Still the best Persona.
Still the best Persona
It wasn't as autistic as the first two, but at the same time hadn't gone the route of the visual novel that its successors would. Had PLENTY of flaws but it I'd agree that it was closest thing that blended both worlds for casuals and SMT nerds in a good way.
You probably made this thread expecting a debate, but you're 100% correct so I'm sorry to disappoint you.
But you can't be FemMC in Fes...
I had fun playing The Answer.
P4 was the most enjoyable to me
How did the Persona 5 plot completely shit the bed in comparison to 3 and even 4, what happened to the writers?
I like all the characters in 5 but man does the story kinda suck
From 3 to 5 was 10 years. Either the old writers left or they just got old and ran out of ideas.
Too ambitious and bombastic.
P3's laser focus on its core theme is what puts it above the other Hashino games.
but then you have a point and click over world and lack of cutscenes or any 3D Models for anywhere outside of Tartarus, drastically decreasing the atmosphere and immersion the game can give.
It also lacks The Answer, which is an additional challenge even if it goes too far by removing the compendium, which I'd say is its one major flaw.
Gave into the lure of appealing to the fans and presenting heavy dark themes, but being too afraid to go at them at depth. I could go on, but this is a "fuck I love P3" thread, not a "fuck P5 is shit thread.
The 2011 earthquake legit changed everything about what they wanted to make and had them start from scratch.
>Already played DDS on emulator
>Played up to the cube room in Nocturne on emulator
>Kind of want to buy the physicals
I feel autistic
P4 was no better than P5, people only like it because of the nostalgia for the hype the game had at the time
>read a P3 manga recently
>open up the little flip next to the cover
>Remember your death. Remember you will die.
sent a small shiver down my spine not gonna lie
P4 lacks shit dungeon design. Yes, Randomly Generated dungeons are better than actively bad ones.
P4's story isn't too ambitious for its own good
P4 doesn't redeem its killer in the game itself, and barely redeems him in spin-offs
P4 has an overarching story
P4 knows what its theme is and what it wants to be
P4 has superior SoL moments and feels like a better group of friends but that's subjective
Say what you will, but P4 is superior to P5, but still inferior to P3.
dealing with the inevitability of death is a lot more relatable and comprehensible than rebelling against an evil god/society
with magic powers
>P5's dungeons were actively ba-
P4 was hot dog shit even compared to 5.
The problem with 5's 'rebellion against social injustice' theme is that they try to do it without being political - so it just comes off as completely childish and half-assed.
Persona starts at 3
>The best pile of shit
>Persona starts at 3
Hellooooo reddit
>It's another Persona thread
>3, 4, and 5 shills everywhere
>The persona with the best plot is forgotten once again
zoomers and plebs
Hello SMTnigger
>He only visits Yea Forums 24/7/60
I wasn't even familiar with it until 2016 which was when I first started playing it, so nostalgia didn't factor into my enjoyment of it at all.
ah yes, because I loved slogging through P1, and the easiest Persona games ever made, the P2 duology, that are still overly cluttered with garbage mechanics like its fusion system, random encounters, and repetitive combat.
you got a better argument than that user?
I want to be able to fuck every party member in P6.
>nostalgia for the hype
Stop posting on Yea Forums, dad.
Yup. Still praying for a remake/rerelease with QoL shit added. That way P5babies could play it without bitching
I thought people liked it for the characters/waifus?
It had an excellent cast of characters
True but the other two are excellent aswell
P4 because Lots of best girls especially pic related
I like the atmosphere of three but the tower sucks compared to actual dungeons.
Burn My Dread (Last Battle) > The Infinite > The Tempest > Yaldabaoth >>> The Genesis
Chie and Yukiko are awful though
>even if it goes too far by removing the compendium
I'm playing through The Answer now and I haven't minded this as much as I thought I would. All it means is you can't fuck around with your Personas and must choose knowingly, but Personas also level up crazy fast and max out their skills like nothing else. I used Orpheus until I got Hua Pao, then used that until I got Sati, and now I fused some crappy physical Personas to get Surt with Mind Charge and Mediahran, but I'm keeping Sati anyway because she has Trafuri.
The boss battles are also interesting in that they aren't pure DPS checks like they are in The Journey, and sometimes I'll direct all my party members to simply attack only one Shadow and do full knockdowns without doing All-Out Attacks, since if the enemies get their turns they'll instakill me with some ridiculous combo.
What I'm not finding all that fun is the lack of social stuff. Yes, everyone is melancholy and will comment on stuff going on as you clear each block, but after that it's a cutscene, then back to the lounge to equip and jump into the next block. There's little downtime, and I appreciate the downtime in The Journey more now that it's gone here. I'm also not a fan of removing the two-way warps at boss floors, since that means I have to warp back and then walk all the way back to that floor and it's not a ton of fun. But the increased frequency of rare chests and Aigis's ease at hitting gold shadows somewhat makes up for that, a little.
It's good, but has some flaws.
It does have the hottest girls in the series
You grew up.
P5 is the best.
>Only entry in the series with good dungeons
>Great characters
>Great music
>Main drawback is that the main story isn't as good, but this is offset by other advantages the game has
You cannot refute this.
I'd rather have to deal with 5 Larries than 1 Yukari.
1> EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4
Daily reminder
and Chie
Shit opinion, faggot
Well yeah. 1 and 2 are overrated, 4 is nowhere near as fun, memorable or even replayable as 3 and 5 is trash that only nu-weebs like. AND it has Aigis.
Putting 1 at the top is obvious contrarianism give me cool guy points bullshit. You're correct about everything else, though.
I wish we got another megaten with the eerie atmosphere of Persona 1. It could get pretty spooky at times.
I love Fuuka!
I have the entire soundtrack downloaded and honestly there weren't very many stand out tracks besides the obvious picks. Lots of filler too. Three fucking discs and most of the songs are a minute long or remixes/instrumental versions. Swear to My Bones is beautiful, though.
Aigis is more cute. Only Mitsuru and Yukari are hot.
>Great characters
They were worse than even your typical LNs
P5 soundtrack is criminally short and repetitive for a game of that length.
4 Is the best and makes the Persona name. Not even 3 which originally revolutes the style can beat it.
Thats why you get shitton of sequels and spinoff of this game. Not even P5 can beat it.
Obvious zoomers
>wait, fusion isn't just mashing two personas together and getting a better one? THIS CAN'T BE
Based P2 user
EP PSP english when
>Persona starts at 3
It might as well and you fucking know it.
You've never played Persona 1. I know you haven't because I have.
Not that I don't disagree that P1 and the P2 duology have their issues, but I still think they're pretty damn enjoyable in spite of their flaws. Much like P3-5.
*Not that I don't agree that P1 and the P2 duology have their issues
I need some more sleep, evidently.
>Fuse Messiah with Nihil weapon
>Get a weapon that has a high probability of inflicting all ailments
I'd be using basic stabs against Nyx if she weren't the final boss and compelling me to cast Megidolaon every turn instead. They do about the same damage anyway.
It's certainly not flawless, but it's still pretty damn amazing.
Plus, it has Elizabeth, which makes it an instant 10/10.
The characters are generic anime trash, unlike generic-anime-trash-with-a-twist in 3 and 4.
>this is a "fuck I love P3" thread, not a "fuck P5 is shit thread.
There is no such thing, every thread is a fuck P5 thread, P3 and P4 exist solely in P5's shadow now and that will never change
You're a zoomer. I've played it. It has the best combat in the series and an actually decent story that isn't way too long.
>P3 and P4 exist solely in P5's shadow now and that will never change
Thats P4, retard. Talk to any japs who Rise is.
I can respect that. I'm just tired of the usual P1/P2 fans always being elitist and treating those three as perfection when there are threads about other Persona games. Thanks for being chill, feel free to stay for a while.
>Good Writers
>not Morning Star
Never going to make it.
>Kaneshiro's Super Safe Vault
>Okumura Space station
>Shido Ship
The rest of the dungeons are tolerable at best with only the abstract parts of the Museum and the Casino reaching levels that could be considered good.
>Great characters
Ryuji is two seperate characters, he's a completely different person in the story and social link
Morgana really has no personality beyond "muh Anne-dono" and wastes time by running away
Anne's character arc goes against how the rest of the game treats her
Yusuke is cool
Makoto is a robot
Futaba feels too wish-fulfillment, even for these standards, and her computer skills are used as a plot device so many times it's frustrating
Haru comes in too late to fully develop
hahaha Goro
Kamoshida is the only good villain
>Great music
I'll give you this for half the soundtrack, the bangers are bangers but there's a fair amount of misses too.
>Main drawback
Its flaws are pretty large
>Only entry in the series with good dungeons
>Morning Star
I don't know that spell
>Lucifer has it
Oh. I never bothered fusing Lucifer. I took out the effort to fuse Thanatos cause he's cool as fuck, then fused him with Orpheus to get Messiah. Then I farmed Messiah's heart items to equip everyone, which got me an Omnipotent Orb too. I was pretty much invincible during the final fights, Nyx didn't even cast Night Queen once. Oh well.
>best combat in the series
Hey, I enjoyed P1 and thought the grid formation system was neat, but if that were true, it wouldn't have needed all the extensive auto-battle options to help you skip through the combat.
It is the best game, because that's where I met and fell in love with Chihiro Fushimi!
I love her with all my heart!
Die nigger fagggot (The third G is gay.)
As opposed to the modern games, where they don't have those autobattle options and so you do have to hit the same buttons over and over for the combat. So much better.
the only dungeons i did not like was the spaceship and mementos. the rest went from great to ok.
Play EP.
That's a direct retaliation to people who start from P3 and up treating the older games as irredeemable garbage though.
I think P3 is the worst one, and one of the worst times I've had with a MegaTen game in general. I appreciate what they were trying to do with the game and I wish the more creative mindset that lead to them making P3 stuck around more for P4 and 5, but even if I respect the intentions behind P3, in practice I think the game is just a boring mess a lot of the time, with just a few elements that kept my interest. It may be tens of course shorter than P4 and 5, but it felt so, so much longer because of how much I had to to force myself through it unlike those two where it all flew by.
>You feel the power of friendship surge through you.
This really killed the end sequence for me. I literally burst into laughter when I read it. Honestly, upon replaying the game I sincerely question the reputation it has for being head-and-shoulders better written than the other two games.
Whats wrong with that?
Friendship is gay, there's only darkness.
>Pharos gives the MC Igor's contract
>proceeds to spend the rest of the game as an entirely separate entity
It just felt a bit hokey and lacking in any subtlety. I appreciate that in a sense the game is going for this angle, but it made it harder to take the emotional undertones of what's going on seriously, personally.
It doesn't really have a "reputation" for that outside of Yea Forums and some of the upset SMTfags in various places
>He didn't like hearing all his max social links calling out to give him support and create the Universe Arcana, which has infinite possibility
>Or the scene where the SEES members, who can only pray for your safety, give you their power, so that Nyx's Death misses you, then you block it, before finally sealing it
Fuck off, Ikutsuki. Go get shot and fall and die again.
Persona sucks now, SMTV when?
No, you skip through random encounters in the modern games by figuring out every enemy's weakness and making a team composition that can knock them all down and insta-win before they get a chance to attack. The counterbalance to this is that even regular enemies can kill party members in just a few attacks and you you'll either die or burn through all your SP healing if you let fights drag on and the enemy gets extra turns by hitting your own weaknesses. You'd just lose trying to play P3-P5 like P1 and mostly auto-battling.
At least that's how it's supposed to work. You can argue P3-P5 don't always achieve that balance right.
>someone actually defending P3 Disney-tier story
P3P > FES.
What's the problem with it? I think it does overcoming apathy and death pretty well.
>Disney tier
...what era are we talking about, because "it's """kiddy""" so it must be bad" neither makes any sense or accurately describes P3
>You can argue P3-P5 don't always achieve that balance right
90% of the time they don't. The battle system revolves exclusively around finding weaknesses and making encounters completely trivial. Which isn't so bad in 3 where you can't just set all your teammates to use their elemental attacks by default, but in 4 and 5 it's seriously the same shit for an entire dungeon. Whereas 1 actually gives you a risk and reward to spamming weaknesses because the extra damage isn't massive and the positioning can get your ass reflected easily.
>Disney-tier story
Most Disney stuff is lifted from folk tales.
Are those bad now?
>Whereas 1 actually gives you a risk and reward to spamming weaknesses because the extra damage isn't massive and the positioning can get your ass reflected easily.
The Answer does this too, as All Out Attacks aren't guaranteed to kill, and if you let certain enemies take their turns they'll quickly knock you down or kill your entire team before you can get a chance to retaliate or escape. It's far more important to identify who can wipe you out and how, and how you can anticipate this and avoid it.
I don't even want to get on P5's case right now, but I seriously don't understand how Hashino got away with it. Most of the character archetypes, and downright plot elements are ripped straight from the fucking P2 duology. Hell, they're not even trying to make it subtle either. Especially when you bring back Biyarky in a trailer, when it was last seen in P2.
Its always been a step down from mainline but 4 and 5 are straight up bad games.
P5 is Hashino's innocent sin fanfic.
>It's another mainline SMT contrarian
Nocturne barely even has a plot, and takes place in a lifeless desert as a setting. The cast are borderline teenagers on a power trip who act quite truthfully retarded, and the difficulty is overhyped. In general the game is unfinished due to hardware limitations, and directors wanted to do more with the game that never even came to fruitition.
The plot was downright unfinished since Kaneko wrote a draft that was too long to properly implement, so it was inevitably cut sharp. The alignment reps are complete fools after experiencing the future of their choices, but decide to do it anyway because..? The gameplay was busted until improved upon in Apocalypse, alongside the map.
Downright Persona tier story with Shadow the Hedgehog levels of edge, but it gets praised by new fans because you get to kill your friends in a JRPG, hooray! The only positive aspects about it are truthfully it's gameplay.
I won't even cover SMT I/II much since they're outdated, but the plot, setting, nor characters in a mainline SMT game have yet to even really touch that level of quality since then. The only downside of them were really the gameplay. SMT, Persona, and DeSu are really in the same boat of mediocrity, especially nowadays. It's why I moved on to Xenoblade.
Persona 3 takes a lot of plot points and elements from P1, but I don't see it getting mentioned much anymore. P4 bringing back people facing their shadows was directly from P2 as well, but that's basic stuff.
>Mitsuru's grandfather tried to cause the Fall, with Yukari's father's help
>Yukari's father gave his life to separate the 13 Full Moon Shadows and scatter them to the wild to prevent the Appraiser from forming
>So thus Mitsuru's grandfather in a way killed Yukari's father
>Aigis tracked down and fought Arcana Death on the Moonlight Bridge, which ended up involving and killing an innocent family, and Aigis was forced to seal Arcana Death within the main character
>Meaning Aigis killed Minato's parents
>Shinjiro lost control of Castor and it killed Ken's mother
>In some adaptations this was a reaction instead to Ken's mother losing control over her own shadow and it threatening to kill Ken, meaning Shinji was trying to protect Ken by killing his mother
>Ken thus plotted a murder-suicide to kill Shinji in revenge and then kill himself
>Shinji is dying anyway because of the Persona suppression medication Strega is supplying him
>Ikutsuki shot and killed Mitsuru's father and tried to kill the rest of SEES, but succumbed to his own bullet wounds and fell to his death
It's no wonder why in Persona Q Yukari is concerned that the Investigation Team is so close while SEES is mostly just professional colleagues, half of these people's relatives killed each other. I don't blame her for having severe trust issues.
What about SJ? That's mainline
Not only that but the P4 cast all had a normal upbringing in P3 the only person with a normal life was Junpei.
Fuuka too, her only issue is her parents have a low self-esteem or something and take it out on Fuuka.
his father being a drunk and mother nowhere to be seen is still pretty shit.
And Fuuka. Junpei's father is a raging alcoholic, while Fuuka's parents are doctors and didn't like that she likes tinkering with electronics more than medicine or doing extremely well in school. I wish that was shown a little bit more in her room, as she's mainly just got flowers and typical girly stuff in there, instead of any electronics you'd expect a tech-minded girl to have. She even rigs up Minato some new headphones.
i thought Fuuka parents were too busy with thier Jobs to give her any attention, giving her self-estem issues and need wanting to be wanted/useful.
>Иpкyтcкий's revelation is shit and have no sense,and was added just to put false suspense and drama.
>Robot can use Persona just because
>Dog can use Persona just because
>Power of friendship, even tho main cast and everyone around door-kun treat him like shit.
>Summoning persona mechanic in P3 Is bullshit, due the fact that everyone in S.E.E.S do this on almost daily basis, absolutely ignoring all "fear of the death\instinct of self-preservation" thing in the first place.
>School club called "Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad" is deals with Tartarus, without any goverment help all on it's own.
Most of these points are pretty wrong.
>Most of the people around him treat him like shit
Who? It was really only Yukari, and Junpei.
I like this about P3 though, it felt like everyone going through their own thing and become friends through uniting in their hardships, while P4 and P5 are "hey you the player helped me out so I'll suck your cock for the next 60 hours"
Robot was made to use Persona, it's explained
Dog using a Persona is kinda just something your accept. Fucking Jojo has rats using stands so why not.
They become connected to him by the end
Summoning a Persona is a learned skill, the fear of death/self preservation is what draws it out from one with the potential to summon
SEES is supported by the Kirijo Group which might as well be the fucking government with how much power they have.
Shit but sadly normal-ish. Not like SHADOW ATTACK ORPHANS or ROBOT MADE FOR SEX.
I guess if you count that Mitsuru didn't really know her grandfather she had a normal (Albiet rich) upbringing.
play the game stupid shitposter
>"Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad"
The funny thing is SEES serves no point in the story to be considered part of the school. You just join the council because Mitsuru asks you to. Also I forgot how stupid that Acronym is.
IDK if this is pasta or not but who cares about the story its SMT.
Have you checked out the Aegis Toaster?
It's probably just something Mitsuru came up with, given how much she likes the word "execution". It's an unlisted club anyway and if anyone looked into it they'd probably find it listed as Mitsuru's exclusive study group.
>Who cares about the plot, it's SMT
That's not an excuse, whatsoever. SMT isn't magically excused from having mediocre plot.
To be honest, my favorite mainline SMT is probably Nocturne because you get tossed straight into the world to explore dungeons, and get a touch of the combat and fusion. There's a good amount of plot scattered around to get a general conclusion on what's occurring in the story, but it's nothing beaten in your face repetitively, or there just to pad out the game time. SJ, IV, and Apocalypse had a bit too much plot for my tastes, even if I liked them.
This game had such an impact on 12 year old me that I wrote down the exact date and time I beat it and put it into a box. I play through it about once a year starting at that date and it is probably always going to be my #1 favorite game of all-time.
>SEES is supported by the Kirijo Group which might as well be the fucking government with how much power they have.
But they still rely on 5-8 high schoolers and dog to deal with Tartarus.
...because they're the ones that can summon personas. It's commonplace in every SMT that weapons are completely useless against demons/shadows if you can't wield a Persona.
I mean, we're there any other Persona users sitting around waiting to end the Dark Hour? Sending an army of machines around probably wouldn't have did much.
Persona 3 remake is inevitable, and I wonder what the reactions will be? Just make the boss theme this after recruiting Aigis.
>Иpкyтcкий's revelation is shit and have no sense,and was added just to put false suspense and drama.
I have no idea what you're talking about here
>Robot can use Persona just because
It was explained extensively, only a person with the potential to summon a Persona can interact with the cognitive field the Shadows call upon and thus fight Shadows, normal arms fire won't work. So thus the Anti-Shadow Weapons were built around Plumes of Dusk, themselves crystallized shards of pure psyche, so that the psyche within the Plumes would develop in the form of a human's, with the capacity to wield Personas and thus could fight the Shadows. Aigis is a contradiction, a machine made to kill, but given the mind of a person who desires not to.
>Dog can use Persona just because
Koromaru's extremely intelligent. He's got practically human-level intellect and detected that the dorm's security cameras were rolling long before any of the girls did.
>Power of friendship, even tho main cast and everyone around door-kun treat him like shit.
They grow to become friends, and rely on him a lot. He's their anchor.
>Summoning persona mechanic in P3 Is bullshit, due the fact that everyone in S.E.E.S do this on almost daily basis, absolutely ignoring all "fear of the death\instinct of self-preservation" thing in the first place.
Not really. The Evokers also contain Plumes of Dusk too, in order to invoke the self-preservation instinct that lets SEES call upon their Personas. I doubt any of them truly got used to shooting themselves in the head to draw out their personal demons.
>School club called "Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad" is deals with Tartarus, without any goverment help all on it's own.
SEES is backed by the Kirijo Group, who have decided to let the team handle it because nobody in Kirijo can wield Personas to fight the Shadows.
SMT is pretty much all gameplay, the story is something you can care about or just ignore it.
I think the only game that really annoyed me with too much plot was SJ, especially since I didnt give a shit about any of my crew besides Zelenin and Jimenez. The first few hours of 4 are pretty horrible though, the game sucks until you get to Tokyo.
Yeah, it can sometimes get too braindead easy in modern Persona when the random enemy formations are too simple to all knock down. I just remember feeling like, in P1, weaknesses and element affinities weren't too big of a deal unless something reflected something and I was usually winning fights just by doing the same attacks on auto.
While I do think it's better to have bigger rewards for hitting weaknesses like that, they need to make sure you still need to think about how to do that instead of giving you 5 demons all weak to fire and letting you win with one Maragi. That's fine in the first dungeon, but as the game goes on, you should ideally gradually be finding more complicated encounters like groups of demons with all different weaknesses and some reflecting elements others are weak to so group spells won't work. You can't switch the protag's Persona more than once a turn, so then it might take some well-fused personas with robust skill sets, some creativity with baton passes and party members swapouts, or a little luck with crits and instant death spells to find a way to get an all-out attack.
Honestly, I don't actually have the encounter tables of the games memorized to know how well they did that though.
>SMT is pretty much all gameplay
As of SJ, and more recent titles? That's not true. Even if gameplay were the focus, you can't throw the plot to the curb and ignore its mediocrity when it's still a main aspect of the game.
>I have no idea what you're talking about here
I was talking about this guy. It was supposed to be a joke because he's name is similar to one of Russian city, but whatever.
> Aigis is a contradiction, a machine made to kill, but given the mind of a person who desires not to.
But it still dumb as fuck, I know that P1\P2 have flying citys and Mecha naizs. But, Aigis is stupid excuse to put her into P3 plot, even though everyone in school act like it's normal.
>The Evokers also contain Plumes of Dusk too
Interesting, never heard about it.
>SEES is backed by the Kirijo Group, who have decided to let the team handle it because nobody in Kirijo can wield Personas to fight the Shadows.
But it still wierd, they at least could free main cast from classes sometimes.
I thought the story was horrible in Nocturne when I first played it, but still loved the game for the dungeon crawling, boss fights, atmosphere etc. I understand though if the story really irked you that much it might make the games worse but I hardly think it ruins the whole experience.
4 wasn't a bad game but it didn't have the same kind of atmosphere and plots I liked. I was initially very drawn in by the murder in a small town atmo, but the happy go lucky party kinda ruined that aspect for me. Still liked the game though. But 3 jusst had a story and characters that were more enjoyable to me.
And I dont remember if it was the FES version or the PSP version, but you could send off party members on their own to level in dungeons and pick up items which was fucking A.
P5 I just didn't really feel desu. I'm not even saying its bad either, but it was just more of the same and I feel like I might be over Persona in general.
>But it still dumb as fuck, I know that P1\P2 have flying citys and Mecha naizs. But, Aigis is stupid excuse to put her into P3 plot, even though everyone in school act like it's normal.
I really don't see the issue here. Aigis was enrolled at Gekkoukan to further her development as a human and thus her capacity to integrate into society and improve her ability to wield her Persona. She wears a winter uniform so that nobody else knows she's a robot, and the others act blind to her robot-isms so nobody's the wiser.
>But it still wierd, they at least could free main cast from classes sometimes.
They don't really need to be freed from class, because the only time they can investigate the supernatural phenomenon of Tartarus and the Dark Hour is at midnight. That leaves plenty of time to go to school and study too, before going on their nightly dance of bleeding swords. The Kirijo Group does supply them with all their equipment and helps them scout other potential Persona-users, but otherwise they're generally fine on their own.
That's not P4, OP.
Tartarus is an absolute snore fest and the main reason I'll never play it again.
>But it still dumb as fuck
>high school children forming bonds with demons and angels
>other worlds to explore
>just fuse demons because some shady guy is telling you to
>tarot cards flipping out of random people you meet
but a robot is where you draw the line?
SJ's plot may have its issues, but overall I still really liked it. The vibe of being lost in an alien landscape with no communication to the outside world as the few people you have around you slowly succumb to the hostile environment really stuck with me, even if the introduction of the law/chaos conflict towards the end of the game isn't exactly elegant (although, for what it's worth, I think it's semi-excusable if you buy into the idea that what Zenelin and Jimenez do ends up corrupting their natures in the process and that they're more tragic figures as a result.)
Fuck shitposters and endless arguers. I want to fuck Naoto.
Chie is the best girl.
SJ is basically just SMT I
>you will never make Naoto shit cum
I can pretty much play all the Persona games from PS one to PS4 which one are truly worth playing I value my time and I need quality I work 40-plus hours a week and I simply can't play a game just to play it but I do like jrpgs
>Arcana Priestess's tits have "B" and "J" on them
lmao, not by a fucking long shot!
I just want another Persona game with an adult cast.
>Still mad at P5
No debate
If you can deal with grindy sections and lack of party control, go with P3.
If you don't care about character development, plot and dungeon design. And you just want some nice combat to pass the time P5 is the one to go.
P4 is an inbetween of the two. But it loses a lot of its charm if you're older because its themes and characters are made to be relatable to teenagers.
Post yfw Mana Cost: 9999 HP.
>But it loses a lot of its charm
I played Persona 4 at my 25s and it made me want to go back to high school again.
>I was talking about this guy. It was supposed to be a joke because he's name is similar to one of Russian city, but whatever.
Tы eбaнyтый? Кaк aмepикaнцы дoлжны этo пoнять?
Why the fuck would you ever want to do that again?
>American "school"
This is a fact.
Poor guy.
Yukari is cute