Help me find a game. Has haunted me for more than a decade now

Help me find a game. Has haunted me for more than a decade now.

>Isometric view, adventure/rpg you were a sorcerer or something. Fantasy/medieval setting
>Played it on one of those cancerous game stores circa 2005 that only let you play a couple hours before paywjalling you, a la wildtangent (not sure if it was that specific one) So of course, could only get that far in
> Right at the start you entered a house, got some gear, then a mine, with some real aggressive mobs. Then a city.
> What most stuck out to me was the difficulty, or maybe I was too much of a scrub back then

Pic is another game, but graphics were somewhat like that, probably a bit better

Attached: Screenshot_20190903-014257.png (2160x1080, 1.66M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nox ?

Nope, it's neither. Though nox looks nice. In this one you walked kinda slow

give more details

Baldur's Gate

Throne of Darkness


Shit. That's about all I can muster. I know it was the first installment, had no numbers in title. You didn't have a character creation/class selection screen, started right away. The weapon you got at the house was a broken sword/dagger or something like that. I'm kinda sure the title of the game referenced sorcery or magic, and you were a rookie magician.

Uhh... Divine Divinity?
Any idea about the UI?

I remember looking up a similar game i played along time ago. Did the one your looking for have a heavy focus on factions?

Alternatively, maybe Dungeon Siege?


Attached: 1f9ef72bb4c45ce35de5cee77e6088d05e9ac40558d53da310558988894e1e25_product_card_screenshot_600.jpg (600x450, 131K)



Nope. And game was definitely early 2000s, graphics were better than Diablo I, and better than thread pic.

Not that one either. Shooting a blank there. Don't remember anything particularly remarkable

Op's pic is Nox, but i think they might be talking about one of the Ultima games


Temple of elemental evil?


None yet. And FATE's graphics are too good. Maybe it was late 90s, just after the initial diablo wave?


was it dungeon siege

Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition?

>Right at the start you entered a house, got some gear, then a mine, with some real aggressive mobs. Then a city.
Sounds like Arcanum except for the house part.

Rage of mages?

arcanum is a cave with real aggressive mobs and then a town


Konung by any chance?


You start in a cottage then first quest is to go to the mine thats hellishly difficult if you are 8 year old.

Nope. It was top-down isometric fixed camera

Yeah, but this one had no CG intro, you started right away. Graphics are kinda similar to arcanum iirc

Maybe benefits? Or any of the Spiderweb software games like avernum or exile? All their games fit that description perfectly

Attached: 1-2017-06-16_11_38_38-Greenshot.png (800x600, 460K)

I meant to say Geneforce instead of benefits wtf auto correct :(

based geneforgeposter degraded to debased status due to phoneposting

Attached: ss_6426229bc1ea9e79544e1ca0dc79bb05ff5b5bf6.1920x1080.jpg (1280x720, 343K)

I-im sorry user-senpai

Close, but no cigar. Those spiderweb games do resemble it, but graphics were definitely better


Attached: 213123213.png (640x480, 99K)

Depths of Peril?
Alternatively, theres websites that compile all diablo type games and you can go through em yourself with the years you played it in mind.


Ok, this game wasn't 3D, had some nicely done sprites and backgrounds, but definitely no advanced polygons in play. With a fixed isometric camera, fixed scrolling. More elaborately done than the spiderweb games, didn't quite reach the graphics of these 2 games ^

Was it the original Lineage?

Attached: lineage.jpg (1280x720, 300K)

Dink Smallwood, gotta be

Gonna doze off now. Godspeed. Hopefully some more answers will pour in before 404

icewind dale?

Attached: 1563914838223.jpg (2048x1536, 809K)


It was chrono cross

Siege of Avalon?

Vulture (the roguelike)?

Might be onto something OP! I had similar vague memory of the same game but you fight some rats on the cellar of the first house instead of on a mine

>Based OP tricks anons into posting isometric games he might have missed.

> Right at the start you entered a house, got some gear, then a mine/cave, with some real aggressive mobs. Then a city/town.

Come to think of it, this seems to fit a lot of RPGs.


draw the hud or something you remember about it

my contribution to the thread is Silver, but I'm sure it's not

Attached: Silver.jpg (425x319, 15K)

Out of the games ITT which ones hold up today without the nostalgia points?

This game had the best arena style death match. It was soooo fun. I will never forgive EA for taking the servers down.

> Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
Any of those?

Is Silver any good? Looks interesting

yeah its alright, a solid 8/10

The Steam version is more updated than the GoG one for some reason


its gotta be Sociolotron

Going off this idea, what are some of the really good adventure rpgs that should be checked out?
Also, what are some missed gems?

Alternatively, post your favourite/one you have alot of nostalgia for.
For me, thats Dungeon Siege 1+2, really loved both games when i played them.

Don't think that was locked to isometric

So many cool looking games in this thread, thanks OP

Blood omen

The Immortal

Magic and Mayhem? Although I recall it beginning in a forested area.

champions of norrath

Divine Divinity?

Lionheart I guess

Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator isn't in ITT thread but I've seen it recommended recently. It is a western JRPG

I can highly recommend:
>Evil Islands
Nox was fairly unique, so it's worth checking out.
Most of other older stuff (Fallout, Arcanum, MM6 and 7, Space Rangers, PS:T, BG, NWN) is shilled here semi-regularly.

one of the Spiderweb software games?
they are known for spamming RPGs and everyone played the shareware of them years ago.

is it lionheart: legacy of the crusader?

>ginormous list of Diablo clones
>lists Diablo

Maybe people don't know how many diablo games there are.

Could've at least not listed literally Diablo though.