We agree it's a masterpiece right?
We agree it's a masterpiece right?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's alright. 10/10
No, its on the Switch which means I can't play it, therefore it is shit.
no but it's still bretty gud
No, but it's better than DMC V
anybody know where to find headphones/face guard gear?
In before the 5/10 poster
I love the game but DmC 5 is also really really god damn good.
It's okay. 7,5/10.
The plot is shit
Please, where's the hoodie, I can't find it.
It's 5/10 at best.
DMCV is a borefest.
At least here enemies can fight back while being rush
It's great. Still on my first play through on standard difficulty. They give you some cool tools to play with and managing your stand adds some nice meta to the combat. Still hoping for some more high level shit to sink my teeth into.
>Action game that runs at 30 FPS with drops
Bloodborne ran even worse, but that was still a good game.
I don't know about masterpiece but I sure as hell I'm having a lot of fun.
Everytime I read these All I think is 'fuck fun. Only games with high frame rate and the greatest of graphical fidelity matter.' Long live graphical performance over gameplay.
bloodborne was my personal game of the gen.
Doesn't stop me from liking DmC and astral chain.
I love that kids still have to find reasons for their console wars when anyone over the age of 22 should be an idort if they are still playing games.
No it wasn't, it's just a snoy meme.
Really enjoyed the last boss fight, wished I could hang with Kyle and his boys more
wait for astral chain 2
is guarenteed knowing how succesfull its doing right now
Bloodborne has plenty of fps issues. Who cares?
even some games on pc have frametime issues built into the game with no way around them even with the most expensive hardware arguing about fps and graphics is the highest level of COPE
Higher framerates make games play better. Low framertes are a result of devs choosing graphical fidelity over gameplay.
Check out this audio glitch that I found. Character grunts replaced with legion grunts
I love how you are a cop on this important case but get sidetracked by picking up cans and playing soccer.
>need to wait a year before getting some good heroin levels of hype in a game again
Shit, still between DMC5, Astrial Chain and now Risk Of Rain 2 to play on something other than my toaster, it seems to be a pretty good year for good games
needs a bloody palace mode
cans give you duty points at recycle bins so its all part of it
pc version never ever
>World is ending
>Dad is dead
>boss is in a cult
>Better do a magic show for this kid
not a masterpiece, but it's a solid 8/10 for me and the flaws it has don't stop it from being very enjoyable
that's simply untrue. Depending on optimizations, style, and genre of game graphics might have absolutely no bearing on fps. I can get 144 fps in forza horizon on my 1080 and yet there are indie turn based games that only go up to 90
please go back to shitposting on Yea Forums your memes were never funny.
Is there a way to disable the cutscenes in the QTEs? I find the game interesting from the webms but they all end with a long ass cutscene finisher with no variety. Or alternatively, would it be possible to do combos without the cutscene finishers?
What was the best file and why was it _6
it was the most comfy one
>Shit platforming
>Bugged quests (The shivering woman literally will not spawn for me to get hermit card)
>Having a legion out even when nothing is going causes frame drops on a 30FPS game.
>Textures for stores pulled straight out of a gamecube
The combat is really fun AFTER you actually start unlocking stuff.
I gave DmC a shot a didnt like it, can I like this game?
Kyle and the bois
finishers give you back health and more gene code if you hit the sync
just don't press A to finish off if you don't want that i guess
just don't press a at the end when it says "A - Finish Off"
just one more hit of any strength will kill it.
Game is pretty neat, I just wish I could disable gyro controls on aiming the stand abilities.
It's a 5/10
>combat is very fun when things aren't getting fucked by the camera, it's a bit simple and also easy but that never really bothered me
>generally decent graphics, atmosphere, and music
>boss fights and setpieces are a typical bombastic platinum affair, which is obviously a very good thing
>questing and exploration segments can be decently fun when you're doing a unique quest with either a one-off game mechanic or goofy story
>for a game of its size, (much longer than most Platinum games excluding Automata) its pretty bug-free and polished in terms of tech
>lots of secrets and shit, hidden doors that lead to gangsters hideouts, collectibles, secret boss, and lots of little details like people saying certain things when you take a picture of them in an awkward scenario
>police headquarters you visit between levels is comfy
>File 12 has a bunch of combat scenarios with exclusive enemies which is cool
>like I said earlier, shit camera and a little on the simple/easy size with very few combos to chose from
>character customization is severely lacking, only 4 outfits and only one of them lets you customize the colors
>too many fucking astral plane puzzles
>lifeless characterization, no memorable personalities aside from Lappy and maybe kind of Jena Anderson
>story is pretty terrible, braindead anime tropes throughout, characters have story threads which are completely dropped by the end
>30 FPS with frequent drops, no anti-aliasing, sub-1080p, although art direction is outstanding which kind of makes up for this
>certain exploration zones take wayyyyyyy too fucking long and have boring, shit quests
>game is too easy overall except for last boss who is several times harder than any other boss in the game, feels like spend the entire game fighting a bunch of asylum demons/capra demon-tier enemies and then go straight to fighting gael
It's the Switch. The only way you'd get high frame rates is with PS2 and 3 era graphics and this whole 'only 60fps games are playable' is bullshit. Some games need it, sure, but I've played plenty of games that didn't have it and worked just fine. Could they be better with it? Sure. Are they unplayable because they don't have it? Hell, no.
Astral Chain is fun as hell and it's not until I get here that I'm even reminded of this whole FPS thing.
Did anyone else experience quest NPCs cloning during the game? I only experienced it once throughout all the case files but I had 2 of the same quest NPC standing side by side with the same dialogue. No idea what caused it.
Finishing enemies off yield extra loot and higher ranking though, no? At least that's how it feels
So how did dad turn into the Axe Legion?
Not really.
Summoning legions, doing link attacks, back attacks. everything gives you points and finishing enemies is only like 500-1000 more points if you spam it.
I routinely dont waste my tine with the finishers and I always have shit tons of money items and exp.
60 is the bare minimum, totally playable for "cineatic" games or slower games in general. For fast paced action games you'd want at least 120.
So should I buy
My answer is yes.
>decent story
>fun gameplay
>astounding music
>cool character design
>tons of replayability due to a massive amount of discoveries and collectibles.
Just finish if you need the health.
Depends on which half of people you ask
hey how about you shut the fuck up?
It's a fast paced action game running at 30fps, so no.
It was much better than I was expecting. Story sucked dick and camera issues lead to a couple agonizing deaths during the final boss. Lots of reused assets for a game 5 years in the making, but that's just an observation.
It's no masterpiece but it's still pretty good. One of the better high-profile games to come out so far this year but it won't hold a candle to Doom Eternal.
>this whole 'only 60fps games are playable' is bullshit
It is because the bottom level is 144 anything lower is absolute garbage and not worthy of my glance.
>playing at sub 240 hz + 240 fps
ask me how I know you're poor
I’m not going to buy a switch for this game so someone tell me why your dad becomes a legion and why your sibling has to be killed in the end
>not playing at 8k 360 fps with a 360hz monitor fucking weak
>won't hold up to a game that isn't out and is going to be just another generic FPS game with shitty half-assed "RPG" mechanics and forced story that only boomers would ever think to care about
>just like the previous title
The absolute state of Yea Forums
think it was more of a his spirit lives on type thing
you have to kill them because they're making the opening so you can kill prime after you've weaken it
Call me when that shit is availible for IPS, I can't stand TNshit.
Have you ever played an FPS? I don't think you know what a generic FPS is.
Bare minimum? Now I know it's just graphical snubbery. Anything above 60 is just plain old overindulgence and PC master race talk. It's no longer about the games but about how pretty and fast you can run it on your setup vs everyone else's. My game is better than your not because it's great to play but because setup can run it better.
-the dad is basically an afterthought although he is important to Akira, your bro/sis. He merges with his axe legatus because he sacrifices himself in the 2nd level and gets trapped in the astral plane
-you have to kill your bro/sis because he/she merges with the big bad, Noah aka Yoseph who has ascended to a God. There’s no way around it
Games that run better feel better to play. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?
I mean, playing an 120fps game at 120hz is a nice experience, but people are either memeing about it being required or retarded.
Your dad doesnt become a Legion, it's just that the axe legion was his and theres sentimental value.
>boss named Arke
There was no quality testing for this game. You csnt prove me wrong.
I'm confused about your post, do you not understand what an iris is?
I heard that shit too, I was wondering if I had misheard it
so does cleaning your legion do anything or is it just an annoying thing to have to do when customizing your colours?
No I mean the boss is called Iris when its name is Arke.
I’m missing one entry in the Persons of Interest database, it’s between Douglas and the drone, where do I find him?
Also, post costume unlock requirements.
pink stuff slows down its speed and auto attack rate
He means that the named displayed on screen is Arke but the voice introduction says iris
How do I get the full RGB colour customisation for skin and eye colour?
>Games that run better feel better to play.
But it's not required. A game plays just fine without it and simply dismissing it for not having it is elitism. I've played games at 120 and, shit, yeah, it's like wiping your ass with silk, but that doesn't make all the other games that don't unplayable.
It makes them less enjoyable than games that run better. With so many games out that you'll never have the time to finish why would you bother with a game you'll enjoy less?
>blaming the game for the switch
>not thinking about how it will be on yuzu emulator
It's platinum's fault that they chose to release their action game for such an underpowered console. As for yuzu it's not there yet so I don't see how that matters.
He didn't, it was just the axe legion reminding him of his dad
Legionis memories get partially transferred to the legion when they sync so when your dad dies his legion kept part of his memories, he doesn't actually turn into the legion
>It's platinum's fault that they chose to release their action game for such an underpowered console.
>it's platinum's fault who their publisher is
>tfw this game is on the switch so all the threads will only have like 5 posts of discussion while the rest is consolewar garbage shitposting and arguments
theres been multiple discussion threads that hit the limit
>Hey Mr. Policeman, want some information about mass kidnapping that are terrifying the whole district?
>Just solve a logic puzzle in your action fighter!
Get fucked
I want to beat these kids to the brink of death then arrest them all
it's not hard, pick the fourth kid for the first quiz and for the bonus round you want the shit on the far right whose birthday is the earliest with your AR glasses.
So you will only play games that have certain degree of graphical performance. 8K at 120fps and anything less is shit. That's not elitism at all. But you're right, there are only so many hours in the day. Why bother with games that you're just going to be nitpicking at the graphics.
just to chip in here, really what matters most is consistancy when it comes to framerate, a solid 30 is often a better feel than a 60 that dips constantly.
Amazon might have some
Thats called an engine cap. 90fps is not by design user.
But back to the 30fps. 30fps on handheld is fine. 60 is always better but 30fps is okay.
T. 2080ti 165hz monitor fag
So dont give me that shit, I am well aware
>8K at 120 fps
Clear exxageration there. You can't really get 4K120 in AAA games even with some settings tweaks.
But games that don't arbitrarily lock the framerate give me the choice to go for graphical fidelity or framerate. I can run most games at 1440p120 or 1440p60 depending on settings. A lot of hard to run AAA games are ~fine~ at 60 as they're not as action focused and generally slower. For those that are I'd take the graphics hit and run them at 120. Though a lot of the more action focused ones are simply easier to run. nuDooM runs at 120 even on modest hardware.
I would never choose to play a game at 30 FPS though, even if it's turn-based. It's just laggy, unresponsive, and causes a headache for me.
>WIP 60fps mod released
>No I-Franes during sync attacks
>But sometimes you do actually have I-Frames
I don't like this
For Switch games I am mostly happy with the game running without dynamic resolution kicking in and making everything look like muddy shit.
That one is the only one I disliked after the opening. It's way too long, the stealth sections sucked and too many sidequests.
This doesn't read like a 5. You are just a cynical depressed faggot. Consider suicide since it's obvious you'll never enjoy anything.
i broke it up into 2 parts so maybe that's why i found it to be my favorite
the stealth sections you can just fight through so i didn't mind it
I'd say it's a solid 8.5/10. Above-average for Platinum.
How do I do the flip kick?
So how do you pronounce your brother's name Yea Forums? Ah-key-rah or Ah-kih-rah?
I always forget to record my finest moments
Ok so I'm at the start of File 7, Lappy is freaking out in the headquarters near the elevators and Marie is waiting for me at the Heliport, so who the fuck is Lappy?
Rising was better.
They're locked behind achievements, look at your missions.
Yikes my dudes
lol, no. I wish I could return it for other reasons than the shit fps and generic repetitive combat.
If that "puzzle" actually stumps you for more than ten seconds, you might as well kill yourself.
People over 22 should be fucking women and playing PC.
Do you have ears? Play in original language and listen
Its a Nintendo exclusive, how could it not be!?
>playing a Platinum game
you don't play 30fps games
the operative term should be experience or something like that
Don't touch me you filthy commoner
Not a masterpiece, but really damn good
Would you all buy a sequel?
If you actually played Bayonetta or Wonderful 101 in Japanese, you're a fucking retard.
Alright, so I just finished File 6, please tell me we get that casual outfit as a costume. As nice as the police outfit is, I've been hoping for some other kinds of costumes to show up.
If they allowed us to roam around the world more? Oh hell yeah
Damn straight
later yes
>I just finished File 6
Did you find the secret Fusion Dance minibosses?
You mean your sisters name
>4 batteries
Levelling up your Legatus gives you more batteries whether you like it or not
I...don't think I did. How do you find them, just to be 100% sure? My biggest regret is that I didn't have enough money to get the little girl some ice cream, because I'd spent it all upgrading my weapons
File 10 you get it for good.
Most of the clothing you unlock is accesories to go with the main outfit. There's only a full costumes you unlock are the casual clothing, Raven armor your sibling wears, Lappy suit, and a skin tight body suit. You can only wear these outfits with head accesories and can't change the colors.
Man, talk about really dropping the ball with costumes. I'll never understand how some companies think this is okay.
I usually don’t care these types of girls but she is so sincere I can’t help but love this cute retard.
Astral Chain 2 with dating sim mechanics and more X-Baton modes when?
It's 7/10, pretty generic JRPG.
And I forgot my pic. Maybe I’m the retarded one.
I’m really hoping that they go back to the concept idea of x-baton modes being tied to the legion you have out.
Graphix fags are still coping i see, your loss, game is really good. 8.7/10
I finished it yesterday now I get all these extra cases which seem to never end. Already did 20 of them or so, but it seems like enemy damage scales insanely in some of them.
Do I get something from completing them all?
>more outfits / accesories
>more long, varied missions like File 06
>varied environments in the Astral Plain instead of the same one
>dedicated jump button to expand combo and platforming
>more abilities you can pull off with the chain
>crimes to happen randomly outside of quests that you can stop
>some main nvestigations unrelated to chimeras like File 06
>Legion enemies or thugs with Legion tech being a common enemy
Ending leads me to believe we might get a sequel or DLC featuring Kyle and Hal.
Not really. I found it a mid range game desu
I honestly dont get why this game blew up so much. I dont get why we even had hype threads before release. It never looked like a must have to me, and upon playing it nothing in that assessment changed. Its in no way bad, but its pretty bland and samey and just a decent but generic action game.
Why are people hyping it up/pretending its the worst thing ever? There must be a reason but I just dont get it. I'm completely out of the loop here.
No, Rising was better and Neir
It’ll likely be a sequel. According to Taura no DLC is planned
Think very carefully about which systems it’s on, and you’ll have your answer.
Switch culture they have to hype up ever game that comes out on their system
theres like 71 and you get a license at the end
If you didn't play Automata in japanese you're fucking retarded
bitch twin sister quite the cunt
Is there some way to up my rank within that file?
I only have 1400 max HP.
I honestly think it's platinum's best game.
I'm on file 2 and so far it's utter dogshit, and this is coming from a plat fanboy
The art style is shitty, the color palette makes everything hard to see, the legions being auto-attack is fucking retarded, your character's combat is braindead mashing, the camera is garbage and constantly gets obstructed or keeps enemy attacks offscreen (something P* is usually great about avoiding), everythiny my character does is delayed, the dodge goes nowhere and has jack shit for i-frames, the list of problems goes on and on
I am extremely disappointed so far
The bonus level with that decide to fill the entire level with nothing but mobs of humanoid chimera + super armor projector chimera are a pain in the ass. It's even worse when they throw in the buried projectors with the aerial ones in the same mob.
Post builds.
think the only way is to replay files
I think its mechanically Platinum's best game since it's not emulating DMC. It doesnt have the character of W101, nor the combos of bayonetta. It does have something that feels unique though. I like the setting too.
I was more pissed off that file 2 is still the tutorial.
I legit thought the exact same things as you user, but I've grown to love it (Also a plat fanboy/action game nerd). What file are you on?
>playing game
>combat is jank as fuck
>trying to think of what it reminds me of
Then it hit me. This game's combat is like a slightly improved FFXV
What the fuck happened to PlatinumGames
The combat opens up once you get some upgrades and have a better understanding of what the game is asking of you. I actually feel the dodge is way too lenient though, not sure why you feel it's too tight.
seems like another good game crippled by shit nintendo hardware
It's a good game. I was going in expecting something pretty lame but it's surprisingly fun. I was really worried that the sync flashes would get annoying but so far they're honestly so short I miss my syncs half the time. The zandatsu animations are definitely a little long, but I'm surprised at how much I look forward to the chance to calm down for a second in the more hectic combat scenes.
Definitely a weird game, though. You just keep unlocking more and more shit and it goes from DMC5 to Devastation to Bayo to its own little thing. Less combo freedom, but more situational freedom. Less emphasis on defense, more on offense. Proper legion management makes you OP as fuck and leads to easy S+ ranks, but it feels fun and, frankly, if properly using the core mechanic of the game makes the game easy, then they've probably succeeded in some way.
Biggest complaints are the lack of penalties for taking damage / dying / using items and a small lack of difficulty, though it varies. Otherwise, I really like it. I hope there's another.
He probably dislikes the lack of iframes on startup. Compared to Bayonetta, it felt tight to me too. It's just getting used to a different engine.
Overall? Yeah, I'd agree, but I think Vanquish, Bayo1, and TW101 are all better for me so far. They each have more flaws I feel than this game, but make up for it what they do right. The rest I don't know.
File 3 is is where the game actually starts. File 2 is still the tutorial. Once you have 2-3 legion and upgrade them with new skills and techniques, the combat opens up and it's actually fun.
You can adjust camera by holding up/down on the dpad and clicking in the right stick.
I can hardly find the time to even make a move in these missions. Plus burning, freezing, stun are really annoying when they hit you out of nowhere.
And I can't target the enemy I want to in this game, sometimes when not locking on it magically targets a different enemy mid-combo.
A lot of people review bomb exclusive games.
You can't dodge-cancel out of attacks, and the dodge definitely isn't invulnerable on frame 1. There's also a GIGANTIC issue with the dodging where you can often perfect dodge the first hit of a multihit attack and get hit by the second because you're still locked into your dodge animation.
All that said, getting hit's not a huge deal and you should be perfect calling anyways, because it has none of the downsides of dodging and a bunch of extra upsides.
>not sure why you feel the dodge is too tight
Against some enemies there seems to be an enormous perfect dodge window and for others dodge might as well not exist
I stopped playing mid file 2 after the big gorilla stunlocked me to death in a corner. He was obstructed by the camera, my guy was way too slow to recover and walk out of range, and the dodge just didn't do anything - its i-frames didn't get through his attacks and it was too slow to help me escape the corner. It also doesn't help that every action feels heavily delayed, like frame drops are fucking me over
>I stopped playing mid file 2
He doesn't know...
>Overall? Yeah, I'd agree, but I think Vanquish, Bayo1, and TW101 are all better for me so far. They each have more flaws I feel than this game, but make up for it what they do right. The rest I don't know
W101 is my favorite Plat game since I'm a Sentaifag. I'm really enjoying this game though. >Against some enemies there seems to be an enormous perfect dodge window and for others dodge might as well not exist
I think that's why they have multiple defensive options from the very start. The multi hit attack it feels as though they want you to use your sword slash to stop attacks. There does seem to be more stunlocking in this game and I agree the camera can be frustrating.
>There's also a GIGANTIC issue with the dodging where you can often perfect dodge the first hit of a multihit attack and get hit by the second because you're still locked into your dodge animation.
I've noticed you can cancel the dodge with a second dodge but after that I think you're fucked since the second dodge has more range and recovery.
Holy shit user, keep playing. While I can't promise you'll like it more, the game has a shit start and doesn't really open until File 3. I dropped the game mid file 2 as well until others told me it gets much better. Power through and spam items to 3, it gets a lot more fun.
I do know the game "opens up" after 2 but so far the game feels terrible and I hate the legion mechanics they've presented.
The game's combat just feels bad, almost careless in its design.
You now remember Chaos Legion, which was basically proto Astral Chain down to the summon system
>There does seem to be more stunlocking in this game
The super armor omega and alpha abilities can mitigate that but they also make many moves that only hit you once and put you in tumble hit multiple times instead and decimate your health.
It would have been a decent challenge if it was just 1 or 2 of he same type of projector chimera. Instead it's 4 to 5, sometimes with different types so you have to switch legion constantly to stop it. If you don't stop all of them at the same time, you're going to have 1 or 2 still with super armor that cause your attacks to clang, preventing you from making any progress on thinning the herd.
I didn't have a problem with the camera like some do until I did these levels.
Oh yeah, is there an autorun option in this game? Clicking the left stick to run makes no fucking sense in an action game. I want tilting the stick all the way to mean max run speed
From what you described it sounds like random bad luck or you're just shit at the game.
Once the combat mechanics click the game becomes all kinds of fun.
>I didn't have a problem with the camera like some do until I did these levels.
Yeah me neither.
That game convinced me that every japanese and or anime game is grindy cringy shit.
15 years later, it still holds true.
That's part of the charm. Nip games always require you to be committed, hence good autism sinks.
Is Marie the token disability hire?
See You can cancel a dodge into a dodge if it's perfect, but you're not fully invulnerable in your endlag so you need to move away from the attack.
It's easier later if you just perfect call Arms or Beast. Or parry.
Later on you get was is essentially Panther Within.
How do I beat the case in File 12 to get the Raven suit, is there a strategy or something ? I got S+ Ranks on like everything but I can't get past this this
I recommend git gud
>Directed by the Nier Automata designer
>Designed by the guy whose only non-grunt credit is Legend of Korra
So that's why the combat sucks
>Start to remember what sync attack are tied to what
>Get the skills exactly as you want them
>Get Perfect Calls left and right
>Get right into that beautiful groove and just jam out
It feels so nice.
But I probably should stop relying on Auto-bind so much and use the more unique skills per Legion.
Story could have been better.
Wish there were more antagonists because the boss battles grew kinda stale. Jena could have had subordinates. Kyle was dropped as soon as he was introduced.
Corrupt Max Howard boss battle?
You learn the fusion so late I only used it 3 times before beating the game and you can barely use it in file 12.
Use all items at your disposal.
But it's good though. Automata probably would've been good if Taro didn't destroy fun with his mere presence. Astral Chain proves that Taura can make a fundamentally solid combat system.
Could definitely be better
Yes it is. That's why I'm pirating it. Thank you, user.
Howl to stun enemies or ride the beast legion to auto-evade and regroup.
Then pick them out one by one.
The combat becomes incredibly goddamn fluid after a specific point in the game and changes up again later.
I wish they moved the part about the whole crew losing their legions to later in the game instead of chapter one
also the protagonist being silent was a huge detriment to the story
My go to is attack buff + spinning blades on Sword Legion. It feels cheap with how fast it can mow down a single enemy.
Any other good skill combinations?
So what are the chances of getting porn of this game? I mean I used to think we never got anything for Nintendo games, but Xenoblade 2 opened the floodgates.
attack buff, speed buff, crit damage+200%, super armor and spam attack
Found this on twitter.
>Chain'ed up FeMC
>But not of the fantastic hot pants butt
They should market Howard-chan's butt more if they want the game to sell.
No masterpiece but it's really good
Definitely the best game to come out this year
>OP is a we poster
Worse than "what should I expect?" fags.
Marie has tits and ass so they should go with that.
I wouldn’t go that far, but it’s pretty good
In my opinion is a genuine 9/10.
skin tight body suit you say? tell me more.
Why is the beast legion so cute?
it's the suit your twin wears in the hospital you get it from completing the toilet questline
You bring up another very good point, Marie's titties are outrageous.
eh, gonna have to hit the toilets then, I wander if I have to finish the file after getting the latest asswiping material?
>finally got the launcher move for actual air combos
I'm getting more and more stylish
How do you pet it?
Nier Automata also ran 30 fps for PS4
>with drops
DF confirmed there weren't any drops
not sure
if you get the saving pop up you can dip
Stand next to its head and press A.
It's somewhat fiddly, you might have to try multiple times
What are the air combo setups? Can you stay in the air after somersault? So far the only reliable launcher I've seen that keeps you airborne is stinger into sync attack with the gladius.
Its good, but I enjoyed FE:TH more.
That said, Im enjoying Bloodstained way more than any other switch game.
I hadn't played it until now...
>DF confirmed there weren't any drops
They confirmed some minor frame pacing issues in very rare circumstances, but I could see complete fucking morons calling that drops.
I was also referring to stinger sync attack with gladius. The manual launcher command for legions launches but don't let you follow up for airbone so I think the gladius stinger might be the only one so far
>>The interviewer also says that depictions of women’s buttocks in Katsura’s art are especially popular and asks if they took care to replicate this in-game, and Taura says that they did, and that even if the designs were not by Katsura, good presentations of buttocks are part of Platinum Games’ fate.
>source: frontlinejp.net
Or maybe its very good and you are a mad little manlet
Why does this game have over 3K user scores on metacritic when DMC5 barely has over 1K months after release?
Why do you think I would know?
It seems like you should be able to do legion stinger into chain jump to follow it up but yeah, it seems finicky. Another cool thing that I found is that 360 legion on Sword relaunches.
sometimes I just walk around the office watching the fabric crease on those shorts.
sure is some technology for moving around that you'll hardly ever notice.
>Playing for the plot
What you watch pornos for the plot too?
Sword 360 is a good extender, I love using it to relaunch. You can also hold the button down to keep spinning before the launch when you release the button.
I also like to do a legions unchained combo skill, switch to wearing the arm legion and unleashing a barrage of damage
>b-but nier tomato PS4
I don't give a single fuck about how that game ran on PS4, it ran just fine on a decent PC. Nice try to divert the conversation though.
Why would you choose to play this on the Switch? It's by far the worst version with its shitty framerate, huge input lag, and annoyingly long loading times.
You'd have to be mad gay to miss those perfect cheeks. I swear the lighting in the office is set up just so to accentuate their magnificent roundness.
>I’m back in the Astral plain where my dad died and drives people mad
Let’s clean up every single piece of red shift I can find!
>think balancing ice cream was hard
>mfw carrying the boxes in file 8 while having to blueshift walking people and open doors with arm legion
The local super boss can take up to 30 minutes to defeat.
Does this game do the anime game thing where it's an RPG but it constantly forces me to drop everything I've built on my character because big tiddy goth gf plot demands it?
I fucking hate that, I just want to have my character/team and build it. Games like XBC and half the final fantasies that constantly mix up your team cause me to just ignore the RPG elements.
It's a 7.
I'd give it an 8 and a half but the ranking system is beyond fucked, I get S+ ranks for using batteries and dying in some fights and then get D ranks for other fights where I dont even get hit once. Shits annoying as hell
>30 minutes
Getting some penance flash backs
upgrade weapon, flip kick stunned enemies
How do you get that janitor's costume? The one you wore when going to Kyle's hideout.
It's a P* action game, have you never played one?
Nintendo fucking owns and paid for it
For all we know they could pawn off the sequel to fucking Capcom then KT
I'm still waiting for Dunkey's take on this game.
I noticed the guy stopped using synch attacks after the boss turned red and unlocked the song vocals, I guess is because is too risky? Also the fact he used the Arms Legion only twice makes me sad.
This is my biggest complaint with the game as well. Its fucking annoying how I'll have a fight where I pull off sick as shit combos, take no damage and then get a C but then I'll have a fight where i know for a fact I'll get a D and i end up getting S
a bit later you perma unlock it
user. Tomato ran like shit on PC, to this day it basically relies on a fan patch to be functional. It’s probably Plat’s worst PC port ever.
it's not it's simple 10,000 points for S+ and no negative points
you can lose all your hearts and still S+
why the fuck is a protoss
I think is funny, P* fucked everyone who is used to "no damage or items = S rank".
are you cleaning the city?
But that’s retarded. I understand the argument for “they should actually have to do complex attacks and mix shit up for top rank” but you should be penalized for taking damage. It should not be possible to get your ass beat and drink items like water and still get an S+.
Use more Legion skills and juggle them more. That's already 4k points out of 10k.
Why are they such fucking litterbugs?
I can't go more than ten steps without seeing more fucking cans.
Guys how do I solve the second bus puzzle
but i like mcs legs
>tfw thought there was a max number of cans to pick up
Astral Chain DJs when?
What the FUCK is the strategy for Noah Prime This boss is literally, LITERALLY 15 times harder than anything else in the game. The difficulty spike is insane. Help me anons, HELP ME
Foomy is better anyway
You have to position yourself and the arn legion on different tiles so you can despawn it after locking yourself in and move cars to the edges that way.
The third one is even trickier, took me a good 10 minutes.
Get good.
In a non-meme way in the first phase use the Sword Legion to get some stuns for easy damage its zandatsu can cancel enemy attacks remember?
Phase 2 and 3 Beast Legion should be your go-to because of the auto-dodge, you can get some easy hits with the baton here.
When he turns red its time to swap to the Arrow Legion, use the blaster form of the X-baton too. Pile on the damage until he floats away and when get does the spirit bomb, shoot the giant purple energy thing with the Arrow Legion's mount.
When the box is complete you'll be switching between Arrow, Beast and Axe for a little bit.
When the box is made smaller swap to gladius and hope whatever Legions you have can pile on the damage.
Ride on beast to dodge lasers, get to him faster and escape the insta-kill cage. When he splits into a bunch high in the air to shoot you, shoot him down to stun him.
You can delete the file.
I didn't think it was too bad and then he started punching me for all of my health. What the fuck.
As far as I can figure out, your best bets are riding Beast legion around a lot, and when he starts up his insane death punch combos, you can i-frame through it with Arms perfect call.
It's funny, if you try to perfect call with Sword, you never have enough time to get the chain sync attack off, he just punches you out of it and you die.
How can it be a masterpiece if it's not on the master race?
thx worked
i thought you cant delte your posts anymore?
I kind of hated 6. Not only were there tons of side quests that weighed me down, but I missed "1" dude who walks through the map who had the term I needed to progress the story. I tried to find him for 10 minutes. Shit drove me nuts.
Only after a set amount of time. I think it's 10-15 mins or something.
Can we arrest that kid?
>using no armour
I like the shirt look, but it looks so out of place when everyone else is decked out in full battle gear. Same with custom colours. I wish it'd you change other's gear, or they just used different colours to begin with.
Is 60 seconds, specifically when you are able to make another post is when you can delete your previous one.
Yeah, that's the same though. But there's a time limit as to when you can't delete a post anymore.
what happens if you chose the male as mc?
does female mc then have a voice?
Yes, and she has a way better voice actor if you ask me.
But the post is still here...
because i just didnt want to get banned
the post is still valid
i'm liking it but jesus christ i'm bad at it
there are times where i mop the floor with the baddies, there are times where i feel like a toddler trying to handle a power tool
I mean the file, but now is gone.
Oh god I had that happen to me too.
Just sitting there with a single scoop left and standing in sadness.
I didn't find out how useful howl is until late game.
I should really switch legions around more often too, 50% of the time I just use the sword one.
Also I never used the gladius x-baton.
Just beat Jena. What the fuck was her goal?
>Switch Legion and Use Item get dedicated face buttons
>Lock-on hidden under R3
>Melee attacks on triggers
>d-pad to cycle weapons up and down
>no jumping, but you always have a dedicated Interact button down there despite it not being useful in fights
What the fuck Dark Souls loving troglodyte dreamt up this fucking control scheme and how crippled are his fingers, fuck
You can use the other control configurations.
To make people aware that Yoseph isn't exactly a saint.
Which she could have better accomplished by inviting you to a cup of coffee if you ask me.
She was probably mental from all the blue evolve, the rough and dirty look made her insanely hot though.
>hit d-pad up/down on pro controller to cycle weapons
>opens clues mid battle
I hate this controller, why is the d-pad so bad.
So did you killed your sibling or let the legion do it?
>Big boss fight happens
>Fusion happens
>"See I tried to warn you, you just didn't listen!"
It doesn't really make a difference, I checked on youtube.
But I let the arrow legion do it.
>Which she could have better accomplished by inviting you to a cup of coffee if you ask me.
Yeah, seriously. I love the gameplay, but the writing is pretty bad. Not that I ever go into video games with high expectations for good writing.
Same, and rip
if there was an actual bond between the cops and the legions that moment would have been way better
Dark Hero F > Dark Hero M
Didn't you listen to what she said during the fight?
I really hate when bosses talk while I have to focus on not getting my ass beat.
What does the icons next to items found in the file select mean? I assumed the paw one was the cat, and the + was something to do with the toilet paper, but I've found both for the first file and it still has them as 0/1
Not good ones. The problem is you can’t rebind controls freely and none of them fix certain issues like where lock-on and sprint are bound. Yes, you can move melee attacks to the face buttons (though the lack of input contextualization kind of breaks the Bow Mode and Blade Mode gimmicks as a result) but you can’t actually fix the fucking core issues.
I had kinda tuned her out at that point.
Plus I was a little peeved at her moveset since I kept getting wrecked by that spin that chucked out thunder balls.
Secret items and cats iirc.
Then you better catch up:
Square is chests
Star is items on the ground
Paw is items buried, requires beast to dig
brother Akira is cuter than sister Akira
I'm too much of a brainlet for these slide puzzles
I guess. He still sucks though. Maybe that was the point.
That’s Shizu
important question: can I use the robodoggo and nothing else?
How do you change the color of your clothes ?
That whole building is comfy as fuck and I don't know why.
If you want to get everything but S+ ranks, yes
In the locker room.
I finished the game and I don't have this option
You missed the locker room entirely?
You do. If you don’t have any colors, you probably need to go through your orders list and claim rewards.
Claim some reward user, to do this you need press those " - " button on your joycons
>red matter cleanup 79%
A lot of what FPS determines is the window between attack/follow up signal and the point at which you’ll be unable to avoid damage
It’s largely meant to make defensive more reactive
Astral Chain and Bloodborne get around this issue by making the tells take a bit longer and giving most big attacks an audio queue that precedes the visual one by a moment
He's still as much of an annoying bitch but at least hearing brother Akira seething in the game reminds me of a certain cute curry autismo.
Also as for in-game model he has a better face than the girl imo.
Thanks, what's the last thing to unlock in this room ? the thing with the ????????? on the bottom of the list
Have you unlocked the option to change your name?
I'm not sure what to make of that. I still haven't picked up the game yet.
Does that mean I'd be gimping myself or just not being 100% optimal?
>I used to think we never got anything for Nintendo games
is... is this a joke? I seriously can't tell anymore
Some fights will need you to switch legions so you can be more effective and win more points to reach rank S+
For fighting there's no harm in sticking with one legion, but for exploring you'll need all their abilities (and sometimes for fighting too, but it should be pretty obvious when you need a specific skill)
Sounds a lot like XBC2 from that description
Gohoh gohoh, irashai, gohoh
So when replaying files I get "ability code x1" when completing a section, but I can't find that item in my menu.
What is this?
Is there a trick to that last trash container in file 02 just before you get dragged into the astral plane? I get close to it but then the cutscene kicks in
>For fighting there's no harm in sticking with one legion.
Except you will get a shitty rank for it.
>What is mario?
>What is zelda?
>What is Splatoon?
The other user already said it would affect the ranks so I didn't said it again, just for casual play
Good shit
Remember Nintendo owns the rights to Super Hornio bros starring Ron Jeremy
So do you need to download a language pack because the voice option is grayed out for me?
These are all not that impressive
go back to main menu
You can only change it from the title screen.
You have to go back to the title screen and go to the options to change the language.
Use axe legion for blue shield,also useful for dealing damage and protecting for lasers and spikes
It really would have been nice to have access to that menu before starting the game.
Main menu.
Can't access it in game. Its one SKU too, given the JP opening is in too.
Only to stop it from ever being published... legally.
One and only time I game overed, but after the first try I knew the counter to every single one of his attacks so it was not much of a problem. Still a damage sponge though.
>axe legion
>clearly a broadsword
A time-bomb setting broadsword with a shield generator.
Wonder what ideas they scrapped together for the final legion.
Depends on how they coded it, if they did it with 30fps in mind then a 60fps mod might break the game like it did with KH2FM
If it was a pure action game it'd be cool yeah
But the game is so filled with unnecessary shit that just ruin the pacing, stupid gimmicks and the actual combat barely takes the center stage it's kinda fucked
Ranking system is casual as fuck and the difficulty settings are done pretty badly too
It's honestly kind of heartwrenching to play a Platinum game with even less replay value than Automata but I guess that's just my expectations being crushed
Interesting that you chose a character that lost to rep Sony.
Did you not thing that through?
Sidequests and minigames are fine but this game really overdid it with the filler.
I guess they wanted to make you experience the everyday boredom of a policeman.
his Male Akira sounds like a complete bitch, but looks like he should have a deeper voice.
Probably played it on easy if at all
Has anyone figured out what the fuck the Gladius + Arm legion normal combo sync attack does
Is that the floor-punching?
I think you're thinking of Baton + Arm. Gladius + Arm sort of goes into a little cutscene and you both jump into the air and do a little punch or something. I thought it was a grab at first but it doesn't seem to be and it does nearly no damage on the few occasions I can get it to hit.
As the game wasn't Jojo enough already.
Why is she so smug lads?
Knocks airborne enemies down and acts a crush to any Goliath-types.
Not especially useful.
except the soundtrack, which is sorely lacking compared to nier automata and transformers devastation
Is there some way to smash boxes without people yelling at me and docking points?
It’s good though. How is it lacking?
During the thunderstorm near the end of the file, don't follow the scientist, instead backtrack to the building with a hole in the middle. From its roof, you'll have to close portals while avoiding lightning. Afterwards you'll gain access to floating platforms you can move with the arms legion. Bring the top platform as far as it'll go, then use chain extending Legion equipment to chain jump to the next building, that's where the boss is.
Yeah, wow, that sounds like the sort of thing that would be on a charge attack or a delay combo.
You are a cop, property damage is not allowed.
There's a legion ability that causes a shockwave when you call the legion.
So, should I just ignore them for now or something and come back later? I don't remember getting anything that great from them, and a lot of them have nothing.
There is an ability that turns it into shockwave but I don't know what it is.
>the hot pants crease as the MC walks
Imagine being the guy that had to animate that.
Best job ever.
What did he meant by this
The entire game felt like an elaborated prequel to a Xeno game.
He really liked that one section in Automata?
He watched Eveangelion and thought that Geno was a pussy?
Oh man. You’re right.
Even the trailer made people think it was a xeno game until the gameplay started
No, until Kamiya's name came out.
>Ride the Beast Legion, hold the attackm button and you'll do a blade drag.
I knew Beast was best but I didn't know how best.
I don't even think he knows. The usual instrumentality shit
>have to eat 7 bowls of barrel soup for a prize
please god no
It's not even really amazing, I think I got a basic anti stun ability code from it
I ended up getting a "survive fatal damage once"
Best I can do
I actually like that the ranking system in this game isn't as autistically demanding as bayonetta
I feel like I can be way more flexible and cool while still doing what the game wants instead of being pigeonholed into doing exactly what it demands of me at all times
Thank you user-kun
It is not only the coolest shit, but it’s also really useful since it leads into a sync attack with what seems to be a lot of i-frames.
Concept art showed that Blade was going to be the one with a shield, like the blade type enemies.
There is literally nothing wrong with dodge in this game.
Dodge shouldn't be a God button that beats every attack regardless of positioning.
how are you supposed to get enough premium codes to unlock everything
Missions, chests and the hidden dig spots with the Beast Legion.
Play through every file again and go to all the previously locked places, and do olivia's cases in file 12
it mentally destroyed some powerless mexican shitter, so yes
is there something that tracks all the different collectibles in the game itself so I know what I missed?
what about cases I couldn't find?
I don't really like it that much. I don't think it's terrible but I don't see why everyone is going crazy over it. Just meh.
All the collectible you've found are marked with a tick after you pick them up, it tells you what you have and haven't found in a File for a second run.
However some Red Cases are hidden in a level, sometimes through a barrier you can't go through and sometimes because you didn't explore.
Like the Case with the Beast Legion, there is a Hermit base behind the first survivor in the underground, through a holographic wall.
name my band
this, DMC having punching bags and words telling you how epic you are is like when you make a kid in karate break paper thin wood and make him believe he's jackie chan
Trip City
>Hermit Legion.
>Tech Triumph
I hope Kyle and Hal return proper for the sequel, Kyle especially.
Really wanted to like this game, but the the fact you don't actually control your legion, has the worst camera in action game history, and attacks auto track to random targets sometimes ruins it for me
Kyle screams of wasted potential.
Was expecting him to come to my rescue sometime in the later missions.
>attacks auto track to random targets sometimes
I don't get this, why doesn't it attack in the direction I'm pointing my stick towards.
Sometimes even mid combo it tracks to a different enemy without the first one being killed.
I'm not seeing where collectibles are ticked
also if I didn't get 80% red matter in a file do I have to do the whole thing over again?
Got my first hard crash upon exiting to main menu after completing case 8, now i'm scared to boot the game.
Can you sell me on this game? It looked interesting but I'd like to hear from someone who played it. A friend said it has some similar things to Gantz, is that true?
I don't have a switch yet but I have no brand loyalty. I'm just working on my vita and 3ds backlog before I move on to the switch. Just felt the need to state this otherwise apes will take this post into console war territory.
On the PC look at your files, top right below the red matter count it will display the items.
You can't 100% most files without having all legions so better redo them again later.
On the map there are check marks.
Random image I found on twitter browsing #astralchain
By collectibles do you mean cats and toilets?
If you didn't get 80% it tracks your highest amount anyway, chance are you'll be relaying missions since there are some cats you can't get in earlier missions without specific Legions anyway.
does that count the cats and toilets?
>What was that?
I mean if I didn't get 80% do I have to redo the whole thing to get that amount or do I just have to go back in and get a little bit
there's no rewards for higher than 80% right
I think those are only tracked from the orders window.
Nature calls file 0X etc.
>A friend said it has some similar things to Gantz
Its a hodge-podge of a bunch of different sci-fi, it has loads of shit and even some Eveangelion going on, the guns reminds me of Psycho Pass and you live in a Mega City like Judge Dredd.
does the Raven uniform change the fusion form color?
I've combed through the orders and none of them reward the full RGB colour customisation for skin and eyes - is it from somewhere else, or is it just not in the game?
>owns a dog
>had the beast legion
You just know.
Yeah you gotta do the whole thing again to get 80%+
Increase your rank.
>Help me I'm being swamped by chimaera's!
>Rush to help her.
>The trains I passed through when I hurried to get to her are now locked off for the rest of the mission.
Last time I fall for that false sense of urgency shit.
>I wanted to fuck your dad and be your adopted mom
Shame about the silent protagonist thing since a response to that could have been golden.
Is it safe to sell all salvage items? I'm on file 4 and I don't know if I'll get introduced to some new system that use those. I just got cat food too but I guess that has to have some use.
Max was already a broken man by the time she came into his life.
Lost his squad, lost everyone he knew, was only still alive to try to give the twins a better life overall as if not for him going back and saving them they would have also been dead.
>The Stealth Segments
>Chain Jumping
>Beast Legion Riding Controls
>FILE 08
Yeah no, it sure as fucking hell isn't a masterpiece, good but god damn this game has pissed me off with so many niggling things I can't just overlook it.
Do I have to replay the whole file again if I want a S+ overall rank or can i just target specifc red cases?
Ah, cool, thanks. Do you know what rank it'll be at, and if there's anything else interesting kept behind rank?
Also is there a way to change the colour of your astral chain, fusion form, etc?
I don't get why they have to cut you off like that.
What's the point besides causing frustration?
Sometimes you know they'll do it but sometimes it's completely arbitrary.
thankfully you can target a specific red case, complete it, then quit, and it'll count.
You can reload sections of the mission where those Red Cases are and if you get S+ you can go back to the File Selection without issue, retaining your S+.
b-based plat
Good, because I got an S on the first evidence collecting, guess I spent too much time looking around for stuff I might have missed.
Can the others in your team perma die if you don’t save them in file 6?
look at this dumb asshole in a box
Play as the girl but she's mute or have her as the sister but be the guy? I don't suppose there are people who have done both and have come to a consensus on what is preferable yet are there?
It’s not that high. I think Specialist +.
I didn't make it to Alan in time because I couldn't figure out where the game wanted me to go.
Then the game said he landed on some soft cushioning and will be fine.
So I guess no.
Imagine being such a bitter seething fuck that you organize a review bomb thinking you're going to make a difference but just end up making a total ass of yourself and inadvertently get reviewers to look like the good guys.
I feel that Akira fits better as the girl.
>not being able to read and dab on shit at the same time
you are a casual,a shitter, and you have piss taste because you want to play a bastardized version of the game with shitty English voice actors instead of playing the game how it was made. This is literally the equivalent of watching English movies in some foreign language and is fucking retarded.
Are any of the ability code more useful than the others, or does it come down to whatever you feel like at the moment
Girl gets a better theme song.
Give them a break. It’s not like they have any games to play.
>hire voice actors for both genders precisely because of the NPC thing
>protagonist you choose is mute
I don't understand. The new Fire Emblem did this too. They will actually speak when you level up or move them and in the mobile game but they don't have dialogue themselves. It's very bizarre and archaic. I've seen some people compare it to Persona but I've never played it so I guess that's why some people are fine with a fully-voice acted game with a mute protag. To me it's jarring, for FE especially because the games before the new one had customizable avatars that weren't mute at all and had their own character.
But I'm already at Elite.
I'm conflicted female Akira has the better voice and her is able to sound like she has more than one emotion.
Male Akira looks better in the Raven uniform and suits the red hair better but his VA is nowhere near as good as the girl, though he does do the finale justice.
Character-wise I can see both twins doing what they can but when Akira takes the bullet for you in File 4 it makes more sense to me that its the male version, not the female.
But that is because I'm biased towards brothers protecting their sisters like that.
What file are you on?
I just got to the fucking box mission
holy shit someone please explain what the fuck I'm supposed to do
exact same happened here, was pretty platinum mad when I reached the end of the file and saw this
Finished the game and now working through it again on Ultimate, S+ ranked files 1 and 2 and about to start 3.
Persona, at the very least, gives you dialogue options so the protagonist still feels like they're part of the scene and everything going on while Astral Chain the dialogue options you get are just to proceed with the story. I'm hoping in the sequel that they ditch the silent protagonist since they already both have VAs and just go established characters for both of the twins.
Replaying game with same save, but in co-op
We at file 8 now, ask me anything
I still have no idea how I was meant to reach him.
Only eaves drop on the guards and look at the hand, you get an extra bonus for it.
That is how you S+ that section.
does it work?
why would you even care about optimizing abilities when 90% of fights only need you to use a single combo of each wpn, sync attack each legion once, use a couple of legion skills, auto bind a big group, perfect call twice and dodge sync a couple times.
How counter-intuitive is it?
You can cut open a door with the sword legion then there's a terminal there that lowers the second drawbridge.
>Can't fully rebind controls
>Legions share too many moves
>Legions can only equip two moves at a time, and they almost all want Power Charge
>Beast Legion is a pain in the ass the control when riding, and their mounted gimmick sucks ass in battle compared to regular parrying
>Dodge has no i-frames.
>missions are too long and should be split in half
>Customization options are lacking
>Legion scrubbing minigame is unnecessary
>Motorcycle sections
>Male Akira is 171.4 cm tall like his sister
It was a great first attempt for a new IP, but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. I expect all my complaints will be addressed in the sequel.
How delusional are fanboys
Yeah, I know, I went back and did it afterwards, was still annoyed.
thanks, will try to remember that
Savior is so good, other two songs suck. Yes, even the female version of Dark Hero
Nooooo this cant be happening
DMC only has stunning gameplay going for it, but Astral Chain has actual things to do and a feeling of progression.
It looks distractingly shitty. I'm really not a graphics whore and with the right execution and art direction you can make low tech games look great, but this tries to be fancy and it's just not there. So it looks bad to the point of that being distracting.
How do i deactivate gyro controls?
fuck those balance boxes missions
Are you just watching YouTube videos and going off of that?
I think you can drop the boxes as much as you want, all you need to do is hit every blueshift on the way to S+
Nah I bought the game.
Suprisingly well, I was most worried about the camera out of combat, but if follows players slighty so nto so big deal as I was afraid.
My friend played the intro, and then we spent 20 or so minutes on training getting our shit even remotely together. It works suprisingly well.
OFC you have to communicate with your partner a lot at the beginning, but once it clicks, it is super satisfying when you pull clool shit together seamlessly. Exploration and platforming come more fun.
If only you could play with real controllers.
???? I thought portable was one of the reason switch is relevant,these nintendies are so dumb
Playing portable is the canon switch experience. Docked has further framerates issues, like in BotW
The lack of anti-aliasing is a bit jarring at times.
Especially during the idle animation when the camera sways a bit the edges move across the screen excessively weird.
Surely we dont pull of as sick combos as in solo, as you are not in perfect control of both, but having to read and support your partners brings all new twist to the game.
If you both know how to play the game should go to platinum ultimate, you are basicly invulnerable when you only have to micro the MC, and legion plays it self.
>chapter 8
what the FUCK were they thinking
Shit ment for you guys
someone tell me how do i affect the C-scale rank of my legions?
Case 2: There's a heavy chest plate in the Astral plain in a side area.
Case 3: hidden holo-mask salesman behind a holographic wall in the alley you start in. Skull and Hermit holo-masks.
Case 4: After acquiring the Arm legion, move back to the staircase and chain jump across to a gate that can be lifted. Goggles.
Case 5: At the Aegis Institute you can find an eyepatch in one of the medical rooms.(sorry, forgot the exact one.)
Case 6: A cardboard box hat is under a staircase in the area you are tracking Douglas with the Beast Legion.
Case 7: cat holo-mask on the pipes in the area where you have to save one of
the police men from falling. headset down the tunnel where the homunculus attacks (the area where you gotta walk the officer to be airlifted out) the civilian mask is found in the blue case to hunt down the elemental, same area as the airlifted man, inspect the red gash in the groundto start it and find ot in the astral plane it leads you to. to get the officers mask, head tpo the car park that houses the elevator that leads to the homunculus boss fight, don't go up the elevator but instead search around until you find a garage door that the arm legion can lift, past this is a boss fight that after won you can use your axe legion to break through a barrier to the helmet.
Case 8: help Billy (the guy with the sunglasses) take down a terrorist plot and earn a pair of sunglasses of your own.
misc: the skin tight body suit the suit your sis wears while in her coma is unlocked by giving the toilet fairy all 12 toilet papers from visiting all the toilets in the game.
the casual outfit is yours for keeps at the start of chapter 10
the Lappy suit is acquired from collecting all special Lappy items, 6 in all.
nevermind, i was apparently just able to click and unlock that shit.
Japanese hatchets/axes look like machetes