FF13 > FF15

FF13 > FF15

Attached: FFXIII.jpg (800x533, 84K)

>dyed hair
>fake eyebrows
>nose job
>chin job
>fake nails
>fake boobs
>absolutely no ass
>airbrushed every wrinkle away
>ps3 no gaems
2/10 wouldn't fuck

I agree.

Imagine taking 2 hours everyday to put all that shit on your face. jeez


>inb4 have sex


Attached: ff1315.png (850x322, 82K)


>6 critics
>27 critics

PC is the definitive version
when 15 had only 6 reviews on PC it had 86mc, with 27 reviews it had 85mc

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>a nose job to get a nose that flat and broad
yeah nah

>im gayx10
>wouldnt fuck
Nobody is shocked by this user.

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15 was an unfinished mess, but did 13 have any redeeming features?


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Why does /cgl/ hate her so much?

If you skip all the cutscenes and just read through the game XIII goes from a 4/10 to a 6/10, the endgame challenges are decent fun too

Lightning's armpits.

I mean it technically is. Even if the port is absolute fucking garbage it's still better than the console version. Especially since they added some actual graphics options and partially fixed the busted frame pacer(it's still pretty busted though).

adding graphics options to a pc port doesn't make it the definitive version, user.

Fantastic music

It's the same game but it looks and runs better. It's not like anything was lost in the port.

>runs better

The console version is locked to 30. The PC version runs at 60 most of the time until the frame pacer decides to be retarded. 60 is higher than 30.


It lost soul

trannies and jealousy

Couldn't play either for more then half an hour.

>more then


>15 was an unfinished mess, but did 13 have any redeeming features?

thisand this15 might have been unfinished but at least the act of playing it didnt want to make me kill myself. Just the ending of 15 did. Man the feels hit hard there for a second.

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>PC version

What's she up to nowadays?

Considering that they had to patch it in due to fan outcry, and all the patch did was add options that were added via a fanpatch, I don't think it's a fair assessment.

It's like comparing the PS2 version of Ghostbusters to the Xbox 360 one.

>didn't notice ff13 background

Not really something to brag about, but I ain't arguing with the logic.

>tfw they didn't fuck

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sieg heil grammer nazi

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shit taste

Yes, the port was a fucking disaster, especially on release. It's still a pretty damn terrible port but it looks and runs better than the PS3 version simply because PCs are so much more powerful.

So you're telling me a sub par port is the definitive version of a game by virtue of it being on PC and nothing else.

7 > both

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Combat is fun once you get 3 characters and some semblance of freedom in how you want to develop them, which is like 70% through the game.

gimme a minute
what are you into

The version that looks the best and runs the best is the definitive one, yes.

I don't think you understand what sub par means.

yo . here i know yuri makes everything better. only reason i finished 13 was to hear the music and maybe see some chicks fuck.

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The port is sub par because it is worse than other PC ports and PC games in general. Those other games are the "par" or average that the FF13 port is below.
However it's still above a PS3 game because the standard for PS3 games is far lower.

So you're telling me that one game is better than the other because of port quality and nothing else.

Vanille moaning with every action got me to stop playing and fap, let me tell you.

Attached: vanille.png (1000x680, 955K)

When talking about a sub-par part you're only comparing port quality, not overall game quality.

And a version of the game on a better platform will usually be a better game unless something was changed for the worse which in FF13's case it wasn't.

So you're telling me that despite it being the same game, despite the lack of options on launch, despite the game running better on an Xbox One, you're telling me that the sub par port is the definitive version.

>flashes upper thigh to show mark


>Despite it being the same game
>Despite the lack of options on launch
>Despite the game running better on an Xbox one
Huh...I wasn't even aware they ported it to the Xbone. If the XoneX version looks and runs better than the PC version(shouldn't be that hard with PS3 graphics and the PC version's broken frame pacer) then it it indeed the definitive version.
As I said, the version that looks and runs best is the best one unless something else was taken away. If the XoneX version satisfies that criteria then I'd agree it's the definitive version.

Never knew that Tia Tanaka played games.

PC XIII has lower cutscene quality than the original PS3 version.
Squareshit did a shitty job porting it.

FFXIII runs on Xbox One via backwards-compatibility + upscaling.

In any case, I don't thing the Metacritic review for FFXIII PC is honest, considering it was reviewed BEFORE the graphics options were patched in.

Even if it was reviewed after it would still be dishonest because it has to be compared to the standards of other PC ports, which it would fail to meet. I didn't post that metacritic "comparison" and never argued it was fair.

That's asian women in general. If only people actually opened their fucking eyes and realized what the majority looks like when not dolled up.

While both suck, I disagree. XV was doable on some level, XIII was unplayable.

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Thank you so much for saying this. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. Please post pictures of my Goddess Claire Darrin (Lightning).

That's *women* in general

Any positives the game has are rendered moot by the overwhelming negatives in the form of characters, storytelling, plot and the level system. It is simply not worth your time.