What do you think about this game?
What do you think about this game?
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I have to give this another shot after finishing Silber Case
It looks cool but is boring as hell to play, like every Suda game.
NMH play great
Well actually maybe just okay
incredible artstyle and soundtrack and occasionally some really good good writing too just all around excellent aesthetic but the gameplay makes me question if I even like games to begin with.
Definition of a flawed masterpiece, still one of my favorites
What did Kun Lan mean by this?
he wanted to know what each of the killer7 were WATCHAN and PLAYAN and the like
Suda needs to get the original team and make a directors cut of this game one day.
I really want to play Flower Sun and Rain but I heard that the DS version sucks. Should I wait for the remaster or just play the DS version?
He was talking about it some time ago on some con.
He said something like "I don't want to make a sequel but the director's cut using cut content and unused script is the way to go.".
But... He's busy with NMH3 right now and he'll probably be busy with other projects. So, it'll be quite some time 'till we see a Director's Cut coming out.
Just thinking of the fact that final version of killer7 is 1/3 of the planned stuff gives me an even bigger phantom pain than MGSV's Chapter 3. It hurts bros.
if you aren't in a rush to play it or the games relying on it i would keep waiting
Probably one of my favorite games, and a title that benefitted greatly from being released on PC. I always found the aiming kinda finicky with a controller, but with a mouse the experience is way smoother.
Otherwise, an incredible fever dream. Weird and funny in a self-serious sort of way. I wish Suda made more games like this nowadays. I don't mind goofy games but K7 has something most of his games since have lacked.
is japan just a substitute of israel in this game?
The only game worth playing if you're not an artless normie
One of my all time favorites, there's nothing else quite like it.
Good game, it's nice for the WTF element.
For those who like unconventional games like these, this is your pick.
There are some stupid design choices and shitty bosses, but overall it's a very brain scratching experience.
the bosses are by far it's biggest problem, some of them are awful. especially those two guys with the brains and the tie.
It's another case of OMG MUH CELEBRITY GAME DEVELOPER instead of the game actually being really good.
Like Hideo Kojima
and anything Valve put out after HL2
I hated the running girl the most, brain guys are close seconds.
The more Suda you've played, the more you'll notice. It's sorta like an alt universe sequel to the Kill the Past timeline.
I manged to get her first go in the car park but the rematch in the house was painful.
IIRC this was the game that put suda on the map, especially on the west, so he was not a celebrity then.
And yes, it's a good game, it's very avant garde in it's design. If you think it's the celeb factor only, you're an idiot.
I played the game with a controller but I had to switch to the mouse on her. Fuck her.
Suda's games are all consistently pretentious and strangely designed. You really can't separate any of his games (other than maybe NMH) from the man himself. Actually playing his games feels more like an exercise in trying to figure out what the fuck is going on inside his head than it does a conventional gameplay experience. And it kinda works, granted, because of how obtuse it all is. You know all of what you're doing makes sense in some way, but you're never sure how, and the way you have to keep guessing makes things interesting
I honestly don't know what the fuck is going on in the story and gameplay is shit
Without that stylish visual. I doubt anyone would praise this game
of all the countless games I've played, this is one of them that still stands out among the rest. It was a fun time to say the least.
Wish the artstyle was used for other games
One of the most amazing games with the worst gameplay.
What got cut? I thought the whole Garcian shit reached its conclusion, and Harman and Kun Lan are on their infinite clash as usual
Hearing more about Dimitri Nightmare would be cool, I guess.
Game is supposedly connected to FSR and TSC in some way, but I don't recall anything in the game in reference to that. Maybe it was all cut
I get the notion that they're in the same universe, but references are pretty vague
As far as things go, I think TPP feels much more sorely unfinished. Most of it is by design too
Is Harman Smith /ourguy/
>forces a black guy, Irish guy, asian girl, Spanish guy, blind child and Mexican to work for him
>forces a gimp to help him
>makes a white woman dress up as maid and fuck him
>kills an anime girl
>calls his enemy a coon
>les a sushi restaurant burn down
>hell, lets Japan get fucking nuked AGAIN
>makes his black slave kill another black business man just for being so successful he has his own city state
>kills a power ranger
>keeps his enemy dressed like a girl locked up in his basement
>is the literal embodiment of west and lives forever
Uh oh anons, Ulmeyda’s here. Quick, you have to tell him how many times our jerked off today, but remember: four or higher, you’re going in the fire!
He’s actually saying that after a long “week” of work preparing for the next fight, it’s time for some fun and to party and have a showdown like he and Harman have every 500 years
Alright boys, tell me who's your favorite boss and favorite smith.
Hard to pick they’re all awesome
>Garcian: sweet talking black dude ins stylish white
>Dan: shit talking dickhead but with the guns to back it up
>KAEDE: barefoot with a useful scope
>Kevin: mute ninja
>Coyote: pompadour legend with revolvers
>Con: nimble little kid who moves and hits fast
>Mask: fucking head butts bullets
>Harman: drowning in pussy even when he’s passed out
I’d say Kevin or KAEDE were the two I used the least
Badass soundtrack
With that new intro for TSA, would love to see some Killer7 in the NMH universe, even if the Garcain expy died at the end of NMH. Imagine having to fight all 7 of them. Imagine if Harman let Travis switch to Henry/Shinobu/Bat Man/Bat Girl to even the steaks
Both Garcian and USA-Japan war plots went rushed as fuck at the end. It was obvious Greg Nightmare wasn't intended as final boss.
Is more like an experience really, as a game it mostly sucks.
Still would like to see more of it though, but we all know that it would be a waste to make another killer game unless they change the gameplay.
If Travis met Travis you think they would talk about shirts and tank tops all day?
what the fuck was his problem bros?
NMH is great because the open world townie segments are open world and miserable in that same feeling you get when you drive through a dead-end small american town and you just wonder how the people in it have any hope, and then by contrast the boss fights have so much personality and excitement. The dreary day job shit builds to the actual meat of the game and it makes it feel so much more worth it than NMH2's take of having you play like two minigames and then going right to the fight.
I'm pretty sure Ulmeyda didn't bomb that stacy concert
He just knew that the heaven smile were going to do it
I believe it's a masterpiece and a genuinely unique game. It's in my top 5, Even Suda himself has not been able to replicate this quality
my penis made me buy it
>drowning in pussy
how is paying a bang maid to stomp your dick "drowning in pussy"?
He just wanted to bring some beauty into the world
Yeah but you can also consider NMH2 trying to make a point at how Travis is obsessed with getting revenge shit like driving around the town is white noise to him.
>you kill the last boss by firing a charged shot at his balls
based game
Can NMH be emulated? I really loved Killer 7 and want to play more games by them, but I don't have the cash to buy a wii just for it. I just wonder how you could possibly replicate/replace the motion controls on an emulator without it being irritating.
Imagine being this much of a consumerist whore. Jesus christ how horrifying.
>Suda said he has every intention to someday finish Killer7 as only 30-40% of the plot he wrote got in.
Would you play it or do you think more isn't always better.
Second one has the option to use a normal controller so emulating it is easy it the first one that shit without a wiimote.
I actually found the open world super cushy. Familiar land marks, peace driving from building to building, I love beach town aesthetics and it was small and never overwhelming. People say it’s empty but they’re plenty of free fights, Lovikov balls and dumpsters to find
>Select all palm trees
One of the few games where the soundtrack Is completely in sync with the vibe. Masafumi Takada doesn't get nearly enough credit for his work.
You faggots better not forget that TSA is coming out this month on PS4/Steam.
I really liked it, though I don't know if I'd still have the patience today.
Let me know when NMH comes out on Steam, TSA looks pretty underwhelming gameplay-wise
It is. The gameplay's not bad, but it gets incredibly boring after a while. The story and characters are pretty damn good at least, especially if you're a big Suda fan
Israel counts as the west in this fight, US is more buddy buddy with them than anyone else.
Not to mention they are all European Jews who took the natives land, so yes they should be considered western.
So far it is one
But the day has just begun
Time for some more fun
The gameplay is miles ahead of K7 tho so if you liked K7 there is no excuse not to play TSA.
i gotta finish 25th ward soon...
Kys contraritard
The stuff that got cut were side stories about the single smiths
The missions you got in the final game, were the ones that were essential to the main plot
The original version of the game was connected to TSC and FSR but all that's left in the game are cameos, because the games cannot coexist in the same timeline
(the internet, international flights, japan as a whole are all things in the other games)
This comes from Suda's interview in Hand in Killer7
Don't make me say it again.
Hand in Killer7 was a long time ago, right? With TSA being a celebration title for Grasshopper I wonder if he really cares about the timeline still or if he just wants to have fun at this point.
It's has an artstyle that influenced me a bit too hard. But hey could've been worse, could've been the guys who got influenced by Sword and the Stone or *that* scene from Willy Wonka
I don't agree with that. K7's gameplay was flawed, but it was way more interesting in how it played and presented itself
I don't think he really cares about the timeline anymore, the characters from TSC and the 25th ward that appeared in TSA certainly didn't seem to be 12 years older, he did say that the cameos in TSA were "just for fun" to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the company
My point was just about Killer7, it was originally meant to be connected to the older games (Sundance Shot shows up in the early trailers and was meant to be a pretty important character in the beta) but eventually ended up deviating and becoming its own thing
yeah I don't get that feeling at all. If that's what the creators were going for then they failed because Santa Destroy not only doesn't feel like a small town but it doesn't feel "dead-end" either.
The creators weren't going for anything with that in nmh2, they were very upfront in interviews about how the overworld has been cut late in development due to deadlines
I imagine all you faggots to be weird queers like that Craigslist guy who was sucking peoples dicks while playing this game. I bet I’m not far off in my assumption.
Don't make me say it again.
that guy was pretty cool and he had another listing for someone to come around and play the game when the PC port got released
this gun holds 7 bullets
>that remastered OST
Every personality was meant to have a chapter focussing solely on them. Also Coyote was supposed to die midway through however the fuck that was gonna work
>remastered OST
Whats the difference between this one and the original? Sounds exactly the same besides being louder.
7/10 style 1/10 game 1/10 pretentious wank story
typical japanese bullshit that's highly overrated by otaku's on Yea Forums
>tecks mecks starts playing
>my ears are filled with "you're fucked"
So far, the only confirmed Sudaverse character for NMHIII is Kamui returning.
If you play it dont level up at all. Complete depletes any challenge. Great game though and it a shame so many people wrote it off.
Fantastic experience. As a game, its pretty mediocre, but everything about it comes together to give you this weird, stylish, nonsensical time. Aesthetics are great, cutscenes are kino, and the game parts are esoteric but its kind of refreshingly unique. I hope we get a director’s cut.
I don't know the exact specifics but a 'remaster' usually implies the composer went back to the original recordings and cleaned them up/re-engineered them. In this case, the OST has some tracks previously missing from the original CD and some alternate versions of tracks (for instance, Blackburn now encompasses both versions of the song)
Nice, thanks for clearing It up.
No probs m8
Does anyone have a link to the track that plays when Garcian and Mills meet at the overpass? It doesn’t seem like it’s in the OST
I checked my folder of unreleased music from it but nada. It's FMV music so it's impossible to separate from the rest of the in-scene audio unless someone can isolate it, but I'm no audio technician
Fug, that sucks. Thanks anyway.
Yeah shit sucks. Dunno why people don't just make soundtracks comprehensive in their contents, especially if it's a digital release anyway where CD/vinyl space isn't an issue