ITT: Good GTA clones

ITT: Good GTA clones

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Im like a candy wrapper in an updraft!


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You are blessed,my son

The family system was kino

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I remember being so pissed when my parents got me this for my birthday, I was expecting it to be a shitty nigger-tier knockoff. I've never been more happy to be wrong.

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Don't mind me, just posting the superior Simpsons game.

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I liked Road Rage better

road rage sucks dick, are you serious?

Honestly I didn't like hit and run very much lots of the maps felt kinda awkward the races were okay though.

if you dumb niggers could read, you'd realise this isn't a thread for Crazy Taxi clones

Replay this game right now and tell me it's still good. I liked it as a kid but holy hell is it bad.

>so pissed when my parents got me this
holy fuck get out zoomer

A man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man

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Nigger that game came out 11 years ago

been rewatching the Simpsons from episode 1 all week, just got to season 5

its pretty weird how subtly the show changes from the FROSTY CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE show instead what it was
like Season 2 is still very corny but i can't really pin point where that stops. If I could guess I would say after Homer meets his brother

Season 3 is probably peak, but season 4 has some of my favorite episodes but a lot that are kind of forgettable aside from a few gags they put in

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>Garbage crazy taxi clone that didn't have any of the writers from the show.

Bai gawd, he turned into Steve Buscemi.

Still play the PS3 version from time to time. There's just something addictive about whittling the rival families down, killing their leaders and taking them down piece by piece, one after the other.
I do wish however that they actually fought back. Once you took a business, it's yours forever. They did add that in the second game, just too bad it was hot garbage.

what's with all the hatred towards GF2? I thought it was fun?
except for the Cuba map because I was already burnt out by the time I unlocked it.
still managed to took over all rival families down though

Don't use words you don't understand, kiddo.