What are we supposed to do now that Fireden is gone?
What are we supposed to do now that Fireden is gone?
There are a couple other alternatives but people are holding them close to the chest so /pol/ doesn't get them taken down as well.
The destruction of all archives can only be a good thing for this site that was founded on there being no archives and no history.
what happen to fireden
>so /pol/ doesn't get them taken down as well
/pol/ got tired of people pulling up archived posts on Yea Forums and /pol/ that contradicted their revisionism so they reported fireden to the FBI since it mirrors CP posts until manually taken down and would keep posting CP to get it on their until they took /pol/ and Yea Forums off.
/pol/ kept posting CP on it until they took Yea Forums off of the archives
what the actual fuck
When is it coming back? More specifically when are /vg/ archives coming back?
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
fucking morons
just because someone posted CP doesn't mean it was a calculated plan from /pol/
The generals for the coordinated attack where on /pol/, out in the open. Could prove it to you too, but they accomplished their goal so we can;t do that anymore.
Conspiricy theories
The simple fact is they couldn't keep up with the rate of posts on Yea Forums any more.
use b4k you dummy, 4chanx was already updated to redirect to it.
i think people think it was /pol/ because they had dedicated threads for it. they were tired of resetera using the archive and they got it taken care of. honestly not that big of a deal tho, what do people even use it for except resetera trannies to do resetera trannyshit.
This still makes no sense
What can "trannies" do with the archive? What posts are there that "contradicted their revisionism"
sup /pol/
Indeed. Can anybody even provide proof of these posts? Convenient that it's our fault when you can't prove we did it....
The Yea Forums archive has been back up for a while now you retards, literally looking at it right now. It's only the /vg/ archive that's still gone.
I was using it just the other day to check if anyone ever discussed a game I was curious about. (They hadn't.)
That's not what I asked for. I just want the general idea. You don't need to give me an exact post. (which you can still do btw)
>muh /pol/
They took down a lot more boards than just Yea Forums so I don't think your theory holds.
The fireden mods said they thought modern Yea Forums is shit and not worth archiving, in their discord they mentioned that the final straw was the cüm-brain stuff.
Intepret that as you will.
so as usual, the only person to blame is the shit moderation
only trannies think /pol/ has an agenda
I thought /pol/ claim they got Trump elected?
>/vg/ archive still down
And nothing of value was lost. Place is infested with gachashit and fanart posting. Fucking /ddlc/ is still active for crying out loud.
I have a friend on Steam who I still see playing that most of the time he's on. I have no clue how or why, he must've finished it ages ago.
>because some fucktard generals are still up and the vg moderators being slackjobs not removing them warrants years of Yea Forums history being wiped
Fuck off. At least have it stopped until they decided to stop archiving - having everything wiped and not accessible forever is fucking stupid. Or they could of just removed the images
Is he one of those memers that tries to have 3000 hours in some game that's less than 10 hours long?
That might explain it.
I mean to say that some generals are ONLY fanart/fanfic shit, /ddlc/ being one of a great many number of generals that do this.
>the final straw was the cüm-brain stuff
What IS IT about that word that triggered these people so god damn hard?! Not even meming, I genuinly want to know.
they're butthurt cúm-brains I guess
it's hilarious that it got word-filtered in less than a week while incel, etc aren't.
Sounds fake and gay, post proof faggot
>hmm every general i visit is shit
>maybe my taste in video games is shit?
>no it’s the board that’s wrong.
>gacha isn't video games