Is Cammy a good street fighter character?
Is Cammy a good street fighter character?
I wish threads like this were a little more transparent and just posted the source in the OP instead of dragging things out to get replies from people too inept to find the source themselves.
Ah... but that's the point, I suppose. Replies, because video game discussion surely won't get any. Better wrap up this video game thread in a healthy thick blanket of TITS and ASS to get things rolling...!
Yes. And she has a big butt.
It's funny because it's true.
Just get it over with and post the code. Before the thread dies.
>someone took the effort to draw this.
whoa nice
Yeah she's definitely still high tier. good footsies mixups and cc combos
Yes. Favorite alternate color orange and grey
Fuck that one user who ruined her forever for me by saying her eyes are watermelon slices.
If you don't know anri at this point you should probably fuck off.
Her eyes are moons retard.
What’s her best video
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo was the best SF game. Alpha 2 was ok; EX plus alpha was weird as fuck, but I liked it.
if that looks like effort to you you must be one lazy fucking shit
the one with hitomi
Cammy is a good street fighter character. She has her pluses and minuses, as any character does. But really, compared to Chun-Li, I mean what do you think? Could her low attack even compare to the spinning bird kick? It’s not even close and don’t say otherwise or I’ll make zangief pile drive you. I know that Chun-Li could knock the unitard off Cammy if she wanted too, but Chun-li is so kind hearted good luck getting her to abandon her sense of justice. Cammy has an ok grapple, but her mids are weak and far too slow to compete. I would consider playing her only if they nerfed everyone else heavily
the fuck is a get up looks ridiculous