Share the best memories you had playing vidya with your sister. Its part of mexican culture for me cause we were poor and i had to play with her xbox.
Share the best memories you had playing vidya with your sister...
i wish i had a little sister
I don't think I have a best memory, every moment I spend with her is precious, we get together every now and then and do all nighters every weekend playing vidya, watching movies and eating lots of junk food. We having tacos next weekend
We had sex
Don't really have any besides us enjoying Spyro and Crash. Otherwise I liked playing Brigandine, then sometimes she and my third brother watched me play R&C
My younger sister and me used to play the pokemon stadium games together a lot when we were kids. I'd let her win sometimes so she didnt get so upset. Now she lives a state away and I havent seen her in three years.
Her pinning me by the wall by my throat, she locking me out of house just because i wanted to hang out with her, Her calling me an idiot.
These days, both as adults, we have a ok relationship, but she never quite apologized, and i think she still hates me.
Thanks for reading my blog
>dem tiddie stretch marks
>Her pinning me by the wall by my throat, she locking me out of house just because i wanted to hang out with her
man, I loved hitting puberty and being able to overpower my older sister and finally knock the shit out of her when she wanted to start shit.
Bitch i use to binge tacos with my sis. We were basically having orgasms over the salsa.
Probably because you dont make an effort to better yourself to where women might like you. I'd imagine losing weight and having real life hobbies that make you go outside would probably help. But that's just a theory. A GAY THEORY
I do, but the women around me are gold diggers. Also, im about 5'8 148lbs.
That's most places sadly. I'd say the height might be a problem but I know a 5'4" guy that gets loads of ladies
I was replaying the Mass Effect trilogy with her a few weeks ago and she accidentally mentioned how hot Garrus was.
Playing Half-Life head to head mode on the ps2. Would always get codebreaker and turn on cheats to get infinite snarks then stand at the highest point in the level and throw hundreds of them while the person at the top would try sniping them with a crossbow while outrunning the snarks.
take me back
My sister likes Krogan guys
>Its part of mexican culture for me
what is? playing xbox with your sister, or being poor? man... mexico is a crazy place
>ywn be 8 again and play sims 1&2 with your 14 year old sister
Better yourself? You mean change who you are to appease a rotting culture.
she's not wrong though?
I played a lot of Diablo 2, Soul Calibur 3, Guitar Hero 3, Bloody Roar 2 and minecraft with my two big sisters, I'm sure we played other games too but those are the ones I remember the most right now.
Yeah because being healthier and going outside is a bad idea
It's a humanized bird dude, i'm afraid my sister might be a furfag.
Are you me?
You don't. They act like they're owed something all the time even if you do shit for them 24/7. My older sister is chill and takes responsibility for herself always. My little sister makes everyone do her chores for her because she's "the baby". At 25 years old she still pulls this shit.
My best memory of gaming with my sister is when she killed a Deathclaw in FNV with nothing but a fucking BB Gun.
My sister grew up to be a massive piece of shit and I hope one of us dies soon so I don't have to deal with her ever again, buuuuut
She would really get into certain games if given the chance. We used to have a lot of fun just fucking around in the Sims or Skyrim or whatever, and our commentary and thoughts on story modes (to make fun of) clicked a lot. If me and my brothers bored her enough by proxy, she'd eventually get interested in games we played a lot like RE5 and MK9, and I remember we once stayed up for hours together beating some L4D2 campaign that we probably both regret starting on whatever settings we did with 2 bots
Me and my cousin would put chairs in the basement to make a little fort with blankets and sheets and then play Crash Bandicoot 2 under the tent until we got tired
i always used video games as a way of taking advantage of my sister; "do the dishes and i'll let you play" "get me a pack of potato chips from the store and i'll let you play" "suck me off and i'll let you play" you know, shit like that.
>i had to play with her xbox.
I know what you mean, I'd play with her Xbox too if she'd look like that. Was it huge ?
>5th of 6 kids
>oldest 3 more or less hung out with each other
>me and the younger sisters got hand-me-downs including consoles
>playing on the snes while the older kids were playing on the n64
>taking turns playing turtles in time
>get bored waiting around and go ask the older siblings if I can join them since it's a 4 player console
>they're playing rampage world tour
My sister used to wrestle me when i lost in vidya against her.
Then she sat on my face until i admitted she was better.
She also made it into i game that i licked her pussy sometimes when i lost.
I wasn't old enough to know this was wrong but she sure was.
We don't talk much now when we meet eachothers
>You don't. They act like they're owed something all the time even if you do shit for them 24/7.
>he never dicked his sister into submission
weak, that's why you're still a virgin
>Sister watch me play vidya at 2 in the morning
>start tickling sister
>Mom comes in and thought we were having sex
Now that I think about it, there were 2 other times she thought we were having sex too. I think my mom might have been molested as a kid
I was too
Who /OnlyChildChad/ here?
Your family sounds white trash af
>I was too
I'm a nigger
Me and my sis playing through silent hill 1-4, when we were young
So I wasn't to good kind of molesting was it?
nope. At least I didn't get AIDS.
What is "healthy"?
i had to give her 5 bucks to beat Pokemon Red's Victory Road for me
also she played a little bit of WoW as a Blood Elf but dropped it after 5 minutes
This thread was a mistake
be the change you want to see faggot. complaining and making excuses is for women.
Sounds fun. I'm the second of 5, but my older sister is 10 years older and my baby sister was spoiled rotten and never wanted to play with me and my brothers.
I have never had a single positive interaction with a female.