SWTOR is very cool and very fun and all you fellas are probably just KOTOR players salty that BioWare made it multiplayer, but now that most of the new expansions are completely singleplayer anyways, why do people hate it?
Why do people hate SWTOR
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it's shit for shit-eating retards like you
>make MMORPG
>make it single player
You wot, mate
Someone post "cutscenes"
Remove Star Wars and waifus and there's nothing good about it.
I recently started playing it again. Years ago I made a Sorcerer who zapped everyone but making a light side Inquisitor is even better because everyone else in the Empire can’t comprehend how is it that you can get results by being nice.
Even your asshole instructor, who tried to sent you to your death multiple times, is baffled when, at the end of Korriban, you sincerely thank him for teaching you and making you strong.
The only good thing about SWTOR is that it kept Kotor 1 and 2 canon.
The expansions are all complete garbage, but the base game is the best RPG Bioware made this decade.
it didn't and you shouldn't care about canon anyway especially disney canon
Star Wars is fucking terrible.
It's so ugly, all the designs are shit, the timeline should have been the same as in KOTOR and KOTOR II
because it's dogshit just like you
How did it not keep Kotor canon? SWTOR makes many references to the original games. So long as EA holds the Star Wars licence any game they put out is canon. That can change once the licence is up in a few years but you know the mouse is just gonna renew it and let EA keep it's stranglehold on Star Wars vidya.
Dont know how it is now, but I loved it when it came out. The imperial agent story was very cool.
>giving a shit about canon
Why are you canon freaks so psychotic
TOR isn't canon and even if it was references to another work don't make said work canon. For instance, Republic Commando is not canon because Delta Squad appeared in Clone Wars.
The game was amazing in the beginning but then it died. Content didn't come fast enough and everyone went back to WoW like usual. After that, it's all "the game sucks" without ever actually playing it. I really enjoyed the storylines esp those in OP's pic.
It's a wow clone. And wow does it better. Game is SOULESS.
>The game was amazing in the beginning
you have to go back
Scam Citizen is 100x worse than the TORtanic.
both suck
In what other game can you mind control someone to attack yourself?
it's a weird byproduct of the obsession with escapism I think. people can't just enjoy a collection of stories anymore, they all have to fit together flawlessly. I mean there were like a dozen explanations for the theft of the death star plans back in the day. never bothered me that dark forces contradicted the radio drama but "muh canon" necessitated a contrived explanation that they were all separate parts of one big plan. or some shit, it's fucking stupid.
This is legends
There isn't a single instance of good writing in this entire fucking game.
MMO grind gets tiring. Constantly having to gain more levels and restart your gear from scratch gets old, the combat and movement and controls in the game all felt janky as fuck, so the only reason to really play it is for the story and for decorating your house, I love my sky palace Cantina. I did have a soft spot for the on rails space missions I guess, it was a little like playing star fox.
I quit last (I basically came back to play through expansion stories for a month or two then quit again) over how they changed gearing in Knights of the Eternal Throne... I hate RNG box driven shit.
>now that most of the new expansions are completely singleplayer anyways
and people still a pay monthly free for this?
someone post the webms
Surprised no ones posted it yet.
Thanks for posting a basic taunt user.
>mind control
Is the game fully playable for free or is it like WoW where it's only free for 20 levels?
Base game is free. Although the end game is pretty much paywalled. Just play something better.
It's playable. Just tedious as fuck.
Hoes mad
>Base game is free
except half the UI isn't.
>Why do people hate SWTOR
Because SWTOR is shit and the only reason people play it now is due to the lack of quality Star Wars content. This is the truth.
It's definitely one of those wait for double XP months etc if you want to play the story. Makes the SP content playable f2p.
Else just buy a single month of membership because grinding just isn't worth it for the stories. Imperial agent and sith warrior are actually well written. Bounty Hunter and Jedi knight are alright and what you'd expect. Inquisitor and smuggler are pandering crap. Trooper is pretty good. Consular is straight up trash.
The expansions are mostly the same for everything though and range from Jedi knight to sith warrior quality, nothing hits agent
Because there are a large number of former players who bought subbed at launch and remember getting completely shafted when there was no endgame content
>Imperial agent and sith warrior are actually well written.
Meme. They might be more fun to play, but they're just as cliche and pandering as any of the other stories.
Are you simple? It commands the mob you use it on to attack you instead of a party member, one of the most basic features in a tanking spec in any mmo made ever. What dont you get?
Why wouldn't people hate the Fallout 76 of its time? It released as a broken piece of buggy dogshit with graphics 7 years behind its time, wonky retarded animation no doubt inspiring Andromeda with equally inspiring retarded dialogue, and of course mass bans of playerbases for months for using the economy in the game as it was scripted and unknowingly getting into levels they weren't supposed to be in but couldn't know this because the game devs are mental retards and the game was a broken pile of shit. Also the gameplay is atrocious.
Only retarded zoomers like this shitpile of dung that was laughed at her for a whole year during its release.
>over 150 million was spent on this
I'm pretty sure his point is that "Mind Control" is a fucking stupid basis for a taunt skill. It just shows how uncreative and by-the-books TOR is, fuck, didn't WoW have a proper mind control skill?
That head swivel in the end will never not make me laugh.
>$150 million of development
Dear lord, spaghetti deserts.
Even fucking KOTOR from almost a decade before this dungpile had more authentic desert textures.
Even though tortanic happened the game is still one of EAs most profitable games and has been for years. It's getting a new expansion in a month ffs. This is also why WoW will never die.
Yes user, I know it's being used as a taunt skill. Are you such a smoothbrain that you can't comprehend why it's dumb to make it a taunt skill?
Took them 10 years to fix most of the game.
Problem is that after 10 years i don't give a fuck anymore.
Pic related was SW TOR at release at maximized graphics settings, in 2011/12...
Honestly, the only way to fix MMOs.
So this is the power of over $150 million investment. Truly marvelous.
The game that killed Yea Forums for good.
But we're still here
A dead man who believes he is still alive is the saddest thing in the world
i've tried about three times and i just can't stomach it. its just so boring
So terrible
TOR was a fucking joke, is a fucking joke, and always will be a fucking joke.
>Bounty hunter misses his shot but the jedi instead accidentally cuts himself in half so it's ok
Top kek!
I have tried it more times than just thrice and each time i just hit a block at latest when the first story arc wraps up.
>tfw you were here for Tortanic
Yea Forums has never been the same since
I recently started to play it. Sith inquisitor stuck on Balmorra right now. It's not bad if you play for a story, so far it has me hooked but other than that it's nothing special and has some things that annoy me.
That's good though. They need to make some flashpoints story mode too. I play it for the story anyway.
It's still made by BioWare, so I doubt the writing will be good.
Fuck, I did the same thing. Was a smug back-talking slave but then went easy on him in the end. I mean, his failures to kill you are a lesson, in a way. Light side is pretty fun to play, as long as game allows you to pick options that you want. I ignore some exploration missions for RP though.
Does the gear even matter if you are in for the story? I so far don't have problem and leveling is easy if you do side missions. Got overleveled in Dromund Kass to level 28.
Picked it up in April, unsubbed in June. honestly it’s a mix of having a huge grind at endgame but it also not being worth the grind. I got caught up in levels, did all the content except 2 nightmare raids, then got bored and left
for higher level things yes. Especially if you have to end up soloing heroics because nobody fucking groups for anything but instanced content.
Well, I guess I will wait and see. So far heroics are easy with a companion.
DK is hardly a place to gauge difficulty on, especially overleveled. When you're at or near cap and can't overlevel things anymore it'll feel harder when you have to solo heroic 4's. Geared well, doable, geared like shit, you're probably going to have to skip it.
Textbook example of how to fuck the game up and to ensure it dies very very quickly.
>that whole community management
It was a gross mismanagement.
ding dong bannu
>end of rine, rine ends here
Jesus, that whole thing was an ugly ugly mess. Whoever was the head of that department should've fire that guy or atleast give him something else to do.
Anyone got a definitive take on which alignments are best by class?
But user, I LIKE Swtor, and I'm excited for Onslaught.
he did eventually get laid off.
Thats the issue: eventually. Should have been immediate.
the sinking of the TORtanic were pretty glorious days. I mean I liked some of the stories in the game and shit but yeah.. it was a sloppily made game with sloppier handling.
The maps are so large and baron, that I legitimately couldn't handle it after a while.
They ruined Revan.
MMO is fucking shit.
It killed Bioware as a single player RPG dev.
What other reason do you need?
I think you mean barren
To be fair, that's a thing about Star Wars itself, rather than the game.
>restricting single/dual/double-bladed lightsaber by advance class
>all playable races are altered human lookalikes. no playable rodian, duros, bith, ithorian etc
>no imperial trooper to mirror republic trooper
>no republic spy to mirror imperial agent
>no totally unique bounty hunter and smuggler classes that would be neutral until deciding a side at the end of their planet
>no playable droid
too many missed opportunities that isn't even considering the clusterfuck of shit like hiding unsubscribe button and banning people for sneaking around and getting crafting nodes at places much higher level than their character
The level boosting in Flashpoints killed it for me. It's all well and good to boost our stats to meet the new buffed enemies, but it doesn't raise our skills or equipment to meet them, so we're still massively worse off than someone who is actually the level to do them.
I just want my nice flashpoint progression back.
I just want all flashpoints to have story mode, personally. I'm not in this for pvp, crafting, and all that. Just story.
I hate it because TORtanic killed this board
It’s like if instead of return of the jedi, they decided to make an mmo taking place a long time after instead. Also, swg is better.
It just looks so fucking ugly.