldn't cut him off though; the ones who needed him or thought they needed him. It's not that he was some manipulative mastermind, it's that people who were prone to abuse had gravitated to him for one reason or another and because of their inability to cut him loose enabled him to keep going.
that woman could get thrown into an active volcano and Yea Forums wouldn't care
>something something Zoe Quinn
>something something attention whore
Yep, sounds about right.
Well just remember when that false accusation happens to you all your like minded "friends" are not going to come to your aid.
No one has even said that he physically harmed anybody. He had no pull in the industry clearly.
What the fuck were they afraid of? Excuse me what in the god damn fuck was anyone scared of here?
That tweet is fake. Stop believing everything you see when you're making fun of people for believing everything zoe says
Now think on how so much of the woke left look down on and actively mock rednecks and hillbilly sorts, when a poor hillbilly would still be more likely to stop to help them on the side of the road while refusing any compensation for his effort.
your mom
>Alec had money.
Scott just said he didn't. But everything else you said lines up. Sociopaths working for sociopaths.
Like I said, seething wagies.
>where they both emotionally abused each other
It's easier than you think yeah. Especially when you just get used to it over time. I'm telling you, it's the mind set of abuse victims.
Based logical thinker
second half meant for
>you know i had to do it to him
I never even heard about Wizardchan until Zoe Quinn brought it up
Even if they had been actually talking about her there and that she hadn't posted the comments about her in the first place, you don't see black guys being mad about Stormfront being racist against black people, and Wizardchan is much smaller than Stormfront
hes trolling check his other posts
He’s trying to cover for his friends by throwing Alec under the bus, because they’re getting a lot of heat due to Zoe calling him out on Twitter and people accusing everyone Alec ever crossed of being liars
I mean money in the sense that he could make it. He had a publisher magically throwing money at their project because he was involved. They had a successful kickstarter because he was involved.
The story is almost too conveniently consistent and vauge across all accusers.
>he was mean
In what ways specifically and to whom and when? This stinks of conspiracy.
Abrahamic religions require several eye witnesses, and punish false testimonies as hard as the crime itself. So much for the old.
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat.
It's just people upset with someone who was, probably, an asshole. 'nothing wrong with being an asshole, but vague allusions to abuse seem far more serious than "he yelled once".
I’ve had friends like Alec in the past who used their own lives as bargaining chips to get people to do what they wanted and were aware enough of their own mental illness to use it as an excuse to misbehave and bully people.
That said, Zoe is an opportunistic harpy who roots herself deep into the indie scene and does her best to stay informed on these matters so I don’t believe she herself is a victim
Yeah but thats my point. Everyone is saying dude was a jerk, sure its probably true. But is this supposed to justify bullying him into killing himself? Is it supposed to justify Quinn using twitter to ruin a man's life? What exactly is the purpose of this preachy shit? Dude's dead at their hands.
>I’ve had friends like Alec in the past who used their own lives as bargaining chips to get people to do what they wanted and were aware enough of their own mental illness to use it as an excuse to misbehave and bully people.
Yeah but if said dude died, would you be blasting his ass on social media?
Organized courts always work off of either a presumption of innocence or guilt. It might not be written as such, but all legal systems fall into those two categories. If the innocent needs to prove their innocence in any way before any proof of guilt is established, it's a system that works off of the presumption of guilt. Or, "Guilty until proven innocent." it's how courts worked for a long time, many innocent people were locked up simply for being alone.
>I’ve had friends like Alec in the past who used their own lives as bargaining chips to get people to do what they wanted and were aware enough of their own mental illness to use it as an excuse to misbehave and bully people.
Did even a single person accuse him of this?
>I’ve had friends
No. No. You've never had friends.
It just hit me that you didn't realize that this was sarcasm and I'm honestly surprised
It's even more surprising that you don't realise that your sarcasm is literally the point you've been arguing for.
Absolutely not, but given the firestorm Zoe has started and how people are being accused of contributing to his death or conspiring against him, I don’t necessarily blame them for banding together and affirming that they were victims and not abusers in all this. It’s a logical thing to do, respect for the dead be damned.
But don’t forget the real villain in all this is the one who put them in this position in the first place who fucked off of twitter while the actual victims are doing the talking
aight, fine
I'm pirating the game because you guys shilled this game so much
also because I'm a furry
I don't even know what to say anymore, I forgot about the faggot indie developers / journalists and whenever I remember I said they were a cult I thought i was being silly because I was politically inexperienced.
But no, they are a fucking cult, they're the slimiest most vile people imaginable. My first impressions were right, these people are pure fucking evil. I pity the 2% among them who can think rationally and are stuck in this hell community right now if they can't get out for some reason.
Any game you played and completed when you were 12
Voice actress from Aquaria has something to say about this situation:
I agree with your whole post. I guess these assholes should be scared. Thanks for the perspective.
Me too, I'm thinking burgers and fries
Actually the people who threw him under the buss are more responsible for his death than Zoe. He already knew Zoe was garbage.
It's a game that warns you to never relax around your friends and immediate family. Because they might decide to coordinate and murder you overnight for no apparent reason.
I've considered a scenario like that happening to me and I came to the conclusion that I would just cut them out of my life at the earliest chance
what happened here was very different, they decided to cancel him only when the twitter mob got sicked on him
this is beyond fishy, it reeks
I don't believe you. Post your fursona.
I'm not rich enough to have a fursona, sorry
I am sorry to tell everybody that Zoe Quinn is currently suffering from acute radiation poisoning and will not be available for further comments in the foreseeable future.
Thank you.
Why? Why would innocence and guilt behave differently from other unknown variables? If a man stands behind you and flips a coin it doesn't make sense to assume that it landed on either side. You gather what evidence is available for both views and go with the stronger case.
Of course not!
All furries are rich tho
she's just trying to push her own political agenda though
well, in that case I guess I'm not a furry then
jesus christ lmao
Imo you're wasting your time, Zoe took almost a 100k in donations for CON and left a huge trail of shit, but nobody cares, her influence and connections just kept increasing.
Any rational human being realizes she's radioactive and needs to stay away from her. Still this guy didn't stood a chance she got him on what something that happened 6 years ago?
>is surprised
What about everyone that takes his side, like you? I think something to be concerned about here is that she had minimal contact with this guy outside of development for Aquaria. Which was what, well over 10 years ago? And this shit started in 2013? But ya know, that's just me talking.
>multiple allegations of “””””abuse””””” from “people they trust”
Yet not a single one of them went to the police and they try to write that off as lol why would they go to the police for anything. Meaning at the absolute fucking worst Alec had multiple instances of being a bad boyfriend.
And nothing changes the fact that they only took action after the biggest lying cunt on the internet shat out this drama after her Patreon bucks for laying around on her fat whore ass all day were drying up. And now she’s hidden her monthly revenue for doing nothing, the only update she’s given that page in almost two years, because she doesn’t want people to see how many extra beta bucks she’s getting for driving a man to suicide.
Holy hell Beth and Scott are really fucking stupid. If they honestly believed Alec was bad news they should’ve cut ties with him before this useless lying cunt stepped in.
Glad we're on the same page
Based, even the nu-left is fighting those addict gamers.
The thing is that the story is far too consistent within his group of friends. His close contacts, not one of them has even a mediocre kind word to say.
Because the entire purpose of a legal system is to determine innocence or guilt. It's not a random irrelevant variable, it's the point of the court. What does the court do when there's not enough evidence for either side? How is guilt established (does guilt need to be proven? does innocence need to be proven? what if innocence can't be proven? what if guilt can't be proven? what if both can't be proven?)
Courts don't flip a coin, they look at evidence. In our system, if guilt can't be established then there is no case. It's the only reasonable way of doing things, because if nothing truly happened you generally can't prove that nothing happened. Which would fuck over the accused if the onus was on them to prove their innocence.
anti-porn is a conservative stance
The amount of Zoe Quinn niggers in here is astounding.
anti-porn movements can be found on both sides of the fence
It's consistent because it's vague. The entire story was just "he could get angry sometimes, but he went to therapy and has been great recently"
It's a mistake to think in their simplistic terms of "victim" and "abuser" and "villian". Real abuse cases are very, very commonly both parties doing terrible things to each other, not one saint, and one sinner. Not 50/50, but uneven amounts in different fields.
These people have the gall to create a ridiculous system based on maximum action with minimum accusations and evidence. They richly deserve to face the consequences of that themselves.
>I survived Alec Holowka
sounds like the nigga went around snapping necks on the way to work or something
I thought that only costs you in depavity dollars.
left anti porn is
>its sexist
right anto porn is
>its amoral
Guess which this guy is on?
>she's just trying to push her own political agenda though
Or maybe she has just witnessed a bunch of faggots on Twitter indirectly murdering her friend, and is telling them to stop this madness?
Certain groups of left-wing folks have anti-porn stances, just looks at the NoFap movement.
Stop posting fake news faggot
Andrea Dworkin is conservative now?
I guess in the age of the transexuals she might be. Holy fuck.
He's schizophrenic don't stoke his delusions.
Who ways its fake, nigger? Your gay ass? Provided evidence or fuck off.
I'd love to believe this image but it could easily be faked
there's also "my dick has stopped working" anti-porn
Yeah and half the dudes are fucking each other behind their wives backs.
don't think, just listen and believe
People forget how common conservative politician gay fuck orgies are.
Did she accuse Putin of rape?
You don't need to be a genius to be an opportunist. If she was a genius then she wouldn't have left any tracks whatsoever.
Holy shit, I'm an idiot.
I got confused, and thought this was the other guy, he seemed to go in that direction.
No, but her face slipped off.
It's both. Conservatives hate it because it discourages men from forming long term relationships, liberals hate it because it makes men happy.
>Conservatives hate it because it discourages men from forming long term relationships
I believe they're that stupid but its usually sexless weirdos that can't into women as people who struggle to find a mate.
I know one of the devs(the creator?) killed himself due to being targeted by a professional victim, but what's this about the other devs? What did they do?
This is the same exact point I bring up on my public persona and people think I'm fucking crazy.
>sowing distrust is bad
fuck this society
Does anyone have the voocaroo of a guy going absolutely nuclear over the idea of Toby making Suzie gay? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
thicc stubby tails
>Fake allegations
Wow, what evidence is she sitting on?
For older men who didn't grow up in the pornhub age I'll agree with you. However for kids who are growing up in the whatever you want is a click away age probably have pair bonding issues. Personally I liked porn when it was behind a paywall and taboo, it gave you more respect for what it actually was.
Every allegation is fake until proven true.
Only so much you can fit in a twitter post so it's going to be vague. But when you consider something in depth as this:
There is an argument to be made that porn consumption changes your expectations from relationships.
I allege that I'm holding up a finger
And it still just amount to “he was moody and mean sometimes. Other people said he was too”. It just does it across a bunch of paragraphs.
Also lol at him whining about working 7 hours a day
I have PTSD from working 7h a day, please donate to my patreon!
That's the mind set that lets abusers keep abusing. Giving the potential abuser benefit of the doubt let's them act like they did nothing wrong whether or not they did. Inevitably, every accusation is he said/she said unless you get genetic evidence and eye witness accounts involved. And even then, there is no action but that's another problem in of itself. The point of believing abuse when it's said, is that it makes sure that it's investigated. No one accused of rape has everyone they know turn on them. It's just not true.
A fucking novel of
>he was moody and on meds but otherwise great
>also that thing zoe said, even though I didn't know her at the time, she still texted me!
I like that he opens by saying Alec is the reason he goes to therapy and is on meds, but then immediatley goes on to say he was already going to therapy and on meds before metting Alec (It was one of the ways they bonded when they first met).
Would you call what happened with Alec a friendly disagreement then?
>he was moody and mean sometime
You mean to the point where his roommate were physically afraid of him and then upset up enough later on that they kicked him out with no chance of letting him back in? Or the fact that he would threaten suicide to anyone that wouldn't agree with him? And the list goes on.
too bad we don't toss people in jail without evidence like the good old days
"Every accusation is true until proven false" is the mindset that lets abusers destroy the lives of others.
>it was more complex than a snap decision
>allegations come out
>”cut ties”
hi incel
>No one accused of rape has everyone they know turn on them. It's just not true.
did you mean to say something entirely different or are you retarded