What is Yea Forums's opinion on gnomes, goblins, halflings, dwarves, and other races of short stature?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on gnomes, goblins, halflings, dwarves, and other races of short stature?
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i dunno OP why don't you tell us
I think playing as a manlet is fucking stupid but goblins are alright in my books.
awful lot of closet pedophiles on Yea Forums
How many times are you going to repost the same fucking thread?
i guess the dedicated threads for this shit on /aco/ aren't enough for him
Only good if they're male
don't like them, "shortstacks" kind of gross me out
dwarves are usually based
the rest I couldn't care less
Is this actually real? It would explain a lot of shit.
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.
midgets are so fuckin high maintenance it's not even worth it
>can't drive
>can't lift anything
>need help reaching literally everything
>can't fuck them comfortably without hurting them
standing blowjob isn't worth it lads, trust me
Perfectly acceptable as long as they have big tiddies and asses.
you mean like this?
Have sex.
>I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it.
>He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends
Fuck his wife, that'll show him
got money? not a neet who's reliant on him? Fuck an escort just to see his reaction. Sex is really overrated though, I'd rather get some good head or a handy.
a big ass is all I need
Ah reminds me of my cousin, he apparently fucked his mom his dad walked in blinked and smiled and said "that's my boy!" wish my family was that cool it would also help having a milf mom.
The west does shitty short races. I prefer eastern short races.
really? cause I'd rather fuck a mattress my self
Dwarfs and Goblins are based.
Gnomes are abomination against nature and should be cleansed out of existence through stomping.
Use as fleshlight.
Treat women with contempt, like you would never stick your cock in their diseased hole in a million years. Soon they will swarm you like flies on shit.
Personally I think they should be mostly raced locked out of Tank like roles and weapons.
Goblins are underutilized. It's absurdly rare anyone tries to do ANYTHING interesting with them.
based dad
get fit and cure your social autism dumbo
Nice pasta
Go to Goldshire you dingus, plenty of Goblins there.
I like 'em when they're not ridiculously over-proportioned.
I meant in a narrative sense.
>>can't drive
>pasted two pastas at the same time
nice one RETARD
Even without shortstacks they'd be based.
Tristana's just really fucking cute. I love her kit, I love her personality, and I just love her.
I'd like Poppy more if I didn't suck with her.
Lulu's cool too, if you go machine gunner.
You wojakfags are getting lazier by the month.
They cute.
shortstack futa is underrated
I think those 5'11" freaks are hilarious.
I was thinking about making a Worgen Rogue. Their stealth animations look pretty good.
b-but classic was supposed to be better than retail!
ja ja aj aja jaaaj aja aja aja aj
I know you're talking about your love for flat chests, but can you see the irony in what you said?
womanlets give birth to manlets
Womanlet Goblins only give birth to more womanlet goblins.
Dark iron dwarf females are the patrician choice of all men who love short stacks
dont do it, their new run animation is completely fucked
just stick to fanart
I want a Gnome wife.
>Furry face
Abhorent design
>dont do it, their new run animation is completely fucked
I've played femworgen since Cata. I can live through anything.
I'm so fucking ugly. I'm short and ugly.
I hate myself so much. I hate being me.
Nobody has ever loved me. Nobody will ever love me.
I know my life will end in suicide.
< more/source >
Your cousin sounds like one of those 8 year old pathological liars, the ones that try telling you they're actually in 20th grade
>I've played femworgen since Cata.
same here, but i can't live with this. even for me it's too much, it looks fucking retarded, and even worse with robes
i wasnt sure how they'd manage to make femworg even worse than they already were, but blizz found a way. they always do
Your first mistake was being ugly.
Where is the all the mechagnome porn
I was promised nug fugs, feel betrayed
Because you're a manlet in real life and have to play as Bigdick Buffblade to be able to enjoy the game?
>Personally I think they should be mostly raced locked out of Tank like roles and weapons.
I generally agree, but dwarfs are the exception to that depending on their build/height.
You got a comparison video or something?
Ask a richfag who's spending a small fortune to create a Midna Imp 2ft 6inch realdoll anything
Are you worried that customs might rip it apart thinking there *might* be cocaine or other drugs being smuggled inside?
pics when its finished?
No, I'll declare it in advance
how much are you spending?
What kind of quality are we talking here I need to know please for a friend.
first one i found, just ignore the fag's voice. some guy on /vg/ showed more angles with his ptr character but i didn't save the webms. they kick their feet back out so far it looks retarded even from back view, and if you're wearing a robe it stretches and contorts so fast it looks disgusting
They're nice.
>No, I'll declare it in advance
You fucking madman.
Where you will post this?
Now both the player and their in-game character look like mutant trannies.
good fap material but would never date one in real life
what mechanical different exists from playing a short vs tall character model? Slightly harder for your opponent to tab target you?
Massive self-esteem issues, nobody will ever respect you, women don't see you romantically and everything you do in life will be harder
How much was it?
forced_oral cum_in_mouth mascara_tears throat_swabbing
I've never had sex.
I don't know, both the new and old run animations look fucking stupid.
wow me either
I would never play a manlet
Have you played Super Mario?
Yes and I turn it off when I take damage.
Continuing to look for a non-h game that has an a shortstack as an actual romance option.
Shortstacks don't exist IRL
Shortstack is a bottom-tier fetish that's my opinion
Could you spare 10 dollars for a poorfag
>inb4 sent ;)
May I ask why?
In wow classic it's Chad choice. Alliance is better pvp and pve faction, gnomes get all the world firsts.
Then why do you play as one irl?
I hate them. I'm fantasy racist against them.
Make footsteps louder if your dumbass team is talking
Orc Genocide of 4053 T.E. ನುಡಿ/ಬರಹದಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆದಿದ್ದನ್ನು Shendalfas Mass Elf Rape Affair ಯುನಿಕೋಡ್ ಕನ್ನಡಕ್ಕೆ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲು ಸಹಾಯ Adventurer Mind Control Potion ಮಾಡುವ ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಇದು. ಎಡಗಡೆ Thorgrim Goblindoom Square Incident ಇರುವ ಜಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ನುಡಿ/ಬರಹ ದಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆದ ಪಠ್ಯವನ್ನು Empire involvement in Overthrow of King Ulilililia ಹಾಕಿ ನಂತರ ಕನ್ವರ್ಟ್ ಅಂತ ಇರುವ ಬಟನ್ ಒತ್ತಿ. ಪಕ್ಕದ ಜಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ Gnome Skinwalkers ಯುನಿಕೋಡ್ ಗೆ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗೊಂಡು ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, Underdark Autonomous Region ಅದನ್ನು ಕಾಪಿ ಮಾಡಿಕೊಂಡು Wagonhallowed Magma Atrocity ಫೈಲ್ ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸೇವ್ ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ.
if you want big tits and ass why would you want a tiny girl? even if they appear stacked they're still going to have proportionately smaller assets than someone who is tall.
you sure about that pham?
Shortstacks are great
Except halflings. Fuck those cunts
Still would rather have little monster girls desu
They make me unreasonably hard
Are you legitimately trying to use furfaggot-ass worgen as leverage over Classic? The absolute mental illness of you yiffstains
Anyone who sexualizes female gnomes should be gassed.