>believing insiders
This post was one of a million shitty rosterfag fake leaks, now insiders are grasping to it the same way they did with the Grinch leak
Ryu Hayabusa will NEVER EVER be in smash
Believing insiders
>the Grinch leak
But that's wrong you fucking idiot, no credible insider piggybacked that shitty fake leak, Vergeben outright said it conflicted with his information and he was right.
Screencapped for my cringe montage
this, the day of the zoomer seethe is upon us
It is interesting that all these Twitter (((insiders))) all gained the same knowledge at the same time right after the SNK Copyright leak. Really activates my almonds.
>post yfw the website copyright leak turns out to be a webdev error and every insider is irreparably BTFO
I hope the SNK part is true but I'd much prefer a Metal Slug rep to Terry
Would be great, probably won't happen though.
not OP but why do you think it's anything special? I can make a post just like it right now.
I have inside knowledge for the last two characters.
It's Barney the Dinosaur and Captain Crunch.
They will both get a healthy amount of music, around 15 to 20 tracks each.
etc. etc.
Why is the OP post valid?
Why did this leak gain traction when there are millions of threads predicting Terry and some other character
Desperation from leakers to seem like they had credibility & Yea Forums was desperate for anyone that wasn’t a female character
>insiders are grasping to it the same way they did with the Grinch leak
This didn't happen. They all said it was fake because Incineroar was missing and it had assist trophies in it.
It's a win win for me.
I like Both Terry Bowgard and Ryu Ninjamin, but I also like to watch Internet peeps burn.
>Terry in Incineroar's trailer
This works too well. It can't be true.
If I see that fucking PunchOut arena I'm going to lose my shit
notice also how everyone jumped on the Terry bandwagon the moment gamexplain posted that hat pic, literally everyone of then including Virginbin and Sabi went with the "of course it was Terry" even though everyone was "hinting" at Nakuru the last few months.
It was made before the SNK leak, and it contains an SNK character. All leaks before the SNK leak that include a SNK character are to be taken more seriously.
No real leak this far from a direct has ever mentioned seeing the fucking trailer, millions of fake leaks have.
Please be fake
Fuck off, Virginben.
Never forget Links Awakening
>Ryu helping Simon against eastern monsters
this is the most strange part of that post for me, the ninja gaiden games are pretty straight forward with their monsters and other type of enemies, while there are fair share of "eastern" monsters, they are pretty simplistic , most of then are related to other ninja clans or villains like Genshi who was human to beging with, most of the non-human fiends and other monsters are pretty much straight fordward with their designs and even a lot of then have a clear western influence like the devils in 3...and even if we go with 3 which was the last game...or Yaiba for that matter didn't even had demons but a bunch out of terrorist, bio-weapons or just a bunch of zombies.
I found it weird that he specifically mentioned Simon when both he and Richter appear in the trailer
>around 15 to 20 tracks each
I don't care what fucking character you think it's going to be, that shit isn't happening.
Castlevania got 30 something
>Ryu Hayabusa will NEVER EVER be in smash
Sabi is backing verge on terry being in as well as other leakers saying the same. She has also pointed this leak out but only said to watch this leak if the trailer lines up
I’m not sure what every leaker is saying but terry is 100% happening and this leak might be right but we’ll see hopefully on the 4th or sometime soon
What the fuck is an insider?
Is it really a more pretentious way to say leaker? Because if it is, and you unironically say it, then kill self.