Why was VC4 not a success? They tried going back to VC1 since that was the most popular but it didn't work. It had god tier character designs too.
Why was VC4 not a success? They tried going back to VC1 since that was the most popular but it didn't work...
I pick left
because it wasnt marketed at all.
it came out at a bad time, near smash time and other titles
did anyone who wasn't following it already even know VC4 existed?
I pick right and force left to watch and clean up after
I pick left to give a rimjob while right does a blowjob
I pick you two. you're both coming over to my house to play transformers. You can be anyone you want except soundwave. Im always soundwave.
This man is a fucking genius
I hate transformers do you have any Gundam
Who did y'all pick to go with Raz?
Fuck you I want to be Soundwave.
I'd rather right.
nobody has faith in the franchise with all the shit its been through.
maybe there just isnt a market big enough for these games
It was exactly what the fans asked for. A return to consoles and a return to VC1 style of maps and story. I think it just goes to show that VC is just a really niche series. Maybe it would have sold more if they turned it into Fire Emblem and let you fuck whoever you want.
I had fun with it.
Bought it and played it through for fun.
100% achievemented it.
Got the DLC and beat that.
Decided to rerun and Scout cheese all levels.
After that I just feel no point to touch it anymore. I've done it all.
I did my part.
And the answer to OP's question is just SEGA marketing
You're probably right
exception being Marios vs Rabbids even though how similar it is to VC in general is debatable other than tactics
You picked right
>hurr durr lets return to form
literally every review sounded like the review for VC1
and even the VC veterans said "if you want more of VC1"
which to me said
>i already have VC1, why the fuck would i pay full price for the exact same flaws
That's straight up not true. The much more varied win conditions fixed VC1's biggest flaw. The fact that you can't just win by capturing one camp nerfs pure scout rushes.
Fug I want to run my fingers upward through her hair.
Maybe if they hadn't used the same exact engine and graphics for a 10 year old game they would've had more of a following.