post your farm
Stardew Valley
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rate my farm please I'm a girl
I've been interested in this game but would prefer to have it in a physical copy. Is it possible to get one?
best farm of all time/10
Inefficient but wholesom
Wow, really good! I can tell a lot of love and care went into creating this. Take my upvote, and enjoy the silver! :)
What's in the greenhouse?
starfruit and fruit trees
that's the most generic farm i've seen, good job i guess.
>Not strawberries
It's like you don't like daily profits
I just started Stardew, Yea Forums. What mods should I get and how do I min/max money
>watching a qaurterpounder video because bored
>some slut streamer posts a comment
>beta faggots come out in droves to compliment her
It's an abstract kinda disappointment
>install overhaul mod
>promises new villagers
>it's two crusty rich snobs and an utterly disgusting redneck
>huge parts of the map previously empty devoted to their fuckhuge vineyard and gross cabin, respectively
>redneck even niggers up a part of the woods with his gross campsite that the creator made as gross as possible with beer and joja cans strewn across the woods
>the redneck supports joja, inexplicably
>can't go around town without triggering their boring scenes that dont even let me tell them to fuck off
>they're at all the events taking up space
>mod does a lot of other good stuff so reluctant to uninstall
any modder arrogant enough to insert his "art" where it doesnt belong is guaranteed to be a shitty creator
What good things does the mod add?
this post made me feel a genuine, physical wave of disgust through my body.
good job user
You do not min/max. If you do it gets boring really fast.
The area can't possibly increase at a linear rate if the circumference and therefore the radius are increasing at a linear rate because the function for the area contains a square of the radius.
yeah it looks like a farm which is the point I guess
min maxing will kill the fun
also abigail best girl
no mods
>those graphics mods
Fucking gross
Why do people replace the beautiful colorfulness and warmth of the original graphics with this ugly grey dogshit depressing color scheme?
it's made entirely for aesthetics not for profit or efficiency