I mostly like action jrpgs, only finished ff tactics and almost finished ff 3,4 remakes. FF X and XII seem the most interesting for me, setting wise. Not a huge fan of turn based system though.
Which FF to play?
Play the ATB ones at max speed
Yuna is Best Girl.
You mean the ones that have the gauge, like ff 4? Wasn't a huge fan of that but it's more fun than 3 to say the least. But ff x or xii interest me the most cause of xenoblade like mmo gameplay.
>Not a huge fan of turn based system
Then you're not going to like 1-10.
7 and 10 are the best for first timers. 12 is okay if you like the mmo gameplay. 13 is the old system but turned up to 11. 15 is pretty much an action game but the story is inconsistent.
Doesn't 10 have more action based system?
10 is literally full turn based
Ahh, ok then. Wiki says CTB, what is that of difference? It has random encounters as well? Shame, cause i like the setting. I still played and finished lots of turn based jrpgs with sudden encounters, mostly ps1, snes jrpgs but they were much shorter than ffs. Lately played etrian odyssey and bravely default, first is just like a jrpg dungeon simulator while the other has many options to improve your playthrough (i've beaten bravely default but not etrian tho)
I think you want 12 or 13, possibly 15, based on what you say
Prior to 12 they're all very generic RPGs
Don't ever pay attention to 11 or 14, they're just MMORPGs-- unless you want to pay attention
play 6 and 9
if you really like those play 5, 7, 10, 12 and 14 if you don't mind an MMO. ignore the rest
>Not a huge fan of turn based system though.
FF series has very bland turn based combat aside from X-2
Unironically FFXIII but it's a really slow burn.
CTB is literally turn based, shows who is attacking in what order, and previews how your attacks alter the order.
Every game is worht playing with the exeption of III.
I like IX, X, and XV the most, but II, and IV-VIII are all good too.
Why? I think i stopped playing after i needed to switch classes again and i got leveled up pretty well but still got my assed handled by another boss in some castle on another side of the world. Just got bored very much. Similar thing with ff iv.
yea this desu. I'd recommend FFXV, but I'm assuming OP is wanting ... not-that-one
Actually, ff x, ff xii and ff xv are the ones that i'm most interested in, lol. Videos with driving in a car in a desert and cooking in a camp were all comfy but i think that one is too ridiculous, plotwise i mean. And peope seem to criticize it all the time
I love XV and if you're looking for an action RPG it's ... literally that.
FFXV actually has a great story and it's probably the most grounded final fantasy.
I thought it was a joy to play.
The problem is you need to
1. be familiar with the rumors about Final Fantasy Versus XIII and what its story was about...
2. Watch the 5 episode Brotherhood anime...
3. Watch the Kingsglaive movie...
4. Watch some of the trailers with story information...
Try FFIV, namely the GBA or PSP versions, I'd only recommend the DS/iOS/Steam version if you've played IV already and wanted to play it in a different way.
its an awful place to start given NONE of the games are at all like it, the game is hot garbage with a retarded plotline that only XV-kun could love, and the gameplay is mindnumbingly boring, more boring then if you decided to play FF1 in all its slow turn-based glory.
Here's a 50 min compilation of all the trailers
A compilation vid of the Brotherhood anime
A recap vid about FFXIII which is helpful for getting the premise
You'll have to buy or rent Kingsglaive ...
And then go into Final Fantasy XV understanding that it's a flawed game, but I think you'll have a good time with it anyway. That is if the story appeals to you in the first place.
Second I'd recommend Final Fantasy XIII if you're looking for an action game. The battle system is fast paced, seems simple at first, and gradually builds in complexity. Very linear game until it opens up around 20 hours in. Watch trailers and see if you like the cast. Alternatively you can watch all the cutscenes as an 8 hour movie on youtube.
Then Final Fantasy XII due to it's mmo-like combat system. People will probably tell you it's a better game than both XIII and XV.
>recommending XV or XIII and not actually deterring a new comer to the series from playing some of the worst FF games to date
Honestly I'd probably recommend XIV over either of them despite XIV being an MMO with a pretty awful slow start, just because once you get into the level 60 range, combat picks up really quick.
It's a fun game if you want to relax. OP says he wants an action jrpg, which FFXV is most -literally-that- out of the mainline Final Fantasy games.
Yes the combat is not demanding, but you can get pretty technical with it if you want. The world is fun to explore, the party is fun, there's a lot of beautiful design work in the game which is fun to see, the story, though imperfect, has some really effective moments, and if you get into the deep lore it's actually pretty interesting.
I'll vouch for this game.
>some of the worst FF games to date
subjective, but ok
X is purely turn based, granted people who are faster get more turns, but it is 100% turn based.
And like most people with even HALF decent taste would tell you, YOU HAVE SHIT TASTE.
The story is a lot more then JUST imperfect, its SHIT. The characters are fucking pathetic, 1 dimensional, and all of their depth is smaller then a fucking puddle. And that brings us to the empty open-world, which contains the same sin as most shitty open-world meme games, a whole lot of fuck all and a ton of empty space. Oh, and lets not even bothering getting into how shitty the combat system is, you could play literally any other action RPG, even ones people would call "mediocre" and it will play 100 times better then XV.
I don't care if I have shit taste by shits standards
I like action jrpgs but i also like mmo like gameplay like in xenoblade 1. I somehow never got bored with that game and it's like 80 hours long.
XIII's alright.
Play XII if you want a critically acclaimed mmo style Final Fantasy game. XIV is pretty fun.
Play XIII or XV if you like the cast/world and everything from either of those games: they're the most "action" oriented. XV moreso.
Play literally any of the others for highly rated games with turn based combat. Would recommend 6, 7, and 9.
FF12. It's plot isn't completely overly anime nonsense unlike all the other entries. After 12 you are pretty much stuck with turnbased besides 15. But 15's story blows.
It's more political stuff like in ff tactics or vagrant story, right? What is ff x plot like? I like the early 00s look, all the bright clothes, islands.
X or FF10 some people call it X not Ten idk why.
Anyway FF10 checks most of the boxes that make a great FF game. Killer music, fun and inventive worlds. 10s is cool since is a tropical post apocalypse where a religious theology rules everything. Combat is one of the best of he turnbased entries and it has some fun charaters. If you buy the ps4 version it comes with its direct sequel game FFX-2. The first follow up to a mainline FF game for the venerable franchise btw, most people hate every about it besides the combat since it brings back the Job system from the older games but now with dressing up cute girls.
Me and FFX have always had a rough relationship. My more harsh feelings for it personally come from its fans being the most insufferable next to FF7 kiddies who have only ever played 7 and worship it.
Also yes 12 is more political based. It reminds me of a Shakespearean political drama with bunny girls. Also the main character Vaan was added to the game at the 11th hour to ally to the new screaming fan girls FFX brought to the table. So the game starts out focusing on Vaan but once the original main charactersite show up (Ashe and Basch) the game forgets about Vaan and he only really speaks up in important cuts scenes to say his 2 cents before Ashe and Basch make the big money decisions.
>X or FF10 some people call it X not Ten idk why.
please be underage and not retarded
The gist of the plot is that you are Tidus, water polo extraordinaire, whose home town, Zanarkand, is destroyed by a space whale called Sin.
After a huge mindfuck involving your dad and his friend Auron, you wake up a thousand years into the future where Zanarkand is nothing more but ancient ruins and a religion has sprung up revolving around the Pilgrimage, a journey where a summoner and their guardian/s travel to Zanarkand and performs the "Final Summoning" to banish the space whale to the Shadow Realm.
After a series of events that lead you to wake up on a beach (and finding out that, amazingly, water polo still exists and the hand gesture the fans do has become the equivalent of folded hands), you meet Wakka, a guardian to Yuna, a summoner. You also meet Lulu and Kimhari, her other guardians, and Auron, who was apparently also a guardian to Yuna's dad.
With nothing else to lose, and upon Auron's encouragement, you decide to be a guardian yourself and join Yuna's Pilgrimage to reach the ruins of Zanarkand, and if possible, get back home.
I've heard people call it FF "X" many fucking times. I always call it 10. I guess if they are new and or only played 10 then they might not realize it's 10 for the 10th mainline game and think it's just a subtitle.
please at least tell me you understand roman numerals
Those three are the most appealine to newcomers. I know because I felt the same way when I tried to get into the series.
Out of the three - X is definitely the best by a long shot but all of them are mediocre at best. Play something else.
Oh shut the fuck up. So what if you're the only one who likes that 15 trash. There are people who unironically like all sorts of garbage but have enough self awareness not to try and spread their low IQ, niggardly taste around. Fuck off and shut the hell up
>play something else
Don't listen to him. Play whatever you want.
Triggerd FF tard.