so v , 2077 gonna flop ?
So v , 2077 gonna flop ?
Like your moms titties
I am going to put it on the easiest mode if there are game modes and make a female body with a male voice. Going to use just my fist and be a massive cunt and bully to everyone for the full game.
Of course not, you fucking idiot.
Yea Forums is just angry because you cant watch your toon's ass while having futa sex.
What will happen:
>Game is released
>Pretty good
>90+rating on Metacritic from crirics and players
>Has bugs and glitches like every open world game to date
>Gets polished more and more over weeks
>probably going to get amazing Add-Ons like Witcher 3
Meanwhile on Yea Forums:
>The 2-3 shitposting autist will literally look through Youtube every single minute
>See one thing in a 6 hours stream that looks really bad ( Glitch, missing texture, bug etc)
>Make WEBM out of it
>Spam it atleast 4 times a day with "OH NONONO" or " You waited 6 years for THIS? AHAHAHAH" for the next 3 years like they did with Witcher 3 and jannis/mods will do nothing again
Pic related
Same thing now with cyberpunk
Anyone who thinks it will flop is 100% retarded. It could end up good, it could end up pure shit, but it'll be easily sell 10+ million and make back its budget within the first day. To think it won't be a success financially is complete retardation. The same thing when people ask this about Death Stranding. Good or bad, it'll sell insanely well
Of course not. Regardless of it's actual quality it will review very well and sell even better.
More like:
>Game is released
>Game has a marketing budget that grossly outweighs the actual budget for producing it
>Millions of people buy the game simply because of the advertising and celebrity endorsement
>Game has incredibly high reviews, 95+, GOTY awards, and the like from critics
>In reality it's just a boring and unpolished open world game with very little original content
>The game is clearly nothing special and does nothing interesting, but it's not terrible either
>Casual players will say it's the best game ever for 2 weeks before they forget about it completely and move onto the next thing
>On Yea Forums it's used for nothing but console war shitposting
It will literally sell millions of copies. I don't need to be clairvoyant to know this.
No. You are retarded if you think it even has a chance of flopping
impossible. the hype train is set. it may get shit reviews. but it will be a top seller.
I'm going to make a futa V, as good looking as possible, only fucks women by canon, and make her believe that male penises are gay.
Futanari = Ultimate Sex
Yeah but it should be because CD procject deserved
It will be below the bar Witcher 3 set for cdpr
The expectations for this game are out of control
I have no bias, the stuff we’ve seen looks subpar compared to what we were all imagining a cdpr cyberpunk game could be a couple years ago. Since then v has split into two main camps: those who relentlessly shit on the game to a fault and those who relentlessly defend the game to a fault
But the reality is the game isn’t looking that great. Doesn’t look bad, just below expectations.
Samefagging but want to drive home this point: Compare this to rdr2, when those trailers dropped last year people were losing their fucking minds, even Yea Forums aside from a dedicated group of artists who would shit on any game
it'll sell amazingly well, millions will enjoy it and nobody will even notice the bitter incels shitposting about it on Yea Forums
>Doesn’t look bad, just below expectations
Curious to know what your actual expectations are.
crystal ball says no
I'm gonna flop down on the couch after smoking 6 blunts and play that fucking game if that's what you mean
But rdr2 was a forgettable shit. Literally no one talks about it anymore outside shitposting about muh feminist.
/pol/ is the worst thing to have happened to this site
It will sell brilliantly but the game won't be that good.
It could be nothing but fart noises and flashing lights, reddit would still buy millions of copies.
Nothing will ever be good again unless you make it yourself or find some obscure clique that deliberately avoids normies
this. /thread over
fuck. Yea Forums over, in fact
/pol/ needs to be deleted and all political bait banned, so the 2016s can fuck off to some cripplechan-like containment site
Why are you obcessed with /pol/?
Go outside
I feel like 2077 is going to be 7/10. Now here me out, I don't think this game will achieve immersive sim levels of detail and varied gameplay. I just feel like it is going to be a cyber GTA V with tog mechanics akin to skyrim. Some dialog trees and very narrowed gameplay optipns
I think you mean spreeshooterchan
It won't flop but it will suck gorilla dick
It's basically a Far Cry game. Has a Far Cry game ever flopped?
Fallout 4 sucked, and it sold 20 million. So probably not.