Games with this aesthetic?
Games with this aesthetic?
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densha de go
I miss those simpler times so much.
Dream Daddy
Don't post pics of yourself user, you're gonna get doxxed!
Isnt that the myspace guy
>Beautiful man
>4/10 woman all covered up
Most western games post 2016
What's he up to these days?
In retrospect he jumped ship at the perfect time.
Came out as a gay.
Before that there was Yea Forums, /news/ and whatnot. Trying to suppress the message will never work.
bbased and quite redpilled
Why is he so perfect...
hello I am australian man
God bless the bastard.
Take me back, bros..
he didn't came out of his mother's vagina gay though, it's been debunked.
Place really took a nosedive once he left
What is he doing now?
literally just managing google's sekrit klub imageboard, not even kidding that's what he does there
I realize moot is a legit weeaboo but why would someone who enjoys spending time watching jap shows and playing jap games move to japland where you only have 2 jap hours a day of free time? Doesn't make sense, logically. Being an american neet is the best way to enjoy japanese culture to its fullest.
It all returns to nothing...
Who the fuck is that?
What if his dad fucked him in the womb?
But giving it's own place implicitly validates it. The goal isn't to stop it, just hinder it's growth.
Last I heard, he was working at Google. Don't know if he ever said what he's doing there. That was a few years ago.
Destroying Google from the inside out
literally unironically figuratively who
>But giving it's own place
Nope, it was a place for political discussion, no one is restricting any other alignment. Stop whining because things you don't like get posted.
This dude is such a fucking based God. Rich as fuck like Jay Z and just casually out and about like a fucking boss. God, I wanna be friends with him so bad.
didnt he get blamed for a leak or something
>Part of the far left illuminati now
Who is this semen demon.
The guy works at Google and apparently does fuck all there. So he's really living the best weeaboo life of having the Google wage and working conditions whilst chilling in nipland
He specifically asked for it to not turn into Stormfront after that sort of thing happened twice before.
>But giving it's own place implicitly validates it.
like mlp and lgbt?
I saw this dude's dick SO many times.
Political discussion should be banned entirely internet wide.
Only weirdos take part in politics, and weirdos don't deserve to be pandered to, we've all seen what that leads to.
Indeed, maybe instead of "shut it down" you should be asking "why".
i thought moot was mexican?
most of /pol/ don't really care about politics and find the actual politics boring, they just want to be part of the meme shitfling.
Could he have handled gg better than he did?
>Indeed, maybe instead of "shut it down" you should be asking "why".
Ever hear of swarmfront newfag?
Will he save us from the horror?
Politics is more interesting than vidya. Plus it has more potential for lolcows
That makes it worst
Politics are boring as fuck, we haven't had a real happening since WWII.
Me too ;_;
Hope he leaves Tokyo for 2020 Olympics. It's gonna be shit show then.
Been here since 2009, I've seen it since before there were even more than a single thread up on Yea Forums, with most people disagreeing with what was being said. If the issue were numbers, it would have never grown. If you were truly concerned you'd at least be honest instead of finding an easy handwave explanation.
Why does everyone randomly mention this?
Are you serious or is this a shitpost? God I hate homosexuals so much.
We can't go back
well, incest is wincest
>moot will never be real
Why even live bros?
Too many baka gaijins
you're right if he's a normal weeb guy but he's rich. also, he's working at google along with a bunch of americans. I saw a picture of him and his coworker at some expensive restaurant in tokyo.
who the fuck is this? stop posting random twitter shit.
It's one specific autistic guy. Every thread he repeats the same things over and over.
I'd be fine with this.
I was happier before I knew what politics were.
Time to die grandpa
it's okay user, recently gay gene were debunked. now they are desperately trying to hold on to "complex traits". we are one step further into a better future.
Will he free us? No
>If you were truly concerned you'd at least be honest instead of finding an easy handwave explanation.
lonely young men are extremely susceptible to extremist propaganda. the infographics you see on /pol/ are nothing new it's neo nazi propaganda that's been floating around since at least the early 90s.
>n-no I swear, that time I went to a random pacific protest that everyone forgot about hours after it ended was really ebin
being a faggot as per usual
moot was such a fucking faggot
when is moot gonna come out as a tranny? he was the original little girl after all
>the infographics
What about the links to the actual statistics? What about the correct predictions? What about the links to the actual studies? Sure there's a lot of bullshit there, but that's the case in the whole internet, and overall, what you are showing is yet another handwave explanation.
I would never go to /pol/ to laugh. I come here to laugh, I find ridiculous, over the top shitposting hilarious. Same reason I go to DBS threads on Yea Forums. It's is my new Yea Forums.
Do you guys think he still lurks?
He absolutely could have. If he stuck with the "one thread but one thread only" rule I doubt he would have polarized as many people. But his JAP oneitis probably convinced him to purge any and all discussion.
ok but what happened to swaglord?
Gay Nigger Faggot with cherry on top.
naw he is a mod at resetera
>What about the links to the actual statistics
I'm talking about shit like NatSoc and Holocaust infographics. Filled with debunked claims and often outright lies. Crime stats are true tho.
>What about the correct predictions
such as?
>What about the links to the actual studies?
like what?
We're in the middle of ww3, and you don't notice it at all.
what happened to snack
Thats you lol.
>no nukes
>no artillery
>no soldiers
>no frontlines
>no airstrikes
There's no war here.
We all hate them.
If we join forces could we summon moot once again?
>We're in the middle of ww3
Believe me you'll know when WW3 starts mostly due to all the nuclear fallout. Or are you implying some zoomer shit like we're in a war of ideas maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Why would you want some turncoat cuck as the admin?
why don't we just buy Yea Forums from gook moot? IIRC it only cost him like 93k we can gofundme that money in no time.
(You) too
you see what you want to see, man is life easy when you can blame the garbage state of internal and external economics on jamal and his mud hut
they gave you someone to blame so you dont have to do some introspective growth because its easier to hate other than to accept you need to improve or put more effort into finding a job instead of crying about "tey tuk ur durb"
what was leaked about moots personal life? i only know the shitty janitor logs
No. Ban all of it, rangeban people and set up filters. There are still certain phrases you can't post and waifu in the OP was autosage for a while. Actually enforce rules instead of whenever the mods feel like it.
Golden rule: give an inch, they take a mile.
The Holy Truth
>Holocaust infographics
You mean wooden doors, missing mass graves, using gas instead of actual practical methods or what exactly? None of that is an infographic and a lot of what is spread there comes from "witnesses" and "survivors".
>such as?
Elections, poll results, trends, events, if you're gonna be vague I'm gonna be vague as well.
>like what?
Behavioral genetics, haplogroups, demographic trends... Are you sure you ever visited the board?
But the ones pushing for immigration are those companies because they want cheaper workers.
This would be solved by simply removing free market and having any and all businesses and corporations answer to the government.
Force them so that if a business isn't entirely about improving the country, it gets shut down.
i think wht he means is ww2 and 1 strted with minor conficts and political shit. its the exact same cycle
>No. Ban all of it
That's what he ended up doing. How do you not remember this?
Oh, so anything you don't agree with should be silenced? I think tranny/lgbt/lefty shit should be silenced, in that case.
>you see what you want to see
That's why one uses the scientific method to avoid personal bias, besides you are ignoring when non whites also reach the same conclusion. A nice handwave explanation but a nonexplanation nonetheless.
>recently gay gene were debunked
wait are you serious? fags absolutely positively BTFO
he got fired for making pro-trump stickies and posting on /pol/
no tolerance for nazi racist scum in moderation
Ban all of it meaning ban all politics and do it better than sooner.
I, too, have images saved.
>Yea Forums blows you the fuck out for letting the moderation go to shit
I was there for this and the ENTIRE thread was absolutely every single person on Yea Forums giving him shit. Fuck him for ruining Yea Forums I will never not be mad about this shit.
Post pictures of faggots
go fucking die you centrist faggot obnoxious little pretentious vile cunt
i remember having fun shitting /pol/ when the cuck unleashed the floodgates there
>You mean wooden doors
The wooden doors in Krema I, the only extant crematorium today, are not original. Krema I was decommisioned converted to an air raid shelter when Kremas II, III, IV, and V were built in Birkenau
>missing mass graves
what are you talking about? what missing graves?
>using gas instead of actual practical methods
Zyklon B and cremation was a very efficient solution. it takes significantly less pesticide to suffocate a person than it does to kill an insect. And what "actual practical methods" are you talking about?
>None of that is an infographic
how new are you?
>a lot of what is spread there comes from "witnesses" and "survivors".
Have you ever actually read scholarly work on the Holocaust? From an actual historian? You are just regurgitating information you found on /pol/ without even bothering to look it up
>Elections, poll results
Yea Forums was not the only one predicting a trump win
>trends, events
how very specific
>if you're gonna be vague I'm gonna be vague as well.
I very specifically mentioned the Holocaust and Nazi infographic bullshit how much more specific would you like me to be?
>Behavioral genetics, haplogroups, demographic trends
I've never seen anyone post actual studies to anything you listed here besides haplogroups.
>Are you sure you ever visited the board?
Are you? You claim to never seen shit like wooden doors in infographics when the board is filled with retards who spam it.
Eh, with how much politics get injected into video games these days by leftist developers I don't see how that can really be enforced.
I wish Moot kept his word, then we wouldn't have niggers like you here.
The political turbelence leading up to WW1 and WW2 is nothing even close to what we're seeing now
this image kinda gets shits itself over the fact that every single right wing circle outside of here considers 4pol to be shit
>we came to the realization the Holocaust did not happen
imagine falling for debunked stormfront propaganda lmao.
eat shit for life faggot
agreed completely, it is pretty sad whenever this comes up and the issue is brushed off as racism to ignore the deeper socioeconomic ramifications
there have been and exist to this day white ghettos just as brutal or more than blacks or whatever brownscale you want to think of. The problem has always been money and standard of living. A culture of shit brewed up after years of systemic economical dysfunction is nothing new and heavily blaming these cultural problems on racial sciences from the dark ages is hardly an opinion worth a damn.
>buzzword, buzzword kys!
big brains on this one
fuck this is a vidya board, nice thread /pol/ im out, you got me on this one
Is everything you disagree with a buzzword? Hey dumb cunt, they're called insults, you piece of fucking shit.
did your parent beat you or something
You could switch around all the proper nouns in this and it would make just as much sense
>are not original
And the blue marks on the walls which are implied to be from Zyklon B are...?
>what are you talking about? what missing graves?
The corpses had to go somewhere user...
>Zyklon B and cremation was a very efficient solution
No it isn't, by witness own accounts it needs at very lease one hour to work. A fucking rope would be faster, there are no "survivors". Cremation takes a massive amount of time, even by today's standards, they didn't even had modern day crematoriums.
>how new are you?
Not an argument. I mean honestly, when I saw your first post I KNEW you were looking to derail and there you are.
>Have you ever actually read scholarly work on the Holocaust? From an actual historian?
Yes and no, I read directly from the sources. Specifically the trials and memoirs. You are just regurgitating /leftypol/ info. Sorry for the loss of your site btw.
>how very specific
Because you were?
>I very specifically mentioned the Holocaust and Nazi infographic bullshit how much more specific would you like me to be?
Oh yes THAT infographic, that specific one. You sure weren't looking to derail a thread, no no.
>I've never seen anyone post actual studies to anything you listed here besides haplogroups.
That's because you don't frequent the board.
>You claim to never seen shit like wooden doors in infographics
Wooden doors aren't only in infographics. That's your mistake.
No, but yours clearly should have caved your fucking faggot little head in.
/pol/ is a fucking shitshow after the 2016 election and has leaked into other boards, I'm sure moots opinion on it now will be completely different
>there have been and exist to this day white ghettos just as brutal or more than blacks
>The problem has always been money and standard of living
Ah so culture is just a magical thing that springs from nothing and then it shapes people, not the other way around, right. Genetic studies mean nothing either. Got it.
Who the fuck cares what that pussy sellout cuck faggot thinks?
Die cunt.
Different user, how do I stop being so angry? No, I'm not a Nazi and I don't hate brown people.
why are you so mad at a person on the internet
miss u moot ;(
time really marches on
because he went against the core principles of the very site he created
and I mean, he works for google now, I don't think there's a bigger 180° you could make coming from an anonymous website
>trusting the government to do there jobs
do you think moot still browse Yea Forums
probably just /jp/
He's in this very thread.
because I fucking hate you election tourists with a fucking passion, i went through the enitre zoe quin and gamergate bullshit just for you fucks to destroy everything with fucking politics. Why can't you keep it on fucking /pol/ no one with a sane mind and acceptable social status agrees with you virgins anyways. you fucking retards get manipulated into believing the most outlandish conspiracy theories. it's fucking ironic how much you praise free speech, then proceed to bomb threads with holocaust denial and cuck spamming. /pol/ and /r9k/ need to be wiped off the face of the earth
Seeing the past 10 years, i'm willing to trust them far more than civilians or corporations.
really? i guess the un is useful then. i thought ww2 at least had huge shit like absorbing austria
Boy am I glad I don't suffer from the same dislike as you. Makes life so much more easy and bearable!
seethe harder and dilate
I've been here since 2007 you dumb nigger. Stfu you little whingy pissbaby faggot.
It can be enforced by banning it. Making threads to talk about how modern video games "are full of leftism" is not video games. Move the threads where they belong, /pol/ or just prune them and ban people. This is Yea Forums - video games. Not Yea Forums - political beliefs of developers. /pol/ is supposed to be a containment board for all things politics (ie: garbage).
>inb4 but what about games that are inherently political
How is it that Yea Forums has many threads about the many, many political anime or manga yet their threads aren't /pol/ or Yea Forums tier garbage? Because mods do their "jobs" over there. They see the thread becomes less about the anime and more about real life politics and delete the posts/issue bans.
>Socialism is the truth
Fuck off, leftie.
>but muh nationalism
Hitler's "nationalism" was taking over the world.
Hitler was literally what the globalists are doing right now.
Globalists are the enemies.
Hitler was the enemy.
Nationalism is the truth.
Socialism has never worked and will never work.
If we only knew.
Then why havent we?
>And the blue marks on the walls which are implied to be from Zyklon B are?
They were from Zyklon B. Did you read my post?
>>Krema I was decommisioned converted to an air raid shelter
The original gas chamber had been converted by the Germans into an air raid shelter in September 1944
>The corpses had to go somewhere user...
Many were burned others were killed by the Einsatzgruppen on the Eastern Front and there are tons of pictures of mass graves from the period. Pic related is from Nazi Bergen-Belsen concentration camp for instance.
>No it isn't, by witness own accounts it needs at very lease one hour to work
Source? From what I read Zyklon B takes about 2 minutes to kill
>Cremation takes a massive amount of time
comparisons to modern crematoriums, which burn one body at a time, with a coffin, and are cooled, cleaned, and reheated between uses don't work.
>Not an argument.
It wasn't to be one. I'm asking you how new you are because only a newfag could have never once seen a denier infographic on this site. /pol/ alone is filled with them and they get posted on other boards constantly.
>Specifically the trials and memoirs
Which memoirs?
>You are just regurgitating /leftypol/ info
Yea bro just keep yelling leftypol at people who point out your meme understanding of history
>Oh yes THAT infographic, that specific one.
Would you like me to post them?
>That's because you don't frequent the board.
I've been on this site longer then you've been alive
>Wooden doors aren't only in infographics
I never said they were. I said you must be new if you've never seen one as the entire board is spammed with it.
forgot pic
>core principles of the very site he created
>anime and getting other people to find the porn you want
Why did he forsake us?
History is absolutely full of gays, how does that make you feel user? Some of the famous scientists, philosophers and conquerers you look up to were gay
>hey guys stop posting threads about politics on Yea Forums
>but here let me keep posting in those threads and egging you on
I'm gonna go back in time and kill them all, not that the present can be any more fucked anyways
You obviously haven't read enough Hitler if that's your view of him. Sad.
Do you think Hitler was a white nationalist?
What the fuck are you on about, retard?
understand that you have far greater control of your emotions than you think
understand that fear and anger can be used as energy towards something greater, but to not let them consume you
seethe harder
More than one globalism exists. Read a book.
>came out
Not that user, but the culture didn't "spring up from nowhere"
It's easy to see how the "culture of shit" brewed when said culture has been treated like shit for nearly 200 or so years
we're all so proud of you mootles it's so good to see you happy
>They were from Zyklon B.
>The original gas chamber had been converted by the Germans into an air raid shelter in September 1944
That wouldn't nearly give enough of a time spam for the "final solution" plan that's reported to have been put in place.
>and there are tons of pictures of mass graves from the period
Not nearly enough for the reported numbers by the allies. And "Many" isn't precise.
>Source? From what I read Zyklon B takes about 2 minutes to kill
The literal survivors.
>I'm asking you how new you are because only a newfag
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, it doesn't make it true. I guess that's why you dislike /pol/ so much, people don't just accept what you say there so you don't like it.
>which burn one body at a time, with a coffin, and are cooled, cleaned, and reheated between uses don't work
Not all of them use a coffin, not all of them are cooled, not all of them are cleaned and you still have to come up with a solution for the massive amount of fuel needed.
>Which memoirs
The trials, Churchill, Anne...
>Yea bro just keep yelling leftypol at people who point out your meme understanding of history
Yeah bro just keep yelling stormfront at people who point your meme understanding of reality.
>Would you like me to post them?
yes I'd like you to derail this thread even more with your schizo rant.
>I've been on this site longer then you've been alive
Not an argument.
>as the entire board is spammed with it
If f you did go there you'd know it's not.
What are some games for this feel?
He came out as gay and he is being fucked by Lambert now. I say win-win.
It wasn't their primary defining feature as significant persons though.
Yeah no, culture is a large scale reflection of individual's behavior, which is determined by their genetics.
>individual's behavior, which is determined by their genetics.
Just to confirm: You're saying that genetics is the sole contributing factor to one's personality and behavior?
>It's easy to see how the "culture of shit" brewed when said culture has been treated like shit for nearly 200 or so years
Now you are getting somewhere, Both blacks and whites had more "class" in the past, There were no violent ghettos like the ones today, There was no music promoting degeneracy. Sure there was racial tension, But i'd argue it's worse in this day and age, People are getting killed all the time, It's mostly black on black but white people are often involved too.
Do you think this is just a coincidence?
>single gene
>doing anything important
The wooden doors were installed because they converted it to an air raid shelter. The absolute state of you m8.
>That wouldn't nearly give enough of a time spam for the "final solution"
>>Krema I was decommisioned converted to an air raid shelter when Kremas II, III, IV, and V were built in Birkenau
How does the conversion of one Krema in 1944 mean the final solution isn't possible
>Not nearly enough for the reported numbers by the allies
How do you figure? How would you even determine something like that?
>And "Many" isn't precise.
You want an exact number of the photos of mass graves? You can start off here:
>The literal survivors.
like who? name some names
>it doesn't make it true.
I have a feeling it's more true than not but hey it's only speculation
>I guess that's why you dislike /pol/ so much, people don't just accept what you say
I don't like /pol/ because it produces posters like you who want to "debunk" the Holocaust while not knowing basic information.
>Not all of them use a coffin, not all of them are cooled, not all of them are cleaned
Can you give me any places that don't do this?
>The trials
Not a memoir
Churchill never wrote a memoir on the Holocaust....
And what issues did you have with it?
>Yeah bro just keep yelling stormfront
I never once in our exchange did mention them bud
>yes I'd like you to derail this thread even more with your schizo rant.
You were the one to start defending this meme shit not me. Don't cry when someone calls you out on this shit
>Not an argument.
Not meant to be one brainlet
>If f you did go there you'd know it's not.
Who are you trying to fool? lmao
>most people defending /pol/ came to Yea Forums after Chanology.
This is why you are all faggots, you have no frame of reference.
Yeah so why are there scratches and hand prints on the wooden doors? Just to convince you of what happened?
It's the largest one yes, even taking into account the apparent randomness of epigenetics and environmental influences.
>Yeah so why are there scratches and hand prints on the wooden doors?
There were scratch marks on the walls not the door. Again, you lack basic information
It's a larp you brainlet. He has a wife and kid
it's been so long...