About to roll Conjurer, what am I in for
Getting blamed for everything even though you’re the only one that knows who ACTUALLY screwed up
a slog until 60
dead game
Most basic of the healers bust also the most effective and the most fashionable
Less disappointment than you'd get going from ACN to nuSCH as a new player
Get ready for tanks crying that you're not healing, when they can't use/time their cooldowns properly.
An inevitable sex change op.
I just hit 50, do I just keep doing the story now? Do I bother with any of the lvl 50 dungeons/raids? Do I ever need to grind ilvl?
Works on my machine
t. WHM
Do the story, some dungeons and trials are mandatory and you'll do them anyway, the story and side quests will throw gear at you until you hit the level cap
Try and do the 24 man's and 8 man raid series at least once for the story
Dead game
6.0 when lads? I want to kill Mother Crystal and marry Female Alphinaud
>just recruited our third girl to join our static
wtf i thought no females played this game
plainsfolk lalas >>>> sandnigger lalas
Brah, Women made this game
Why is she so good at writing about manly concepts like comraderie and honor
She's not western.
Not infected by the cultural marxist brain disease
>not being protected from almost all criticism they deserve to get in ff14
anytime I call a healer out someone almost always whiteknights them
>guild drama
>filthy cunt slandered me
>see her camping house
>litrrally everyone is there with her
>my old guild mates who turned on me
>their friends
>mfw finding out Viera were made by passionate fem artists and not c*mbrain ex-loli hentai mangaka
and then every board on Yea Forums clapped
Thanks, pretty crazy to me that I gotta do the endgame stuff for each patch before getting to shadowbringers. I guess I'll get there by the time the next expansion is out lol
Women are more sexual deviant than men, most fucked up hentai artists are women
>comraderie and honor
when was that?
all i recall is everyone crying in every zone over some shit
anyone else avoid parties with selfish DPS like SAM and BLM in them? At this point I'm not worried about enrage so we don't really need them, much prefer a job with raid buffs.
Starting in the incorrect zone. Restart as a Thamaturge, Pugilist or Gladiator for the canon story. You can switch to Conjurer pretty quickly if you want.
no, because i'm not a tranny
Not everyone is a shitter that can't perform without buff like you.
Glad DRG got less buffs now, don't have to carry you shitters
lads can you get banned for even mentioning fflogs if there's no implication involved of actively parsing? Like if you see someone in a party with REALLY FUCKING BAD LOGS and you point it out?
now is the absolute worst time to play. queues are fucking dead. come back during a major patch.
yes absolutely
never reference parsing in game even in private chats
Not parsing, FFlogs. As in the website. Not parsing.
don't explicitly mention it or even imply it. I would just say "Wow, our DPS isn't going to be enough to clear this hurdle"
then i just talk shit in my linkshell lmao
logs are the result of parsing, if you think you'll get away with tossing around logs in game the GMs will rape you
yes. that type of behavior is the entire reason why it is banned in the first place. you won't be permabanned but they will suspend your account, and each suspension will be longer.
>roll CNJ
>go through sastasha
>tank doesn't use any CDs
>dies in three hits to big guy in room behind locked door.
I know how that is now.
If you say "just checked fflogs and the machinist has a really bad history, he's less than 10th percentile in E1S and he's cleared it multiple times all at the rock bottom" then there's no implication there of you personally using a 3rd party website.
But blm is the only caster/ranged that's worth it
But yeah, 90% of them are bad, you never know
*3rd party parser
>Unlock RDM and SAM
Is there a class in this game post-2.0 I don't have to watch a meter to play correctly
Every class has a gauge of some sort
in that scenario you personally just used the site as a reference to slander someone in game
the GMs aren't bots, they will destroy you if you do that
she wasn't corrupted by US/EU universities
Cooldowns are basically meters.
That's SCH.
healers never get shit. the only one who ever fucks anything up is usually ot
I watched a lot of Netflix when I ran through as WHM.
>fujo joins the FC
Destroy me for what? What rule would that be breaking. None.
>dies in 3 hits
you mean dies in the 3 hits after you didnt heal him after the pull before that mob
even then wanting to make the tank pop a tank cd over a single trash mob is laughable
what im saying is
you are shit and need to improve
are you dense? the reason parsing is banned isn't because of the technology itself, it's frowned upon by the GMs for the way it impacts the in-game community. whether you agree or disagree is up to you, of course, and you can parse all you want in a dedicated static, but if a GM decides to enforce the policy of "no parsing talk in-game", your autistic semantics about first-hand use or disuse of parsing tools is irrelevant. good luck with your ban appeals
>This guy has cleared the fight a bunch, but I don't think he's good enough to carry me, we should get someone else
because she's an emotionally invested writer who doesn't just dump explanations into your face about everything.
Imagine if you had been explained to about how sin eaters work, compared to seeing them be so docile in Eulmore and be the cause of a fate worse than death for someone you invested time into
try it in every party you join and see what happens then. just don't come back crying here like a fucktard
Over the years my raid has had a bunch of girls in it. One of them is one of the best players in our FC. Every other one has been awful, without fail. I don't get it.
The community in this game is full of whiny thin-skinned bitches and the GMs will absolutely drop the hammer on you for antagonizing their skill, never mind by referencing unsanctioned third-party tools.
>This guy has been carried through the fight a bunch, So i don't think he is good enough, we should get someone else
fixed that for you.
Parsing 10th is not clearing the fight.
>putting words in my mouth
Is that how people who play this game roll? Aight.
No, tank was full health. I stop to apply wind debuff to enemy. Tank is suddenly 30%.
Guess I'll just stand there and not dps.
Hey Yea Forums, is this good enough performance to play Shadowbringers?
Here's your DRK tonight bro
Only works if you made sure you didn't say a single word in in-game chat. Even better if they did make threats and such in in-game chat that you could report.
You can't be this dumb. This moron has been carried through every clear and the party was E2S not E1S. He has not demonstrated he can clear E2S, he only showed he can get carried through E1S while doing literally 8k DPS in E1S. That guy ain't clearing E2S any time soon without a hard as fuck carry
>I let the tank die to autos on a single mob
you are shit
if you ever let a tank die to fucking autos a on single mob
you are being a shit, sorry
Prepare to forget everything you know about MMO healing, because none of it applies in FFXIV logic except for not wasting mana on overhealing
>not wasting mana on overhealing
I don't even think that matters anymore.
You might want to play any other modern MMO. No, FF14 healing is no different than every other mmo healing out there.
dude you let a tank die on fucking sastasha holy shit
cooldowns or no, your reaction time is garbage, yes it's your fucking fault.
>Die in 3 hits in sastasha
was your tank naked or what ? even with shit gear he cant be that bad
I refuse to believe this. I have literally never seen any tank ever come close to dying in Sastasha under any circumstances in 5+ years of playing this game.
Is crafting/gathering worth the hassle? Been leveling it a bit now, and i fucking hate it.
Guess you have never gotten a tank in pure starter gear before. Good for you.
don't worry about it too much unless you maxed all the combat jobs you care about and wanted to do something on the side
Not in the slightest
I'm a month in and just hitting HW crafting
Are you fucking retarded? No one has Ice Lake atm
only a woman would describe what was depicted as "camaraderie" because they don't actually know what it entails
Yee I only said go home this me property.
I want to report them for harassment but they are all too smart.
I don't get it, how does this work?
If you already own a house you can skip the timer.
So people wait there for hours but then someone is just comes in and relocates
I am not fully convinced this is entirely true, but I'm willing to believe it with even the flimsiest of proofs.
>tank in leveling dungeons
>if I pull big, the healer can't keep up and lets me die
>if I pull small, someone gets buttmad about taking half a minute longer
>both of these can happen in the same run
shadowbringers pulled all its punches. after the first hour I thought we were in for some grimdark shit, but nope. just retcon all the lore for some reason and muh minfilia for 40 hours.
shit, stormblood legitimately had higher stakes than this xpac because vauthry didn't really care about shit until you started killing all the lightwardens. what a letdown. Stormblood's story was better than that shit. Oh well, at least it was strange enough to be interesting.
I wouldn't go that far, but I do agree that too many elements felt like red herrings, and the general tone was more light-hearted than what the trailer and early introduction gave.
>sets the dungeoning pace to maximum with their skills alone
>commends out the ass
why the fuck would you play anything but a healer in this game
>sets the dungeoning pace to maximum with their skills alone
no, thats the tank
>double BLM in expert roulette
>one is ilvl 470
god bless yoship
even the best tank can't pull big with a shit healer, but a great healer can just invuln a shit tank for a long-ass time.
>samurais in E1N doing less damage than I did on RDM at lvl 70
why are people so fucking bad at the game in normal mode raids...I just don't understand it.
>even the best tank can't pull big with a shit healer
I can and do all the time
>but a great healer can just invuln a shit tank for a long-ass time
healers cant invuln people in this game, shitpost elsewhere
>tank does single pulls
>dungeon slows to a crawl
yeah okay fag get back on your knees and suck this dick already
How do I get aetherflow at the start of a dungeon? Saw a scholar having a full stack once, not sure if he brought it with him before entering or if it was some cast.
I quit after clearing and getting bored of the first raid tier in Stormblood, how did they fuck up SCH?
I did it bros
because, and im not joking when I say this
pressing all buttons a job has is hard for the majority of the playerbase.
most settle into comfortable pressing 10-12 buttons at most and rarely pressing more than that
>tfw you are the i470 BLM
>manafont is off CD
>triple foul triple flare thundercloud t4 just melts everything
Scholar has less dps buttons, but is way stronger as a healer.
I just spend all fucking day grinding for Hien, that shit was a bitch.
i love dragoon lads. i just love it
I'll play when BLU isn't locked behind solo only.
Blue mage has always been my favorite FF class and locking it to solo is dumb.
The last card for me was Titania. I don't do extreme stuff so I was just suffering through normal mode, I swear it must have taken at least 40 kills, and it's one of the few story trials where you regularly get groups that flat out can't clear so you have to abandon duty. Never running that bitch again.
I got GNB and AST to 80 now, which job should I do next?
I play on controller if that helps.
because blu has dumb and overpowered shit in its kit
allowing to be in current content means stripping it that makes it fun in the first place
What's overpowered exactly?
I admire your dedication, user. Unfortunately I just recently got into the game before ShB came out, and I hadn't played last since before they added triple triad to the game, so I don't have the motivation to go hunt for every card in the game all at once.
>DRK gets gap closer at 54
>GNB gets gap closer at 56
>WAR gets gap closer at 62
>PLD gets gap closer at FUCKING 74
I think BLU would be fun in PvP.
So instead of it being slightly neutered in terms of kit but useable in content you’d rather it be broken and unusable in anything that’s actually enjoyable? What a retard you are
The absolute best feel.
I just wanna barf some bad breath on some niggas in pvp. Thats all. The day, the minute, the hour they announce they aren't locked solo anymore I'll buy the game and an asston of starter-pack-whatever-the-fucks they have on sale, bet.
Once I found out the game wasn't like tactics and you couldn't use the skillsets of 2 different classes to make something unique I could give 2 shits anymore in a broad sense, even if the game looks fun as shit. But BLU not having access to the complete game is the gate for me.
It's kind of annoying that getting every card is pretty much out of reach for people who are new to the game. For one there's a bunch of cards locked away in Eureka which no one is ever going to get again. And secondly there was the Noctis card that was only available during the XV crossover event and now it's gone forever.
Although most content cards eventually get added to NPCs but it'll probably still at least require you to clear the Eureka storyline. Plus there's all the old primal cards which are undoubtedly an absolute bitch to farm now because no one runs those trials so you just have to queue up and hope for 7 people who queued for trial roulette.
Why the fuck do you need gap closer until 80
this dude knows whats up.
>Mighty guard
>white wind
>breath attacks
>goofy random shit
Sticky tongue alone would be hilarious in pvp.
>leveling nin
>in alliance roulette
>forget to true north my trick
>green leaf tank randomly provokes boss so melee is facing flank
>trick hits flank
>ultimate legend catslut gets annoyed in chat
>leaving raid catslut puts down markers saying bad in front of me
Fuck greenleaf tanks
it's a mixed deal
>WAR's needs gauge
>DRK only gets 2 uses at 78
only GNB gets a nice deal
And then everyone clapped
Its a great game, but note that Conjurer is essentially a healing class. It is possible to solo and you have some attacks, but it is mostly focused on healing and promotes into White Mage when you get to the Job level upgrade. If you didn't want to be a healer at first, it may not be the class for you. Then again, if you enjoy playing healers in many other MMOs, that's fine etc.
If you didn't in specific want to be a full healer eventually but wanted to start as a "mixed" caster, you could give Arcanist a try (promotes to Summoner. You get a little Carbunkl or whatever they're called pet and have both healing and damage I think. Of course you get more stuff when you hit Summoner) Thermaturge on the other hand is the fully offensive side that promotes to Black Mage.
Note there are also Jobs that do not correlate directly to any of the beginner classes, like those added in the expansions. I'm just starting myself so I don't know the requirements for unlocking all of them as of yet.
you are merely jesting right?
you seriously cant mean that question right with stuff like diamondback and doom?
and people would be memeing with final sting and self-destruct
so you wanna take what makes blu mage special and make into another caster like rdm, smn, blm, but make it so it looks blu magey?
you seem to be the retard here
>tfw twin adder in frontlines
I just want to get my garo gear but being last place gets you only 300 seals
I've won half my twin adder games, flames are the stinky poos that are always in last
for me, it's sly
I always won as maelstrom but I switched GC because my fc did it. Haven't won a pvp since
I don't see what the big deal with TA is. Nobody pesters the SCH about casting Chain Stratagem.
>mentor crown, ultimate legend title
>status symbols meant to inspire respect from fellow players are actually the marks of a shitter
How did it come to this?
Feels good being a Flame and giving zero fucks about the PvP
They're not paying me enough for this shit
Kicking Raubahn's ass in HW was worth the entire price of admission
Agreed, Haps is a seething dickhead and Ethys is a Ausfag hipster who thinks his lore videos are gold but are shit
>manly concepts like comraderie
>There's a quota on how many mentors can be in NN
>The crown is just another dumb status icon
>Most mentors don't even help newbies
its a funny button
other jobs just push battle litany or embolden or chain stratagem. nin? their super button is locked behind a specific OGCD mudra combination you can't mess up, then casting trick has its own positional requirement
there are two filters where things can go terribly wrong and trick goes kapoot
>so you wanna take what makes blu mage special and make into another caster like rdm, smn, blm, but make it so it looks blu magey?
Literally yes, if it means I get to play my favorite FF job in content that matters, absolutely. Nothing you can do with BLU is fun right now and multiple jobs had to be compromised to fit into an mmo framework so I’m sure they could’ve figured something out. You’re a humongous cock sucking faggot.
weebs are arrogant losers and aren't humble at all, I've seen more non-crowns helping people than mentors and I've seen ultimate legends cause wipes on purpose
Who knows, people like to shame nin for no reason
People who try to signal their superiority in online games by wearing status symbols are always compensating for actually being shit. They are insecure about their skill so they wear the titles and stuff so they can point to it as "proof" they're a good player when anyone calls them out.
It's always the OT. Damn useless shit. Grab the ads. You're icon is blue for a reason.
Too easy to obtain.
>someone is throwing backhanded insults in chat for every failed mechanic.
>check they guy's corpse.
>it's a mentor. every single time.
>WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I dont like it even though there are others that do
>SQUARE please cater to ME
if anyone is a humongous cock sucking faggot, its you
sorry to be one to break it you, you big baby
>still no WHM gap closer
>Deflections and autistic strawmanning
Hey man, if you enjoy garbage that’s more power to you. It’s just a terrible implementation of the job and there’s literally nothing to do outside Carnival. It’s not fun. But now you’re going to reply with another seething post :)
no, if all the other real jobs get ignored in favor of making your gay ass job, fuck you. hope blu gets buried and forgotten. give me more egis btw yoshi p
You're being baited, dum-dum
>be OT
>try to grab the adds
>MT sprints around trying to get aggro on every fucking thing and moving the boss needlessly
>put the worst player in static as OT
>he still caused the most wipes
how do you manage to die so much when you have the least responsibility/risk in the group
>tanks fighting for aggro in Angra Mainyu
>boss spinning like a top
>everyone gets blasted
for fucks sake
>It’s not fun
to you :^)
keep being a big autistic baby
We literally have more women than men in my FC
Tanks fighting for aggro is the most dumb and annoying shit. Literally all they have to do is just one of them turn off tank stance but both of them are either too stubborn or too stupid to do it.
the skill roadmap is kinda fucked for every job. it's a strong enough deterrent to keep me away from leveling roulette, which I guess is a mixed blessing.
>PLD gets sheltron at 35
>WAR gets RI at 56
>GNB gets HoS at 68
>DRK gets TBN at fucking 70
That's an OT disguised as the MT
>is pretty much out of reach for people who are new to the game
I would say it's out of reach for most people with those fucking 5* drop rates anyway. I spent about 50 hours trying to get Bahamut, and eventually just said fuck TT when I didn't get it in probably 1000+ wins.
Sheltron doesn't seem that good desu. Convince me otherwise.
I think it's mostly okay except for some annoying things like DRK not getting Stalwart Soul until 72. The main problem is that once you get certain skills the job improves so much that you can't stand to lose them.
I like my alliance raids being cluster fucks desu. The butthurt in chat puts a cherry on top of the otherwise slow routine grind.
It's the worst spot mitigation skill out of all tank's so you're not wrong.
>Everyone gets their 30% defensive CD at the same level
>WAR is the only one that deals damage to the enemy when hit while using that skill
Why can't the other tanks have a bonus to their 30% defensive CD?
>20% mitigation for 6 seconds every 23 seconds that will scale upwards over the expansion
It's absolutely fucking amazing you dumb idiot
Just let them hit it for a while. Or turn stance off for one rotation and turn it back on. If the MT dies, I don't want my pants down or grab ads. Of course I could just use voke.
>Doing expert as a BLM
>Get Akademia once again
>Other DPS is RM
>On last boss, keep blasting the boss instead of picking the orbs.
>My dps is around 10.1K
>RDM dps is around 6.3K
>Butthurt SCH "You should do mecanics and pick up the orbs BLM..."
Happens way to often.
Got to make sure we're beaten and batter to call on our dark feelings.
It's better than raw int (lasts 1 second longer, has shorter effective cooldown)
It's better than heart of stone (20%+ to 15%)
Whether it's better than TBN depends on the amount of damage incoming over its period.
>that will scale upwards over the expansion
It caps at 20%
Look at block strength of 475 shield compared to 450.
Its not that good true, but what you must take into account is that pld will block shit w/o sheltron too, the skill just turns the rate up.
The RDM should pick up more through dualcasts, but you should pick up some too. Every leftover orb boosts the boss' damage and makes life harder for the tank and healer. You're not in the right there.
Can you block magic?
You can since SB.
You can block magic since 4.0
This is what plagueofgripes has to say about Yda and Lyse. Do you agree?
Yda has always been trash
Seems about right.
sch can pick up all the balls AND heal through if no one picks up any balls
next time ask the sch if he watched the mr happy akademia guide which clearly says the bitch healer should pick up balls
>ask the sch if he watched the mr happy akademia guide
jesus christ user neck yourself even if bait that shit's disgusting
>not playing classic
Thanks anons. It was a genuine question as haven't played tanks since hw and remember paladins being pissed Shelton was only physical after hw benchmark
what dps does GIGACHAD dmg ?
No black mages and too few pointy wizard hats.
its a facetious and roundabout way to insult the healer
he may or may not have watched an actual dungeon guide
Lyse sucks. Yda was so much better. Why do japs write such convoluted shit for no reason? Why did Yda have to be Lyse? Why couldn't Yda have been Yda, and Lyse could've been Lyse, and Lyse could've died instead. Right?
Yeah, Yoshi also had audacity to say something retarded along the line of 'we will never let shield block magic' or some such too.
>find out a healer lives close to me
>find out where she lives
>rape her
>she doesnt log in the next day
Asmon told me to strip and vendor all my gear then donate my gold to him. He has a mount and I am naked in stormwind
Because I didn't enjoy vanilla WoW on release and thus have no nostalgia for it, so there's no reason to play Classic
it's been a week, nobody plays classic anymore.
>Giving money to the people who fucked up WoW in the first place to the point that making Classic was easier than making a new expansion good.
Rance was created by a woman
i'm sitting in a 7k queue in a high pop server. meanwhile levi has a 59 player queue LMAO
So you aren't playing it
I tried it for two days. Made me wanna play FFXIV instead.
I have nostalgia for runescape, so I'd just play OSRS instead. People said WoW vanilla had depth and was hard, but it didn't seem like it to me.
Warlock is more like SMN
pls repsond
played 8 hours today bro, stop assuming things
it has "depth" in that you spam quests to level instead of spamming dungeons and it's "hard" in that you need to wrangle 39 other retards to clear everything instead of just 7
In that logic Hunter is SMN because they both have pets and DoTs.
protip use arm's length
Shit artstyle
Question: I'm interested in starting this MMO, are there still active players at lower levels? Is it easy to find a group of players for dungeons/etc?
What should I start with? Which should I buy from the store?
At retail stores I found a copy of a realm reborn and a copy of shadowbringers for 10$, is it worth it?
>Comparing TBN to all those skills
Not even on the same level
Not really, Hunter is more like BRD
From the starter classes, thaumaturge and pugilist
Alright guys
What arere the classes with the UUGA BUNGA BIG NUMBERS ?
I don't mean DPS, I want the class where I can have the single biggest damage number of all
I saw SAM had a 1200 potency technique, what are the others ?
yes, unless you hit very niche optionnal high difficulty raid mode from older expansions you'll find groups under 15 minutes
and just buy every copy of shadowbringer and sell the keys, you'll become millionaire
I think the top DPS classes are BLM (starts as THM), MNK (starts as PGL), and SAM (can be unlocked when you reach level 50).
Of those three BLM and MNK are meta
whats more fun black mage or monk?
>I don't mean DPS, I want the class where I can have the single biggest damage number of all
Ironically dancer has a 1500 potency nuke which is the single most potency in one move in the game, but they have the lowest personal and raid dps otherwise since most of their bread and butter GCDs are in 200-300 range.
Melee DPS limit break is 5000 potency I think.
>dancer is the biggest nuke of all
what the fuck, this is so retarded I love it
I mean as a regular technique of course, not a limit
A bad game. Just play WoW or ESO.
for 10 bucks its a steal, lots of new players now, but wait till 5.3 hits in a year or so. Lots of improvements for early game content should hit then.
BLM for big dick numbers, WAR is fun too, but you only get damage in bursts.
Can a BLM tell me if Foul/Xenoglossy are affected by Astral Fire’s damage increase?
>a story "pulls all it's punches" if it doesn't kill main characters every five minutes
Stick to Game of Thrones and complaining about taxes or something
What the fuck do you mean 'fun'.
BLM is your most standard caster, I guess. Long spell cast times, doesn't like to move, hits big numbers.
MNK is your GOESFAST class. Nothing hits super hard, but you're hitting a fuckton. You also need to hit from either the side or the back for almost all of your abilities to get the most use out of them, meaning you're constantly moving. It's fantastic if you like going fast.
DNC has a 2 minute cooldown that can hit 150k in one hit without padding
SAM can hit 100k in one GCD with midare, but that's with padding
MNK can shit out 3 50k+ hits in 2 seconds
>dancer is the biggest nuke of all
Considering base GCD in this game is 2.5 seconds and the 1500 potency DNC's move takes like 7 seconds to complete, it's not really all that impressive.
They do unaspected damage, so not affected by AF.
For your first playthrough/job? Monk. Black Mage is literally spamming fire until level 60, where you spam fire IV instead. It's memed as a one button job and in many aspects it is. The fun of it is in seeing ridiculous numbers.
>make threat braindead to manage
>still force all tanks to spam the same move in their burst phase (HS,FC,BS)
they aren't
Yeah but he asked for the single biggest hit. You could say Midare is because it's 100k, but since that takes 2.5 seconds, and a GCD, and 20 resource that could go to off GCD damage instead, and a full rotation to prep, you could argue that monk's 60k oGCD they can spam every oGCD is better if you want to go that route, or that BLM is better because you shit out 60-80k hits every single GCD for like 30 seconds
Should I level up an alt tank or leveling up another role
PLD has two 'burst' phases, and HS spam is strict enough (four casts then Confiteor) that it honestly doesn't feel like FC/BS spam.
Another role
user you're unironically just a shitter. My first time tanking in Sastasha I never used a single cool down and the healer kept me alive just fine when I had piss poor gear on. You're just a shit healer.
It used to be
>Vengeance Dealt damage and didn't reduce damage
in 2.0 but WAR was garbage so they just slapped on 30% reduction to make it "balanced" compared to PLD's 40% Sentinel at 180s CD, which ended up making WAR broken (in addition to a glut of other changes)
Then after that it was "balanced" as Vengeance dealt damage but was less mitigation while sentinel had a longer cooldown, and shadow wall was garbage
Then they removed all differences but let WAR keep the counterattacks for some reason. Should just slap a counter on Nebula too, and a Blood Price effect on Sentinel and Shadow Wall
You don't always spam HS though since Clemency can be a DPS gain.
There's convenience in leveling up all the tanks; they can share leveling gear, and once they're all at 80, you can toss out all of the leveling gear in one go.
It's a reason I leveled MNK and SAM together, since they similarly share gear.
Nothing in this game feels as good as vomiting 3 flares, 2 fouls, a THIRD foul and getting like 3 thundercloud procs in under 12 seconds. You can feel the tank going "jesus christ" and the other dps melting with envy
>that takes 2.5 seconds, and a GCD, and 20 resource that could go to off GCD damage instead,
Just to let you know, SAM gets a trait that drops the Iaijutsu cast time to 1.3s. Which lets you fit it an oGCD like shinten or Senei.
Which still doesn't change the fact that the cost of a midare is one GCD + 20 kenki
Does this game have the most SOULful dev team?
no one ever dies except some bitch no one cares about. game of thrones is gay, and that's not what I said. But in the introduction, a heavy, dark tone is set, and then it's thrown out the window for some lore warping nonsense and forest people. For how it was marketed to me, shit even Heavensward and Stormblood felt heavier than this.
Stormblood raised questions like "would you sympathize with hitler if all her memories were wiped?" Vauthry is bad because he's fat and mean. Light is bad, and the Ascians did literally nothing wrong. If I had to say what the major theme of ShB is, it's moral relativism, and it's pretty clumsy.
Just leave that group and find another this isn’t brain science. Or are you the shitter who is being carried and are you just projecting?
I main DRG and love it, always stuck to it since picking it as starter. Can't go wrong with BLM either though. Melee gets really fun later but is boring in the beginning. DRG gets AoE at Aurum Vale.
>Doing EX dungeon as whm for my shitty tomes, get twinning nice music atleast
>Tank says Hi using the translator shit
>Tank has full Eden exept deepshadow ring and neck, not a single materia in any slot, not even the shitty 20+ you should have out your ears by now
>Wont use and CDs exept sheltron at any point during the pulls, dont sidestep the buster on the first boss even after I tell him you can
>Almost dies several times as I let him fall into benediction range, need dat holy dps, still wont use any def CDs tho
>Rakes up 6 stacks of vul on the last boss and almost gets insta gibbed on the TB, still wont use a CD tho
>Check the search info out of habit
Why is it ALWAYS the fucking french, why cant the fuckers not suck balls so fucking hard?
What is it that makes them suck so much dongle that they fail at fucking everything?
Did this but the other dps wasn’t envious they were admiring my giant cock because it was a bunny slut DNC that had just used Tech. Finish and Devilment with me as Dance Partner
That mob got fucking deleted
If everyone in the group does 10th percentile DPS then you don't clear
Kenki management is a joke in 5.0 20 kenki is nothing. And it’s not one GCD it’s half a GCD.
Oh so Midare reduces your recast time to 1.25s? News to me. You fucking moron.
He's a moron but you're also a moron for thinking that SAM operates at baseline 2.5 sec GCD.
Reminder that D is the real scourge, not F
The whole thing about parsing being a bannable offense isn't necessarily the parsing itself, but the bullying it enables. No one should really care if you talk about your DPS in like FC chat or something (assuming your FC isn't a shitty hugbox), but using in-game chat to talk about someone's damage being too low is a big no-no. It's not like the GMs are going to comb through your chat logs unless someone reports you, but it's safe to keep that kind of chat to Discord and whatnot since there's no risk there.
Oh sorry user, 1.03s
Oh wait, but there are other builds at other GCD speeds too, so I should account for those. Or I could say half the unbuffed GCD speed and just call whatever retard responds with "WELL ACKSHULLYH THERE'S THE SHIFU BUFF :)" a fucking moron for being so fucking stupid that he thinks people aren't going to account for the main fucking feature of the job
You're a moron for taking it as an absolute value and not the representation of it being a GCD.
The game operates at that baseline.
You are quite literally seething. Attempt to better contain your autism next time.
Sorry user, maybe you can hold it for me since you're still waiting for a group who wants a useless DPS?
For jobs with baseline haste, no, it doesn't.
Haste is a modifier in the class set, not inherent in the skill being discussed.
>random NIN in Titan normal parses 23k DPS
Toad oil, bristle, moon flute, sticky tongue, self destruct on their healer instantly killing it.
The skill is specific to the class. You dumb?
Sup bro
But it is not a property of the skill in question.
This whole autism debate stem from me saying DNC doing 1500 potency attack in 7 seconds every 120 sec wasn't all that impressive when SAM could do 3300 potency in 4-4.2 seconds every 120 sec.
Literally had a WHM mage in a "Static" that wasn't using any Lillie abilities, and was doing 11-14 casts a minutes. They also weren't using Divine Benesion, and were spamming Medica 2 instead of Cure 3. When the Raid Leader asked them about it, they REEEEEEE'd and blocked everyone
Oh, I know. But this retard got caught up on the haste and GCD length aspect.
Literally doesn’t matter. You’re arguing autistic semantics at this point, not how the skill/job actually functions.
>what am I in for
A single-player MMO for like the first 30 hours
Fuck, Etuzan Jakusui proves that conceit. NTR, MILF, hairy stepmother, and a bunch of other stuff. She even looks like some of the women she draws, it's great.
Hayashida Q also makes some fucked up art, though she did Dorohedoro, not porn.
Semantic arguments deserve semantic retorts. What else were you expecting when you tried to cry about SAM not having a 2.5s GCD becase of haste effects?
Imagine the carpel tunnel...
>Using medics 2 instead of cure 3
U-Uh, yeah, pfft, what idiot would do that...ha...haha...
I don’t have cure 3 on my bar, I prefer the healing + Regen effect of medics 2. I never see anyone else use cure 3 either so I assumed this was normal
That wasn’t me. Amazing how that works out on an anonymous image board, huh? I’m just calling out your autism.
I beat savage 4 but i parsed grey!
So you deliberatley joined an obviously semantic argument to pont out it's nothing more than semantics?
PLD in general feels like ass to play.
I can see why people hate it.
>excess keybinds
>need to chain abilities to help mitigate the MT instead of one button
>maintain dot on one enemy as a melee instead of a self buff or not having to worry
>have to stop attacking to heal instead of healing off of attacking
>HG cooldown instead of something more frequently usable
>group shield is only 10% and needs a heal to pop
>PoA needs to wrangle people into a zone instead of a clean circle around the player
and fluff like
>no consistent theme to sword animations
>only one way to aggressively use shield
>quests are ass
AF sets are nice at least
paladin gets actual ranged attacks, that's why they get the gap closer late
Don’t all tanks have a ranged attack?
The hearts of men are black with corruption, and must needs be cleansed.
She reappears for the level 80 MNK quest.
Which one should I be, Yea Forums?
That's fine because MNK is gay and shit
That's not actually possible.
Ahk Morn says hello
Your 120 potency enmity shit, sure. Nothing compared to the power of Holy Spirit.
Though I disagree with that other user. Sure, you can cast it at range, but you need to hit Requiescat (a melee ability) for it to be doing the damage it needs, and it has a cast time until sometime after level 70, so it's not like you can move freely.
Well, are you a tremendous faggot or a tremendous faggot? Because no matter which one you pick, you're a fucking faggot.
>10k DPS
Your SCH was absolutely correct. That's piss poor for a BLM. I do more than that on my NIN.
Left, unless you're literally a homosexual male.
t. F
It happened last week, at the end of the fight he asked "anyone parsing?" and that's the only reason I even noticed. Wish I screencapped it
When you are getting nuked by Quitus Enrage, Thin Air + Presense of mind + Cure 3 can push you over the edge
cure 3 is good for burst healing on stack mechanics, particularly akh morn style ones that hit several times
This was honestly the best part about finishing up Stormblood. Not liberating Doma/Ala Mhigo, not “killing” Zenos, not the peace parleys. But knowing that I don’t have to see this fucking bitch on my screen ever again, at least until the next xpac.
It had some cool dungeons and trials, but the whole expansion felt like a filler episode.
Stormblood was so fucking obnoxious with its insane amount of solo duties that seem to all go fucking forever
>10k DPS as BLM
Shit dude you playing ice mage or something?
The orbs give you a damage up buff so you may as well.
>Level 80
>10k dps BLM
Shiggy diggy doo please be bait
We've been holding back just to allow you plebs to think that we are weak. Makes our job easier.
DRG is more entertaining.
BLM has almost went entirely unchanged.coming from Stormblood.
Ultimately your call.
play both retard
France is one of the places hardest hit by the cultural marxist population replacement via unchecked "refugee" immigration.
Basically, their IQ has taken a dumpster dive from an average of 108 to 91 in less than 10 years.
I wish I was making that up too
Must've been a pretty good player to do double the highest parse on fflogs.
You didn't appreciate the reward Lyse gave you?
Damn, BTFO with no chance of recovery
Hiding my account from the FFLogs boogeyman was the smartest decision I ever made in XIV.
Yda should've died with Papalymo and Lyse been her own character so people would stop pretending Yda was ever anything besides comic relief. Lyse is garbage either way and the single patch full of quests revolving around the Sultana after StB was a better character developing arc than her entire existence
When will they reveal that Lyse was just a prank and Yda is still with us
I swear to god I'm not lying
hating FFLogs is like hating scales while being fat
you cannot refute this
>playing any blizzard game after the travesty that was War3
Not my fault you don't want to acknowledge the truth
I feel bad for the French, I really do. Like many western countries, their leaders are race traitors; many of whom are knowingly complicit in the destruction of their heritage culture and race.
Something must be wrong with your parser setup if it really showed that number.
Say what you want about SB, but i'd rather those solo duties than fucking thancreds that went on for hours with only 2 skills.
I mostly agree, my main differing opinion is Yda should be sitting on my face, and the Lyse side is missing a clenched fist
>The WoL and gang literally fucks off to another world to get away from Lyse and her Ala Mhigger bullshit
Shadowbringers is pretty based, Stormblood is a fucking joke
Oh I know I'm not a good BLM, it's just my go to job for expert because it AoEs the packs into oblivion.
I have 450 ilvl with a shit-tier 440 ilvl weapon and parse at around 10.5k as NIN.
I don't claim to be good, but I sure as hell ain't a greylet.
inb4 someone goes HURRR HOW U KNO UR DPS WITHOUT FFLOGS; I have ACT exactly for measuring my performance for self improvement. I just don't wish it to be public
Still haven't set foot in a single extreme or savage because NIN is hated though
Then why did you use your dps as an excuse to not do mechanics?
any lore reason why the DRG sets have exposed sections
slutglam fanservice
It's hot? And it works as a distraction (everyone knows dragons love licking bellybuttons)
Better aerodynamics for jumping, also expands my penis
expanding dong leads to greater surface area resulting in higher wind resistance you dumbass. its worse for jumping.
>0th percentile
>not a greylet
No idea.
I know horns + skin help with SMN aether control.
PLD has cloth mixed with plate to handle the Ul'dah heat.
BLM limit their eyesight to limit risk of minions turning on them
MCH drag their tools around with them.
Exactly. It hinders rival DRGs.
you know the japs love coming up with reasons for things that are obviously just design choices right? do you really need that?
that makes no sense
war wear furshit to encourage "the beast within" iirc
The absolute top NIN in the entire world is barely at 14k, and blue parses range from 10-12k (ish). What are you even talking about.
>Want to get into MMOs
>Want to try XIV because I'm familiar with FF and know next to nothing about WoW or anything else
>Read this thread
>Can't understand half of the terminology
>Realize how much shit I'd have to learn overnight to not be a shitter burden
>Realize I'm probably too casual to put up with all the salt from the dedicated players
>Realize I'd have to try and regularly not fuck up in a role I'd have to take time to properly learn by regularly fucking up and screwing things up for the party
This shit is intimidating. Is it worth putting up with the grind and salty-ass playerbase?
Female DRG expose skin to make rival male DRG less aerodynamic, thus giving them an advantage. Also it probably expands dragon dong too.
>BLM limit their eyesight to limit risk of minions turning on them
i thought they were fashioned for people who would replace an eye with materia
>Still accusing Adorno of the exact same thing he hated capitalism for.
>And a bunch of literal whos.
Nigger, get better material.
Go read Debord or Mark Fisher.
The game will introduce everything to you over time. Take your time and enjoy the story until you get to the end game. There's no rush.
After he adds back the buffs for bards and deletes dancer
dragons have no dongs
they're sexless aliens
>manage to beat the shit out of rhauban
>ala mniggers had to boy the the traitor because she saved them
>Varis had to run away from us
>lyse is put in her place during the war as the service whore less efficient than some allag technology that rot in the desert for millenia and can't defend shit unless a fucking potato move the entire eorzean army to back her up
>meanwhile we just fuck off to another world to be worshiped by the local population and hang out with the creator of the empire
feels good
why would DRG fight amongst sthemselves
I never mentioned Adorno you fag
Not really. It should all come gradually and naturally. Most terminology is common for all MMOs and easy to pick up. You'll also have a little sprout icon to show your status as a new player, so others will usually be patient with you. There's the novice network (mileage on helpfulness may vary) if you have any questions, and the hall of novices to teach you the basics for each role.
BLM wear eyepatches to aim their spells better
there was also another reason but I forgot
low tier sex for a low tier nation
Ishgard women are much better
Its not that bad, just be social and ask questions. You will be marked as a newbie from the get go so people will mostly have oversight with your errors.
And if you are really really lucky you might even find a crown thats not a complete fucking mongoloid, but the odds for that are low. And as you dont know, crowns are people with crowns by their names, they are supposed to be mentors and help new players, most people tho just pick up a crown and plays like retards.
I'm the WoL, plenty of people would pay to have a night in bed with me.
people are actually really nice to sprouts, especially if they're not the deaf, mute, blind french kind
It expands the dong in their hearts.
Who knows? But they're prepared if they have to.
1.0 lore had something about gouging out an eye to get a free materia slot in their skull. Not sure if the eyepatch applies, but the wide brim of the hat is there to shield against gaze attacks too.
ffxiv is the only mmo i've played that actually teaches you how to play it, and the playerbase isn't that salty desu
>learn overnight
You literally have 200+ hours of story quests and casual dungeons to get through before most of this matters and if you pick a braindead job like DRG where the only difference between average level play and high level is coordinating a single CD with your party it's not really going to matter
>not wanting to shove your cock down Lyses throat just to make her shut up
Really nigga?
Fujos have always been solid anime writers. A lot of cartoons and JRPGs over the years have been penned by female BL otaku. It's like how the majority of h-mangaka are dudes but can write super interesting females
Obviously the patch is a power limiter, otherwise they'd nuke themselves and the surrounding vicinity casting fire spells.
>needing a tank
>needing a heal
Yeah that didn't happen
I bet they have degenerate tastes like Leg-locking and Procreation
I found a Cloud of Darkness in my inventory from the other night I didn't even realize I got, was I lucky?
Thanks, anons. I'll look up a base and expansion bundle tomorrow.
giving me bad flashbacks here chief
Yeah, and now you're forced to be Pipin's cockslave
>i'm sorry, my friends
>i must bring my second eye to bear against this foe
>skill unlocked: ultima
The worst thing about new players is that they're too afraid to just ask or point out that they don't know how something works.
You absolute bumbling chucklefucks will just walk around trying to act like they know what they're doing when they clearly don't.
Then when shit hits the fan instead of admitting that they have no clue they clam up and seethe.
Don't be this guy, use the god damn chat and admit that you're an idiot before things happen.
Ask for help with your class instead of being that retarded WHM so sits and fingers his own asshole during healing downtime or that one SAM who keeps joining your duty finders and never ever uses the AoE buttons.
Welcome to the game I hope you enjoy it.
Do you even look at the pictures you're posting?
unironically, ffxiv 1.0 classic server when? i know there are people trying to set up a private server. just wanna see it, I don't really think I'd play it, but kind of just want to see the story
Adorno isn't in that picture.
nah hes alright, gonna get purples with 475 weapon and 450gear. i mean, arthars parses 80%, just look at his vod, or log, jesus fucking chirst
>Based retard
Not an argument
This so fucking much.
People have this weird fear of using the fucking chat to ask questions or just talk abit.
I always try to talk with people when you get shit like shitasha or copperhell because you can snooze those dungs but I get like 1 party in 30 that has even one player that responds.
Worst are the people that just flat out ignore your advice, like how I told a blm to NOT be a fucking ice mage, he just went on with casting blizzard three and do no dmg at all.
Isn't that basically what happened during the Warriors of Darkness story?
>Ardbert is done and ready to kill WoL
>gives the OK to the BLM to use his ultimate skill
>if you don't stop the BLM you die
Well part of it is that so many people are playing with gamepad. I was playing on gamepad leveling for a while the other week and I couldn't be arsed to reach the keyboard to even type hello.
>but this game is designed for gamepads!
>it's a fire III mage
I feel so alone liking being a JRPG party with Lyse and Alisaie in Doma
What's the lore with Ishgard's snow? 1.0 is still canon right and it's all green there, why the fuck does all the flashbacks in HW have snow?
>People have this weird fear of using the fucking chat to ask questions or just talk abit.
Because people are assholes in this game. It's like they want to play but when they actually enter the instance they want it to be over asap so they get passive aggressive over everything.
It only became snowed over after Bahamut
> why the fuck does all the flashbacks in HW have snow?
bahamut fucked up their climate
I got the biggest JRPG party vibes off HW when you camped in the churning mists. Didn't get it as much in SB, but it was there a little.
One of the best cohealers I ever had was a British girl
>SAM cucked
>Figured I'll just switch to DRG
>DRG is too hard
Wtf SAMbros you never told me other jobs took actual skill!
SAM, DRG and NIN about about on par right now.
Is this an endgame thing? Doing 4.0 now and only time anyone complained about my healing was early in ARR when team (all three of them Viera mentors) wiped while I was in a cutscene despite warning them I'll watch them.
>Three players ignore the big fat in a cut scene text on a player
>All three are flavor race
>All three are mentors
>Blame the sprout
Like fucking clockwork
Class war when
All mentors must hang
mentors need a filtration process
their mistake was
>letting old mentors keep their crowns even for 1 patch
>only forcing one class of each role at cap
>no review of game behavior to see if you'd actually be a mentor instead of a nigger with a hat like the older MMOs
Cure III is expensive and has a short range around the target being healed so it shouldn't be your go-to by default but it definitely has its uses aside from being the most up front potency per cast aoe heal in your arsenal.
For one you can target it so this means you can aoe heal from a distance. Generally this won't mean much since you're typically stacked with the group but it in scenarios like e3s I've been able to save the team on the opposite side platform with cure 3 if the healer there falls for any reason. It also has a shorter cast time so you can weave in ogcds while spamming it during intensive situations more easily than medica, namely thin air.
Also remember you can cancel target or target the boss to make cure 3 behave like medica as it will aoe off yourself by default.
Im a mentor and a crown because I just want to fucking help new players and we really REALLY need some sort of filtration here. Most of the people that run around with crowns are fucking retards and should hang.
>about to comm a player
>notice burger king crown
No comm for you, then.
Same for shit glamour.
Cure 3 is great but your retarded teammates will never stack for it unless they absolutely have to so you don't use it a whole lot
>shit glamour
what counts as a shit glamour
Could just be when you play. I get friendly people 99% of the time when I play during off hours (in the middle of the night), but I see people getting aggressive more often than I should when I play during prime time.
You got lucky, but dungeon/trial cards aren't as big of an issue as the ones that drop from NPCs. Though nobody knows the exact drop rates since it's all server side.
THOUSANDS of quests before reaching actual content.
don't do it
>too hard
what ?
>started to main BLM in ShB
>blue logs on pre eden
>grey, green right now in savages
>my SMN had ez purples during pre eden
Anons, I feel bad. BLM is too hard for me. Even with tomestone weapon I feel myself worthless. Like I'm only one in PF group who trying hard to achieve decent dps whole SAM/DRG/MCH/BRD/MNK paly on autopilot. Meanwhile as SMN I don't even need to put efforts. Job plays itself.
Pretty much, you can't even get pugs to stand inside the massive glowing asylum bubble for longer than half a second.
Slutglams, usually. Low effort shit. Viera wearing the racial legs with bikini tops. Le ebin gay roe. Horribly mismatches stuff and metallic dyes.
For me chat is difficult because the game doesn't have chat bubbles, so I usually miss things in the chat window going by so fast. I really wish Yoshi would add them for players.
they need to re-tweak the sync system
>entire phases skipped in raids and trials
>sprout's first exposure to nidhogg is a speed kill
>A8's tune never reaches the zenith
>also applies to all the warring triad
>never hear the chorus at menagerie
off the top of my head
>like many
Try all. Every single one.
Thordan was designed for i145
Everyone is i270 at least plus all the different potencies
It's such a shame, they should at least have ilevel limit on them
>Was in a group that was so on-point he died before the first Akh Morn
>Saw a "that's it?" in the chat log from a leaf
Got me to laugh
>alliance roulette as a BLM
>keep fucking up because I forgot how to play anything under 80
>spell speed synced down to 900
I hate this.
I can't live without aspect mastery or umbral soul anymore
aspect mastery should honestly be obtained at the same time as flare. black mage is an amazing job, but its leveling experience is horrendous. there's lots of skills that should be moved earlier into the leveling process.
Based. I also extend to commending melee DPS first, then ranged DPS. Only ever commend a healer if they had to deal with a shitty tank and their MP was running close to 0 all the time.
BLM under 58 is horrible, you don't even have B4 or F4. Under 50 is suicide-inducing because you just spam F1 hoping for F2 proc.
I feel filthy if I can't finish fire phase with despair either, and lack of xenoglossy trips me up so bad. Going from umbral soul to transpose makes me want to sit in a corner and cry.
BLM has so many instants now that this is trivial as hell. You're not correct.
heard mr happy say that the game is 80 percent done. does that mean next xpac is the last xpac bros?
fuck off mr faggy
If the game doesn't end on level 99 I will be disappoint.
>play DRG in e4, 3k dps ahead of the second highest
>0 comms
>lvl SCH by spamming ruin in dungeons
>2 comms
That goes for every job. Getting synced in XIV is hell because your job gets completely neutered and it's no fun. People say you should be able to keep your skills while synced and just scale down your damage, but imo they should just lower the levels of most skills, that way the combat gets fun way earlier for new players too. By level 50 you should have 80-90% of your kit and after that skills are only every 5 levels or so. You only have to level up each job once, but synced content is forever, so I'd gladly make the tradeoff of a "less exciting" leveling experience in exchange for having a job that's still fun when synced.
Same experience actually. DRG main, then WAR and SCH. Just by leveling SCH I went from 150 commends to 300.
>Do the post moogle quests
>Post moogle dialog changes as he greets me as a friend
>Class trainer as if Im me and not my twin
Its the little things that makes me happy at times
Maybe because most of the dev team are big FF fans and actually play the game?
Hasn't he fucked off to classic yet?
Doubt. But possible if they develop PS5 version of XIV sequel. We know that HW writer working no secret MMO project
I noiced I usually get more comms when I do shitty and need to rez people as a healer.
Same desu. Going to 100 and beyond feels wrong.
That, and there's not much more skill pruning that can be done to fit all skills on hotbars. We'll have to stop receiving new skills at some point and start progressing in other ways.
fucking tourists go back to your real jobs
I generally go by tank->healer, healer->tank, DPS->DPS, unless someone really stood out or the person I was going to comm has a crown.
Yes that appears to be the common case for all josb. A good player does things so smoothly they go by unnoticed so they don't get commends. So the simple rule is to give the commend to a person that caught your eye the least.
They're not going to because it's intentional for these trials to become easier over time to aid players in catching up. Imagine if everyone had to deal with 4.0 shinryu as it launched, for example. It sucks for people like you and me who enjoy the trials for what they offered on launch but it would suck even more for shitters who just want to catch up quickly and are constantly being blocked by wall after wall of trials they're not good enough to clear if they were synced properly.
>Tank pulls one group
>they all do one hit and he's at 50%
>continues to pull 2 more groups without CDs
>blames me after we wipe
>0 comms
just get more uptime bro
There is a lot hotbar space to be honest. Some skills exist just to eat hotbar space. And if we talk about gamepads, AOE rotations can be literally swapped to different R1 hotbar sicne you never swap them. It either AOE or single even in raids
>Imagine if everyone had to deal with 4.0 shinryu as it launched,
They fucking should. They bought the game to play it did they not?
>tfw tanking gulg in scaevan
>everyone too beta to kick me or complain
he is literally a square enix shill.
Because you get Ilvl synced
I'm generally on board with this, but then they should increase the rewards for trial roulette, since the whole point is "atleast it's something" for 5 minutes of investment.
But BLM is my real job since ARR, user! It's not my fault YoshiP spoiled me with QoL skills that fixed problems I didn't even know I had until I forgot how to live without them! I used to be satisfied with proc-baiting with fire 1 and casting at most three flares every few minutes with only convert and ethers to even let me do it. I remember when all I ever wanted was aoe thunder.
can i cosplay vivi is i main blm
>Imagine if everyone had to deal with 4.0 shinryu as it launched
What was different? When I first did it a couple of weeks ago, someone threw a tantrum and quit immediately, then we did the fight with no problems.
>and are constantly being blocked by wall after wall of trials they're not good enough to clear
They can still get carried even if the fights take longer. I died four times the first time I did Tsukuyomi, and the group still carried me with little issue.
No one honestly cares outside drama queens or Yea Forumstards. Normal people don't even examine others in dungeons
That active column includes dots, and is not indicative of actual casting uptime.
>It's an user pretends to be new to start a thread episode
>uses the most basic bitch Yea Forums template
How can I check uptime?
No one likes roulettes. People do them for tomestones cap or exp. No one want to wasting time on "hard" content. Especially in game with such horrible level up system where you can't do quests.
Exactly. The fights are all faceroll now. Even someone dying 4 times can't cause a wipe.
4.0 Shinryu took no prisoners. People just could not see the end of Stormblood because you couldn't burn through him thanks to your ilvl.
A fight only lasts an expansion before becoming completely irrelevant. You probably don't even remember trials like Chrysalis and Steps of Faith because you did it not long ago. 2.0 Players have cold sweats about those fights because they required players to have a modicum of intelligence and co-operation ability. Permanent Min ilvl would go a long way.
Kinda. This is what I used. AF3 coat, AF1 pants, ridorana shoes, kudzu hat, probably any old gloves but AF1 should do. We don't have a proper black mage face other than the dwarf caster hat, but that one comes with an irremovable beard. Vanya hat is also floppier, but the belt kinda clashes with the rest of the look. The full AF1 is probably good enough if you dye it right.
My favorite is when they sprint through everything and stay outside my line of sight so I can't even pop any instacast heals or regen on them and by the time I reach them they are already dead.
>Permanent Min ilvl would go a long way.
I will just quiet instantly. And DF will be dead.
>difficult content
>without reward
can't reason with them user
these are the same people who shill jump potions
Alternatively, and this is probably a better way, use the compare functionality in FFLogs, and compare yourself against a good BLM on the exact same fight, and scrub the longer encounter range to be the same length as the shorter one. Then check each cast. Number of F4, Despair, Xenoglossy, T3, F3, and etc... are a very good indicator of casting uptime. The BLM with higher rdps are usually the same one that are just simply getting more casts in.
I'm pretty sure you don't want to do EX/Savages in DF. Especially when you just need exp for level up alt
I was in Savage yesterday and the scholar accidentally prepulled by pressing the wrong button and everyone blamed the bard
I know, I was arguing in-favor of older fights being scaled properly. The way it is now is awful, you hardly get to experience most of the fights and it does a poor job of preparing new players for higher end content. I did Titan (HM) 6 years ago and I remember it more than any of the trials I've done in the past month or two, barring Tsukuyomi, because I've just facerolled through everything.
>>>>>"""""""Difficult Content"""""""
It's Trial Roulette, bro
i don't have any friends to play classic
that's why i grind in ff
>comparing Steps of Do What NPCs Tell You and Shinryu: Look Out For Tidal Wave! edition to Savage
Is this nigga serious
Yeah. And it's easy as fuck. No problems.
People already quit Steps of Do What NPCs Tell You during roulettes back in days.
How much lategame PvE content has this game compared to wow? How bad is the pvp in this game?
people who wiped at 4.0 shinryu must have ridden the short bus
>people proceed to try running in the ice
While I agree with you on principle, the fact is they do not want the playerbase split up so much and stuck at different parts. For the MSQ, they want everyone to be caught up to current as this will help with queue times in roulettes and such.
I'm not sure if you do savage or not but generally the way it works is the longer you take to clear, the less likely you are to succeed as more experienced players have moved on and all you're stuck with are bads. It would be awful if this problem was applied to four expansions worth of content. We're already in a spot where even Titania normal can't be cleared depending on who you get matched up with.
>What was different?
It was noticeably more difficult. Attacks hit harder and akh morns were to be respected. And since team damage was lower you were seeing more and more of these punishing attacks. You had to be consistently good to clear it. I liked it because it felt like a final boss should. Its difficulty was somewhere between Hades on launch and your typical extreme trials. Nothing too hardcore as I was still able to carry as WHM as long as one good tank stayed alive, but it didn't feel like a faceroll either.
>They can still get carried even if the fights take longer.
This is true if your healers can handle it, which is not always the case.
A really boring grind
Why do healers and tanks in this game seem to be especially god complexy even by regular MMO standards?
>For the MSQ, they want everyone to be caught up to current as this will help with queue times in roulettes and such.
Then why bother with boss mechanics at all?
This is great
Fast queue times. Dps mains are glad to play after their 20 minute queue meanwhile if one thing goes wrong healers and tanks just leave because lmao who cares after 30 minutes it's another instant queue.
>need to take risk and cast despair while enochan has chance to dropping
I should go back to SMN. Too mach efforts compared to other jobs.
I want more postmoogle quests, they where fun despite just being mostly delivery quests
Healers are always on the edge and insecure because they have to read the fights a lot. If something bad happens they have to figure out if they did something bad or if it was the other guy and some can't handle that and lash out.
Tanks are usually more relaxed but some have petty fights about being MT and I guess there is some epeen involved there. Their job is braindead compared to everybody else though so it's all just unwarranted self-importance.
>they have to read the fights a lot.
maybe if you're shit at the job
t. orange WHM/SCH
If enochian has a chance of dropping with despair, you're losing uptime, and your spell speed is too low.
I hate this site because it still gave me crap with an orange parse on chaos and told me to put up dots where it would not make sense.
>Times you did literally nothing
Screw you, you passive aggressive piece of shit
Pretty much this
>Try and do the 24 man's and 8 man raid series at least once for the story
I wish I could but people always skip cutscenes and force me to as well otherwise they just die by themselves.
But the balance often contradicts itself, how is that an "NPC" thing?
> Bleach based character
talking about the risks
>tfw you hit your mid PB antman right at the last gcd
I'm just too bad. Sometimes I need to cast despair instead of another F4. Or fire instead of f4 because of movement. Sometimes I trying to be cool guy and drop enochian at last 0.01 second of cast. This is situation where I want to kill myself or wipe.
>pull dank DPS on savage weeklies
>keep getting added by shitters that notice
what do
Must have been during burst phase you smartass
or they could keep adding content even at max level
>wasting time making msq and leveling zones and low level zones
tho i guess they could keep adding secondary quest lines in the type of msqs if they go that route
>lategame pve
Per expac (ie every 10 level capstone including 50) the formula has been
About 10 max level dungeons (something like 25 at 50)
5 max level trials with EX versions, 2 lower leveled with max level EX versions
12 raid floors with regular and savage difficulty (the level 50 one of these is basically savage and savage+ and is increasingly difficult to find actual groups for since you can solo most of it at level 70)
3 24 man raid dungeons forming a series, with 5-6 bosses apiece
hyper-grind "vintage MMO experience" bait that you can sink hundreds of hours into with maybe a 56 man boss tucked away in it
1-2 Ultimate trials (only level 70/ potentially 80 atm)
PVP is either 3 shitty variations of 3 team CtF with 24/72 players, 4v4 deathmatch and that one assfaggots mode that no one plays
I don't understand how anyone can think the gameplay isn't retarded.
While I love the series and had a good time on XIV, there's a lot of stuff missing that make any combat "mash rotation to win"
>no elements, every attack and spells are non elemental
>no build, every job more or less play the same and there's not a single brain cell involved in the equipment/skill screen
>nerfing old content so new people rush it to get to the end made me spend 500 hours in pure easy mode, really sad, especially for fights like throdan (HW final boss).
In the end everything feels like there's no gameplay, and when I see people trying to convince themselves with this popular time battle mode vision they have comparing parsers it's just kinda... boring.
Stop overthinking and stressing over this, and learn to have fun. If you can't do that, why even bother playing a game.
As others have said, you don't have to learn anything overnight, it's a process of 200+ hours of gameplay before you reach endgame where the mentioned sweaty elitist players will show up and start giving you shit for anything.
I have never seen anyone giving a hard time to sprouts because they didn't know something.
So what do colors of the DPS bars represent on ACT/FFLogs? Is it DPS rank in your party, or rank for your class overall?
weak bait
Chat bubbles were added in one of the earliest patches of WoW if I remember right. How come FF14 never implemented something this simple? Did people never ask for it from Yoshi?
Nigger, BLM is all 'bout the risk as points out
You haven't truly lived until you've dropped a non-leyline despair right as astral is running out before a guaranteed death aoe hits you and you transpose out into safety
That or riding the line of life and death knowing when you absolutely don't need to move to your healers for a spot heal, surviving on a measly triple digit hp. Or having the perfect leyline placement that any other inch in any direction would kill you except this one. I get fully erect playing this class.
your individual play
>gold = top 1 highest single dps of all for this job on this fight
>orange = top 5%
>blue = above 50%
>green = above 10%
>grey = below 10% (? not sure, I don't parse grey)
>Vauthry is bad because he's fat and mean.
>Ascians did literally nothing wrong.
literal brainlet
Are the breakpoints
Everyone already knows that MMOs are the paralympics of gaming. I play to relax and wind down, having avoided MMOs when I was younger. The lack of elements do piss me off since we won't be getting Mystic Knights.
What is this Eureka? How do you get to it? Is it even worth the time?
>>double BLM in expert roulette
>>one is ilvl 470
>Tank : Pulls only 1 mob
fucking every time.
>Everyone already knows that MMOs are the paralympics of gaming.
But why? They're not different from normal games.
It's co-op and requires no fine motor skills like aiming. You just press the right buttons at the right time and memorize fights. MMOs are designed so they can be played by everyone including the crippled who couldn't play other online games. MMOs don't have to be different from other games, but by including everyone for profit it naturally turns out this way.
Reminder that you shouldn't queue for Orbonne Monastery if you're a shitter
I only queued exactly one time, just to get it cleared once. Naturally I was a shitter because I didn't know what was going on.
Do you think I give a fuck? Think again.
>but by including everyone for profit it naturally turns out this way
but that's literally why people shit on things like CoD and FIFA?
Being new to a raid and being just shit are different things.
I do miss shield bash
They're equally rewarding in terms of cyber bullying though. Why do I get shit on for being a first timer every single time. I don't even die, I just do below average and choke on rotations, I thought this game was made to relax, not to play pretend esport superstar
u mean wow? yeah
So all games outside quake style competitive arena shooters are "braided" as I understand? Cybersportkeks can't be even more delusional.
>Wargame doesn't need high APM
>it's braindead