Tell me about your weird fat friend you used to play vidya with, what did you guys play together
Tell me about your weird fat friend you used to play vidya with, what did you guys play together
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He just let me borrow 360 games we never played together
But, OP...
I am the weird fat friend...
Zoids VS
you want to go for lunch at chili's?
i mean it, need me some of that bbq burger
Goddammit, Pagliacci.
We would play Mario Party together. He would mostly just play Panel de Pon on an emulator at my house and constantly say quotes from cartoons and other media. Sometimes he got too annoying and I'd set up a Super Nintendo with Tetris Attack in another room for him.
Am I the only one that was bothered by the nu-art style?
Guitar Hero
Wasn't even going for it, but that's all I could think after I hit post
It wasn't a new art style, they just used updated programs.
It IS a new artstyle. Programs have very little to do with it.
People just didn't complain because it's the same artstyle as the ongoing comics.
Not that user but it is a new art style, that's how Jhonen has been drawing them in the comics
The changes were shown when the movie was announced
I miss his older style
Yeah, the movie was more in line with the comics
soul vs souless?
I was the fat friend but I guess my closest one was fatter. We mostly played on my SNES but he let me play MM7 on his once. I think he just acted as my friend because I had some soccer and racing games that I didn't even really like. He usually picked the worst teams for me and made me protect him from falling from first place in Mario Kart. I didn't really mind it, though. Didn't have anyone else.
Kinda had a crush on him and slimmed up in hopes of making him notice me but we stopped talking before anything could come out of it. Probably for the best since I'm certain he's straight.
Sorry for interrupting, you guys have fun in your Zim thread. I'm glad it's back if nothing else.
If they make another movie, who would you want to see in it?
Pretty sure I was that weird fat friend.
is it me or do they look kinda rounder?
Nah, they're definitely rounder
>fat and gay
How's that working out
I don't necessarily hate the new designs, but it's definitely taking some time to get used to them, though should the show actually come back, I hope they go back to the old one personally.
>It wasn't a new art style, they just used updated programs.
How stupid are you?
>tfw no fat gay friend
I mean, I like what most people consider is really fat.
I'm underweight now, actually. Gay thing almost doesn't matter since nobody's shown interest in me before and I don't go out anyway. I can only hope things get worse for me so I get enough motivation to kill myself and stop leeching off my family.
You could try becoming a trap and making yourself some rich deviants cock holster but you're probably to old for that now huh
He was an actual literal sperg who nearly choked a kid out for cutting in front of him at the water fountain and was from the kind of family who were so indoctrinated into their cult that he wasn't allowed to consume basically any popular media. We played magic for a bit, but his dad found out about it and beat him to within an inch of his life and forced him to give away his cards (I also got a lot of books this way, because his parents only seemed to find out how sinful his books were after they got them, and given that I was basically his only friend, he always gave them to me). He tried to get us to play his cult approved magic knock-off, but nobody else gave a fuck about it, which causes him to have a fucking breakdown because he apparently blew a lot of money buying a fuckton of packs.
What we played changed over time, mostly because he would get super fucking salty after he lost and refused to play it further, except smash bros, which he seemed to never get tired of losing at. Also mechassault, because it was basically the only game we played that I couldn't beat him at. I'm pretty sure I was the only person who actually tolerated him. Lost contact with him when I went to college, and have no idea what happened to him.
Post your belly
20? I don't wanna be a trap, though. I just wanna be a guy and have another guy that cares about me close so we can play Kirby's Epic Yarn or something equally mindless together.
>Sometimes he got too annoying and I'd set up a Super Nintendo with Tetris Attack in another room for him.
What possesses a man to do this
WWE, Timesplitters, San Andreas
Isn't 20 like 40 in gay years
Did you know that you can care about someone and not want to have sex with them
If you don't want to be the daddy type then it might as well, I guess.
Yeah. That "care" was mostly meant in a romantic context, though. Sorry for not being clear.
But I have no belly I am like 150lbs at 5'10
Probably wont change back the original series mostly got canned due to how expensive it was to animate, The new style seems friendlier to computer animation.
He wasn't fat, but he ended up being a mentally ill transsexual who got me kicked out of our friend circle when we were younger. We played
>Star Wars Battlefront II
It was a lot of fun actually. We all used to have sleepovers every Friday. It sucks that things had to turn out they way they did, but if we didn't have our falling out, I wouldn't have the life I have now.
Excuse the blogpost, but always play with the cards you're dealt with. Even if you lose friends in your life, you'll never be truly alone. You can always make more, no matter what your age is. You just need to keep looking. You're all going to make it.
He would spew Family Guy quotes constantly and need verification that you know what he's talking about every time. and if you didn't say anything he would ask if you remembered it. H e would still try to talk to us through the wall in the other room sometimes.
>2 extreme autists
>both like smash
>He would spew Family Guy quotes constantly
that's incredibly based
00 > 18 > 01
Dude, if you were a kid with a Wii you played Smash. This was long before the autism you see today.
Plus, the tranny I was talking about wasn't autistic, the guy had a whole slew of mental health problems that developed as he got older. We're talking bad social anxiety, bipolar disorder that lead to violent outbursts, gender dysphoria, depression, a real hodgepodge of illnesses that I know for a fucking fact his parents were partly responsible for. I still feel bad for him despite the hell he put me through. I wasn't a saint either though.
>He told me long ago that he wanted to be a woman
>Remember this fact when he tried to turn my friends and the entire school against me
>Leak the Skype and Steam conversations I had with him about it to as many people as I could
>He ended up becoming a pariah while my reputation was restored
I'm still very distraught over all of it. I just wish he got better again, bros. We had so much fun...
Old Good, New Bad.
New Good, Old Bad.
Beak Zim is best Zim. Change my mind.
He wasn't fat but I guess I eventually become the fat friend after we graduated from high school. I had a few interesting experiences with his family though
>be in 8th grade
>Head over to my friends house after school to play soccer and Vidya
>His mom was your typical Hispanic lady in her 40's old school serious Mexican
>After playing soccer outside for a while we go inside and his mom cooked us some food
>After we're done eating we play Vidya for a bit
>This was just like any typical visit except his mom was wearing a black slip dress that you could see her undergarments through if you squint
>This was really off putting because knowing her this wasn't the kind of clothes she'd wear around others
>About an hour into our gong session she starts telling us that we should take a nap because it'd be good for us
>I didn't really want to but my friend said ok so I just went with it
>I usually take a while to fall asleep so I kind of just laid there with my eyes closed
>Every once and a while I'd look and his mom was just kind of going back and forth between the kitchen and her room
>Eventually I fell asleep and when I woke up his mom was finally wearing something more decent
Also in 8th grade
>Friend and his cousin start hanging out more because she keeps introducing him to girls
>Eventually I meet her on our way to class
>It's 8th grade and girls at this time were obsessed with hugging guys in the hallways
>About a week later my friends cousin starts hugging me in the halls whenever I see her
>One day she hugs me while I was walking with my friend
>turns out he didn't like me hugging his cousin
>He tells me that I should stop and makes some dumb excuse as to why I shouldn't hug her anymore instead of just being honest and telling me he doesn't like it
>I don't really want to argue so I just agree
>The next day I see her I rush into my class as soon as I see her coming over for a hug
>She got kind of pissed but found out why I did it. The next day I do the same thing.
>I had to go to the bathroom during class so I head out
>Coincidentally I see her in the hall way and she rushes over to me
>She grabs me by the arm and takes me to the guys bathroom
>She tells me about how she knows why I'm avoiding her and how my friend can be annoyingly over protective
>She ask me if I've ever had a girlfriend and me buying a sperg Lord never had one
>After I tell her she ask if I want to make out in a stall
>I agree to it
>It only took about a minute before things started to intensify and I go from getting my first kiss to losing my virginity
>I came twice. Once our of the stimulation of having my first time but I got most of it on her belly and on the floor. The second time I came inside after I got really into it and couldn't stop myself
>After that we never really spoke much again band my friend never found out
how were you positioned in the stall?
There is literally no good excuse for the animation to be less consistent than a tv show from over a decade ago. Also the artstyle is shit.
I like the new art style and the new characterization of dib's family
You're gay. The only thing improved was Gaz's characterization.
Hmm, "fuck you, asshole" should have been listed after "fuck you", or as a sub routine, would've been funnier that way.
Hahaha gaz gf
I just want them to make Invader Dib, or make a few of the unfinished episodes.
You're lucky you didn't become a dad in high school.
GTA: San Andrea, Gran Turismo and Mario Party
He then got fit and became a Chad while I stayed a fucking loser, we still see each other every week
He was a fan of Pokemon, Yugioh, some local card game and Pokemon card game.
We usually played n64 with another guy we hanged with and did pokemon runs of whatever until gen5 since we couldn't emulate gen6 back then.
Then I dropped out of college while he continued his studies and slowly become a normie.
He would be an inspiration for many here, I never knew if he was a virgin or not but he had far more social skills than me despite being a gross fat guy.
Last time I saw him he was about to finish his studies and seemed just fine.
What I really would like to know is if he still likes Pokemon.
I just watched the movie because of this thread.
It was okay.
I felt like some of the characterisations were a bit different, but was willing to handwave that as time having passed.
Their voices are still all (almost) exactly on point which is fucking astounding.
The animation was really up and down, kind of felt like a collaboration thing like dumblr do/did.
New artstyle was tolerable. Colour palette was too bright though, it needed higher contrast blacks. I don't understand why the original was so expensive to animate, they were all pretty simple shapes.
From 6th grade to graduation, me and my fat friend went to eachother's house every weekend. Rarely would we have a weekend to ourselves. We'd usually just stay up and play through single player games together, it seemed to always be games that only I had played but he always loved them. One example being was the MGS series, as we were playing we'd break down and analyze everything we love about a game and how it does it. his favorite was 2 but he said he really loved the charm of 3 and BB as a character, and it was tough putting it below 2. As for multiplayer, we played a fair share of Twisted Metal and Payday 2 whenever it was new. Last year I got him to play Dragon's Dogma after some convincing and its one of his favorite games now. Best bro I ever had.
David was fun to play vidya with, but only specific ones. Rock Band, sometimes mortal kombat, we had a blast playinG Grand theft auto. But one day in 2009 I decided to stop hanGin out with him. And in November that year I started messinG with his Ex, and we never reconciled after that.