What can Zelda learn from the Souls series and vice versa?
What can Zelda learn from the Souls series and vice versa?
I don't know
>tfw you realize that this pic is extremely accurate
>tfw you realize that Elden Ring will be the equivalent of BotW
> Zelda from souls
Good combat
> Souls from Zelda
Dungeon design
Zelda's combat can be pretty decent souls combat is less in depth by far. Souls has better world design than Zelda
> Zelda's combat can be pretty decent souls combat is less in depth by far
Imagine actually believing this. The only Zelda games with anything resembling good combat are the 2d ones.
So Sekiro is Skyward Sword?
>larger emphasis on combat but only one style of weapon
>bigger focus on Eastern mythos and themes than previous games
Windwaker and Twilight Princess Allowed you to learn new skills also dungeon items can help you in combat
Sekiro is not a souls game.
All the sword skills in TP are optional except for one and they dont actually add any depth to the combat because simply holding up your shield and counterattacking during openings the entire time will trivialize 99% of the enemies in the game. Souls combat at least has depth in the aspect that you have to manage your stamina and time dodges correctly, also you can learn multiple spells and use way more weapons than in any zelda game. Im not saying Souls combat is particularly deep or anything but saying Zelda combat is deeper is a flat out lie. Zelda combat fucking sucks ass.
>Souls combat has less depth than Zelda's
Zelda doesn't even scratch the surface of Souls weapon variety and builds
Builds not combat depth.
Zelda can take art direction lessons from Souls so it stops being generic fantashit. Souls can learn to stop being so edgy I guess.
>the amount of potential the combat is capable of is not equal to depth
>BOTW but with good combat and bosses
I'm ok with this
The artstyle of both games is completely fine you autist.
not them but Zelda artstyles always fuck over NPCs and enemies, they're really only good for the environments and a handful of main characters
ok retard